Does Insurance Pay For Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty can be used as a cosmetic operation or to treat labial hypertrophy that causes discomfort. Cosmetic labiaplasty is a procedure that can be performed in the office but is not covered by insurance. A labiaplasty can be billed through insurance and performed as an outpatient operation at a surgery facility if it is deemed medically necessary. We will verify your benefits prior to your treatment to provide you with a cost comparison of in-office versus insurance outpatient coverage.

Can you get labiaplasty with insurance?

Most health insurance companies exclude vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and other cosmetic procedures that aren’t medically essential. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, labiaplasty is only medically essential in rare cases, such as labia hypertrophy (overgrowth) caused by excess testosterone, congenital disorders, or chronic discomfort.

Do I qualify for labiaplasty?

Women who have had extensive labial alterations postpartum or who have always had big and/or irregular labia majora, minora, or both are typical candidates for vaginal rejuvenation. Dr. Robert Rothfield, our plastic surgeon, emphasizes that there is no conventional shape for genitalia; yet, many of our patients are unhappy with having a more prominent labia.

Patients under the age of 18 who have substantial abnormalities may be candidates for labiaplasty. Dr. Rothfield prefers to discuss the issues with the patient, her parents, and the patient’s OB/GYN in these cases.

Can you finance labiaplasty?

Our patient needs are satisfied at the clinic of Dr. Courtenay Poucher, MD FACOG, thanks to our flexible financial policies. Our patients are always first and foremost in our minds, and we strive to make our services as accessible as possible. Financial difficulties do not have to prevent you from receiving treatment at our facility.

VISA, American Express, Discover, and MasterCard are among the credit cards we accept. In addition, we provide CareCredit as a unique financing option. Patients who have a card can get therapies that aren’t covered by most insurances.

CareCredit can help you get treatment right away without having to worry about upfront fees. Your treatment is paid for over time in a series of low monthly payments. You can avoid paying interest by making the bare minimum payments each month. Using our CareCredit option, many patients have been able to receive professional, high-quality care at our facility.

Can Obgyn perform labiaplasty?

When choosing a surgeon to conduct cosmetic female genital surgery, there are various aspects to consider, including specialty and expertise. Labiaplasty and vaginoplasty, often known as vaginal rejuvenation, are two types of cosmetic female genital surgery.

A gynecologist or a plastic surgeon can do cosmetic female genital surgery, such as vaginoplasty and labiaplasty, if they have undergone the necessary training. Plastic surgeons are educated in every aspect of cosmetic surgery. Gynecologists are doctors who specialize in women’s health and surgery.

Whether you go with a gynecologist or a plastic surgeon, make sure your doctor is board certified and skilled in cosmetic female genital surgery. While a surgeon does not need to be certified to do vaginoplasty or labiaplasty, there are specialized training programs available.

To safeguard the nerves and provide natural-looking results, make sure your surgeon has been educated to execute the delicate skin repair required for both vaginoplasty and labiaplasty.

Another thing to think about before choosing a surgeon is their experience with cosmetic female genital surgery. Plastic surgeons conduct a limited number of vaginal surgeries every year, with an emphasis on labiaplasty, which entails trimming the inner and outer lips of the vaginal canal.

Gynecologists can assess your problems and provide a range of surgical and non-surgical options. Gynecologists are experienced in performing intra-vaginal operations when surgery is requested or required.

How painful is a labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a relatively painless treatment, and patients are advised to go out and about as soon as possible. Swelling, bruising, and pain are to be expected following the treatment. The majority of the edema subsides during the first several days or weeks. Although some residual swelling may last for months, it usually does not interfere with daily activities. Between 4 and 6 weeks after surgery, the majority of patients will have resumed all routine activities. Your surgeon will go over the aftercare plan in further detail with you.

A patient can do a variety of things to help with rehabilitation after labiaplasty. Avoiding friction and irritation of the affected area by wearing loose clothing. Exercise and strenuous activity should be avoided by patients. Anyone who has had a labiaplasty should avoid sexual activity for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure. Tampons should be avoided for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. For the first menstrual cycle after surgery, sanitary towels are recommended.

