What To Do If Homeowners Insurance Denies A Claim?

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having to file a claim on your homeowner’s insurance coverage only to have it denied, you’ll need to know what to do next. Your initial instinct may be to lash out at your insurance, the corporate adjuster, or the system as a whole, but try to keep your cool and don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Think on the situation logically and rationally. The steps below should assist you in negotiating the process to your favor.

Why Deny?

First and foremost, keep in mind that insurance companies frequently refuse policyholder claims. Their denials are sometimes justified, and other times they simply make mistakes. They may have made a filing error, misunderstood your policy terms, or a new and inexperienced employee at the insurance office didn’t completely comprehend the details of your coverage. Here are the measures you can take if you’ve sustained a loss and made an honest claim that was denied by your insurer.

It’s critical to retain accurate, complete records of all conversations with everybody involved in your loss or claim, if you haven’t already done so. This includes your insurance provider, any specialists you seek advice from, and any witnesses to your loss, among other things. Emails, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings should all be documented.

Examine your claim and the denial. Your adjuster should have sent you a denial letter, which should include the portion of your policy that was cited as a justification for the denial. Contact your adjuster if you haven’t received a formal letter of denial or don’t understand what it says. The corporation is required to provide an explanation for its denial.

Examine your policy to ensure that you fully comprehend it, particularly the section that is mentioned in the denial. Many claims are turned down due to risks that aren’t covered. Consider the circumstance from the perspective of a claim adjuster looking for a cause to reject the claim. When comparing your policy to the rejection, consider the following questions:

  • Is it possible that the adjuster didn’t fully comprehend your situation?
  • Wasn’t there enough proof, such as photographs, to back up the losses/damage claims?

Filing an Appeal

If you believe there is a discrepancy in the handling of your refused claim, you should file an appeal. Gather the evidence you’ll need to back up your claim first. This could involve the following:

  • Obtaining all relevant incident facts, such as dates, damages, what was done to prevent the incident, witness statements, and so on. Take images of anything purchased for preventive, such as fire alarms or a security system, and save the receipts.
  • Obtain a statement from an independent appraiser if the loss’s worth is disputed.
  • If your negligence is stated as a justification for a claim denial, gather proof to establish that you’re a safe and responsible homeowner.

You can file an appeal with your insurance if you believe your claim was denied unfairly. They will be able to give you with the relevant information. If your appeal is denied and you truly believe your case has been mismanaged, you should contact your state’s insurance department to register a complaint.

Other Options

Hiring a public adjuster to handle the claims process can save you time, hassle, and frustration. They may be able to offer you a free initial claim evaluation. Hiring a lawyer and going to court is a last resort, but it will almost certainly cost you a lot of money.

How do I fight a rejected home insurance claim?

Only if the cause of the loss is not covered by the policy or if you fail to meet your contractual responsibilities can your claim be denied. The following are some of the most prevalent reasons why an insurance company will deny a claim.

Nonpayment of premium

If you miss a payment, the insurance provider must notify you in writing of a planned cancellation and the deadline for paying the reinstatement fee. If you don’t pay by the conclusion of the reinstatement period, your coverage will usually expire.

This is a difficult case to appeal unless you can show that the insurance provider botched your payment or failed to provide proper notification.


Your claim could be jeopardized if the adjuster inspecting your house finds conditions that differ from what was indicated in your claim form or application.

Insufficient documentation

If you allege that your high-end entertainment components or high-end cooking equipment were destroyed or stolen, the insurance company would almost certainly want receipts or other proof of their value.

The best practice is to establish a house inventory, which includes as much facts as possible about your belongings. Include the name of the brand and model, the date of purchase, and, if possible, receipts and serial numbers.

Damage from an excluded cause

Floods, earthquakes, sinkholes, and other excluded dangers are not covered by a conventional homeowners policy. Knowing what’s covered ahead of time is preferable to finding out what isn’t after your claim has been refused. Never be afraid to inquire about your coverage with your agent.

Damage to undisclosed improvements

If you don’t notify your insurance carrier about home remodels and additions, any damage they cause is unlikely to be covered by your policy. As soon as your house upgrades are finished, notify your insurance agent.


