How To Claim Insurance For Car Damage In India?

How do I make a car insurance claim? To get the most out of your automobile insurance policy, notify your insurance provider as soon as possible about the accident and the extent of the damage, as well as the police.

If your claim is true, your insurance provider will reimburse you after evaluating your car and other factors. Here are some tips to help you make a successful claim for your damages:

Call your car insurance company right away and let them know about the accident. Due to the time constraints, you must notify the insurance of the accident within seven working days, failing which your claim settlement period will be considered lapsed. You must supply important papers such as softcopies of your driver’s license, car registration certificate, FIR, and the first two pages of your insurance policy to file a claim. A thorough letter submitted to the Road Transport Office may also be required (RTO).

In the event of a car theft, fire, or road accident, including third-party damage, notify the police and submit a FIR, as this is a required step in the car claim settlement procedure. In cases where the car has dents and scratches, the FIR might be avoided. When there is a physical harm or a third-party accident, it is a necessary. The police will go to the scene to assess the problems and determine whether or not the accident was caused by mechanical failure. The FIR will also include all pertinent information on the driver, the vehicle, the passengers, and any witnesses or other relevant information.

You must also file a claim with the Motor Collision Claims Tribunal in the jurisdiction area where the accident between you and the third party occurred. It is only required in the event of an accident involving a third party.

Some folks would rather submit a compensation claim. In these situations, photographing the scene of the events can be beneficial. You can take a few images of the accident scene, including your car damage, bodily injuries, and so on, and use them as proof throughout the claim settlement process. You can also write down the names, phone numbers, and addresses of your witnesses and third parties (if any) so that they can assist you throughout the process.

Following the filing of the FIR, the next stage is to settle the claim. It can only begin if all of the necessary documents have been submitted to the insurance company. Ensure that all copies of documentation such as your driver’s license, car registration certificate, FIR, and other essential information are submitted.

Make a claim with your insurance carrier and request that they assign you a surveyor to do a comprehensive inspection. You can also file a claim online by visiting the insurance company’s website or other web portals, if they offer such a service. In the event of a cashless claim settlement, a representative from the insurance company will be dispatched to assess all of the serious damage to your vehicle. He’ll direct you to the appropriate garage network, where your car can most likely be towed. The insurance company will tow the vehicle to confirm that there are no additional damages. The survey is usually conducted within one to two working days of receiving notification of a car insurance claim.

Get your automobile fixed and start the insurance claim process. There are two methods for settling a claim. If someone desires a cashless claim, they will not be responsible for the cost of repairs. In such instances, it is recommended that the car be taken to one of the insurance company’s network garages. Only the deductibles must be paid by the policyholder; the remainder is covered by the insurer. If someone pursues a compensation claim, on the other hand, he or she will be responsible for all damages. In this instance, he must provide the insurance company with original bills, receipts, medical reports, photographs, and other documents. After deducting all deductibles, the insurance will reimburse the entire repair cost. The policyholder can get his car repaired at his preferred shop.

When your auto insurance company determines that your claim is valid, it will reimburse you according to the terms and conditions of your policy. The amount of money you’ll get back and the events you’ll be insured for will all be determined by the sort of automobile insurance policy you have. According to the Motor Tariff Act of 2002, third-party insurance is required in India, and it will only cover the cost of damages caused by the involvement of a third party. The comprehensive auto insurance policy provides a greater range of coverage under a single policy umbrella, and you can supplement it with additional add-ons.

Because the claim settlement process can be a little confusing, policyholders should carefully study the policy paperwork that the insurance provider delivers them. All reports on inclusions and exclusions will be detailed. A lawyer’s third opinion can also be obtained in this case.

How do I claim damage on my car insurance?

  • Call your insurance carrier as soon as possible after the accident to report the damage.
  • Make a claim with your insurance company and request that a surveyor be assigned to assess the damage.
  • If your insurer allows it, you can also submit your claim online.

Documents required to make a claim:

The insurance provider may need certain documentation from you in order to validate and approve your claim. You must submit all required papers for the claim as well as complete the claim form. The following is a list of papers that you must present when filing an automobile insurance claim:

Formalities for making a car insurance claim

In the event of an automobile accident, the policyholder has two options for filing a claim: third-party and own damage. After an accident, follow these steps to file a claim:

  • Third-party claim: In cases where a third-party vehicle has caused damage or harm to you or your vehicle, you can file a third-party claim against the other vehicle owner. If you are unable to work as a result of the accident, you may be eligible to recover medical expenses as well as compensation for personal injury, property damage, and loss of earnings. If there is a death, compensation can also be requested.

In the case that your car collides with another vehicle and causes damage to a third-party vehicle, on the other hand, your insurance will cover the damages, loss, injuries, and deaths that you caused to the other party.

  • Obtain the insurance information for the vehicle that caused the damage to your car and notify that vehicle’s insurer of the occurrence.
  • Immediately notify your insurance carrier of the situation. Make sure you notify your insurer about the accident within the time limit.
  • Then, with your insurer’s help, file a third-party claim. If you’ve been injured, you’ll need to file a third-party claim against the vehicle’s owner. In the event that your vehicle causes injury, death, or property damage to a third party, you must file a claim with your insurance provider.
  • Call the police and register a First Information Report by contacting the police helpline number (FIR). In the FIR, make sure to include the following information:
  • After that, you must make a claim with the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in the region where the accident occurred, or with the tribunal in the area where you (the claimant) and the third-party (the defendant) both live or conduct business.
  • Own damage claim: If your insured car is damaged or lost as a result of an accident, you can make an own damage claim. The medical bills and repair costs incurred as a result of the accident will be covered by your insurer. You will, however, need to verify the extent of the harm or loss caused by the accident. Only if you have a comprehensive insurance will you be entitled for this claim.

