Do First Aiders Need Insurance?

CPR teachers should have professional and general liability insurance if they teach and lead classes on how to resuscitate a person who is having a respiratory or heart emergency. When coping with students who object to or are adversely harmed by your first aid instruction services, a variety of issues might arise.

Are first aiders liable?

Employers’ liability insurance is a legal obligation for firms with employees, as you’ve definitely heard us mention before.

Employers must also offer “enough and appropriate equipment, facilities, and personnel to ensure their employees receive quick assistance if they are injured or taken unwell at work,” according to the HSE.

Who knows what “adequate and appropriate” means, after all? Because the HSE does not say, you must make your own decision. That’s an issue since “inadequate” protections may result in an employer’s liability insurance claim against your company.

Do first aiders owe a duty of care?

If a person who has received first aid training decides to help an injured or ill person, they owe that person a duty of care. When you are obliged to offer a reasonable standard of care for the person you are assisting, you are said to have a duty of care. If you do not follow these guidelines, you may be considered negligent. Of course, a qualified medical practitioner such as a doctor or nurse working in a GP clinic or hospital is not equivalent to a member of the public with a first-aid certificate. As a result, a first responder will not be held to the same standard as a medical professional.

If a first responder makes a mistake while attempting to deliver first aid that causes the casualty’s injuries to worsen or injures them in other ways, the first responder could be held accountable for the casualties’ injuries. As a result, the victim may be able to file a claim for first-aid negligence.

Can you be sued for first aid UK?

Although there are no Statutory Laws governing first aid, there is the possibility of liability under Common Law. Although there have been some recorded examples in court where a casualty has successfully sued a’rescuer,’ there have been no known cases in court where a casualty has successfully sued someone.

What is the main legal protection for a first aider?

Prior to the arrival of medical help, first aid is given to a casualty suffering from illness or injury. In general, first-aid emergencies

occur without warning and can be distressing for an untrained rescuer. A First Aider can manage a situation simply by following basic First Aid management techniques.


PRESERVE LIFE – For example, giving CPR to someone who has stopped breathing.

PROTECT THE UNCONSCIOUS – This may entail putting an unconscious victim in the recovery position to clear their airway.

PREVENT THE CONDITION FROM GETTING WORSE – Controlling bleeding or cooling a burn will keep it from getting worse.

PROMOTE RECOVERY – someone who has fainted can swiftly recover by elevating their legs.

First responders are frequently concerned that they will make a mistake and be sued as a result. In Australia, there has yet to be a successful law complaint against a First Aider.

In most states and territories, a first responder is protected as a “Good Samaritan” – the wrongs act 1958 (Victoria), the civil responsibility Act 2002 (NSW), and the wrongs act 1936 (SA) are examples of such law. This safeguard is in effect if:

It is critical that a First Aider does not seek to offer care above his or her level of training.

Can you refuse to be a first aider at work?

Employers must provide necessary and appropriate equipment, facilities, and personnel to guarantee that their employees receive quick assistance if they are hurt or become unwell at work, according to the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. These rules apply to all businesses, even those with fewer than five employees and self-employed people.

What is ‘sufficient and appropriate’ in the workplace will vary depending on the circumstances. This involves determining whether trained first-responders are required, what should be included in a first-aid kit, and whether a first-aid room is necessary. To establish what to supply, employers should conduct a first-aid needs assessment.

The Regulations do not impose a legal obligation on employers to provide first-aid to non-employees, such as the general public or students in schools. Non-employees, on the other hand, should be included in a first-aid needs assessment and provision made for them, according to the HSE.

Making adequate and appropriate provisions for first aid can be found in First aid at work: The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 – Guidance on Regulation for further information.

When can you be sued for giving first aid treatment?

The Good Samaritan Law protects those who provide first aid or rescue services at the scene of an accident or conduct life-saving procedures in an emergency, such as CPR or the use of an AED, in all 50 states.

A Good Samaritan is defined by the law as someone who voluntarily helps someone who is in need of care or assistance in an emergency. A car accident, a house fire, a person choking, or a Sudden Cardiac Arrest are all possibilities.

While the laws fluctuate from one state to the next, three essential principles stay the same. As long as you are alive, you are not held liable….

Do not be irresponsible or purposefully inflict more harm to those in your care.

Anyone who provides aid or rescue services in good faith in response to an emergency that was not caused by them, and who does so without being deliberate or grossly negligent, is immune from legal liability for any mistakes or actions that result in further harm or death.

These regulations prevent you from making legitimate errors, such as stopping to help and the victim is badly hurt or subsequently dies in the hospital. You are not held liable in these scenarios if you act in the same way as any other responsible person would in the same situation.

Who duty is it to insure first aid boxes are stocked?

  • Employers are responsible for providing appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities, and people for their employees, including schools, which are considered workplaces. Although the Regulations do not oblige businesses to give first aid to anybody other than employees, the HSE strongly advises employers to consider non-employees when assessing their first-aid needs and making provisions for them.

Does a restaurant need a qualified first aider?

Because of the possibility of more serious injuries, you’ll require at least one person trained to offer Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) if you have five to twenty-five employees.