Does Insurance Cover Stem Cell?

These stem cell operations are currently not covered by insurance. This is likely to change in the coming years as a surprising amount of evidence of its usefulness accumulates. Until that time comes, many surgeries must be paid for out of pocket or through medical loan businesses with expedited financing. Many loan businesses may fund a medical operation over a long period of time to ease the load on consumers and make expensive procedures more accessible. Many of our patients’ operations are currently financed by Parasail financing.

The cost of our procedures varies depending on how complicated they are. A single knee surgery, for instance, costs $4500 and comprises bone marrow or adipose mesenchymal tissue, as well as platelet rich plasma or platelet lysate. We also use an extracellular fiber matrix, which is one of the most advanced biologics available for tissue restoration with excellent regenerative capabilities. At rival clinics, the market average cost for this operation can be substantially higher, and we take pride in offering the most cutting-edge regenerative procedures at a competitive price range. If you have more than one stem cell joint injection, you will receive a 50% discount on the second treatment. For this discount, both treatments must be completed on the same day.

What insurance covers stem cell therapy?

Parts A and B of Medicare, often known as original Medicare, cover approved stem cell procedures and their out-of-pocket costs. However, coverage varies depending on which Medicare plan you choose.

The goal of FDA-approved stem cell therapy is to restore normal blood production and development in those whose bodies have lost this ability.

This page explores the coverage and expenses of each aspect of Medicare, as well as the various operations that are covered by Medicare. It also considers the costs of inpatient stem cell therapy for those without access to Medicare.

In this article, we’ll utilize a few terms that are important to know while choosing the best insurance plan:

  • Deductible: A deductible is a set amount that a person must pay out of pocket each year before an insurer will pay for their treatments.
  • Coinsurance is a percentage of a treatment’s cost that a patient must pay out of pocket. This amounts to 20% for Medicare Part B.
  • A copayment is a set amount of money that an insured individual pays when they receive certain treatments. Prescription medications are frequently covered by Medicare.

Is stem cell covered under insurance?

There’s always the concern of whether or not your insurance provider will pay a medical procedure. Treatments that are considered experimental are not covered by insurance policies. They use the term “experimental” to describe methods or treatments that raise concerns about potential side effects and/or unproven benefits. Most cases of stem cell therapy are considered experimental by insurance companies, and they will not cover the costs.

There were many concerns about stem cell therapies and their potential impact on cancer or other illnesses in the early days of stem cell research. These claims have since been revealed to be completely false. Countless research have looked at the long-term effects of injecting platelet-rich plasma and stem cells into optimal candidates with no negative outcomes.

While most insurance companies do not cover stem cell therapies, they may cover the cost of your consultation with the doctor and any related expenditures spent during the operation. Before any stem cell or regenerative medicine therapy, patients at the Twin Cities Pain and Regenerative Medicine center in Edina, Minn. will receive a complete and honest assessment of all charges and what is anticipated in payment.

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy 2021?

The cost of stem cell therapy is high, especially because it is rarely reimbursed by insurance. However, with the proper education and awareness of the treatment process, the risk of stem cell therapy may be worth it, especially if it eliminates the need for lifelong prescription medicine.

Despite the hazards connected with stem cell therapy, it has transformed the lives of thousands of people and will continue to play an important role in modern medicine’s future.

What is the average cost of a stem cell injection?

A single injection of stem cells might cost anything from $1,000 to $6,000. Multiple injections may be required in some patients, bringing the total cost of treatment to $25,000 or more.

How long does stem cell therapy last?

Stem cells are special cells in the human body that can transform into a variety of different cell types depending on how and where they are injected into the patient. Stem cell therapy employs the patient’s own stem cells taken from their bone marrow, which are then injected into the target location by the doctor doing the stem cell therapy operation.

Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, has a lot of potential as a non-surgical treatment for medical diseases that might otherwise necessitate surgery. Many persons with shoulder arthritis, rotator cuff tears, and other joint-related injuries and degenerative disorders may find stem cell therapy to be more effective than surgery while avoiding the negative side effects.

How Long Does Stem Cell Therapy Last?

