How Much Does Lap Band Surgery Cost With Insurance?

The LAP-BAND (Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding) system is a weight loss tool that can help people lose weight.

attain their weight-loss objectives The surgical treatment is minimally invasive.

In a surgical center, the procedure is frequently done laparoscopically. An adjustable gastric band is placed during the operation.

around the stomach’s upper esophagus The band can then be tightened, which reduces the amount of food required to feel satisfied.

full. Patients can reduce weight by exercising portion control, eating well, and making other healthy lifestyle choices.

excess weight and maintain it. The LAP-BAND surgery is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that helps patients lose weight.

They will gradually lose weight while also enhancing their overall health. We’ll go over the expense of LAP-BAND surgery if you decide to get it.

The procedure is covered by insurance, and LAP-BAND financing can help.

How much is LAP-BAND surgery?

The LAP-BAND system is priced between $9,000 and $18,000. 1 Prices vary depending on a variety of factors.

Insurance coverage and geographic location are two factors to consider. The health characteristics of a patient can also influence the cost.

as well as the surgeon and hospital that have been chosen for the operation. A surgical center is the best place to have LAP-BAND surgery.

It is frequently less expensive than having it done in a hospital. The cost of the surgery itself is merely a portion of the total.

With the LAP-BAND weight loss system, you can lose weight quickly. Patients must be followed by a dietician after having the LAP-BAND surgery.


If not covered, it can cost $75 to $300 every visit in the first year.


Does insurance cover LAP-BAND surgery?

With insurance, the typical cost of LAP-BAND surgery is around $3,500. Most insurance companies cover LAP-BAND.

companies. This means that most plans pay the majority of the costs associated with the operation. Of

Of course, the patient is liable for whatever co-pays, deductibles, or coinsurance their insurance plan requires.

To find out what your individual benefit is, contact your insurance provider.

Does insurance cover Lap-Band surgery?

If you satisfy certain criteria, health insurance now covers bariatric surgery. The extent of your coverage is determined by the medical insurance plan you choose. In India, health insurance companies allow claims for morbid obesity, co-morbidities, and life-threatening diseases that are specified in the policy. If your doctor recommends bariatric surgery, you may be eligible for financial assistance. In most cases, you must provide documentation to the insurer that the surgery is medically necessary.

Bariatric surgery had been a typical exclusion in mediclaim coverage until 2019. Many insurance companies now cover bariatric surgery as a result of technical breakthroughs and new IRDAI guidelines. However, the benefit is only available if the procedure is medically essential and not for cosmetic reasons.

How much weight do you lose with the Lap-Band?

The Lap-Band operation is a popular and reversible weight loss method. On average, a Lap-Band patient will lose 50% of their excess weight. Many factors influence how much weight can be lost after Lap-Band surgery.

How much is a Lap-Band surgery in the United States?

The price may differ depending on your region. Allowing the cost of Lap Band surgery to influence your decision to choose a qualified surgeon is not a good idea. In fact, choose a qualified surgeon is one of the most critical decisions you’ll make before surgery.

  • Out-patient Lap Banding operations are frequently available at surgery centers, and they can be less expensive than hospital procedures.

How long does it take to get approved for Lap-Band surgery?

If there are no medical weight loss program restrictions, most patients can be pre-approved for bariatric surgery within 90 days/12 weeks (with consecutive office visits throughout), although there is no assurance. However, collecting the documentation and testing that the insurance company requires is one of the most significant bottlenecks in the insurance process. We keep you informed by interacting with you on a frequent basis during the pre-operative period.

What is the safest weight loss surgery?

Each type of bariatric surgery has advantages and disadvantages. The surgeon recommends a surgical type based on the patient’s health and needs. Although all surgeries entail some risk, restrictive surgeries are safer than restrictive/malabsorptive surgeries since they do not interfere with the digestive system permanently.

Gastric Banding

This is the simplest and safest of the bariatric procedures. However, the weight loss is less than with the other procedures. Furthermore, people who have had gastric banding are more prone to gain weight in the long run. There is reduced risk of nutrient shortage because the operation has no effect on nutrient absorption.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

For severely obese persons with other health problems, this is a generally safe and easy surgery. Weight reduction is substantial, and nutritional absorption is unaffected. This is a relatively novel technique, and the long-term benefits and hazards are currently being assessed.

