How Much Is Car Insurance In Spain?

This normally covers all third-party expenditures and damages, such as car damage, personal injuries, and legal fees. A regular policy, on the other hand, will not cover any of your personal expenses.

When getting third-party insurance, keep in mind that you can customize it to include extras like roadside assistance, so pay attention to the coverage and restrictions. If you have an older or less expensive automobile, or if you don’t drive very often, it’s a viable choice.

Third-party fire and theft (responsabilidad civil obligatoria, incendio y robo)

This covers ordinary third-party claims as well as damage to your own car up to a specific sum. This usually includes fire, storm, natural disaster, and accident damage, as well as theft and vandalism.

You can customize this insurance to match your needs, just like you can with ordinary third-party liability coverage.

Comprehensive (todo riesgo)

Even if the accident was your fault, this sort of insurance covers all costs incurred by you and other parties. However, keep in mind that most companies will not compensate you if you break the law (e.g., driving while drunk).

If you have an expensive automobile that will cost a lot to fix, if you drive every day, or if you have specific hazards linked with your driving, comprehensive insurance is a good idea. However, keep in mind that if your risk level rises, so will your premiums.

Car insurance costs

In 2016, car insurance premiums in Spain were just over €350 per year, which was slightly more than the EU average. Premiums have decreased since 2005, when they averaged around €450. Third-party insurance can be as low as €150, although it is normally between €250 and €300. Fully comprehensive coverage will most likely cost €400 or more per year.

Premiums in Spain are decided by a variety of factors, including the vehicle’s value and age, the driver’s profile and age, and any additional risks linked with the policy. In Spain, where you live has a role, with higher premiums connected with busy cities like Madrid and Barcelona.

You can lower your annual rates by increasing your deductible or excess, which is the amount you must pay for each claim. Although complete packages can frequently be purchased without an excess, most policies include a mandatory excess amount. These policies will cost more than normal comprehensive coverage. Temporary (3–6 months) plans are also available from some insurers at a higher monthly fee.

How much is car insurance a year roughly?

According to data from Quadrant Information Services for 2021, the average vehicle insurance cost in the United States is $1,674 per year for full coverage, or roughly $139.50 per month. The cost of minimum coverage is $565 per year on average. These are the national average rates for clean drivers. According to the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I), auto insurance premiums vary based on more than a dozen criteria, including your region, the type of vehicle you drive, and your driving record, so you may pay more or less than the national average.

  • The average full coverage rate for an at-fault collision is $2,311 per year.
  • The average full coverage rate for someone with a DUI conviction is $3,139 per year.
  • With an average rate of $965 per year, Maine is the cheapest state for complete coverage.
  • With annual premiums of $1,225 and $1,233, respectively, USAA and Erie are the lowest companies for complete coverage.
  • Every year, Americans spend 2.44 percent of their family income on vehicle insurance.
  • A speeding ticket will raise your annual full coverage vehicle insurance premium by an average of 23%, an accident by roughly 38%, and a DUI by nearly 87 percent.

In most states, credit-based insurance scores are utilized to assist decide vehicle insurance premiums. According to statistics, drivers with bad credit file more claims and are engaged in more serious accidents than drivers with good credit.

Can I pay car insurance monthly in Spain?

Yes, you certainly can. An insurance contract, on the other hand, is a 12-month commitment from both you and the insurer. If your insurance permits you to pay in installments, you must pay all of them in order to meet the annual premium. You cannot, for example, arrange to pay quarterly and then switch companies after two payments (6 months). Before you can switch providers, you must pay the entire agreed-upon annual premium. Please keep in mind that paying in installments may result in a higher overall annual cost.

Do you need car insurance to drive in Spain?

In Spain, car insurance is required, with third-party liability coverage being the minimum legal need. In Spain, the vehicle is insured rather than the person; most motor insurance policies will cover the primary driver as well as any additional drivers above a specific age (typically 25/30 years).

Will my UK car insurance cover me in Spain?

The good news is that you are covered by basic insurance in the EU. You have the legal minimum coverage in any EU country if you have valid UK auto insurance. They can tell you if you have the same degree of coverage abroad as you do at home.

Can I insure my British car in Spain?

We can cover both British and foreign-registered vehicles. British-registered automobiles are common in Spain. When entering Spain, all motor vehicles and trailers must be insured. Cars insured in most European nations are not required to carry an international insurance ‘green’ card, and motorists insured in an EU country, Liechtenstein, Norway, or Switzerland are immediately covered in Spain for third-party liability.

