Are Lactation Consultants Covered By Insurance?

With all of the costs associated with a new baby—Strollers! Pillows for nursing mothers! The cost of a lactation consultant—breast pumps!—can be overwhelming. When you’re in pain or worried about your kid, the last thing you want to be doing is frantically Google “Do lactation consultants take insurance?”

What is covered:

Many insurance companies are obligated by the Affordable Care Act to cover preventative breastfeeding treatments without any additional charges or copays. “Health insurance plans must provide breastfeeding support, counseling, and equipment for the length of breastfeeding,” according to the website. These services are available both before and after the birth.”

You can also use the Breastfeeding Toolkit from the National Women’s Law Center to figure out whether your plan is obliged to cover services like lactation consultants and where to go if insurance doesn’t. This kit also contains helpful terminology for contacting your insurance company and requesting services.

In-network vs. out-of-network options:

Unfortunately, many insurance companies do not have enough (or any) lactation specialists on staff to assist their consumers. When looking for a provider, it’s understandable that time is of the essence. We know that if they don’t get care early, many parents will stop nursing.

Don’t be discouraged. Federal guidance states that “if a plan or issuer does not have in its network a provider who can provide the particular service, then the plan or issuer must cover the item or service when performed by an out-of-network provider and not impose cost-sharing with respect to the item or service,” according to the NWLC’s Breastfeeding toolkit. If your insurance company does not have any in-network LCs, the insurance company is required to reimburse services from an out-of-network provider without cost-sharing. This implies that you should be compensated! An Out-of-Network Exception occurs when this happens.

Is a lactation consultant worth it?

Lactation consultants can provide comfort at a potentially stressful period by answering questions, providing guidance, and assisting with the resolution of breastfeeding issues. Even if you’re an experienced mom, having a lactation consultant weigh in on feeding concerns can be beneficial.

Is lactation consultant covered by insurance Canada?

IBCLC services are currently covered by Manulife, Great West Life, Sunlife, and GreenShield. The employer who purchases the coverage, on the other hand, selects what is included under their plan.

Does Cigna cover lactation consultant?

Cigna: They will fund lactation support, but you must file a request in advance and be approved to go out-of-network before the visit.

When should I call a lactation consultant?

If you find yourself in any of the following scenarios, we advise you to contact us or another Lactation Consultant:

  • Your baby is nursing less than 8 times per day or more than 12 times per day.
  • Your baby takes longer than 45 minutes to eat and/or does not appear to be content.
  • In a 24-hour period, your newborn sleeps more than 4-5 hours more than once.
  • By day 3 or 4, you haven’t noticed a change in stooling to ‘transitional’ stools, or you haven’t noticed mature breastfeeding stools (yellowish, mustardy stools).
  • You’ve been advised that your kid isn’t gaining weight as planned and/or that supplementing is recommended.
  • You have pain in your breasts or nipples, or your breasts are hard and won’t soften.

“This should come naturally.”

This is poor advice, according to 9 out of 10 moms. Yes, it is natural to feed our offspring species-specific milk. And, certainly, babies are designed to feed themselves at the breast. We’ve been feeding babies since the dawn of time, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need some sound advice now and again. If you’re not worried about any of the above, you, your baby, and the cosmos are all in perfect harmony. If you are, you are not alone, and it will hopefully just take a little assistance to bring you to a position where feeding your baby seems natural.

“I can deal with the pain, as long as she’s getting what she needs.”

If it hurts, it’s because she’s not eliminating milk as efficiently as she should. And we don’t believe that enduring pain is a terrific way to enjoy parenthood.

“My sister gives me great advice and she worked with a lactation consultant.”

Although your sister’s lactation consultant may have advised her to breastfeed only one side per feeding, this could be a bad idea for you and your baby. A physical therapist or other professional will evaluate each client individually and provide specific recommendations, as will a Lactation Consultant.

While it’s wonderful to hear supportive words regarding breastfeeding management from friends and family, nurses, and doctors, professional help from a Board Certified Lactation Consultant will be evidence-based, up to date, and appropriate for YOU! She’ll be able to cater to your and your baby’s specific requirements.

“It’s expensive.”

Most health insurance companies in the United States are obligated to cover appointments with an IBCLC, so check your plan for additional information.

“I have no connection to whether or not you breastfeed, for how long or how much,” I tell moms when I first meet them in my work as a lactation consultant.

I want your kid and you to have all of your needs met, no matter what they are.”

I believe that once we’ve gotten this out of the way, I’ll be able to focus on what I do best, which is providing information on the best ways to achieve the goals that this specific mother has set for herself.

Along the road, we make some great discoveries, such as “what matters most is that he gets the benefit of being held and fed in my arms” and “what matters most is that she knows I adore her.”

Know that our kind, nonjudgmental, and curious attitude extends to assisting you in feeding your baby in the best way you can at the time.

It’s fine if you address all of your problems and still believe it’s not the best option for you.

However, it’s difficult to witness mothers and babies go through hardships that may have been avoided.

How do I choose a lactation consultant?

It is quite tough to obtain the IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) certification. It’s a monument to the expertise and dedication these consultants have invested in perfecting their skills. “Registered Lactation Consultants” are IBCLC lactation consultants. They work with mothers and newborns for thousands of hours. They must learn about child development as well as anatomy and physiology.

When it comes to managing nursing, all of their wisdom comes in helpful.

Find Someone You’re Comfortable With

Many mothers discover that their patience and, more importantly, their confidence decrease during the early stages of breastfeeding. Find a lactation consultant with whom you feel at ease and who will guide you through the process of learning to breastfeed.

Interviewing people is an important part of choosing someone with whom you feel comfortable. Before you hire a lactation consultant, don’t be hesitant to make a few phone calls and speak with her.

Ask for Referrals

Breastfeeding support groups can be found on Facebook in many locations and hospital systems. Connect with other women in your community and ask for candid feedback. Make it crystal clear what you expect from your lactation consultant. Inquire about consultants who can help you with your needs.

How much do lactation consultants make in Canada?

Lactation consultants in Canada earn an average of $81,929 per year, or $42.02 per hour. Starting salaries for entry-level employment start at $77,844, with most experienced workers earning up to $87,560 per year.

What does Ibclc stand for?

The International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) is an independent international certification organization that awards the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) credential.

What is the meaning of lactation consultant?

A lactation consultant is a health care professional who specializes in breastfeeding clinical management. Lactation consultants who meet the criteria and pass the exam are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE).