Does Insurance Cover Fibroid Removal?

According to exclusion clause No. 3 of the insurance policy’s terms and conditions, treatment for Fibroid Uterus is not covered for the first two years. There was no shortcoming in their service, and her claim was correctly dismissed.

How much it cost for fibroid surgery?

Everything you need to know about fibroid removal in India, including the procedure and the cost. Fibroids in the uterus are growths in the uterus. Because they’re usually not malignant, you can choose whether or not to have them removed.

The first type of fibroid removal surgery is a Myomectomy, which is a procedure that removes fibroids without removing vital uterine tissue.

The second procedure is a hysterectomy, which involves removing all or part of the uterus surgically. It is only used as a last resort for persistent conditions such uterine fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic support concerns, and cancer, to name a few.

Both of these procedures take between one and two hours. You’ll have to stay in the hospital for one to three days after the procedure. It takes two to six weeks to fully recover.

Although the surgery can help you get rid of your fibroid symptoms, it does come with some dangers, some of which are uncommon. Approximately 80 to 90% of women who have fibroid removal surgery experience symptom improvement.

How much does a myomectomy cost without insurance?

A Laparoscopic Myomectomy costs between $8,152 and $10,711 on MDsave. Those with high deductible health plans or those who do not have insurance might save money by purchasing their procedure in advance with MDsave.

At what size should fibroids be removed?

When fibroids are removed and the uterine muscle is healed, the uterus can be kept. A myomectomy is the name for this procedure.

An open incision or, in some situations, a laparoscopic incision can be used to perform a myomectomy.

The largest fibroid that should be removed laparoscopically, according to most specialists, is about 9-10 cm (about 4 inches) in diameter.

A few things to keep in mind with myomectomy:

  • If four or fewer fibroids are present, the likelihood of fibroids regrowing in the five years following myomectomy is roughly 10%.
  • The chance of regrowth after myomectomy is more than doubled if more than four fibroids are present when they are removed.
  • When more than four or five fibroids are present, ultrasounds and MRI scans are unable to precisely count them.
  • As a result, the exact number of fibroids present (and thus the likelihood of regrowth after myomectomy) is frequently unknown until the myomectomy procedure begins.
  • Adhesions, also known as scar tissue, are prevalent following a myomectomy and can cause reproductive issues as well as pain.

Does NHIS cover fibroid surgery?

In your town, contact the district office or an NHIS agent. Fill out a replacement form and, if necessary, pay the processing charge. A new ID card will be issued to you.

According to estimates, the cost of registering dependants (children and parents) is roughly N9,000 per person. Individual plans for private health care cost from N35,000 to N220,000, while family plans range from N125,000 to N650,000.

Optical aids, hearing aids, orthopedic aids, and dentures are examples of appliances and prostheses. Aesthetic procedures and treatments are covered. Reconstructive surgery, such as that performed on burn victims, is, nevertheless, covered.

The surgical removal of fibroids from the uterus is known as myomectomy (fibroid removal). Myomectomy patients experience relief from fibroid symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure. The National Health Insurance Program (NHIS) covers treatment for this illness.

All Nigerian children under the age of five can receive free medical treatment to cover the leading causes of death, according to CUFSHIP. You are entitled to free medical care if your child has malaria, diarrhea, respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, measles, skin diseases, home accidents, or typhoid. CUFSHIP covers vaccinations as well as hospitalization costs in Nigeria.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is an acronym for Health Maintenance Organization. With the event of a medical problem, policyholders in an HMO health insurance plan should first contact their Primary Care Physician (PCP). If the PCP determines that the patient requires the assistance of a specialist, he makes an appointment for the patient. HMOs must ensure that policyholders are aware of their benefits under the NHIS. They must also recommend specialized advice when necessary and adequately disclose any contract limitations or restrictions on coverage. HMOs are not allowed to charge hidden fees. Furthermore, HMOs may not prohibit PCPs from assisting their patients in obtaining the coverage to which they are entitled under the plan.

In Nigeria, all enterprises with ten or more employees are required to provide healthcare. At least 10% of the cost of coverage must be covered by the employer. The employee is only required to contribute a maximum of 5% of the total cost. The government covers the balance of the expense of healthcare. Contact the NHIS and report your employer if you are paying more than 5% of your healthcare costs.

If you are dissatisfied with your primary healthcare facility after six months of enrollment in the NHIS, you can change it. You have the right to medical care after you are fully enrolled and registered. You have the option of adding up to four dependents to your plan. You can add extra dependents if you agree to pay a charge if you have more than four.

All NHIS healthcare facilities must be accredited by the NHIS and deliver services in compliance with HMO benefit plans. In addition, all NHIS institutions are required to provide data to the NHIS and assure patient satisfaction. Patients registered in the NHIS must report any complaints to the NHIS for consideration.

If an NHIS accredited hospital refuses to treat an NHIS enrolled patient, the facility will be fined at least N100,000, as well as a warning and a three-month suspension. Similarly, if an NHIS-accredited hospital employee charges any additional costs for health services, the money must be reimbursed to the enrollee, and the hospital would be fined at least N100,000. SEE THE FULL COPY OF THE NHIS OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES – REVISED IN OCTOBER 2012

Is uterus removal covered by Star Health Insurance?