Swelling can be reduced by lying with your bottom elevated. Using an ice pack ’20 minutes on, 20 minutes off’ over your underwear may also assist.

It’s more likely that the area will be sore than painful. Patients are recommended to take medications if their labia feel uncomfortable after surgery.

Itching is usual in the first week following labiaplasty as everything heals. If the itching continues, it could be an indication of a yeast or bacterial infection, as well as an adverse reaction to a drug. Please get medical help if this occurs.

How long does labiaplasty take to heal?

2-4 weeks after surgery, most women resume their busy lifestyles and workout routines. It may take 6-8 weeks for the scars to heal sufficiently for you to resume sexual activity, but consult your doctor first.

A labiaplasty is a pleasurable and effective operation that produces long-term results. Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon if you think a labiaplasty would be right for you.

Can you have a baby after labiaplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a broad term that refers to a variety of procedures used to improve the appearance and function of the vaginal area. The labia minora and majora can be reduced and refined during labiaplasty to obtain a more compact and neat-looking appearance. Women who are tired of the physical discomfort and shame of having swollen inner or outer vaginal lips frequently seek this procedure. It can be safely and simply combined with other vaginal rejuvenation operations such as hymen repair, clitoridectomy, and vaginal tightening, to name a few.

One of the most important criteria for being a candidate for most vaginoplasty procedures is that you do not intend to have any more children. Given the extreme stress and wear that pregnancy and childbirth inflict on the vagina, the best results for any vaginoplasty treatment are usually simplest to obtain and maintain when women are no longer pregnant.

There are a variety of reasons why women may choose to undergo this vaginal rejuvenation therapy. Patients may just want to fix outward looks of their vaginals, such as abnormally big or long genital lips, in some cases. Persons who are uncomfortable wearing specific sorts of clothing, as well as people who are ashamed and emotionally uncomfortable undressing in front of their intimate relationships, may fall into this category.

Many patients’ intimate relationships can benefit greatly from undergoing a therapy that streamlines and refines the exterior look of the vagina. After all, women who are comfortable in their own skin are more relaxed and physically involved during sexual encounters. Panties and swimsuits will fit better and feel more comfortable once the labia minora have been trimmed, and ladies will no longer have to worry about embarrassing bulges when wearing these and other close-fitting items.

It’s crucial to understand how labiaplasty is done in order to properly appreciate the benefits and drawbacks of this type of vaginoplasty. The labia minora or inner vaginal lips are frequently the focus of these treatments. The labia majora can be trimmed, tightened, and refined in cases where stretching or wear on the outer lips has caused cosmetic concern. Small quantities of tissue are surgically removed to create precise and straight lines, as well as to minimize the overall appearance of the inner lips, making them appear less prominent.

The creation of inner lips, or labia minora, that do not extend beyond the outer lips is a common goal of this therapy. This offers the vaginal area a revitalized and youthful appearance. It’s a great stand-alone procedure for increasing patient comfort, boosting confidence, and ensuring stress-free intimate interactions. Many additional vaginoplasty procedures can be safely combined with labiaplasty.

Contrary to common assumption, it is generally recommended that patients seek treatment whenever a serious condition is discovered. Some women are born with large labia that make tight-fitting underwear, swimwear, and other clothing uncomfortable. They don’t have to wait until they’ve had all of the children they desire to pursue a surgical remedy. Given that future pregnancies will not place a considerable amount of pressure or stress on the labia, it is absolutely acceptable to treat this area as needed, even if you plan to give birth naturally later.

The amount of tissue that can be removed during any secondary surgery is the fundamental constraint of surgical treatment in this area. Excess tissues are carefully removed during labiaplasty to create a more comfortable-feeling and better-looking outer vagina while retaining the basic functions of the inner and outer lips. When women have children after their labia reduction surgeries, the worst-case scenario is that they will require further labiaplasty to achieve the desired results. Excess weight, normal wear, and the act of giving birth can stretch and elongate the newly polished vaginal lips again. All future labiaplasty procedures will necessitate the removal of more tissue. As a result, this solution can only be used so many times until additional tissue removal is no longer a viable or safe choice.