The stem cells infused into the patient after a stem cell treatment surgery will continue to mend in the target area for up to a year. This does not, however, imply that the patient will receive relief after a year. Within three to six weeks of their stem cell treatment procedures, the majority of patients report improvement. As the stem cells continue to work, patients must continue with physical therapy and other treatments indicated by their doctors.

Consider shoulder arthritis: pain medications, massage, topical pain relief creams and gels, lifestyle changes, and hot and cold compresses are all common treatments for shoulder arthritis. While these treatments may help with acute pain spikes and provide significant relief for certain patients, they do not work well over time when the patients’ diseases worsen. Degenerative injuries and disorders such as arthritis and soft tissue injuries will worsen with time, forcing many people who suffer from them to seek surgical treatment.

While surgery can be a successful treatment for some shoulder injuries and other joint conditions, it also comes with a slew of drawbacks, including a long recovery period, the risk of infection, and the need to take strong pain medication thereafter. In comparison, most people who receive stem cell therapy for joint disorders begin to feel better within a few weeks after their shoulder stem cell injection sites heal.

Is Stem Cell Therapy Right for Me?

So far, the clinical outcomes of stem cell therapy studies have been quite positive. People with current malignancies, infections, and blood-related medical disorders aren’t candidates for stem cell therapy. If you’ve been suffering from joint discomfort as a result of a catastrophic accident or degenerative condition and wish to avoid surgery, talk to your doctor about whether stem cell therapy might be an option for you.

Rather than dealing with months of recovery time following an invasive surgical treatment, stem cell therapy may be able to help you recover from common shoulder injuries in a matter of weeks or months. Many patients do not require multiple treatments because the stem cells injected into the target location will continue to act for up to a year. Consider the advantages of using stem cell therapy to treat your joint problems as a viable alternative to surgery.

Do stem cell treatments work?

Let’s look at how effective stem cells are in specific cases now that we’ve explored some of the broad aspects that determine their performance. Stem cells have been utilized to treat a wide range of ailments, and new research is always uncovering new applications for them. The Guyer Institute is continually on the lookout for novel techniques to apply stem cell therapy.

Although specific stem cell treatments have not been approved by the FDA, they are allowed since they employ autologous material from your own body. Stem cell therapy has been demonstrated to be completely safe through extensive study, and we only utilize FDA-approved technologies to isolate the stem cells and deliver them to where they are required in your body.

Autoimmune Diseases

When the body’s immune system misidentifies its own tissues as invaders and attacks them, autoimmune disorders develop. ASCs, like other stem cells, have the ability to control the immune system’s response. They can help to reduce inflammation induced by immune system cells, as well as chronic pain and symptom intensity.

Medications that moderate the immune system’s response are typically used as part of the conventional treatment for autoimmune illnesses. This, however, may result in an increase in infections. Stem cells, on the other hand, can provide comfort without the negative consequences. Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

When your immune system targets the soft tissues in your joints, you get rheumatoid arthritis. ASCs injected into the afflicted joints lowered inflammation by restricting the immune system’s reaction in the immediate area, according to this study. Stem cells are unquestionably superior than pain medications.


Lupus is one of the most difficult autoimmune diseases to deal with. Although the cause of lupus is still unknown, scientists have discovered genetic variables that predispose someone to having the disease. To make matters worse, lupus can affect a wide range of tissues and organs, with kidney failure being the most prevalent complication.

The use of ASCs to combat lupus is still being researched, but the results thus far are promising. Internal organ damage was minimized, and the outcomes were comparable to healthy cases.

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel illness that affects the gastrointestinal tract. This is a lifelong illness, and the majority of therapies are now limited to managing symptoms with medication or, in severe cases, surgery. The most prevalent issues are chronic discomfort, diarrhea, and exhaustion.

Crohn’s disease, if left untreated, can lead to significant complications such as perianal fistulas. These are basically holes in the intestines. ASCs, on the other hand, have been demonstrated to be far more effective in the treatment of fistulas in trials. According to one study, 71 percent of people who used ASCs were healed, compared to only 14 percent who used standard procedures.

