How To Sell Life Insurance Books?

An insurance adviser is a person who works for a certain insurance company and contacts with customers to assist them sell insurance products, file claims, and more. To obtain your license and become an advisor, you must complete a training program and pass an exam set forth by the IRDAI.

Is life insurance easy to sell?

Life insurance is a product that is extremely difficult to sell. Getting your prospect to acknowledge and talk about the possibility that they will die is a difficult first step. When and if you get beyond that stumbling block, the next step is to create urgency so they buy right immediately.

Can you make millions selling life insurance?

Yes, without a doubt. However, just like any other career, becoming good at what you do and earning such high levels of revenue takes time. Top agents can earn anything from $100,000 to $1 million per year. Others make a lot more, so it’s definitely doable. Still, it all comes down to your dedication, strategies, the things you sell, and patience.

Can insurance agents make 7 figures?

I graduated from high school in 1987. In tenth grade, I was engrossed in learning everything I could about computer programming and the internet.

On our radio shack TRS-80 computers, we learned the idea of rubbish in/junk out in my first basic computer programming class.

The principle is straightforward.

When developing code, even if there is only one mistake, the results or output will be incorrect.

As a life insurance agent, you need to understand this notion even better.

In order to close a sale, you must complete certain steps in your sales process.

Of course, you will not make every transaction, but if you are providing inaccurate information, your outcomes will be far worse.

These are the simple instructions you’ve been given.

These are the old steps, mind you.

The initial step in your program is to generate leads.

It’s an important element of the code because if you do it incorrect, you’ll end up spinning your wheels, spending time, and squandering money.

Recognize this.

Leads aren’t all made equal.

This is the subject of an entire documentary that I made.

If you haven’t seen it yet, go to to view it on my Youtube channel.

If your lead source(s) is/are creating a lot of leads but not a lot of appointments, it’s a bad lead source.

This is a crucial aspect to grasp, especially if you’re buying leads from lead suppliers.

You’ll see how good the source of your leads is in this part of the coding.

If you’re calling leads from your lead source and getting bad results, you’ve identified the cause of the problem in your code.

When you call those leads and they don’t yield results, you know there’s a problem with your code.

It does not take weeks to analyze this data. After only 48 hours of phoning those leads, you will have a good idea of their quality.

You’ll be able to tell right away how much time and money you’re squandering in the early phases of your project.

In fact, if the first two phases are incorrect, none of the subsequent stages will ever work in your favor.

Everywhere you turn, you’ll see advertisements from lead suppliers claiming to offer the best leads.

They don’t, in fact.

You see, you will fail if you do not have perfect control over the types of leads you receive.

The crazy part is that producing your own leads is a basic procedure that everyone can learn.

Owning your own lead generation system is similar to having your own plane and not having to rely on commercial flights.

It’s as if you’ll never buy fish again because you know how and where to catch them.

It all boils down to having a structure in place if you want to make a six- or seven-figure income in life insurance.

A system that provides predictable and consistent results.

The system (also known as the code) must begin with obtaining qualified leads who are ready to make a purchase from you.

If you’ve been in sales for a while, you’re probably aware that only 3 percent to 5% of your market is ready to buy right now.

This is why getting leads and doing business the old way is a waste of time and money.

You only want to talk to the 3 percent to 5% of your market who are ready to buy.

You can focus on those revenue-generating activities that make sense when you have an established and predictable system in place that does all of the heavy lifting for you.

  • A system that can sort through leads and determine who is eligible and who isn’t
  • A technique to engage people who qualify even further and then find the 3 percent to 5% of those who are ready to buy.
  • A mechanism that allows individuals who qualify and are ready to buy to contact you directly rather than you having to chase them down.
  • They’ve caught up with you and are pursuing you.

With this software in place, the system takes care of everything for you, thanks to the code we wrote. When it’s time to close, you come in. This strategy ensures that you are solely focused on activities that generate revenue.

What is the most profitable insurance to sell?

Selling the Most Profitable Insurance

  • Auto insurance is the most popular and profitable insurance product, which should come as no surprise.
  • Theft, flood, fire, and bad weather are all examples of risks to your clients’ property that are normally covered by property or house insurance.

How do I market myself as a life insurance agent?

There are numerous blogs on the internet that can teach you how to market your company, but there is a lot of information to sort through. We’ve taken care of the grunt work so you can concentrate on your business. Here are a few low-cost or no-cost suggestions to help you get started with digital marketing.


