Does Defensive Driving Course Reduce Insurance In Canada?

For the vast majority of young drivers, going to driving school is an excellent idea. This is due to the fact that it allows you to save a substantial amount of money. Drivers can also earn their full G license faster by attending driving school. It will be considerably more convenient for families and young people as a result of this.

Not to mention that one of the most obvious advantages of driving school is that it makes young drivers safer drivers, lowering the possibility of them being involved in an accident and hence paying higher insurance rates.

Does defensive driving course reduce insurance in Ontario?

Attending driving classes, it goes without saying, can help you stay safe and pay attention to the road.

Insurance costs for new drivers of all ages become considerably more inexpensive when they take the time to attend driving school.

As a result, driving school is an excellent investment for anyone hoping to save money in the long run. Also see this post about the cost of insurance for G2 drivers in Ontario.

Does a defensive driving course lower insurance in Alberta?

Why spend six hours in a classroom when you can take a defensive driving course from the comfort of your own home? This software is interactive and features excellent films, amusing graphics, and educational content.

  • Flexibility – as soon as you buy the course, you can take it whenever and anywhere you like.

Does BDE reduce insurance?

  • You will be certified by the MTO after completing an MTO-approved Beginner Driver Education course. This means you can obtain a Driver License History from any Ontario Service Centre and present it to an insurance provider as proof that you have finished an MTO-approved BDE course, perhaps resulting in a reduction on your auto insurance.

Shop around

Prices differ from one provider to the next, so comparison shopping is a good idea. Obtain three pricing quotes at the very least. Companies can be contacted directly or information can be found on the Internet. Your state insurance department may also be able to give price comparisons between big insurers.

Obtain quotations from a variety of insurance companies. Some people sell their own properties using their own agents. The insurance company’s name is the same as the name of these agencies. Some sell through independent brokers who sell plans from a variety of insurers. Others do not employ the services of agents. They sell to customers directly over the phone or on the internet.

Don’t shop just on the basis of pricing. Request recommendations from friends and family. Check with your state insurance department to see if they keep track of consumer complaints per firm. Choose an agent or corporate representative that is willing to answer all of your queries. You can compare quotations from insurers using the checklist at the back of this booklet.

Ask for higher deductibles

Deductibles are the amounts you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. You can significantly reduce your costs by asking larger deductibles. Increasing your deductible from $200 to $500, for example, might save you 15 to 30% on collision and comprehensive coverage. Changing to a $1,000 deductible can save you up to 40%. If you choose a larger deductible, be sure you have enough money set aside to cover it if you ever need to file a claim.

Buy your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer

If you get two or more forms of insurance, many insurers will give you a discount. If you insure more than one vehicle with the same company, you may be eligible for a discount. Some insurers offer discounts to customers who have been with them for a long time. However, it’s still a good idea to shop around! When compared to a multipolicy discount, buying from several insurance companies can save you money.

Maintain a good credit record

Having a good credit history can help you save money on insurance. The majority of insurers utilize credit information to determine the cost of auto insurance coverage. People who efficiently manage their credit have fewer claims, according to research. Pay your bills on time, don’t take out more credit than you need, and keep your credit balances as low as possible to safeguard your credit score. Regularly review your credit report and repair any problems as soon as possible to ensure that your record remains accurate.

Take advantage of low mileage discounts

Some companies provide discounts to drivers who drive fewer miles per year than the average. Drivers who carpool to work may be eligible for low-mileage discounts.

Ask about group insurance

Some firms provide discounts to drivers who purchase insurance through their employer’s group plan, professional, corporate, and alumni groups, or other associations. Check with your employer and any groups or clubs you belong to to determine if this is possible.

Seek out other discounts

Companies give policyholders who haven’t had any accidents or moving offenses in a long time discounts. If you take a defensive driving course, you may be eligible for a discount. You may also qualify for a lower premium if you have a young driver on the policy who is a good student, has completed a drivers education course, or is away at college without a car.

*Not all discounts are available in all states or from all insurance companies.

The final price, not the discounts, is the key to saving money. Even if a company only offers a few reductions, the entire price may be lower.

Which province in Canada has the cheapest car insurance?

