What Is Civil Liability Insurance In France?

A civil liability insurance (“assurance responsabilité civile”) is required by French law to cover damage to another person or property. It is usually covered by homeowner’s insurance, but you should double-check. You can subscribe to it independently or add it to your house insurance if it is not included (yet).

A particular certificate ( “Kindergartens, schools, after-school activities, and other organizations frequently request an attestation d’assurance scolaire”) to ensure that you are insured if your child causes damage or injuries to another child. It can also cover your child’s health and valuables when on school trips or participating in sports activities, such as glasses. Examine your “If this policy is included, it will be referred to as “multiirisque habitation.”

What is civil liability insurance?

The legal obligation to compensate another party for causing them bodily injury or property loss is known as civil responsibility. Civil liability is distinct from criminal liability in that the at-fault party is not susceptible to criminal penalties. Instead, they must compensate the party who was injured as a result of their acts with damages or monetary compensation.

What is civil responsibility insurance France?

Students must purchase a Civil Liability Insurance policy that covers the risks indicated below in order to complete their enrollment. This sort of insurance covers the cost of repairing damages that a student may make to a third party or animal, to possessions for which they are legally responsible, or to their living quarters, regardless of whether the harm was caused by negligence or not.

We strongly suggest you to purchase this insurance before arriving in France, for example with ADH Insurance (formula 3).

You must purchase civil liability insurance if you are not currently protected.

  • either LMDE or VITTAVI, which are student-specific medical insurances.
  • through an accommodation insurance: personal liability insurance may be included in the accommodation insurance, which is required for your stay in Toulouse as well.

Civil Liability is covered by a number of insurance products (including vehicle and home insurance), however it may be limited. If you’ve previously purchased such insurance, find out exactly what it covers so you can determine whether the coverage is enough.

Why is civil liability insurance needed?

The legal duty for a payment to an aggrieved third party owing to a violation of a civil law, tort, or breach of contract is known as civil liability. This phrasing will apply to circumstances in which a policyholder is held accountable for a loss without being proved negligent.

Is public liability insurance compulsory in France?

You must acquire a home insurance policy before moving into your French home, whether you rent or buy it. In France, almost 90% of homeowners have a multi-risk policy, although you can also get individual coverage. The following items should be covered by home insurance:

  • Building insurance protects against things like fire, water damage, natural disasters, and vandalism from causing harm to the structure. For specific coverage, check individual plans. Renters and individuals with a mortgage are required to do so, while those who own their home entirely are not.
  • All residents must have public liability insurance to cover their own liability for damage to third parties and property. This is frequently required of tenants in rented housing. This can be purchased separately as third-party liability insurance, but it is frequently included in home insurance packages.
  • Contents insurance is an optional coverage for personal property that is generally cheaper when purchased as part of a multi-risk home insurance policy.
  • Building insurance – A decennial cover called dommages ouvrage is required to insure substantial construction work done on your property. This safeguards against errors in the task performed. This is available in several multi-risk products. It’s also available for purchase separately.

Depending on the value of the property and the degree of coverage, the cost might range from €300 to €400. You can get coverage or helpful advice in English from an expat-friendly insurance broker like. These are some of them:

Always read the fine language of any policy, especially when it comes to the excesses you’ll have to pay and your responsibilities to preserve the property. Some policies may require you to install an alarm system or close the shutters at night or during extended absences.

Insurance for school children

Some home insurance policies will automatically cover your liability for any damage or injury your child may do at school, while others will charge a small extra for this coverage. The insurance will issue you a certificate or attestation in both circumstances, which the school will request at the start of the school year.

While it is not required for school attendance, it is required for any activities outside of the official curriculum, such as field excursions and extracurricular sports.

Motor vehicle insurance

All motor vehicles must be insured for accident liability in France, even if they are not in use unless all four wheels are removed. Third-party (tiers collision), third-party fire and theft, or complete policies are available (tous risques).

You must carry an attestation d’assurance — a document issued by the insurance company – with you whenever you drive your vehicle. A green certificat d’assurance attesting to the validity of your insurance is included as part of this. This must be attached to the windscreen of your car so that it is plainly visible.

In the event of an accident, your insurer will also provide you with an internationally recognized form called le constat amiable, which you must fill.

The cost of car insurance in France is determined by a variety of criteria, including the vehicle’s worth, the extent of coverage, and the driver’s history. No-claims deductions accumulate at a rate of 5% per year, and a complete 50% no-claims bonus requires 13 years of no-fault driving.

As a result, some drivers may offer to pay directly for the damage they do in order to avoid an increase in their insurance premiums. Before accepting such an offer, you should consider it carefully. You won’t be able to file an insurance claim if the damage is more expensive to repair than the money you received from the other party.

Social insurance

Those who work or study in France are required to register for social security benefits. In France, public social security plans cover:

Employees are usually enrolled in a social security plan by their employers. Self-employed workers, on the other hand, must enroll in a self-employed scheme. Our guide on social security in France contains more information.

When can a person be held civilly liable?

If you purposefully or accidentally injure someone or destroy their property, you may be held liable for their losses. “Civil liability” is the term for this situation.

What is private civil liability?

Private civil liability insurance protects another person from bodily injury and property loss or damage caused by the covered individual.

What are liabilities in insurance?

  • Liability insurance protects you from lawsuits stemming from injuries and physical damage to people and/or property.
  • Liability insurance pays for legal fees and payments if the insured party is proven to be at fault.
  • Intentional harm, contractual liabilities, and criminal prosecution are among the provisions that are not protected.
  • Automobile insurance coverage, product producers, and anybody practicing medical or law all require liability insurance.
  • Responsibility insurance includes personal liability, workers’ compensation, and commercial liability.

Is it mandatory to have house insurance in France?

Yes, tenants and co-owners must get home insurance, whether the house is empty or furnished (owners of a lot in a condominium). This insurance responsibility for co-owners is restricted to liability insurance for the co-ownership, neighbors, third parties, and, if applicable, tenants.

Is civil liability the same as legal liability?

Civil responsibility, as the term implies, is liability arising from civil law rather than criminal law. For example, criminal liability or penalties imposed by statutes would not be covered by this policy.