How Long Does Prapor Hold Insurance?

Except for raids on The Lab, always use the Insurance Screen right before entering the lobby to insure the gear you’re going out with. To ensure that you pick all of your goods, click the “Insure All” option. Press the “Insure” button right above “Ready” to confirm. You have the option of insuring with either Prapor or Therapist:

It’s also possible to insure stuff directly from your stash by right-clicking on them and selecting “Insure.” After that, you can choose which insurance you want to utilize. It should be emphasized that when you insure a container, you are also insuring everything inside the container. This is an easy way to insure numerous weapons, mods, or other goods at the same time. The pre-raid insurance screen will display any objects insured this way.

  • Prapor is less expensive and returns insured things in 24–36 hours. You have four days (sixty-six hours) to pick up the returned products.
  • Therapist is 1.75 times more expensive, but your belongings are returned within 12–24 hours. In addition, instead of the four days that Prapor provides, you get six days (144 hours) to retrieve the covered things.

Does insurance expire in tarkov?

So, if your insurance doesn’t start until Sunday at midnight and you don’t check in until Thursday, your expiration timer begins the moment you log in on Thursday. It prevents people from utilizing the insurance queue as extra storage, but it doesn’t penalize you if you live outside of Tarkov.

Can you get insurance back from labs?

All items lost by a player in this place will be lost forever. Any insurance purchased from a trader will be void, and no items will be returned. When a player dies, the trader will send a message claiming that they sent people to reclaim the stuff; nevertheless, the player will later receive a message claiming that the location could not be identified, that his men did not go there, or even worse, that their men never returned.

Can the compass be looted tarkov?

  • The compass degrees, numbered from zero to 360, can be found in the right bottom corner of your screen.
  • You’re travelling north when the compass degrees are at zero. If they’re at 90 degrees, you’re heading east, 180 degrees south, and 270 degrees west.
  • The compass is the same for all players, so you can tell your buddies where you are.
  • You can’t shoot with a compass in your hand. Your gun will fire if you press the shooting button, but you’ll have to bring up the compass again.

How many PMC are in labs?

Many people enter The Lab, but only a handful manage to go out alive. The Lab is perhaps the most difficult Escape From Tarkov map in the game, owing to the presence of six to ten supercharged PMC players and AI Scavs.

The loot is worth it (if you can afford the entrance fee), but working your way through the Lab in the allotted 30-minute time period is dangerous.

So there you have it, the best Escape From Tarkov maps available on the internet. These should aid in navigating your way around and getting you out of tight spots.

Where can I loot my lab?

The Lab is a top-secret underground laboratory facility created beneath Tarkov by the Terra Group. It does not appear in any official documents, and its presence was only discovered when the Tarkov conflict deteriorated to the point where personnel evacuation was required. According to documents and data recovered by PMC, the facility specialized in biological, biotechnological, physical, chemical, and high-tech fields. Furthermore, the quality of some of the work rooms, their design, and equipment suggests that many of the experiments conducted here were illegal (biological agent studies on living subjects (people), which were most likely conducted in the test room). Lore-wise The Terra Group Corporation’s true face is shown at the Lab, making it one of Tarkov’s darkest and most unsettling locations. Each Lab Raid lasts 45 minutes and includes 6 to 10 players as well as multiple Scav Raider spawns (some of which can be triggered by players; by activating certain extraction points, pressing buttons, etc.).

  • Some of the most valuable items in the game. Some regions inside the Terralabs are brimming with rare and valuable objects, far more than any one player (or even a team) can carry.
  • Item insurance isn’t going to help you out here. Players’ items will not be recovered if they are lost during a Raid. This feature adds to the lab’s “secret” status, as the trader’s recovery teams are unable to find it.
  • Scav Raiders appear all throughout the Lab when certain circumstances occur. They’re tough (and a little buggy; they’ll lock on to you and shoot you through walls and cover), but once slain, they drop high-end stuff like fully-modified weapons, high-tier armors, helmets, and rare ammunition. Raiders are one of the most popular characters in The Lab, and farming them is one of the finest methods to make a lot of money in EfT.
  • In the Lab, player squads are highly prevalent because stepping in alone is suicide. Expect to face opponents who are well-equipped and well-organized.
  • Many extraction points must be activated before they can be used, and doing so summons Scav Raiders. Be ready for it, or you may perish at the end of your trip.
  • When an event occurs inside The Lab (extraction activation, for example), it will be broadcast over the lab’s intercom system.

From abandoned parking lots to several laboratory sections, offices, and test rooms, to highly-secured armament rooms, there are many interesting (and sometimes dangerous) places to explore inside Terra Group’s underground laboratory complex in Tarkov; here are some of the most interesting spots (possible loot included).

Note1: If you left-click on the map, it will open in a new window at full size.