In most cases, your insurance policy will require you to keep your property in decent condition. To deny your claim, an insurance company may argue that your negligence caused, for example, a burst in your water heater or plumbing system. Keep receipts and other documentation for any maintenance work you or your contractors conduct.

How do I respond to a denied insurance claim?

Making the decision to fight for your life when seeking treatment for an eating disorder can be a daunting and terrifying process. When you add in the stress of dealing with your insurance carrier, the strain and tension can quickly mount. Do not give up if your insurance company denies you treatment for your eating disorder. The journey may be difficult, but you have the power and resources to respond quickly and effectively. You have the power to fight back and advocate for the benefits to which you are entitled under your insurance policy. You have the ability to battle for your health.

Dealing with an insurance refusal might feel daunting and even impossible at times. For help, see the suggestions below. If things grow too complicated for you to handle on your own, you might want to seek help from a trusted specialist. Kantor & Kantor provides no-cost consultations and is always willing to help. In the meantime, arm yourself with knowledge and keep fighting your way back to health.

  • Don’t be alarmed! Receiving an insurance refusal for eating disorder treatment can be extremely upsetting and confusing; nevertheless, an insurance denial is not the end of the road. Keep your cool and make a plan.
  • A copy of your insurance policy should be requested. You don’t know the rules unless you have it. This can be obtained through your work or the insurance company.
  • Stay in treatment and follow your treatment team’s instructions. Allowing your insurance company to control your treatment plan is not a good idea.
  • Everything should be documented. By submitting copies of all treatment documents to the insurance provider, you can document what kind of therapy and treatment you’ve tried. Provide your doctor’s written support, your personal letter detailing your need for therapy, and, if possible, letters of support from family members or coworkers to prove that the treatment is medically essential. Ensure that all communication with the insurance company is documented in writing and that records of communications are kept.
  • The decision is being appealed. Your appeal letter should be written in the same style as a cover letter to your insurance provider. Refer to the material and documents in your appeal packet when composing an appeal letter, and explain why this information should persuade them to change their minds. Although appeal letters are written in a variety of styles, your letter should follow the following format:
  • Provide evidence to back up your assertion. Take advantage of this chance to discuss your eating disorder’s history (including documentation of all forms of counseling and treatment you’ve tried) as well as the complete impact it has had on your life. Consider including the following in your letter:
  • Include written letters of support from your doctors, family, friends, and coworkers. Doctors’ letters, clinicians’ letters, treatment teams’ letters, and family members’ letters can all help to demonstrate the medical need of your eating disorder therapy.

4. Do not surrender. Your insurance company is banking on you to give up and accept the terms of your policy. Maintain your focus on meticulous documentation, timely appeals, and, of course, RECOVERY in treatment. During this difficult time, rely on the support of family, friends, and your treatment team. Please keep in mind that an insurance refusal is only a snag in the plan; it is not the end of the story. You have the tools you need to keep fighting and walking toward recovery.

Why would House insurance deny a claim?

Your home insurance provider may reject a claim for a variety of reasons. They are as follows:

  • Lack of coverage – one of the most typical causes for a pay-out denial is because you sought to make a claim for something that isn’t covered by your policy, such as wine spilled on the carpet. Accidental damage isn’t covered, and your dog ripping up the couch isn’t either.
  • Wear and tear — most homeowner’s insurance policies require you to keep your home ‘properly maintained.’ If you file a claim for a dislodged roof tile during a storm, your insurance carrier may determine that the problem was caused by your failure to properly maintain your roof rather than damage caused by the weather.

How do I write a letter of appeal for a denied claim?

The following items should be included in your appeal letter:

  • Statement of the Case. Explain why you’re writing and what kind of service, treatment, or therapy you were denied. Include the rationale for the denial in your letter.
  • Describe your current health situation. Make a list of your medical history and current health issues.

What is the first step in working a denied claim?

The first step in resolving a refused claim is to figure out why it was denied in the first place. On the remittance advice, insurance carriers will utilize distinct denial codes.

