Can You Collect Life Insurance If Someone Overdoses?

If you die in a car accident, drowning, poisoning, unintentional drug overdose, or similar disaster, your life insurance policy will pay out death benefits to your beneficiaries.

What is the best life insurance company?

The ideal life insurance company for you will be determined by a variety of factors, including your coverage needs, your tailored premium amount, and whether or not eligibility will be a consideration. Calculate your life insurance needs, then choose a few carriers who can supply the type of coverage you require to locate the best provider for you. Alternatively, you might begin by looking for insurers who will be more flexible with your specific health conditions, such as a history of addiction.

Will my life insurance company pay out if I die of a drug overdose?

It depends on your insurance carrier and coverage, as well as the circumstances surrounding the overdose. If you die in an accident, including an accidental drug overdose, most life insurance companies will pay your beneficiaries. However, if it is proven that your drug overdose was purposeful, your beneficiaries may not be entitled to the death benefit. Suicide is normally not covered for a certain length of time, usually the first two years after acquiring an insurance. When looking for a provider, talk to an agent to see out how they handle these types of circumstances.

Dishonesty & Fraud

Lying is never a smart idea, and this rule applies even more so when applying for life insurance. If you’re a smoker—and that includes vaping—always let people know right away. Past diseases, high-risk activities or employment, prior DUIs, a history of mental illness, and so on are all factors to consider.

Sure. It’s possible that disclosing these details will raise your monthly premiums, but that’s far preferable than your death benefit being rejected to your family when they need it most. You would call lying to an insurance company about your drug background or passion of SCUBA diving a white lie, but an insurance company would label it fraud. It’s simply not worth it to save a few dollars a year.

Your Term Expires

Term life insurance is by far the most common type of life insurance on the market, therefore chances are you have one. A term life benefit, unlike whole or permanent life insurance, is only guaranteed for a specific amount of time, or term, set when the insurance was first issued. You’ll have to reapply and be authorized for a new policy after the term expires.

We understand that life gets hectic, but it’s critical to know when your term is about to expire. Even if the term had finished the day before and tragedy struck, the insurance company is under no duty to pay a death benefit to your family.

Lapsed Premium Payment

Though it should come as no surprise, you may be refused a payment if you do not pay your monthly premiums. There are often grace periods, but you should never assume that this is the case. It’s tempting to dismiss this payment as a non-essential, but think how much worse your family’s financial condition would grow if you died—and then learned your death benefit was denied?

Act of War or Death in a Restricted Country

When a policyholder dies while fighting in a war, death payments are frequently denied. Going to war is, without a doubt, a perilous proposition. Similarly, if you die while traveling abroad, particularly to places considered risky, your insurance policy may be void.

Check your individual policy to see how these limitations may or may not apply to your circumstance.

Suicide (Prior to two year mark)

Many insurance policies include a clause known as a suicide clause. The suicide clause was enacted to deter people from purchasing a life insurance policy with the goal of killing themselves so that their family may get a settlement. Beneficiaries of policyholders who commit suicide within the first two years of purchasing an insurance will not be paid.

If the dead neglected to reveal a known history of depression or mental illness while applying for life insurance, a death benefit may be denied owing to suicide.

High-Risk or Illegal Activities

Your beneficiaries may not be eligible for a death benefit if the policyholder died as a result of engaging in a high-risk lifestyle or activity such as skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing, and so on. If you tell your insurer about your interest for these activities when you apply, you’ll still be covered—you’ll just have to pay a little more to account for the increased risk.

However, this isn’t just for adrenaline addicts. This can also include things like an overdose from a drug that wasn’t prescribed by a doctor, death while doing something unlawful, death while driving drunk, and so on. Basically, any behavior in which you deliberately put yourself in danger could result in your family being denied a compensation.

Death Within Contestability Period

If you die within two years after purchasing an insurance policy, the insurance company may contest your eligibility. This gives the provider time to review the policy and ensure that no false statements were made throughout the application process. It’s possible that the policy will be revoked if they discover any misrepresentations, even if they aren’t related to the cause of death.

Though this rarely results in the denial of a death benefit, it’s still more reason to be completely honest on your application. Don’t think you’re out of the woods after two years. A death benefit can still be denied if flagrant fraud is discovered.