How much is car insurance in California per month?

In California, full coverage auto insurance costs an average of $172 per month, while minimal coverage is $49 per month. According to the Triple-I, your rates may be greater or lower depending on your specific rating variables.

What is the average cost of minimum coverage in California?

In California, minimum coverage costs an average of $733 per year. California drivers must have liability insurance with coverage limits of at least $15,000 for bodily injury per person, $30,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $5,000 for property damage, according to state law. However, the Triple-I advises that you purchase coverage levels that are higher than the state minimums to ensure complete financial safety. It’s worth noting that the state’s minimum coverage excludes coverage for your vehicle if you’re at fault in an accident. If you drive a leased or financed automobile, you’ll almost certainly require full coverage, which includes comprehensive and collision coverage. Buying the cheapest auto insurance in California can help you save money on your premiums, but it also puts you at risk of having to pay a lot of money out of pocket if you have a catastrophic accident.

What is the best car insurance company in California?

Geico, Progressive, State Farm, and Wawanesa are among the finest vehicle insurance companies in California, according to our analysis. The greatest business for your needs, on the other hand, will be determined by what you want and need from an auto insurer. Understanding your preferences and obtaining quotes from a variety of providers may assist you in finding the best fit for your needs.

Why is car insurance so expensive?

Californians pay an average of $1,429 per year for vehicle insurance, making it one of the most costly states in the country. Natural disasters, theft/vandalism rates, and the dense population of the state all contribute to increased insurance costs.

Can anyone drive my car in Spain?

Unlike the United Kingdom, Spain insures the vehicle rather than the driver. As a result, as long as you get their consent, you can drive anyone else’s car.


Foreigners, whether from the European Union or not, may purchase a car in Spain, either a used or new one, and keep it for a total of six months (not necessarily a continuous time) in any calendar year.

Foreigners must meet one of the following requirements in order to purchase a car registered in Spain:

New car

In Spain, the price of a new car might vary from one dealer to the next. Also, depending on the worth of your old automobile, if you trade it in for a new one, the price will be significantly lowered.

If the automobile model you want isn’t available at the time you make your request, you should take out a purchase order for a new car. Avoid these pitfalls:

  • Ensure that the purchase price does not fluctuate while you wait for your new automobile, and that the money you put down as a deposit is applied to the ultimate price of the vehicle.
  • The features of the car you’ve chosen, as well as the delivery date, must be included in the purchase order.
  • If you give your old car as part of the new car price, request a copy of your old car’s sales contract so that the Provincial Traffic Authorities (Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico) and the Town Council (Ayuntamiento) are aware of the new owner’s name; otherwise, you may still be liable for taxes and possible traffic fines.

The following documents will be provided by the dealer once you have received your new vehicle:

You must purchase the required automobile insurance. Non-residents who purchase an automobile in Spain will not be subject to the Special Vehicle Registration Tax (impuesto municipal sobre circulación de veh­culos).

Purchasers must pay a 21 percent VAT as well as a registration tax. Non-EU immigrants can buy new cars in Spain without paying VAT or vehicle registration fee.

These are merely general recommendations; any additional concerns about your specific situation should be handled to a Spanish lawyer.

Second hand car

You should be given the following documentation if you buy a used automobile in Spain, whether privately or from a car dealer:

  • On the reverse of the document, the circulation permit (permiso de circulación) is formally signed, along with the car’s technical sheet.
  • Receipt of the municipal vehicle tax (Impuesto Municipal sobre Vehicles de Tracción Mécanica). This is a municipal tax that varies by town; you should have it in your car with you.
  • If applicable, an ITV test certificate. ITV stands for inspection and verification of cars older than four years.

Check the vehicle history before purchasing any vehicle, as the vehicle may have previous debts, and the creditor may be able to seize the vehicle as an asset.

Depending on what both parties agreed, either the seller or the buyer must apply for a new registration certificate from the provincial traffic department in order to transfer ownership of the vehicle (notificación de transferencia de veh­culos). This agreement must be signed by both parties.

The seller is responsible for any later vehicle flaws that a non-expert car buyer would not notice. Private purchasers can opt out of this warranty, but the dealer is still liable for any flaws in the vehicle.

If you acquire a used automobile, you may be able to subrogate the seller’s car insurance; the insurance provider will be notified. Make sure the seller is up to date on his payments; otherwise, once the vehicle is transferred, you will be responsible for any outstanding balances.

These are merely broad principles; any queries specific to your case should be directed to a Spanish attorney.