Do Contractors Need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Construction employees may be covered by general liability insurance in the event of an injury or accident. However, indemnity insurance is required if they fail to meet deadlines or offer work that falls short of the client’s expectations.

Do contractors need to have professional indemnity insurance?

You should obtain a minimum amount of Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance for your personal safety. If the services you offer for a customer result in a claim against that client, they will almost always try to file a claim against the contractor. In the event that this happens, PI insurance will cover you.

Furthermore, the majority of the work you are hired to do, as well as the majority of tenders you answer to, require verification that you have a minimum level of PI and Public Liability insurance…. Without it, you will almost certainly not be considered for a job!


The Insurance application procedure has been structured so that it takes an average of 5 minutes to complete. In most circumstances, your application will be approved promptly online, and you’ll be able to print your Confirmation of Insurance to show clients and prospects that you’re covered… It’s that simple!! For your records, all other papers, such as your tax invoice, policy schedule, and terminology, will be emailed directly to you.

If the insurance cannot be issued immediately due to a lack of information, we will contact you the next business day.


You will receive a renewal reminder email around one month prior to your policy’s renewal date, along with a link that will allow you to evaluate your previous year’s coverage and renew the policy even faster!

* We’ve reduced the amount of referral scenarios so that the majority of applications will be accepted automatically. If you have a history of claims or provide services to high-risk businesses, we will call you to help you complete your application with the insurer personally.


Express Insurance is in charge of your insurance coverage.

Berkley Insurance Australia, a registered company, is acting as my agent.

Berkley Insurance Company is the company’s name (ABN 53 126 559 706)

is a subsidiary of W.R.Berkley Corporation

Berkley Insurance Australia is an Australian general insurance company that underwrites a large portfolio of business. The Australian Prudential Regulator Authority (APRA), which is the prudential regulator of the Australian financial services industry, has completely authorized and regulated them.

Berkley Insurance Australia has a “A+ (Strong)” financial strength rating from Standard & Poor’s.

Charitable Contribution

We donate to the Gutsy Group, our current featured charity, for each IT Contractor Insurance policy completed online.

The Gutsy Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to generating funds for research in the hopes of finding a solution for IBD sufferers (IBD). IBD refers to two disorders that induce bowel inflammation: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

In Australia, there are about 70,000 persons with IBD. They are generally young people who have shown extraordinary fortitude and determination in the face of a disease with no known origin or cure.

Unfortunately, many patients regard their symptoms as indecent, anti-social, and something to be ashamed of. This is an illness that is not glamorous in any way.

IBD affects just as many young Australians as other, more well-known diseases including Juvenile Diabetes (JD) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (MS). JD and MS fundraising organizations are currently giving significant amounts to research. In comparison, IBD receives minimal attention and research funding is severely lacking.

The Gutsy Group is dedicated to making a difference in the world. The Gutsy Group was founded to raise funding for critical research and to give hope to these brave and “Gutsy” people.

Lodge a Claim

We’ll work with you to make sure claims are handled properly and that you receive a fair settlement from the insurer. The first step is to file your claim using the instructions provided.

What is professional indemnity insurance for contractors?

Construction Professional Indemnity, also known as Design and Construct Professional Indemnity, is a policy meant to cover contractors and subcontractors from claims of negligence or improper design.

The policy covers the contractor’s legal defense costs as well as any damages awarded in the event of alleged errors in the design or construction of a project, such as an incorrect design, a project that is unfit for purpose, or a contractor who fails to use the proper materials as specified in the specification.

A regular Professional Indemnity coverage will not cover claims for incorrect design, construction, maintenance, or installation, but a Design and Construct language is specifically designed to cover these claims. Rectification Cover is provided by a Design and Construct Professional Indemnity policy, which covers the costs of remediation work or mitigating a loss or possible loss that might otherwise result in a claim.

Most contractor’s professional indemnity insurance coverage will cover the following:

Claims deriving from any collateral warranties, duty of care, or similar agreements supplied by you, to the degree that such obligation would have attached to you if such contractual duty, term, or agreement had not been provided.

Consequential Losses – Coverage for indirect losses that occur as a result of an insured loss, such as loss of earnings to a third party as a result of a claim.

Health and Safety Legislation Coverage – reasonable fees and expenses incurred for the defense of any proceedings initiated against you under the Health and Safety Legislation with the insurer’s prior written agreement.

Pollution Coverage – claims originating from the existence, claimed or threatened presence, discharge, dispersal, release, migration, or escape of pollutants other than asbestos, nuclear or radioactive material of any kind.