This is just another simple approach for you to add value to your customers. To create good material, you don’t need to be a skilled video editor. Start recording with your smartphone in a peaceful area. You can even discuss the same subjects that you’re writing about. It should be uploaded to YouTube and shared on your website, emails, and other social media sites.

Create Eye-Catching Graphics

You don’t need to be a designer to make stunning graphics for your website, social media postings, emails, or even advertisements. There are low-cost marketing solutions, such as Canva, that feature ready-to-use templates for each situation. More than 8,000 templates and over 100 design kinds are available in the free plan.

Consistently Publish on Social Media

It is no longer optional to have a social media presence. It’s not necessary to be active on every platform accessible; doing so would be exhausting. Pick two or three and begin publishing on a regular basis. According to most experts and research, you should publish one or two times every day. You will reap the benefits even if you routinely write twice a week and provide some form of value to your followers (e.g., all that stuff you’re writing on your website).


You may believe that advertising on Google or social media is out of your price range, but that is a falsehood. Anyone, regardless of their financial situation, can promote. You’ll have to put in a bit more effort, but pay-per-click (PPC) can work for you if you have the correct target demographic and an appealing design.

Host a Class or Event

This can be done in person or on the internet. Choose a subject or topic and invite the people you want. You can invite your community by posting your event on Facebook events, or you can choose a small set of clients and ask them to bring someone they know (e.g., another business owner). In either case, this is a cost-effective approach to get your name out there.

Request online reviews

Make it simple for satisfied customers to provide good online reviews by including 1-click call-to-action (CTA) buttons on your website or sending email reminders (think Yelp). Peer reviews are used by many consumers to make purchasing decisions. By having a strong online reputation, you can make it easier for prospects to choose you over the competition. Also, keep an eye on reviews and respond to them. This will enable you to respond to any unfavorable or incorrect reviews and preserve a positive internet reputation.

Ask for Referrals

Commercial insurance agents rely heavily on referrals. Now is the moment to start a referral program or one that gives incentives (such as discounts for referrals that result in sales).

Can I sell my life insurance for cash?

Yes, you can get a life settlement and sell your life insurance policy. A life settlement is obtained by selling a life insurance policy to a third-party buyer for a cash payout that is greater than the policy’s cash surrender value but less than the policy’s total face value.

A viatical settlement is another sort of settlement that follows a similar approach. A viatical settlement is the process of selling a life insurance policy to a third-party buyer when the insured has a chronic or terminal condition, comparable to a life settlement.

While the method of a viatical settlement is similar to that of a life settlement, the tax ramifications and state requirements are vastly different.

Why do insurance agents quit?

The majority of agents leave because they are unable to make enough money to sustain themselves and their families. The only way to fix this is to learn how to generate more and better leads, as well as how to follow up on them. People use the internet to conduct fact-checking missions. They are unconcerned with who answers their questions as long as they receive responses.

How much do you get when you sell a life insurance policy?

Brokers like Ovid Life Settlements, Welcome Funds, and Life Insurance Settlements hunt around for the greatest deal for their clients. The policies are purchased by life settlement companies such as Coventry Life Settlements and GWG Life Settlements. (A life settlement’s financial cousin is referred to as a life settlement.) “The phrase “viatical settlement” refers to a cash payment made to patients with terminal illnesses who are projected to live for less than two years.)

The life settlement buyer purchases your policy, continues to make payments, and receives the death benefits when you die. After paying a fee, which may be as much as 30% of your life settlement, you receive an amount of money that falls somewhere between the current cash value and the death benefit, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

The average life settlement payout is roughly 20% of the policy’s death benefit, with some payouts reaching 30%. A $1 million policy, for example, may pay a settlement officer $200,000 in cash.

Brokers and providers of life settlements, on the other hand, aren’t interested in just any cash value insurance.

“According to Peter Colis, CEO and co-founder of the term life insurance business Ethos, “interest normally starts at policies with $100,000 or more in cash value owned by people who are 70 or older.” Some brokers and providers will purchase policies from customers over the age of 65.

Do I need a qualification to sell life insurance?

First and foremost, becoming a life insurance agent is simple. Beyond a high school graduation, there are no educational prerequisites. Some states need you to complete a licensure course and pass an exam, although these are both fairly simple.