Points to remember:

  • Make a thorough examination of yourself and your vehicle to see if any significant injuries have occurred. You’ll have to determine whether or not to seek medical care based on the severity of the damage.
  • Make your claim within the time window set by your insurance carrier, which is usually 24 hours.
  • In the event of a delay, the claim may be rejected.
  • Take down the license plate number, model, and color of the other vehicle involved in the collision.
  • Speak with any witnesses who were present at the time of the accident and take down their names and contact information.
  • You might need to contact them again in the future to figure out who caused the mishap.
  • You can avoid filing a claim if you discover that the damage is limited to the car and is minor. Make a thorough assessment of the issue and make an immediate call.
  • Avoid getting into a dispute with the third party, since this will only add to the confusion.
  • If you’re not sure what you’re going to do next, don’t say anything to the cops or the insurance company.
  • Only move the car from the accident scene for repairs or other purposes if the police and insurance company agree.
  • You must submit all required papers for the claim and complete the claim form. An inspection of the vehicle may also be required.
  • If your automobile insurance policy includes a cashless claim option, drive your vehicle to a network garage for repairs and take use of the cashless service to avoid paying for insured damages out of pocket. The insurer will cover the cost of the workshop.

Can we claim insurance for car dents India?

Imagine you’re in an embarrassing scenario where you’ve had a little accident and your automobile has been damaged. Despite the fact that you have a lot of auto insurance coverage, you still want to pay for the damages yourself. The prospect of a future increase in insurance premiums deters you from informing the insurance company about the accident. Is this the best strategy?

If your car was the only one involved in the collision, not reporting it to your insurance company makes logical. Let’s say you backed into a post and your automobile was damaged in the back. However, if the accident resulted in injuries, death, or property damage to a third party, the occurrence would not be considered “small” in the first place. This is when you must notify the insurance company about the incident. In a nutshell, little dents/scratches on the surface of your car do not necessitate filing a car insurance claim. In fact, it’s advisable not to file a claim in this situation because you could end up losing a lot of money.

Can I claim car insurance for repairs?

In order to be reimbursed for a claim, the insured must pay for the damage’s repair. A reimbursement claim is then filed, depending on the terms and conditions of the car insurance policy. In this form of automobile insurance claim, the insured does not have to have his or her car fixed at one of the insurance provider’s network of garages. The insured, on the other hand, must submit the bills and repair receipts to the insurance company.

Can I claim insurance on bumper damage?

A comprehensive auto insurance coverage does not cover normal wear and tear on a vehicle. As a result, in the event of a claim, the insurance will not completely cover the vehicle for any damages. Furthermore, a comprehensive coverage does not cover collateral damage. Engine damage caused by hydrostatic loss is an example of consequential damage. This is essentially a side consequence of a direct loss.

  • When a policyholder files a claim, the insurance company will calculate depreciation based on the vehicle’s losses and determine the ultimate amount to be paid.
  • The policyholder will be responsible for the difference between the market cost of the new part and the depreciated value (paid by the insurer).
  • It’s worth noting that the sum related to depreciation can account for a significant portion of the total claim.
  • The best approach to protect yourself from depreciation is to get a bumper-to-bumper add-on cover.

This policy, also known as Zero Depreciation Coverage, provides complete coverage for the car’s metal, rubber, and fiber components. Depreciation deductions will not be allowed at the time of a claim. The policyholder will, however, have to pay an additional premium in order to receive coverage under this rider.

For example, if your automobile was damaged in an accident and the workshop charged you Rs.50,000, you may have to pay Rs.25,000-30,000 for the depreciation of the vehicle parts. When you only have comprehensive auto insurance, this is the situation. There will be no deductions on the claim amount based on depreciation if you enhanced your comprehensive insurance policy with an add-on Zero Depreciation cover.

What is period of own damage?

In the event of an accident, an own damage policy reimburses you for the cost of repairing or replacing pieces of your automobile that were damaged in the collision. This coverage pays for damages to your car caused by: 1. Natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, and other similar events.

Is FIR necessary for insurance claim?

No insurance company will consider your claim without a FIR, and no FIR will be issued if you do not notify a cop. As a result, you must receive your FIR copy as soon as possible. Lack of critical information After an accident, most individuals are preoccupied with gathering information such as the driver’s name, license number, and so on.

How many times car insurance can be claimed?

In most cases, the amount of claims you can make under your automobile insurance coverage in a year is unrestricted. However, keep in mind that an automobile insurance claim has an impact on the NCB (No Claim Bonus). Repeated claims in a year may result in a higher premium when the policy is renewed.

However, if you choose a Zero Depreciation cover for your automobile insurance policy, the amount of claims you can make in a year may be limited. The number of claims that can be made under this policy vary according on the insurer.

When should I claim insurance?

A decent rule of thumb is to file a claim only in the event of a major loss and not for little mishaps like a minor dent on the bumper. Accidents can happen at any time and in any location. When it comes to car accidents, one’s insurance coverage comes to mind.

What happens after claiming car insurance?

The cost of third-party car insurance is unaffected by an accident claim. This is because the IRDAI, or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, sets the third-party insurance premium. They are consistent across all Indian car insurance providers. Even the best auto insurance in India is not allowed to increase or lower the third-party insurance rate.

Furthermore, an accident claim is a portion of your automobile’s own damages, which is only covered by comprehensive car insurance. If you just have third-party automobile insurance, you will be unable to recover any losses or damages to your vehicle as a result of an accident.

How do you process an insurance claim?

Get in touch with your broker. When it comes to your insurance policy, your broker is your main point of contact; they should be aware of your situation and how to proceed. An adjuster will contact you to continue the claims process when you send your broker a thorough list of all the objects that were damaged or lost, as well as any images or videos that help to clarify the circumstances.