Defence Costs Coverage – provides coverage for defense costs incurred with the insurer’s prior written approval.

Fraud and Dishonesty Coverage – liability of your company to any third party as a result of any employee’s fraudulent or dishonest behavior.

Costs of replacing or restoring papers lost in your possession or control are covered under the Lost Documents Coverage.

Court Attendance Coverage — a common charge of £250-£500 per person per day if any principle, partner, member, director, or employee attends court as a witness when defending a claim.

Who needs professional indemnity?

As part of their individual industry body’s regulatory obligations, several professions are required to acquire professional indemnity insurance. Even if you are not required to get PI insurance, failing to do so could result in you being liable for thousands of pounds in legal expenses and compensation payments, not to mention lost wages due to time spent defending any charge. If you’re a lawyer, you’ll almost certainly need professional indemnity insurance.

  • You give your clients advise or expert services (including consulting or contracting)
  • You create designs for your customers (such as working as an architect or design engineer)
  • You want to be safe from accusations of faults or neglect in the work you’ve done for your client.
  • You’re a contractor, consultant, freelancer, or self-employed professional, and your client has asked you to obtain professional indemnity insurance before beginning a project.

Professional indemnity insurance may be required in the following fields (but is not limited to):

  • Marketing consultants, training consultants, and education consultants are examples of management and business consultants.
  • IT contractors, consultants, programmers, and developers are all examples of IT professionals.
  • Contractors who work in the technical and engineering fields include CAD designers, project engineers, and offshore oil and gas engineers.
  • Personal trainers, dancing instructors, and yoga instructors are among the fitness professionals.

Is professional indemnity mandatory?

In fact, in Australia, workers compensation insurance is frequently the sole insurance necessary by law. This is only applicable to businesses with employees.

Professional indemnification is required in several industries by professional groups or authorities. It’s required, for example, if you’re a member of a professional accounting body like the CPA. To be registered with the CPA, members must have a minimum of $2 million in professional indemnity insurance coverage. Another example is Queensland, where mandatory pool inspections are required by law. For homes with pools that are being sold or leased, these inspections must be performed by a registered certifier. A pool inspector must have professional indemnity insurance before he or she may be registered.

Do electrical contractors need professional indemnity insurance?

Professional indemnity insurance for electrical contractors is now required, in addition to public liability insurance. It’s difficult to be in charge of work that involves the design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems. Many people rely on the flexibility and knowledge you provide, so getting the correct insurance for your profession is critical. Insurance is one of the most important components of a well-run business, and with Tradesman Insurance 4u, you can create a policy that meets your specific needs. You can select from a number of important coverages, including professional indemnity insurance, which protects you in the event that a client sues your company for making a mistake.

We understand that electrical contractors are in high demand, so we let you to focus on what matters most – your business – and take the stress out of insurance by providing you with a single set of documentation and a single renewal date. Simply simply, our insurance provides quick, high-quality coverage without the bother. Electrical contractors professional indemnity insurance from Tradesman Insurance 4u provides peace of mind not only to you but also to those who rely on you. We’ve got you covered in any situation. Without the usual tension, indemnity insurance for all forms of electrical operations.

Do subcontractors need their own insurance?

What Are the Benefits of Subcontractor Insurance? Working as a subcontractor is similar to running your own small business. Because the person or corporation who hired your services will not cover the costs of such a claim, any subcontractor should have their own public liability insurance.

What is not covered by Professional Indemnity insurance?

.css-10508as.css-10508as:hover If a company is sued by a client for a mistake they made in their work, professional indemnity insurance can cover compensation payments and legal bills. In most cases, the compensation payout will take into consideration the client’s financial loss.

What insurance do building contractors need?

Construction insurance is the umbrella term for a number of different insurance policies that cover property damage, third-party injuries, and damage claims. However, if you are new to building contractors insurance or the construction industry in general, you may find the world of construction insurance to be a little complicated.

You’re probably thinking…

Please keep in mind that none of the following is intended to be taken as advise. Always examine your own risk profile and seek expert advice from a specialist broker or other certified advisor as needed.

“Should my builder be covered by insurance?” What is the definition of construction liability insurance? And who foots the bill for the insurance?”

Why do consultants need professional indemnity insurance?

If your company is sued for carelessness, neglect, mistakes, or misinformation, professional liability insurance covers defense expenses and damages, regardless of whether the claims are valid or not. Without it, your company will be responsible for any legal fees, and a significant case might bankrupt your company or you personally.