What Is OD Discount In Car Insurance?

You can choose between own damage, third party liability, zero dep, and comprehensive insurance. What do you think the common factor is here? Of course, there’s the issue of financial security. For those who own a vehicle in India, financial assistance is critical. And that is something that comes with purchasing a car insurance policy. Within the Indian Territory, an insurance policy for your two-wheeler or car is required by the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. You won’t be able to drive your automobile on the road unless you have insurance. Instead, you will face penalties if you violate the rules. As a result, having vehicle insurance is critical. In some situations, car buyers will take insurance coverage given directly by the dealer. Customers are less likely to inquire about insurance coverage, its application, or the source of the copy. Self-awareness is essential in this situation to understand what’s going on and why. It is not necessary to purchase insurance from a dealer. Look for better insurance companies that offer a variety of coverages and offers in addition to insurance services. Shriram General Insurance is one among them.

What is the Own Damage insurance cover?

Own Damage is a type of insurance that protects you from losses and damages to your own car, such as fire, theft, and so on. You can use the own damage cover to cover the costs of repairs and replacements. Natural disasters, man-made disasters, accidents, theft, and malicious acts are all covered by the OD policy. There are insurance firms that provide coverage for your vehicle’s own damage. Own damage cover can be purchased separately (from September 1, 2019) or as part of a comprehensive insurance. The depreciation of a vehicle’s value takes into account changes in the insurance premium.

What is Third Party Liability insurance cover?

Third-party liability insurance is required to keep your car safe and secure. Under the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988, it is mandatory to purchase third-party liability insurance. This coverage protects you from loss and damage to a third-party vehicle or property that results in someone’s death or injury as a result of your car. You must cope with the situation in this circumstances. It will be simpler if you already have third-party liability insurance. And if you don’t, you’ll have to pay for the loss out of your own money. One thing to keep in mind about third-party coverage is that it does not cover loss or damage to your own car, even if you are at fault for third-party vehicle damage. You must purchase own damage insurance in order to be compensated for your own vehicle. Also, does not process claims for vehicles that have been stolen or vandalized.

What is Zero Depreciation insurance cover?

Depreciation is the process of a vehicle’s or any other asset’s value degrading after it leaves the showroom. Vehicles are depreciating assets that depreciate automatically over time. For example, the current worth of a vehicle will not be the same after one year or more because the value of the vehicle has depreciated. The value differs, just as an old car is less expensive than a new one. The degradation of every portion of a vehicle, such as glass and plastic, is included in its depreciation. As a result, when filing a claim, the insurance will only pay after deducting the depreciated value from the current value.

Depreciation insurance is one of the add-ons offered by various insurance firms in accordance with their terms and conditions. To receive the highest degree of reimbursement during the time of a claim, one should purchase depreciation insurance coupled with a car insurance policy.

What is a Comprehensive insurance cover?

A comprehensive vehicle insurance policy provides total protection against loss and damage to your vehicle (own damage) as well as other vehicles and properties (third party liability) (TP). Because it covers both own damage and third-party liability, comprehensive insurance is the most recommended insurance coverage. Despite the fact that it will cost you a little more, it is still worthwhile to purchase. It provides financial aid in the event of damage caused by fire, theft, vandalism, animal attacks, fallen objects, or rioting. If you’re thinking about getting insurance, go for the comprehensive plan and rest easy knowing that you’ll be completely protected.

Finally, hopefully you have gained as much knowledge as possible about the various types of motor insurance policies that insurance companies provide. Get the best insurance coverage and safeguard yourself against unforeseeable events.

What is basic OD in car insurance?

OD stands for ‘Own Damage’ in insurance, implying that it covers damages and losses to your own vehicle. OD stands for ‘Own Damage’ in insurance, implying that it covers damages and losses to your own vehicle.

What is OD only in car insurance?

What is OD Car Insurance on its Own? Standalone own-damage car insurance, as the name implies, is a policy that covers only your own vehicle’s damages and losses. This covers losses and damages resulting from collisions, natural disasters, fires, and thefts.

What is motor OD claim?

For someone else’s personal hurt or property damage. In this case, this person is referred to as a third party) or. You are responsible for any damage to your own, insured vehicle. This is referred to as an own damage claim, and it is available to you if you have a package or comprehensive coverage.

What is OD policy period?

If ‘A’ wants to buy an OD insurance on October 1, 2019, the insurer can either issue a pro-rata OD policy from October 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, followed by two annual OD policies, or an annual OD policy from October 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, followed by two annual OD policies.

How is OD premium calculated?

Third-Party Liability (TPL) insurance covers any harm to a person or property caused by your insured vehicle, resulting in financial loss or death to the person.

TPL, on the other hand, does not cover expenses for repairs, so it’s always a good idea to have a coverage that also covers losses caused by damage to your own car.

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of India issues the TPL premium, which is based on the car’s capacity (IRDAI).

The OD cover is optional, although it is really useful. It reimburses your expenses if your car is damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, or storms, or if it is involved in an accident. The deal is that as the Insurance Declared Value, or IDV, increases, so does the premium, and vice versa. As a result, as your car ages, the IDV falls.

The Indian Motor Tariff determines the premium for OD coverage as a proportion of IDV.


This portion of your automobile insurance premium protects you not only against accidents, but also from incidents that result in incapacity. Because the possibilities of handicap are higher than virtually any other consequence, this is an essential aspect of being thoroughly protected. Road accidents claimed the lives of nearly 3 lakh people in 2014. However, 5 lakh people were gravely hurt or incapacitated for the rest of their lives. You can also enhance the policy’s coverage to include nameless passengers.

Finally, there are riders. These riders, often known as auto insurance add-ons, offer a variety of protection and services for a small fee. Engine Secure, for example, protects against waterlogging damage, while Road Side Assistance provides assistance if your car breaks down in the middle of the road, and NCB Protection allows you to make two claims without losing your No Claim Bonus. Each rider adds to the strength of your auto insurance policy, ensuring that you are covered in any eventuality.

How do I renew my OD policy?

They have the option of renewing their policy by purchasing either a 1-year comprehensive policy that includes both OD and third-party coverage, or a 1-year third-party policy for their car. Existing policyholders who purchased their vehicle before September 1, 2018 can renew their policy in the same way, according to Chowdary.

What is OD premium and TP premium?

Own damage premium: The own damage premium is the portion of your premium that is determined by your vehicle’s Insured Declared Value (IDV). Third-party premiums are set by the insurance regulation and are calculated based on the volume or cubic capacity of your vehicle.

What is OD premium?

Own Damage (OD) Premium is a type of car insurance that offers you with Own Damage (OD) Coverage. Own Damage (OD) refers to coverage for damage to your own vehicle. In this video, Reliance General explains OD premium and its benefits. To learn more about Reliance General’s car insurance, click here.

What is IDV value?

What is the IDV (Insured Declared Value)? The word ‘IDV’ refers to the highest amount your insurer will pay if your car is stolen or is damaged beyond repair. When you buy the policy, let’s say the market value of your car is Rs. 8 lakh. That means the insurance will only pay out a maximum of Rs.