Expenses for Cataract, Hysterectomy (abdominal and vaginal), Myomectomy, Cystectomy, Treatment of Internal Derangement of Knee (other than caused by an accident), Treatment for Joints (other than caused by an accident) and other procedures are covered for the first two years of continuous operation of the insurance.

What are the side effects of removing fibroids?


  • Excessive blood loss is a condition in which the body loses a lot of blood Due to severe menstrual bleeding, many women with uterine leiomyomas already have low blood counts (anemia), putting them at a higher risk of complications from blood loss.

Where do they operate to remove fibroids?

Abdominal myomectomy is a procedure that removes fibroids from the abdomen by an incision near the bikini line. When a patient has very big fibroids or many fibroids in difficult-to-reach locations, abdominal myomectomy allows the surgeon to readily see pelvic organs, which can be difficult to see when a patient has very large fibroids or multiple fibroids in difficult-to-reach areas. The physician and the patient will decide on the best procedure based on the patient’s wants and condition. The disadvantages of abdominal myomectomy include the need for a wider incision, general anesthesia, and the risk factors associated with abdominal surgery, such as blood loss, discomfort, and infection, as well as a lengthier recovery time. The hospital stay might last anywhere from one to three days, with a recovery duration of two to six weeks.

Abdominal Hysterectomy

The uterus and other pelvic organs are removed through surgical incision in the abdomen during an abdominal hysterectomy. Because an abdominal hysterectomy allows the surgeon to see the pelvic organs more easily, it is commonly performed when cancer of the uterus, ovaries, or cervix is suspected or when the patient’s needs and condition warrant it.

The drawbacks of abdominal hysterectomy include the need for general anesthesia due to the procedure’s invasiveness, as well as the risk factors associated with abdominal surgery, such as blood loss, discomfort, and infection, as well as a lengthier recovery time. The hospital stay might last anywhere from one to three days, with a recovery duration of two to six weeks.

How long is recovery after fibroid surgery?

Your Return to Health To remove the fibroids, your doctor created a cut (incision) in your lower tummy. Every day, you should expect to feel better and stronger. However, you may become exhausted rapidly and require pain medication for a week or two. It may take 4 to 6 weeks for you to fully recover.

What happens if you need surgery but can’t afford it?

People spend months looking for a home, not only examining the building, location, and previous owners, but also haggling over a price. We are, nevertheless, significantly more trustworthy when it comes to our health. We frequently receive care where we are told to, and we may be unaware that we have some financial power over our medical care.

I’d advise you to approach health-care shopping in the same way you would any other large purchase: with caution and prudence. Examine hospital rankings and compare pricing for knee replacement surgery at nearby hospitals using services like Healthgrades. It’s fine to go somewhere else if you don’t get the help you need or believe a hospital other than the one your doctor works with can give better care at a lower cost.

A word of caution: When looking for serious medical treatment, the most important precaution to take is to be sure the facility and doctor(s) you’ll be working with are in your insurance plan’s network. To avoid any unexpected out-of-network medical expenditures, check your insurer’s website or call for confirmation.

Different billing policies apply to different hospitals and doctors. Research these policies ahead of time so you know what to expect after surgery.

Find out how much you’ll have to pay up front and what choices you have for paying off the balance. Some large medical institutions provide credit lines to aid with major medical bills, while smaller ones may allow you to make direct payments over the course of a year after your surgery. When choosing a hospital, keep these policies and procedures in mind.

Charity care refers to free or reduced-cost medical care provided to low-income patients, usually those who are uninsured. However, with a large number of insured people avoiding health treatment owing to cost, there has been a drive to give them access to similar services. As a result, several hospitals have started providing free care to patients who are uninsured.

If you don’t ask, you won’t know if your hospital provides these services. Inquire about the hospital’s financial aid programs by contacting the billing office. Let others know you’re having trouble paying for the treatment, and explore what options you have. Even if the hospital is unable to assist you, it may be able to connect you to a nearby charity organization that can.

Most billing offices are eager to work with patients on payment plans. And, in many cases, if a patient takes the effort to pay off his or her debts, the bill will be reduced – sometimes significantly.

When calling to negotiate a current bill, emphasize your willingness to pay but explain your financial difficulties. Ask for his or her supervisor if the individual on the other end of the telephone doesn’t appear willing or able to compromise.

  • “I’d like to pay this bill, but the whole amount owed is unmanageable; if you could cut 20% off, I could make a significant payment today.”
  • “This treatment has resulted in multiple bills for me. I need to reduce my total due in order to budget for all of them. What kind of discount can you give me on this account? ”

Keep in mind that this is a negotiation. Don’t be hesitant to phone back later and try again if you don’t believe the billing agent is doing everything he or she can. Maintain a considerate and pleasant demeanor during the process, even if it becomes stressful; a cheerful attitude can go a long way toward achieving great results.

Health plans with high deductibles aren’t all bad news: they usually have lower monthly premiums. When you have a large medical bill, however, coming up with the funds to satisfy your deductible all at once can be difficult.

The good news is that as these plans become more popular, more medical practitioners are prepared to deal with individuals who are struggling financially. The trick for patients is navigating the system and identifying areas where they may save money.