Note2: In the future, we want to expand this area of the book and make it much more extensive (some points of interest that are bulked together might be separated, others will be added, etc.).

1. The Manager’s Office of the Laboratory

The Laab’s Manager Office, located in the heart of the Terra Group’s Laboratory, overlooks a huge chunk of the Lab’s primary working areas, leaving players exposed since they can be seen from every one of the second level’s main hallways. If Scav Raiders have spawned, the Manager’s Office becomes much more deadly, as they will lock on to the player’s head and demolish him in seconds if he appears in one of the room’s windows. The key to the lab. To go to this location, you’ll need to go to the manager’s office (it spawns in the Lab, inside the O13 room, on the lit-up desk).

The room that hangs over the main working space (O11) and can be accessed from the O21 (second level of the main working area). On our map, the Lab’s Manager Office is marked as “1.”

A Weapon Box, a single PC Block, a Drawer, and a number of rare objects spawns throughout the workplace, as well as an M4A1 Weapon spawn on one of the computer desks and a lootable Safe. Green Keycard spawns on the reception desk of the manager’s office (the desk can be seen as you approach the area, the spawn is located near an opened book, close to the keyboard).

2. The Security Post, the Arsenal Security Room, and the Lab.

For all PMCs, the holy grail (if they have appropriate keys and keycards, of course). Some of the best stuff in the game may be found in the Security Office and its closed regions. There is no other place to look for uncommon things, weapons, ammunition, weapon mods, or medications. The keys required to fully explore this area, however, are prohibitively expensive (Lab. Red Keycard is one of the most expensive items in the game, and the rest of the keys needed here are not cheap either).

  • The Arsenal Security Room is unlocked with a red keycard from the lab (door on the left, behind the corner).
  • Key to the lab. The Arsenal Storage Room is unlocked when you enter the Arsenal Storage Room (the grated-off area inside the Arsenal Security Room).
  • The Laboratory Security Post is unlocked with the Lab. Violet Keycard (door opposite to the entrance).

Room R23 overlooks the Lab’s main reception area (R21) (leave the cafeteria (R24), proceed past the bathrooms (on your right-hand side), and open the first door on the right). On our map, the Lab’s Security Office, Arsenal Security Room, and Lab Security Post are labeled as “2.”

  • PC Blocks under tables, medical supplies on a shelf near the door, and MP7 Weapon Spawn on one of the desks are all found in the Security Office.
  • Antique spawns, various Weapon spawns (MP5s, M4As), Weapon Mod spawns, Ammunition spawns (including uncommon ammo, such 7N39), and a probable Folder with Intelligence spawn are all found in the Arsenal Security Room (Lab. Red Keycard required for entrance).
  • Multiple uncommon things (including antiques, bitcoins, and more), Weapon Mod spawns, medical supplies, and a File Cabinet may be found in the Arsenal Storage Room (Lab. key. Arsenal Storage Room).
  • Two Weapon Crates, some loose money, many loose Weapon Mod spawns, probable VPX Flash Storage Module and Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter spawns on the server rack, and an M4A1 Weapon Spawn in the Laboratory Security Post (Lab. Violet Keycard required for admittance).

3. Sterile Lab Block (second level of the lab)

The laboratory is set up for sterile work. Experiments in biotechnology, microbiology, and cell lines were conducted here. The area is equipped with laminar chambers (sterile work stations), microscopes, pipettes, centrifugal separators, incubators, and other lab equipment due to its prior use. This is one of the better areas to go on this map if you’re looking for medical supplies and/or injectors.

Location – On the second floor of the lab, above the main working area and across from the Lab Manager’s office. On our map, the Sterile Lab Block is designated as “3.”

Medicinal loot spawns on tables and shelves, a portable defibrillator spawns on tables, Adrenaline Injectors and Combat Stimulant Injectors SJ1 TGLabs spawn on shelves and tables, and some Weapon Mod spawns on shelves.

Cafeteria No. 4

Lunch and afternoon coffee were served at this location for Lab employees and guests. It’s set out like a typical lunch counter, complete with bain-marie food warmers and tables. The Reception area of the Lab is visible from the Cafeteria.

Room R24 is located on the second floor of the lab, next to the main kitchen. The cafeteria has a view of the main welcome area (R21). On our map, the Cafeteria is labeled as “4”.

Lab. Yellow Keycard spawns on a center table near the window that overlooks R21 (Reception), with various possible supply spawns strewn throughout the room.

5. Server Office/Small Kitchen

A modest space with a few of computer desks and a kitchen/recreation area. It was most likely used by the Lab’s technical/IT staff. In the back of the room is a staircase that goes to the Lab’s Warehouse (B11) (which means that this is a good place to hide and heal up, as it offers a quick escape route). From the corridor that goes to this location, you can alternatively go right into the Server Room (B12).

