Do Sole Traders Need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional liability insurance is important to consider if your sole proprietorship provides services to customers. In some circumstances, maintaining coverage may be mandated by law. Before you conduct subcontracted labor, certain clients may require you to acquire insurance. Computer programmers, manual laborers, and architects are among the small firms that benefit from professional liability insurance. When deciding on coverage, consider your chance of being sued. If a small business does not have insurance, a significant claim might bankrupt it.

Can sole traders get professional indemnity insurance?

Sole trader insurance is designed to cover persons who run their firm as sole proprietors. Public liability and professional indemnity are essential coverages, while employers’ liability is a legal necessity if you have one or more employees.

What kind of insurance does a sole trader need?

Sole-traders’ workers’ compensation As a result, you’ll need to think about your own death, illness, and disability insurance. Accident and sickness insurance can be purchased through a private insurer. During your recovery, this coverage will pay you for lost income.

Do sole traders need to have insurance?

In Australia, single traders are required by law to have workers compensation coverage at the very least. Understanding insurance requirements, which vary based on your area, can help you protect yourself and your business.


Queensland’s favorable environment and abundant resources have enticed firms to invest in this dynamic state. In 2019, 15.8% of non-employing enterprises in the state were sole traders, largely in the construction industry. Real estate, finance, and technological service providers are among the people who follow it.

Sole Trader Car Insurance is required, especially if you operate a motor vehicle. This insurance, however, does not cover car damage caused by you or someone else.

Other types of insurance are not required by the state for lone traders. Even so, having Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, and General Property or Property and Tools Insurance is standard.

However, there is an exception for electricians who can only work with an Electrical Contractors License. If you’re one of them, you’ll need a particular Public Liability Insurance policy with Consumer Protection.

New South Wales

Sole traders in New South Wales, like those in Queensland, are not required to have business insurance. However, if there are employees, Workers’ Compensation is necessary by law. Aside from that, the choice of insurance plans is entirely up to the owner.

At the very least, Public Liability insurance is recommended to safeguard all types of transactions and operations. Sole trader Liability Insurance will cover claims involving accidents, property damage, and carelessness, among other things, if you operate as a cleaner, miner, tiler, or are self-employed.

Even if you have Workers’ Compensation, you cannot utilize it to file a claim for injuries sustained while on the job. In New South Wales, sole traders are similar to partnerships in that workers’ compensation is not available. Personal Accident and Illness Insurance or Income Protection Insurance are also viable options. State law does not necessitate either of these options.

Western Australia

As of 30 June 2019, solo traders made up 64.4 percent of all new firms in Western Australia. There were 149,988 non-employing companies. Construction has the highest percentage of proprietorships (17.2%), followed by scientific and technical services (12.1%), rental and real estate (10.8%), and banking (10.8%). (9.2 percent ).

WA has long been a vibrant destination for businesses of all sorts and types. Hundreds of thousands of lone traders have benefited from it. If you’re one of them, you’re undoubtedly well aware that you’re liable for any risks your company may face. You also have responsibility to consider, which can cover all of your assets, such as a home and other things that you share with others.

Workers’ Compensation cannot be used to cover any damages or injuries sustained at work. Motor Vehicle Personal Insurance, on the other hand, is Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance, which means you must have it by law. This coverage is included in the cost of your driver’s license.

Other policies are not required, but they can be very helpful. Professional Indemnity, Property and Tools Coverage, Public Liability Insurance, and Events Insurance are all recommended by the state of Washington.


In Victoria, sole traders are responsible for their company’s responsibilities. Risks can be difficult to handle at times, especially when they include the reimbursement of dissatisfied clients. You do not require WorkCover Insurance if you do not have any employees. The state government, on the other hand, urges lone traders to have the following:

A third-party Personal Injury and Vehicle Insurance Policy is unlikely to be required. You may need to be insured if you have employees, especially if they utilize motor vehicles to complete jobs.


In Tasmania, the same regulations apply to lone merchants. Unless you have employees, there are no mandatory coverage to purchase. They must be covered by insurance in the event that they are involved in an accident while working for you. You can’t utilize your employees’ WorkCover for yourself because sole traders aren’t treated the same as other types of businesses. These incidents are not covered, even if they occur in your home office or approved business area.