How do you fight an insurance claim?

  • Step 1: Get in touch with your insurance agent or firm once more. You should study the claim you originally made before contacting your insurance agent or home insurance company to contest it.

Do insurance companies try to get out of paying?

Accident victims desire nothing more than to move on from their traumatic experience after becoming injured. Unfortunately, accident victims are subjected to burdensome paperwork, long phone calls, and repeated interrogations as a result of insurance firms’ practices. This might go on for weeks, months, or even years.

Insurance Scheme 1: Deny

A court can impose compensation from an insurance company if an insured individual can prove that the firm denied a claim for no good reason under Minnesota’s bad faith legislation. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough to deter them from doing it. Insurance companies have their own lawyers who are up to date on the latest legislation and loopholes. They might try to use technicalities to dismiss your claim and protect their profits.

Denying Damages

Insurance companies may find it difficult to refute the damage caused by a fire or a multiple-car pile-up. However, many accidents that result in injuries are subtle. Adrenaline is high after an accident, and it can conceal pain. Insurance companies may try to exploit your apparent unharmed status as evidence against you. That is one of the reasons why it is critical to get medical attention after an injury.

Downplaying Injuries

When insurance companies fail to deny damages, they will try to downplay the severity of your injuries in order to reduce the amount they have to pay you. This is more likely to occur with injuries that patients believe will heal, such as shattered bones and whiplash. The reality is that these kind of injuries can result in long-term discomfort, and you should be reimbursed accordingly.

Insurance Scheme 2: Delay

If you’ve ever called a huge organization for any reason, you’re probably familiar with being put on hold for long periods of time and being passed from department to department in quest of answers. The insurance industry is no exception. They may make it difficult for you to receive updates on the status of your claim by making you jump through hoops.

Their stalling tactics are intended to weary you so that you would abandon your collection efforts. Even though they know they’ll have to pay out someday, it’s in their best interests to keep free float, which is money set aside by insurance firms to fulfill claims. Insurance firms have the option of investing your money rather than paying you on time. They make more money the longer they stall. Meanwhile, you’re on your own.

Confusing the Victim

Accidents happen in a flash. It’s quite tough to pay attention to every detail while you’re hurt. Similarly, it’s natural to be dazed in the aftermath. Insurance firms are aware that you are not in the best of moods, and their representatives can profit from this. If the other party’s insurance company tries to contact you personally, be suspicious. They may try to get you to divulge information that makes the accident appear to be your fault.

Insurance companies also employ written paperwork to perplex you. It’s easy to compare reading insurance documentation to reading the terms and conditions after downloading a new app. We’re all guilty of skimming. Insurance companies are well aware of this. As a result, they’re hoping we’ll miss crucial details. While they should communicate with customers in simple terms, their policies are frequently complicated. As a result, if they’re not delivering all of the coverage they’re intended to, you might not realize.

Waiting for Death

In rare cases, an insurance company would purposefully postpone the resolution of a claim until the wounded victim has died. When they stand to lose a large sum of money, as well as when the accident victim is extremely ill or elderly, this is more prevalent. No one will pursue a claim after a death if the insurance company gets their way. Survivors, on the other hand, can still seek recompense for a loved one’s estate.

Insurance Scheme 3: Defend

Insurance companies may try to transfer some of the blame to you in order to reduce their payout by claiming that your conduct contributed to your injury. Let’s say you’re hit by a car who ran a red light. The insurance company will search for evidence that you broke a driving law, such as exceeding the speed limit. A firm may also claim that your injuries are the product of earlier trauma rather than the situation at hand.

Using the Upper Hand

With 78 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, it’s evident that even in the best of times, getting by is challenging. Insurance firms are well aware that this is especially true for accident victims who are facing missed wages and medical expenditures. They’re known for making lowball offers to tempt people who are having trouble settling.

What are the two main reasons for denial claims?

Medical billing and coding errors, whether by accident or on purpose, are a typical reason for claims being rejected or refused. It’s possible that the information is erroneous, partial, or absent. You’ll want to double-check your billing statement and EOB.