The space is accessible from the southern corridor of the Main Working Area (O21) – travel through the catwalk above the server room – on the Lab’s second level, above the Server Room (B21). On our map, the Small Kitchen / Server Office is marked as “5”.

  • Lab. Key. Testing Area (Weap.) spawns on the kitchen counter, near the fern plant, in the Kitchen Area.
  • Weapon Crate, PC Blocks, and UHF RFID Reader spawn on the table closest to the kitchen, whereas LEDX Skin Transilluminator spawn on the table farthest from the kitchen in the Office/Work area.

6. Office/Laboratory areas on the second level

A major amount of the data collected from the Lab’s experiments was studied and processed here. These rooms are equipped with many computer workstations, document shelves, and other office-related items (both rooms seem quite similar and can be mistaken for one another if the player is new to the lab). Some of the rooms’ shelves may still contain objects that formerly belonged to the lab’s employees.

Location – On the second floor of the Lab, near the infirmary (Office O23; 6b on our map) and the security section of the Garage (Office O22; 6a on our map). These locations are easily accessible from the main hallway on the second level (western part). The Office/Laboratory portions of the second floor are labeled “6a and 6b” on our map.

Multiple PC Blocks under the desks, lootable Jackets, a Safe, and loose loot on the Shelves are all possible treasure in both offices (including rare items). In the O22 Office, there’s a chance a Lab. Black Keycard will appear on a computer desk, and a Lab. Key. Manager Office will appear next to a powered laptop.

7. The Quarantine Area / Level 1 Infirmary

A hermetically enclosed quarantine area that was most likely used as a sickroom for testing contagious biological agents (viruses, bacteria, and prions) on real people (alternatively, this might just be a regular infirmary in which sick lab workers were isolated and treated, but conspiracy theories are way more interesting, especially when the Terra Group is concerned). The Quarantine Area (it spawns in Shoreline’s Health Resort; Office 112, Office 104, and inside an ambulance stationed in front of the Resort) requires blue keycardis.

Note: This is one of the best places to get medical supplies in the game.

Location – On the first level of the Lab, near the Negotiation Room (O13), down a corridor that seems like it belongs in an epidemic film. On our map, the Infirmary level 1 / Quarantine Area is designated with the number “8.”

Several stray medical supplies (on beds and shelves), as well as a Medbag, are possible loot.

The Negotiation Room (#8)

At first sight, this space appears to be identical to the rest of the Lab’s offices, but it also contains a recreation area with poufs and a pool table, making it simple to spot. Aside from the recreational space, the layout of the room is similar to that of rooms O23 and O22 on the second level (computer desks, shelves, and other office-related stuff). Some of the shelves in this room may still contain objects that originally belonged to lab employees or those who were invited to the negotiating table.

Location – On the first floor of the lab, near the Infirmary/Quarantine Zone (G11) on the first level, adjacent to the main working area (O11). On our map, the Negotiation Room is marked as “8.”

Multiple PC Blocks, a Weapon Spawn on the pool table, loose loot on the Shelves (including rare goods), and the Lab key are all possibilities for treasure. On the table next to the room’s main door, there is a Manager Officespawn (on the left-hand side).

9. The Experiment Area / Test Room

One of the most terrifying parts of the Terra Group’s labs. This room is packed with various lab equipment and shelves against the walls, but the thing that makes it unnerving is the glassed-off cell in the center of the room, which houses a single hospital bed. The individual kept inside didn’t enjoy it, judging by the bloody handprint on the cell door’s window… While the Quarantine Area’s purpose is debatable, it was undoubtedly used for experiments involving lethal and highly contagious biological pathogens. Access to this region requires a black keycardis (which spawns in the sterile lab block (G22) on the lab’s second floor).

-On the first floor of the lab, near the 1st level’s Infirmary/Quarantine Zone (G11); farther down the corridor, behind the corner, closed door on the left. On our map, the Test Room / Experiment Area is designated with the number “9.”

Possible loot: A Medcase can be discovered in one of the room’s corners, and some stray medical goods can spawn on shelves against the room’s walls.

Note: Although the loot in this chamber is poor, it is still a fun spot to explore.

The main working area / open area of the lab is number ten.

The majority of the tests were carried out here by the lab’s employees, as the name implies. Laboratory workstations, scientific equipment, computers, high-tech devices, chemicals, document racks, and other lab-related items abound in the space. Despite the name, the “Open Area” has a lot of cover (but don’t expect ply wood barriers between work stations to stop a well-aimed bullet). If you’re seeking for loot, here is the place to go. There’s a lot of it here, more than you can carry.