You should get sufficient coverage for a sole proprietorship to ensure that you are prepared for any risk. Public Liability Insurance is the most widely used insurance in Tasmania. If you’re protected, you may be entitled to compensation for injuries sustained as a result of a customer’s, visitor’s, or supplier’s negligence.

You can seek reimbursement for your expenses if the premises where you conduct business has been destroyed. It’s crucial to understand that if the harm was caused by another individual or organization, you’ll have an easier time getting compensated. Even if the accident or occurrence was caused by your company activity, you can still claim the settlement.

Some customers may decide to sue you in small claims court. You can then use this insurance to employ a strong legal team to fight your case.

South Australia

In South Australia, there are a few insurance policies that are legally needed. However, except if they describe your situation, the most of them do not apply to lone traders.

Building Insurance, for example, is required for those who own the property where they conduct business. You should also have this insurance if you work from home. It is, however, suggested that you contact the home’s insurer. This allows the policy to be updated and the proper premium to be applied.

Product Liability is another example, which is not always purchased by lone traders. This form of insurance may be necessary if you are distributing or manufacturing items. It can protect you if the stuff you’re selling injures someone else or damages their property.

In South Australia, public liability and professional indemnity are two of the most prevalent types of insurance for sole traders. Whether you work from home or have a small office, you need obtain Public Liability Insurance to protect yourself from accidental harm to clients, visitors, or the business itself.

Professional Indemnity, on the other hand, is for experts who provide services, information, or advice to their clients. When someone follows your advice, negligence and mishaps might occur at any time. If the case or complaint is ever formally filed, you’ll want to be ready.

Is professional indemnity mandatory?

In fact, in Australia, workers compensation insurance is frequently the sole insurance necessary by law. This is only applicable to businesses with employees.

Professional indemnification is required in several industries by professional groups or authorities. It’s required, for example, if you’re a member of a professional accounting body like the CPA. To be registered with the CPA, members must have a minimum of $2 million in professional indemnity insurance coverage. Another example is Queensland, where mandatory pool inspections are required by law. For homes with pools that are being sold or leased, these inspections must be performed by a registered certifier. A pool inspector must have professional indemnity insurance before he or she may be registered.

What are the disadvantages of a sole trader?

If your business is small and your capital investment is low, consider operating as a sole trader.

  • It’s simple to change your legal structure later if circumstances change, and it’s also simple to close your company.
  • Because there is no legal boundary between private and company assets, you have infinite accountability for obligations.

How do sole traders pay tax?

The income from a solo trader business is taxed as personal income. Companies do not have a tax-free threshold; they must pay tax on every dollar they make. The whole corporate tax rate is 30%. Companies that are base rate entities are subject to different tax rates.

What does an indemnity insurance policy cover?

Indemnity insurance covers claims originating from suspected carelessness or failure to perform that result in financial loss or legal entanglements for a customer. In addition to indemnity claims, indemnity insurance covers court costs, fees, and settlements.

What is professional risk indemnity insurance?

Professional indemnity (PI) insurance is a type of commercial insurance that protects business owners, freelancers, and the self-employed from claims that their services are substandard. A consumer may claim that you were negligent, that you provided incorrect instruction, or that you made a costly error.

What is the meaning of professional indemnity insurance?

Professional indemnity insurance covers the costs of compensating clients for losses or damages caused by a business’s or an individual’s negligent services or advice.

How much professional indemnity insurance do I need Australia?

Don’t rule out the prospect of a disgruntled client filing a claim against you. These could be vexatious claims in which the client files a lawsuit to harass, bully, and so forth. This is a true story. Being found accountable for a third-party harm, loss, or damage, which could cost you a lot of money and cause you a lot of stress. Professional indemnity and public liability insurances are vital defense weapons in your inventory if you do business in a variety of contexts and provide services or advice to customers.

In both government and private company, project professionals and management consultants often have a client obligation to obtain indemnity insurances, depending on the field you work in. We know from our focus interviews that this is, strangely, the most common cause for people being covered.

It’s also worth noting that different jurisdictions in Australia have differing insurance requirements for contracting professionals for government work.

Government agencies will nearly always work with consultants who can demonstrate that they are appropriately insured.

In the private sector, this is becoming far more common, with ASX200 businesses leading the way.

When it comes to business insurance, private sector organizations have particular needs.

According to RNC Global Projects, significant Australian businesses require an average of $10 million in professional indemnity and $10 million to $20 million in public liability insurance.