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative disorders continue to be the most difficult to cure. These rare and devastating illnesses have no known therapies. When patients suffer from these illnesses, neurons in the brain and the rest of the nervous system deteriorate.

Stem cells, on the other hand, have been demonstrated to regenerate neurons in studies. Patients may be able to halt or even reverse the damage caused by certain diseases by using stem cells.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are two of the most frequent neurodegenerative disorders. Both disorders impact the brain’s neurons, though in distinct ways. While Alzheimer’s disease is most commonly associated with memory loss and higher-order cognitive issues, Parkinson’s disease largely affects how the brain processes signals from the body’s nerves.

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute is investigating how stem cells could aid in the treatment of certain diseases. It may be feasible to halt or reverse the progression of certain disorders by repairing damaged neurons.

Spinal Cord Injury and Nerve Damage

Despite the fact that it is not a degenerative condition, spinal cord injuries usually induce nerve loss and can result in serious consequences such as paralysis. Furthermore, if the spine does not heal properly, some spinal cord injuries might result in progressive nerve damage.

According to one study, stem cell therapy produced beneficial results in over 45 percent of patients. Patients saw improvements in less than 6 months, which compares well to back surgery, which typically requires a lengthy recovery period.

Orthopedic Conditions

Throughout our lives, our joints are subjected to a great deal of stress. Your knees and hips are the joints most commonly connected with orthopedic difficulties, whether through hard labor or an active lifestyle. They are tasked with bearing your body weight and are the joints most commonly associated with orthopedic problems.

In both young and old patients, ASCs have been used to treat a variety of orthopedic disorders. Here are a few examples.

Damaged Ligaments

We previously discussed how ASCs may aid in the healing of ACL damage. Because the body does not naturally give sufficient blood flow to these locations, stem cells are extremely successful in mending ligaments. Ligaments are small and tucked away, making it difficult for them to heal without extensive rest.

The ACL isn’t the only ligament that can be helped by stem cell therapy. In one trial, stem cells were used to treat elbow ligament injuries, and the findings were promising. Another study looked at using stem cells to treat the frequently injured rotator cuff and discovered that not only did it heal faster, but patients were also less likely to re-injure themselves during recovery.


Osteoarthritis, unlike rheumatoid arthritis, is produced by wear and tear over time. Cartilage in your joints can deteriorate over time, and cartilage is not naturally replaced by your body. Stem cells have the ability to convert into cartilage, making them a promising therapy option for osteoarthritis.

One study looked at the outcomes of many stem cell experiments for treating osteoarthritis. The results were pretty astounding, with one therapy yielding positive results 97% of the time!

Anti-Aging Applications

Stem cells are the ideal anti-aging agent since they may initiate the body’s natural healing mechanisms without causing a catastrophic harm. Aging cells degrade slowly, and the body does not eliminate and replace them automatically. We can activate this reaction anyplace using stem cells and see outcomes in as little as a week or two.

Hundreds of anti-aging applications have been released in recent years. The majority of these are cosmetic applications, however there are also particular age-related disorders that can be treated.

Cosmetic Treatments

Patients have employed stem cells in a variety of methods to improve their appearance. The “stem cell facial” is perhaps the most popular right now. Using stem cells, this treatment can eliminate wrinkles and even out your complexion. A first-hand account of the treatment can be found here.

Treatments for hair loss are also becoming more popular. Stem cells have the ability to resurrect dead or weak follicles and promote the growth of new ones on the scalp. Clearly, it is a far superior option to surgery.

Erectile Dysfunction

In men over the age of 40, erectile dysfunction is extremely frequent. The use of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been coupled to help restore penile tissue function. The P-shot+ is another name for this treatment, and it has been found to be quite effective.

Thousands of individuals have signed up for the treatment after seeing consistent increases in their ability to attain and sustain an erection in studies.

Is stem cell therapy FDA approved?

FDA regulates stem cell products, and all stem cell products must be approved by the agency. Blood-forming stem cells (also known as hematopoietic progenitor cells) produced from umbilical cord blood are currently the only stem cell products approved by the FDA for use in the United States.

Why are stem cells controversial?

The inner cell mass of a 5- to 7-day-old blastocyst can be used to create pluripotent stem cell lines. However, because it entails the killing of human embryos, human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is ethically and politically contentious. The subject of when human life begins has sparked heated debate in the United States, and it has been tied to abortion disputes. It is undeniable that embryos have the capacity to become human beings; if transplanted into a woman’s uterus at the right hormonal stage, an embryo can implant, develop into a fetus, and give birth to a live kid.

Some people, on the other hand, feel that an embryo has the same moral standing as an adult or a born kid. They think this as a matter of religious faith and moral conviction “Human life begins at conception,” according to this theory, and an embryo is thus a person. An embryo, according to this viewpoint, has rights and interests that must be respected. Taking a blastocyst and removing the inner cell mass to generate an embryonic stem cell line is, in this view, murder (4).

Many others hold a different perspective on the embryo’s moral status, believing, for example, that the embryo becomes a person in a moral sense after conception. Few individuals believe, on the other hand, that an embryo or blastocyst is simply a clump of cells that may be exploited for research without restriction. Many people believe that the early embryo deserves special respect as a potential human being, but that it is appropriate to utilize it for specific sorts of study if there is good scientific rationale, adequate oversight, and informed consent from the woman or couple (5).

Opposition to hESC research is frequently linked to anti-abortion and anti-choice sentiments “Pro-life” is a movement that advocates for the protection of human life. Opposition to stem cell research, on the other hand, is not uniform. A number of pro-life leaders favor stem cell research using frozen embryos that have been left over after a woman or couple has finished infertility treatment and have elected not to give to another couple. Former First Lady Nancy Reagan and U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch, for example, share this viewpoint.

Sen. Hatch’s Senate website states: “Pro-life and pro-family principles are consistent with support for embryonic stem cell research.

“Human life, I believe, begins in the womb, not in a Petri dish or a refrigerator… The morality of the situation, in my opinion, demands that these habitually wasted embryos be used to enhance and save lives. The tragedy would be if these embryos were not used to save lives when the alternative was for them to be discarded” (6).

How many stem cell injections are needed?

The science of employing the body’s own inherent healing processes to ease pain or heal wounded tissue is known as regenerative medicine. Stem cells can be found all across the human body, and depending on their location and “task,” they can specialize into different types of cells. Injecting an adult’s own stem cells into a damaged or injured location can speed up tissue regeneration and give pain relief.

Stem cell injections are a very adaptable and successful treatment for a variety of health and cosmetic issues. Although not everyone is a good candidate for stem cell therapy, it has been shown to help with a variety of ailments, including osteoarthritis, erectile dysfunction, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, autoimmune hepatitis, and Crohn’s disease. It’s also used to treat neurological conditions like MS, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s, as well as for aesthetic purposes including anti-aging rejuvenation and hair regrowth.

Stem cell injections are by far the most effective treatment for chronic pain. Many skilled pain experts combine this treatment strategy with physical therapy, drugs, lifestyle changes, and other methods to provide patients with the best possible results.

The number of treatments required for effective results is a question that many individuals have concerning this treatment. This is entirely dependent on the condition being treated as well as its severity. Some illnesses may react well to a single stem cell injection, while others may need to be treated on a regular basis to get the full advantages. A individual seeking stem cell therapy to recuperate from a sports injury, for example, may only require one or two injections, but someone with osteoarthritis may require several.

Using local anesthetic, a competent physician will harvest stem cells from fat in the belly during the surgery. The isolated stem cells will then be delivered into the area that requires repair. There is minimal discomfort and no downtime is required. In fact, the vast majority of people are able to resume their normal activities soon after therapy. Most patients discover that the treatment works for several weeks in their bodies, with noticeable benefits occurring within a few days. It may take 6-8 weeks for the full benefit of the treatment to become apparent.

Stem cell injection therapy offers a wide range of applications that are still being investigated, with more and more positive results being reported every day. It is thought to be very safe, and the number of people who benefit from it is steadily increasing.