Are Travel Vaccines Covered By Health Insurance?

Adults should have their routine vaccinations, such as Td (tetanus/diphtheria) and MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), up to date before traveling; additional recommended travel vaccinations may include typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, rabies, polio, meningococcal meningitis, Hepatitis A or Hepatitis B, depending on the circumstances.

  • The cost of travel vaccinations at a travel clinic for patients without health insurance typically includes an initial consultation fee of $15 to $100, a shot administration fee of $10 to $20 per shot, and the cost of the vaccines, which can range from less than $10 per dose to $150 or more per dose, depending on the disease; some vaccinations require three shots. Travel vaccines can cost anything from $50 for a basic booster shot to $1,000 or more for numerous immunizations, such as rabies or Japanese encephalitis. The Michigan State University Travel Clinic, for example, charges non-students consultation costs ranging from $35 for 15 minutes to $95 for an hour, as well as shot administration fees of $20 for the first shot and $15 for each consecutive shot. In general, a typhoid vaccination costs between $85 and $300; a meningococcal meningitis vaccination costs between $100 and $150; a yellow fever vaccination costs between $150 and 350; a Japanese Encephalitis vaccination costs between $450 and $800; and a rabies vaccination costs between $500 and $1,000.
  • A copay of $10 to $40 for a doctor’s appointment plus a copay for the immunization are common costs for those with health insurance. This BlueCare Direct HMO, for example, includes travel vaccines for a $20 fee.
  • A nurse or doctor who specializes in travel medicine will ask about your itinerary at the initial appointment, including which countries you want to visit, whether you will be in urban or rural areas, and what activities you have planned. You will be requested to present your immunization records as well as the results of tests for disease immunity.
  • The travel health specialist may recommend one or more travel immunizations based on your responses. Depending on the immunizations you’ll receive and how many doses you’ll need, you may need to return to the clinic for the shots one or more times.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides an overview of travel vaccines as well as the adult routine immunization schedule.
  • In addition to vaccines, travelers may need to take additional precautions to avoid infections that can affect them, such as malaria prophylaxis in specific areas. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has compiled a list of ailments that can affect travelers. Malaria medications range in price from $50 to $200.
  • Some vaccines provide long-term or lifetime protection, while others require boosters every few years or more.
  • While travel-specific vaccinations, such as yellow fever or typhoid, are usually required, routine or non-travel-specific vaccinations, such as T/d or Hepatitis A or B, can be obtained for much less money through your own doctor, if your health insurance plan covers them, or through a public clinic or county health department. The US Department of Health and Human Services provides a zipcode-based public clinic locator.
  • It’s a good idea to look up recommendations for the regions you plan to visit before arranging your appointment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a country-by-country list of health and immunization recommendations for visitors.
  • The CDC also has information to assist you in locating a travel clinic. To get vaccinated against yellow fever, you must go to a clinic that has been approved by the US government.
  • Some immunizations are inappropriate for immunocompromised travelers or pregnant women, and a trip delay or change of itinerary may be recommended. A handbook for immunocompromised travelers and a guide to travel and vaccination during pregnant are available from the CDC.
  • Check the CDC’s Traveler’s Health page for the most up-to-date information on vaccines, current vaccine shortages, and illness outbreaks in specific places while planning a trip.

Will Medicare pay for travel vaccinations?

Part B of original Medicare insurance covers a variety of vaccinations, including the flu shot; however, the program often does not cover voluntary vaccinations against preventable diseases that are commonly acquired through travel overseas.

Does insurance cover yellow fever vaccination?

Hepatitis A, B, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, polio, rabies, typhoid, and yellow fever are among the travel vaccines covered by non-Medicare insurance.

Are travel injections free?

If your GP practice is registered to provide vaccination (immunization) services, the following travel vaccines are available for free on the NHS.

These vaccines are free because they protect against illnesses that, if brought into the country, would pose the greatest risk to public health.

Do doctors charge for travel vaccinations?

We are glad to provide a travel health service to our registered patients. Our nurse uses the most up-to-date information to provide you with health-related recommendations for places all around the world. They can give most immunizations and, if necessary, provide prescriptions for treatments.

Many people are taking long-distance vacations that necessitate many vaccinations. For international travel, children must also be immunized. The majority of travel immunizations are free of charge. Please check the supplementary travel health information below to help you meet these criteria.

Does my medical insurance cover international travel?

Yes, in a nutshell. According to, health care received outside of the United States is not covered. There are a few exceptions to this rule. If you’re traveling through Canada to get to Alaska and have a medical emergency, Medicare may fund your treatment if a Canadian hospital is the closest institution.

A Medigap coverage can be purchased to cover emergency care received outside of the United States. After meeting a $250 yearly deductible, this policy pays 80% of the invoiced charges for some medically essential emergency care outside the United States. The lifetime limit on Medigap coverage is $50,000.

The Allianz Global Assistance OneTrip Prime Plan, on the other hand, has no deductible and covers 100 percent of damages caused by covered medical situations, up to $50,000 per trip.

Three things to know about travel insurance vs. overseas health insurance

Travel insurance with emergency medical benefits provides exactly that: compensation for losses incurred as a result of covered medical and dental crises. It does not cover medical care that is preventive, routine, or elective. Is it possible to have appendicitis in Amsterdam? It’s most likely covered. In Rio de Janeiro, rhinoplasty? This isn’t covered.

  • Some important benefits that health insurance plans do not provide are included in travel insurance.

When you get foreign travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance, you’re getting more than simply coverage for unexpected medical costs. You also get up to $1 million in emergency medical transportation benefits (depending on the plan you choose) to get to the next appropriate medical institution or return home. This is enormous. Without travel insurance, the price of being airlifted to a hospital or having a nurse accompany you home will be expensive.