The act of birthing isn’t the only thing that can affect the size and appearance of the labia during pregnancy. Women’s bodies are overwhelmed with hormones during the later stages of pregnancy, which can produce considerable labial development. This is true even for women who have had a significant portion of their labia minora surgically removed. For this reason, many women who have had labiaplasty in the past are more likely to seek surgery again following a subsequent pregnancy. Fortunately, as long as appropriate tissues for both refinement and excellent vaginal health remain, it is frequently viable to continue refining this area as needed. In this situation, a post-pregnancy treatment can be used to simply cut away the excess tissues that have resulted from the normal influx of hormones.

While labiaplasty focuses on the vagina’s surface look and features, certain types of vaginoplasty have a direct impact on the birth canal. Whether these treatments are conducted as invasive or minimally invasive, they are certain to have an impact on future delivery experiences for women. As a result, if you’ve had any type of vaginoplasty, especially a combination vaginoplasty involving surgical vaginal tightening, you should discuss these treatments with your OB/GYN before giving birth. When confronted to the strain of additional body weight, the weight of the developing fetus, and the weight of the surrounding fluids, many vaginal tightening treatments may fail. Furthermore, vaginal tightening procedures narrow or constrict the vagina. This may cause mild issues during natural childbirth, depending on the individual. A cesarean delivery, also known as a C-section, is one way to reduce the risk of undoing vaginal tightening during post-treatment childbirth.

Surprisingly, many women who have had combination vaginoplasty operations are unaware of everything that has been done. If you have any questions about how a previous surgeon refined any feature or location of your vagina, you should reach out and ask. These are the kinds of things you should tell the doctor during your consultation. They should also be shared with the OB/GYN who will be caring for you during your pregnancy and delivery. Although it is common advice to postpone vaginal tightening operations until after a woman has finished having children, when the medical team is well-informed, there can be surprisingly few dangers to reduce or otherwise struggle with.

If you’ve undergone labiaplasty in the past and are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, please contact our office as soon as possible. Setting up a consultation session will allow you to receive advice and information tailored to your individual needs. It’s possible that you’re completely satisfied with the appearance and feel of your post-pregnancy vagina. However, if extensive stretching and lengthening of the labia occurs as a result of childbearing, you can determine which treatment choices are still open to you based on your previous vaginoplasty experience and the amount of viable tissue remaining in the treatment area. If an excessive quantity of tissue was removed during previous vaginoplasty surgeries, new, less invasive options may be available to further improve the appearance of the inner and outer labia.

With the careful application of vaginal refinement procedures, the labia can be streamlined and sculpted with very little tissue removal. This results in a far faster recuperation time and a more natural overall appearance. It also ensures that enough tissue is available for women who may require more refining surgeries in the future as a result of delivery. It’s crucial to remember that neither labiaplasty nor any other vaginal rejuvenation or refinement operation can stop the natural aging process or eliminate all signs of wear and strain. As a result, it is normal for women to have repeated labiaplasty surgeries throughout their lives. Additional therapies can be important for restoring feminine confidence and experiencing high levels of personal comfort in intimate settings when hormone-related new tissue growth is excessive. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis, and criteria such as general health, family planning, and the state of the treatment area are all taken into account when assessing candidacy.

Getting pregnant after taking medication to reverse the effects of pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding can raise a number of concerns. You might be worried if having another baby through natural childbirth is safe, and if your previous operations will make any subsequent pregnancy more difficult. Fortunately, the dangers of having a child following a labiaplasty treatment are always minimal, if they exist at all. There’s a chance you’ll witness new, hormone-related tissue growth, as well as more stretching and laxity in the remaining labial tissues.

How much did you pay for labiaplasty?

While the cost of labiaplasty varies from patient to patient, you should budget between $4,750 and $6,000 for the treatment.

Can a general surgeon do labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a procedure that can be done on an outpatient basis. The technique can be completed in under an hour, either alone or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. Depending on the treatment plan negotiated with your plastic surgeon, it can be done under local or general anesthesia.