Do Trampolines Raise Homeowners Insurance?

If you own a trampoline, you may want to consider boosting your liability coverage limits. A trampoline puts guests at danger of injury and is classified as a “attractive nuisance” by insurance companies. A dangerous condition or object that could damage children is referred to as an attractive nuisance. In the event that someone is seriously hurt while using your trampoline, increasing your liability coverage limits will help protect you from costly medical expenses and legal fees.

Are you thinking about getting a trampoline for your yard?

Here are several things to consider before purchasing that trampoline, including how it would influence your homeowners insurance policy.

Statistics demonstrate that having a trampoline on your property increases the chances of someone being hurt.

As a result, your homeowners insurance provider is more likely to file a liability or medical payments claim against you.

Is it true, however, that having a trampoline will increase the cost of your homeowners insurance?

Well, that is debatable. Trampolines are seen differently by different insurance carriers. Before you buy a trampoline, speak with an insurance professional to find out how your insurance company will handle this increased risk.

Eachinsurance company may look at trampolines differently, for example:

  • No Restrictions: An insurance provider may not care if you have a trampoline or not, and there may be no restrictions or cost differences.
  • Netting: In order to be eligible for coverage, an insurance company may need it to be netted.
  • Premium:Depending on the insurance company, a surcharge of $25-50 per year may be applied to the policy for having a trampoline.
  • Ineligible for coverage: A business may refuse to insure you if you own a trampoline, whether or not it is netting. As soon as they learn that the trampoline is on the premises, they will frequently cancel or refuse to renew the homeowners insurance coverage.
  • A trampoline liability exclusion may be included in a company’s insurance policy.
  • There is no liability coverage if there is a claim involving a trampoline.

These are excellent reasons to thoroughly examine your homeowners insurance policy rather than assuming that all policies are the same.

A trampoline, like a pool or a playground, is considered an attractive nuisance by insurance providers.

These kinds of things entice kids in the area to want to come over to your house.

The more children or adults you have on your property, the more likely it is that someone will get hurt. Home insurance prices may rise as a result of this increase in risk.

When it comes to trampolines, the most common accidents are broken bones.

Head injuries and concussions, on the other hand, are not uncommon. In general, youngsters utilize trampolines, so if they suffer a life-altering accident, the insurance company will have to pay benefits for a longer period of time.

If you do have a trampoline it is important that you discuss safety with your family in it’s use. The following safety precautions will help reduce the chance of someone getting injured on your trampoline

  • A trampoline with a net reduces the chance of someone being bounced off the trampoline and onto the ground.
  • Keeping the number of persons on the trampoline to a minimum at any given time.
  • When there are multiple persons on the device, the most serious injuries usually occur when one falls on top of the other or when they bang heads while leaping up and down.
  • When you have a fence surrounding your yard with a lockable gate, you can keep the neighborhood kids from using the trampoline while you are away.

If you’re thinking of getting a trampoline, talk to your insurance agent about reviewing your homeowner’s policy. This is to ensure that there are no exclusions, that the insurance provider will continue to provide coverage, and that the rate will not rise.

In addition, you should check the current liability coverage limit.

You should discuss the addition of a personal umbrella insurance policy with your agent.

This is to boost your liability insurance coverage in the event that someone gets hurt on your property.

How much does a trampoline increase insurance?

To increase the liability coverage that may occur, your premium may go higher – on average between $50 and $100. For homes without trampolines, several firms recommend supplemental liability coverage of $50,000 to $100,000 in addition to the usual $300,000. 4.

What does a trampoline do to homeowners insurance?

If someone is harmed on your trampoline and sues, your homeowners insurance may cover your personal liability, but your insurer may require that the trampoline be contained with safety netting to be insured. Trampolines may not be covered at all by some insurance companies.

Why do insurance companies ask about trampolines?

A trampoline is considered a “attractive nuisance” by many insurers, which means that youngsters will likely want to use it without fully understanding the risks. It also implies that if a youngster gets hurt on your trampoline without your consent, you could be held accountable.

Can I have a trampoline in my backyard?

If you own a trampoline or other tempting nuisance, make sure that trampolines are specifically mentioned in your house insurance policy. Homeowners with trampolines in their backyard may be specifically excluded from several policies. Check with your insurance agent to check if trampolines are covered under your coverage.

How safe are backyard trampolines?

Children are at a high risk of harm when they jump on trampolines. Sprains and fractures in the arms and legs, as well as head and neck injuries, are all possible outcomes of this exercise. Because of the increased danger of injury, the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advises against using trampolines at home.

Do you have to have a fence around a trampoline?

Many parents around the country will soon cave in to their children’s demands and buy a backyard trampoline, just as spring transforms into summer or wish lists for Santa are written.

A trampoline, as you might expect, is an item you don’t want to buy used, second-rate, or, well, cheap. You’ll want to acquire a first-class trampoline because your kids and neighborhood youngsters will be bouncing all over it, risking broken bones and bruises. If you want to save money, get it on sale from a reputable retailer.

However, it is unlikely that the cost of a trampoline will break your bank. It has to do with the impact it might have on your homeowner’s insurance. Continue reading to learn how to cut your total expenditures when buying a trampoline, including the ones you didn’t expect.

The risks of trampolines

More than 300,000 trampoline injuries were handled by doctors in 2018. More than 110,000 trips to the emergency room are included in this total.