Trip cancellation and interruption coverage is included in travel insurance to compensate you for non-refundable trip fees if you have to cancel your trip due to a covered illness, injury, or other covered reason.

Call our 24-hour assistance hotline from anywhere in the world, and our call center professionals will assist you, including providing interpreters and, if necessary, arranging for a family member to fly to your bedside.

Can I use HSA for travel vaccinations?

Is it possible to use my HSA or FSA to pay for the COVID vaccine? Yes, but you won’t have to use any of your HSA or FSA funds. The COVID-19 vaccination is being provided free of charge by the federal government, according to the CDC.

How expensive is yellow fever vaccine?

  • The cost of a yellow fever vaccination for those without health insurance normally includes a consultation fee, sometimes a price to deliver the shot, and the cost of the single required dose of vaccine. The entire cost is usually between $150 and 350 dollars. An initial consultation costs $39, and the yellow fever vaccination costs $110, with no shot administration fee, for a total of $149 at the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s travel clinic. An initial consultation costs $85 to $150 at Baylor Travel Medicine in Texas, depending on the intricacy of the patient’s travel itinerary and medical history, and a follow-up session to give the vaccine costs $25 to $85, with the vaccine costing $105, for a total of at least $215.
  • Because travel-related vaccinations are deemed elective, many health insurance policies do not cover them. Some plans that provide preventative benefits, on the other hand, do cover them.
  • Patients with health insurance should expect to pay a cost of $10 to $40 for a doctor’s appointment, as well as a copay for vaccinations. This BlueCare Direct HMO, for example, includes travel vaccines for a $20 fee.
  • The health care professional will give you the shot and offer you an official proof-of-vaccination paperwork to take with you on your trip after an initial consultation to decide if you need the yellow fever vaccination. At least 10 days before your trip, you must have the shot.
  • Yellow fever vaccination is nearly 100 percent effective at preventing the sickness. Immunity lasts for a minimum of ten years.
  • The cost of a trip to a government-run travel clinic is sometimes less than the cost of a trip to a private clinic.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has a table that breaks down yellow fever vaccination requirements and recommendations by destination country.
  • Yellow fever vaccination requires a visit to a clinic that has been approved by the US government to give the vaccine. These clinics can offer you with an official International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis, which you must bring with you on your journey to prevent being quarantined, re-vaccinated, or denied entry into a country.
  • Because of the vaccine’s health dangers, which include encephalitis and multiple organ failure and death in certain cases, it should only be given to travelers who are actually at risk for the disease. Most adults, especially those aged 60 and younger, are considered relatively safe after receiving the vaccine.
  • The following tourists should check with their doctors and consider risks before having a yellow fever vaccination, according to CDC guidelines: People with particular allergies, immunocompromised individuals, patients whose thymus gland has been removed or who have a history of thymus difficulties, and anyone 65 or older should avoid or postpone travel if at all feasible. A letter from a physician on official letterhead may be approved if the vaccine is contraindicated for medical reasons; verify with the embassy of the country you wish to visit ahead of time.


1. Medical assistance in an emergency

2. Transfers to the hospital in an emergency

3. Vaccinations for travel

4. Health Advice for Travel

5. Disease monitoring

6. Control and observation of vectors

7. Clearance of items of public health risk during import and export

8. Food service establishments at airports are inspected and licensed.

Yellow fever vaccine is available for Ksh 3500 at port health facilities located within all Kenyan airports.

To avoid any delays while departing from Kenya, always check with your travel agency to see if your chosen destination has yellow fever certification.

Travellers arriving in Kenya from the following countries are required to have current yellow fever vaccination certificates. (This includes travel time of 12 hours or more from the airport.) Visit for further details.

Angola is a country in Africa.

Argentina (no. 2)

3) The Benin Republic

Bolivia (No. 4)

5) The country of Brazil

Burkina Faso is a country in West Africa.

Burundi (No. 7)

Cameroon is the eighth country on the list.

9) Republic of the Central African Republic

Chad is number ten.

Colombia (No. 11)

Congo (12th)

Cote d’Voire (Cote de Voire) (Cote de Voire) (

DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) is the fourteenth country on the list.

Ecuador (15th)

Equatorial Guinea is the sixteenth country in the world.

Ethiopia (17th)

18) Guyana (French)

Gabon (19th)

Gambia (20)

Ghana (nineteenth)

Guinea (number 22)

Guinea Bissau (number 23)

Guyana (number 24)

Kenya (no. 25)

Liberia (no. 26)

Mali (#27)

Mauritania (no. 28)

Niger (No. 29)

Nigeria (number 30)

Panama (number 31)

Paraguay (number 32)

Sierra Leone (number 33)

Senegal (number 34)

South Sudan (number 35)

Sudan (number 36)

Suriname (#37)

Togo (#38)

Trinidad & Tobago (#39)

Uganda (40th)

Venezuela (No. 41)

For the Ebola epidemic, the Port Health Services team has put in place a public health monitoring system; in this situation, a passenger utilizing our airports may be asked to fill out an Ebola surveillance form.

How long do travel vaccinations last?

Anyone who expects to live or work in a high-risk location, or walk and camp in these areas during late spring or summer, should get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).

TBE ticks are mostly found in forested areas of central, eastern, and northern Europe, but they can also be found in eastern Russia and various nations in east Asia, including parts of China and Japan.

For complete protection, a course of three shots is required. The second dose is given one to three months following the first and lasts roughly a year.

Immunity can last up to three years if a third dose is given 5 to 12 months after the second.

If necessary, the course can sometimes be accelerated. This entails giving two dosages separated by two weeks.