Gastric Bypass

This procedure allows for rapid weight loss that lasts for up to two years. It is beneficial to patients with obesity-related illnesses who want to improve their health swiftly. It also has a solid long-term weight-loss track record. Hernias and vitamin deficits due to malabsorption are the disadvantages. Dumping syndrome occurs when food is discharged from the stomach into the intestines before being thoroughly digested.

Duodenal Switch

This surgery is more difficult and risky than the others, and it is also less common. It causes faster weight reduction, but it also increases the risk of hernias, nutrient deficit, and dumping syndrome.

Does a lap-band stay in forever?

Obesity is on the rise, and the number of weight-loss procedures performed each year is also on the rise. Because it is the safest, most effective, and least intrusive of all weight-loss operations now available in the United States, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), also known as the LAP-BAND, is gaining popularity.

Since 2001, the LAP-BAND has been offered in the United States. Patients often have a lot of questions about the surgery, the band, and what to expect following because of its newness. The goal of this post is to answer some of the issues that my patients who are considering the LAP-BAND operation frequently ask me.

Gastric banding is a procedure in which a silicone band is inserted around the upper region of the stomach, forming a small gastric pouch, through tiny incisions. This band is adjustable and can be removed if necessary.

Although most centers require an overnight stay in the hospital, some are increasingly doing this surgery as an outpatient treatment or “same day” surgery. Within a week, most patients are able to return to work.

The LAP-BAND works by regulating your appetite and portion size. When you eat a modest amount of solid food, the small upper stomach pouch fills up, signaling your brain that you are full.

A simple procedure can be used to modify the LAP-BAND, which can usually be done at your surgeon’s office. A little needle is put into the access port during this procedure, and fluid can be supplied or removed depending on your weight reduction and other circumstances. This is referred to as a “fill” or “adjustment.”

Following gastric banding, you may be able to achieve your goal weight. Following gastric banding, most patients lose around half of their excess weight, and they lose it slowly and steadily, typically one or two pounds per week. When opposed to gastric bypass, which is usually rapid and dramatic, the weight-loss trajectory is extremely different. Your success is determined by what you consume, how often you eat, and how much you exercise. Your LAP-BAND will assist you in portion control. You’ll have to keep the remainder under your control. You may most likely feel uncomfortable or regurgitate your meal if you consume too much too soon or do not chew thoroughly.

Many people question if their LAP-BAND may be removed once they reach their target weight. The LAP-BAND is designed to stay put indefinitely. We know that after the band is removed, patients are no longer pleased with little quantities and begin eating larger meals once more. Although gastric banding is a reversible treatment and the LAP-BAND can be removed laparoscopically, having the band removed once you reach your goal weight is not recommended.

It is possible to become pregnant while wearing an LAP-BAND, although most women are advised to wait a year or two following surgery before trying. Because the majority of weight loss occurs in the first year, it’s usually best to wait until your weight has stabilized before planning a pregnancy. If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, talk to your doctor first. Before you get pregnant, they’ll want to make sure you’re eating a well-balanced diet, taking your supplements, and feeling well. If you do become pregnant, be sure to inform your weight-loss team. They’ll be keeping a careful eye on your dietary status and weight gain.

If you become pregnant, your LAP-BAND will not need to be removed. During your pregnancy, your LAP-BAND will help you with hunger and portion control. The concept of “eating for two” frequently leads to excessive weight gain in women. During pregnancy, you can modify your band. Before delivery, some surgeons advise emptying the band.

Because the LAP-BAND does not induce malabsorption, you will not need the same nutrients as gastric bypass patients. Most patients can get by with just taking a daily multivitamin with minerals and eating a well-balanced diet. Women may also require a calcium supplement on occasion.

Any drug you take for the first month following surgery must be crushed, chewable, in liquid form, or smaller than a regular M&M. You should be able to take most medicines after the first month. You may discover that as your weight loss progresses and your health improves, you no longer require all of your prescriptions. With significant weight loss, many weight-related medical issues improve or disappear completely. Schedule regular follow-up visits with your healthcare practitioner so that he or she can keep track of your weight reduction, medical issues, and prescription requirements.

When most patients eat, they are solely conscious of their LAP-BAND. You may, however, see your access port, especially if you are resting, healing, and still feel a bit sore shortly after surgery.