That’s why you shouldn’t buy a used trampoline from Craigslist or a yard sale unless you know the individual well and know what you’re getting is in perfect operating order.

Even yet, do you want to put your children’s safety in the hands of a piece of equipment with unknown wear and tear?

Homeowner’s insurance + trampoline = $

Many homeowner’s insurance applications will inquire if you own a trampoline. They perceive it as a liability risk, and if you haven’t taken sufficient safety procedures, they may hike your charges accordingly.

Before you buy a trampoline, call your insurance agent to discover what effect, if any, it would have on your homeowner’s insurance rates. According to the specialists I’ve spoken with, there won’t be an effect in most circumstances if you take specific precautions.

  • A netting enclosure is required around your trampoline. As a result, if your child or someone else’s child careens off the trampoline, they won’t crash into the ground.
  • The opening of the netting on your trampoline will also require a lock. Not that the insurance industry isn’t concerned about your children, but they are concerned about the children in the neighborhood and their litigious parents, who may wish to sue you for everything you own if their child climbs onto your trampoline unsupervised and bounces into broken bones.
  • Your trampoline must be securely fastened to the ground. Imagine the amusement you’ll have conversing with your neighbor if your trampoline decides to bounce on its own and flies across the yard and into his parked car on a windy day.

If you do all of that, your insurance agent will most likely be pleased. You can get into problems if you don’t take such safeguards. Your insurance may cover you if something goes wrong, but the company will almost likely drop you. If your insurance agent comes out to inspect hail damage on your roof and notices your dangerous trampoline in the backyard, your rates could skyrocket, or you could lose your coverage entirely.

Will your rates go up if you contact ahead of time or after purchasing a trampoline and follow all of your insurance company’s instructions? It’s possible, but most agents with whom I’ve spoken say your prices are unlikely to alter. They simply want your trampoline to be as safe as possible, which is hard to argue with.

How common are trampoline injuries?

You may have heard that trampolines are hazardous to children. However, did you know that health professionals advise against using a trampoline unless you are undertaking supervised training for a sport?

The number of catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord, neck, and brain trauma, has risen dramatically in recent years. Children are the most regular users of home trampolines, and they are the ones who sustain the most injuries. Trampolines, according to pediatricians around the country, are simply too dangerous for children to use.

These seven safety facts might persuade you to jump on your backyard trampoline.

  • Every year, over 100,000 people are injured by trampolines. More than 1 million people visited emergency departments with trampoline-related injuries between 2002 and 2011. Broken bones were present in about 300,000 of the cases.
  • Trampoline-related fractures affect roughly 93 percent of children under the age of 16.
  • More than one person jumping on a trampoline causes three-quarters of trampoline injuries. When numerous people leap at the same moment, smaller children are the ones who are most likely to be injured. Multiple trampoline jumpers clash as they perform feats or fall from the trampoline, resulting in around a fifth of spinal-cord injuries.
  • Children under the age of six account for 15% of trampoline injuries, while young children account for up to 37% of patients treated in emergency departments following trampoline accidents. According to studies, young children are at the greatest risk of major damage, such as spine and limb fractures.
  • One in every 200 injuries results in long-term brain impairment. The most prevalent injuries are strains, contusions, and sprains, with trampoline falls accounting for roughly 40% of all injuries.
  • A hospital stay is required for 4% of trampoline injuries treated in emergency rooms.
  • More than 95% of fractures occur in the home. Trampolines should not be used at home, according to medical experts.

Consider getting rid of your house trampoline to protect your family’s safety. If you decide to keep it, make sure that children are always supervised when they jump. Ensure that the supporting bars and landing surfaces are adequately cushioned, and only allow one person to leap at a time.

Does USAA cover trampolines?

Is Personal Injury Covered by USAA Homeowners Insurance? Medical and liability coverage for injuries to visitors are included in most homeowner’s insurance policies. Increased levels are optional, but may be prudent if you have a pool, trampoline, or other potentially dangerous equipment.

How long do outdoor trampolines last?

An outdoor trampoline should last between 3 and 8 years on average, with higher-quality models potentially lasting longer. The longevity of your trampoline is mostly determined by how well it is cared for and maintained over time, as well as the quality of the materials used. The frequency with which the trampoline is utilized is another element that affects its longevity. If you use the trampoline every day, it will wear down faster than if you only use it once in a while. When older children, teenagers, or adults jump on the trampoline, the trampoline mat will wear out more quickly. The rate at which the springs and mat deteriorate is affected by the age and weight of the jumpers. There are trampolines that are more robust or that can carry more weight. Teenagers or several jumpers frequently use these trampolines. Purchasing a higher quality trampoline (at a higher cost) that will survive longer than a budget one will save money over time. Performance springs and higher weight limitations are common features of premium trampolines.

Maintaining your trampoline properly is critical to extending the life of your investment. The frame of your trampoline is the most durable portion of it, and it will almost certainly never need to be replaced. The trampoline’s other components, such as the jumping pad and springs, are relatively simple and inexpensive to replace. Spring replacement is likely to be the most prevalent component that has to be replaced due to wear. Trampolines are generally strong and long-lasting gadgets. Just keep in mind that, like with other things, the more care and attention you give it, the more probable it is to live to its full potential.