Is an overdose an accidental death?

Fentanyl or other synthetic opioids, heroin, and/or prescription opioids that may or may not have been prescribed to a person are the most common causes of opioid overdose deaths. They can occur in any location. Private households, hospitals, and other public communal settings are common places where overdose deaths occur. The most prevalent causes of overdose deaths are accidental/unintentional, suicide, or undetermined. An unintended and unexpected death is known as an accidental death.

What reasons will life insurance not pay?

If you lie about any risky activities, medical illnesses, travel plans, or your family’s health history on your insurance application, the insurance company may refuse to pay out the death benefit. The best approach to avoid surprises later is to be as honest and comprehensive as possible during the underwriting process.

Risky hobbies

Depending on the conditions of your policy, your insurer may refuse to pay the death benefit if you die while participating in a dangerous activity you routinely enjoy (such as flying a private plane, bungee jumping, or scuba diving).

If your pastime is dangerous enough, your insurer may include an exclusion to your policy that prevents payment if you die while participating in that dangerous activity. This exclusion will be disclosed to you before you sign the policy (there are no hidden exclusions). Amateur pilots, for example, may require an aviation exclusion rider in order to be covered by life insurance. Their beneficiaries will not receive the death benefit if they die in a plane crash.


Because of the slayer rule, if your beneficiary murders you, they will not receive the death benefit. The slayer rule prohibits the payment of a death benefit to someone who has murdered — or is directly linked to the murder — the insured. In this case, the insurance company will instead pay your prospective beneficiaries or your estate the death benefit.

Deaths that happen when you’re doing something illegal are usually not covered by insurance. Most policies will not cover death that occurs while performing a crime, for example.


Suicide is usually covered by life insurance, with one exception: life insurance contracts have a suicide clause that prevents payouts for suicide deaths in the first two years of coverage.

Suicide clauses are in place at insurance firms so that applicants cannot commit suicide shortly after their life insurance policy expires.

How long after death do you have to collect life insurance?

When the insured dies and the policy’s beneficiary files a claim, life insurance companies pay up the proceeds. After you’ve filed the completed claim papers and supporting paperwork, you should be able to collect your life insurance payout within 30 to 60 days. Insurers, on the other hand, are renowned for finding excuses to postpone or even refuse a valid life insurance claim.

Read our blog about how long it takes for insurers to pay out if you want to know what you need to do to get your life insurance payout quickly.

What happens if the owner of a life insurance policy dies before the insured?

The policy stays in effect if the owner dies before the insured (because the life insured is still alive). If a contingent owner designation was made on the insurance, the contingent owner becomes the new policy owner. The insurance becomes an asset of the dead owner’s estate if there is no contingent owner designation.

What is a typical life insurance payout?

The average payout time for life insurance is 30 to 60 days. The clock starts ticking when the claim is filed, not when the insured passes away.

What is the difference between life insurance and death insurance?

Life insurance protects your family financially and pays out in the event of practically any cause of death. Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, on the other hand, only pays out in the event of an unintentional death or injury, such as a limb loss.

Although life insurance and AD&D insurance have some overlap, most individuals prefer to purchase life insurance because it is less expensive and covers them in more circumstances.

What happens if someone dies shortly after getting life insurance?

Regardless of how long a life insurance policy has been in force before the insured person died, the beneficiaries listed in the policy shall receive the full amount of the death benefit (less any liens against the policy). Whether the insured person has a term or permanent life insurance policy, this is true.

A savings component is incorporated in a permanent life insurance policy. There will be no accumulated savings if the policy is fresh. Permanent life insurance policies pay beneficiaries the death benefit, but the money in the savings section of the policy is automatically returned to the life insurance company.

While most recipients choose a lump-sum payment of the death benefit, many life insurance firms offer other choices such as annuities and installments. Regular payments could be made to the beneficiaries for the rest of their lives, giving financial security. The beneficiary also receives interest on the life insurance payout’s principal sum.

Beneficiaries benefit from life insurance, and policyholders benefit from peace of mind. To make the claims process go as easily as possible, make sure all paperwork is filled out completely and precisely, and get assistance from the insurance company representative as needed.