The enclosed Weapon Testing Area, which requires the Lab. key, is also located here. Testing area (weap.) for access (the key spawns on the kitchen counter in the room above Server (number 5 on our list) and in room R15 on a stool). Multiple weapon racks and practice targets can be found inside the testing area.

-Behind the Reception, in the large open room in the middle of the Lab’s first floor (R11). On our map, the main working area / open area of the lab is labeled “10.”

  • Main part: Several lootable PC Blocks, loose technological loot spawns on the tables (including multiple spawns of Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter (SG-C10) – one also spawns behind the foil dome), 4 LEDX Skin Transilluminator spawns on barrels in the foil dome (orange/golden dome with a spilled toxic waste barrel), Lab. Black Keycard spawn on the reception desk/work station opposite the dome, multiple medical/
  • Weapons spawns on the weapon rack, several weapon mods on the table, and two Weapon Boxes on the opposite walls make up the Weapon Testing Area.

11. The Auditorium/Lecture Room

A typical lecture hall, akin to what you’d find at a university. Science Conferences, aimed at showcasing the latest experiment results and lab achievements, were held on a monthly basis during the facility’s glory days. It’s now deserted, with only some abandoned laptops, audio-video equipment, notes, and other mementos from the final ever class remaining.

The Reception area is located on the first floor of the Lab (R11). On our map, the Lecture Room / Auditorium is designated with the number “11.”

Loose Weapon spawns in the back of the room (on one of the final row’s desks), UHF RFID Reader spawns on the lecturer’s table (near the screen), and some possibly loose loot spawns on the audience tables.

12. The Reception Area of the Laboratory

The main waiting room/reception area of the lab. This is where visitors to the lab would wait for tours, lectures, audiences, and job interviews. It was created to make waiting more enjoyable, and live plants are still flourishing in flower containers between the benches. Reception, unlike the main working area, does not provide much protection, so don’t spend too much time here (especially considering that there are Scav Raider spawns around). The Reception area provides easy access to the main components of the lab on both the first and second floors.

The first level of the lab, near to the main working area. On our map, the Lab’s Reception Area is designated as “12.”

Tetris, computer components, and a VPX Flash Storage Module appear near the Lecture Room’s door (R16), with loose treasure on tables and benches.

The Battlestate Games owns the rights to the images used in this article.

Do you lose Fence rep for killing Scavs as PMC?

Escape from Tarkov is a realistic multiplayer first-person shooting game similar to PUBG. If you like PUBG, you’ve probably heard of it.

Escape from Tarkov, a game set in a fictional country where a conflict has broken out between two private forces, has been in closed beta since July of 2017.

Players are required to join raids in which they must fight other players, loot them, and live. Several game modes are currently available, including online PMC raids, Scav raids, and a brief offline version.

However, Escape from Tarkov gamers are now claiming (1,2,3,4,5) that when playing as PMC, they are losing fence rep for killing player scavs.

Players can earn fence reps by murdering people who are unfriendly to other players, often known as scav karma. They can use these rep points to trade with Fence, a merchant who sells uninsured things that have been left behind by other players.

I recently completed two quests: gunsmith part 4 and ragman business (level 2 with ragman). My fence rep was significantly lower than it had been earlier in the day. On my scav runs, I don’t kill other scavs and only take a few of car extracts. I’m quite sure it was at least 1.17, but after those tasks, it’s down to.71. There isn’t anything I can think of that would bring it down. In the last few hours, I’ve had five. Is this something that anyone else is seeing? I noticed an issue where killing player scavs as PMC decreases it by.01, but I don’t kill nearly enough to do so. That’s 5 in a flash.

This is a major problem because gamers are unable to play the PMC online mode and are rapidly losing fence rep.

Battlestate Games, unfortunately, appears to be oblivious of the Escape from Tarkov rep fence issue. Because they have yet to acknowledge the bug, it is unclear when or if it will be fixed.

In the interim, if you want to keep your rep fence, don’t kill scavs if you’re playing as PMC.

As always, we’ll keep a close eye on developments in the matter and update this area as needed, so stay tuned.

Does Fence Rep affect scav case?

When you begin murdering Scavs, you will immediately lose some Tarkov Scav reputation. The amount of fence reputation lost increases with each subsequent kill on a Scav. This can easily snowball, and you could lose all of your hard work in a single raid.

Clearly, if you’re wanting to raise Scav karma, this isn’t the way to go.

When you encounter a non-computer or Player-Scav shooting another random Scav, he will automatically be labelled as a “bad Scav.” You are automatically antagonistic to any Scav once you have been marked, and they will shoot you on sight.

If you kill a nasty or tagged Scav, you will not lose any Fence reputation in Tarkov, as previously stated. This would be difficult to accomplish because detecting if someone has already killed any Scav requires a high level of attentiveness. It’s entirely up to you how you want to play it.