It can be altered an unlimited number of times. During the first year after surgery, the majority of patients require three modifications. Your surgeon can alter your LAP-BAND as many times as he or she sees fit.

Your surgeon can assist you in determining whether or not you require an adjustment. If you’re hungry, seeking for food, and not losing weight as quickly as you’d like, your band definitely needs to be refilled with fluid. If you’re experiencing early and extended satiety (feeling full for several hours after eating a small amount of food) and losing one to two pounds each week, your band is fine and you don’t need to alter it. If you’re having trouble swallowing, coughing at night, regurgitation, acid reflux, or heartburn, you may need fluid evacuated.

When your band is properly fitted, you should be able to eat a small amount of food and still feel satiated, and you should be able to tolerate most foods. If you’re experiencing trouble swallowing solid foods, it’s possible that you’re not chewing thoroughly enough, that you’re eating too quickly, or that your band is just too tight. If you’re unsure, consult your surgeon.

An adjustment is a quick, painless, and uncomplicated operation. It is normally done in the office of your surgeon. Your doctor may choose to do your correction utilizing x-ray or fluoroscopy on rare instances. If your surgeon is unable to feel or locate your access port, an X-ray is required. If your surgeon feels you have a problem, fluoroscopy can help.

For the first month after surgery, most surgeons require their patients to follow a particular diet. During the first month after surgery, the diet is gradually increased from liquids to pureed foods, soft foods, and finally solid foods. This gradual transition from liquids to solids allows you to become accustomed to eating with your LAP-BAND while also healing your stomach.

You should eventually be able to handle most things in tiny amounts if you chew them carefully, consume slowly, and avoid dry, harsh, or stringy foods. However, you will need to alter your dietary habits. Making permanent lifestyle adjustments, such as eating nutritious foods and exercising, is the key to long-term success after LAP-BAND surgery.

Dory Roedel Ferraro, MS, CS, ANP, has worked in the field of obesity surgery for over 13 years and has played a key role in the growth of bariatric clinics around the country. She got a Master’s degree and licensure as a Nurse Practitioner from Stony Brook University’s School of Nursing. She is the Medical Director of the Long Island Bariatric Center in Levittown, New York, and the Clinical Director of Columbia Presbyterian’s Center for Obesity Surgery at Lawrence Hospital. Dory also serves on the Advisory Board of the OAC.

How overweight do you have to be for Lapband?

To be eligible for Lap-Band surgery, you must have a BMI of 40 or higher, OR a BMI of 30 or higher and obesity-related comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.

Is the lap band worth it?

When compared to the other bariatric surgeries, the gastric band was the least successful at facilitating weight loss at 1-, 3-, and 5-year follow-up.” Nonetheless, some surgeons and patients believe it can be quite beneficial for long-term weight loss.

How do you qualify for lap band?

Lap-band surgery is one of the least intrusive weight-loss procedures available. During surgery, surgeons make small incisions in the upper abdomen before wrapping a silicone ring around the upper region of the stomach with an expanding balloon.

When the band is properly placed, it creates a small stomach pouch, which allows the patient to feel satisfied sooner with less food.

Patients can modify the band to increase or reduce the amount of food they can eat at any particular time. Furthermore, because the band can be removed with extra surgery, the technique is reversible.

Average results

After lap-band surgery, patients can expect to lose 40 percent to 60 percent of their excess body weight at first. These outcomes, however, vary greatly depending on the patient’s motivation and compliance.

Patients who follow their bariatric surgeon’s advise, eat a balanced and healthy diet, and exercise consistently, for example, will notice better outcomes than those who relapse to old habits.

Patients who commit to adopting healthy lifestyle changes should expect to lose two to three pounds each week on average. Over time, this will decrease to roughly one pound every week.

Side effects

Following lap-band surgery, individuals may encounter a variety of side effects and/or complications, like with any bariatric operation. Due to problems such as recurrent vomiting, implant malposition, erosion, or a lack of weight loss, 15 to 60 percent of patients undergo revisional bariatric surgery.

Who is eligible?

A patient must have a BMI of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 30 or higher with a comorbidity such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, to be eligible for lap-band surgery.

Which weight loss surgery is cheapest?

If you have insurance that covers bariatric surgery, gastric bypass is tied for the cheapest treatment. It has the 6th lowest average total cost without insurance.