If you’ve ever lived in more than one Canadian province, you’ve probably noticed that goods and service prices range. When it comes to insurance, the number and volume of paid claims must be considered in order to provide an accurate picture of the cost variance for auto insurance quotes. Insurance premiums vary significantly throughout the ten provinces, with Quebec having the lowest average premium and British Columbia (B.C.) having the highest.

Whether provincial insurance programs are sponsored by a government agency or marketed by a private organization is one of the key drivers (pun intended) of auto insurance premiums. Market-driven insurance rates tend to move toward the lower end of the price spectrum. Operational savings and corporate responsibility bring down dollar amounts delivered to consumers as several for-profit insurers put competitive pressure on the cost of liability, collision, and comprehensive premiums.

In other cases, the private-is-cheaper phenomena does not manifest itself. Ontario’s car insurance rates, which provide citizens a choice of numerous non-public insurers, are the second-most expensive in the country, trailing only B.C.’s. In 2017, the IBC released a snapshot of typical yearly premium costs in each of the ten provinces:

Compare Quotes From Multiple Insurers

When it comes to saving money on vehicle insurance, one of the most important things you can do is compare, just like the well-known real estate slogan for house buyers and sellers is location, location, location.

What are the chances that you’ll get the best deal if you simply get one quote from a single insurer?

Get Savings Advice From An Insurance Expert

Working with an advisor might help you save money on auto insurance. They are specialists in the field of insurance who work for you. It is their business to assist you in obtaining the best rates from the insurers with which they operate.

They also know all of the money-saving tips and tactics. They can assist you in comparing choices, ensuring that your coverage fulfills your requirements, and offering expert guidance. When negotiating with insurance companies, they act as your champion.


Do you have a car? Should you rent or buy a home? Then you can save money by bundling your house and auto insurance policies. When you combine the two, you can save anywhere from 20% to 50% on your auto insurance. For further information on how to combine your insurance, contact your insurer.

Insurers now offer incentives to good drivers. These are referred to as Telematics or Usage Based Insurance plans. They keep track of things like rapid acceleration, forceful braking, and the time of day you drive.

When you sign up for something, you usually get a 10% discount. When it comes time to renew your license, you might save up to 30% depending on your driving habits. These programs are beneficial to all good drivers, but they are especially beneficial to young and new drivers because it allows them to develop an insurance history much more quickly.

Increase Your Deductible

Insurance deductibles and premiums are inextricably related. Your premium will be lower if you increase your insurance deductible – the amount you pay before your insurer covers the rest of a claim. Depending on how much you raise your deductible, your collision and comprehensive coverage may be reduced by as much as 15% to 30%.

Remove Unnecessary Coverage On Older Vehicles

With the depreciating value of an older vehicle, you’ll want to consider if the deductible you’ll pay in the event of a claim is worth it.

Consider the following rule of thumb: If your car is worth less than $3,000, you should probably forego collision and comprehensive coverage.

Install An Anti-theft Device

One of the reasons that costs are greater in Ontario is that auto theft is more common than in other Canadian provinces. Anti-theft devices can help you save money while also making your vehicle less appealing to thieves.

You will be eligible for a discount whether you have a high-tech alarm system that shuts off your fuel pump or starter motor, or a lower-tech visible “club-like” theft deterrent.

Choose A Vehicle That Is Less Likely To Be Stolen

Your insurance rates are influenced by the car you drive, especially if it is regularly targeted by thieves. How often is your car’s make and model stolen?

“How often your make and model of automobile is stolen is one of the elements insurers use to establish your insurance price,” according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC).

Drive Less To Qualify For A Low Mileage Discount

If you only drive short distances to and from work, such as 5 km or less, you should pay less than someone who drives the same vehicle for a longer commute. Inquire with your insurer about your driving habits to determine if a low-mileage discount is available.

Ask About Discounts

There are a variety of incentives available to assist drivers in saving money. Insurance discounts differ per employer, so inquire about any discounts you could be entitled for.

Invest In Driver Training

Insurance is substantially more expensive for new and young drivers who have little or no driving experience or a history of being insured. Young and new drivers will be eligible for further savings if they complete a drivers training course recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. After completing driving school, many people save up to 10%.

It will also educate you how to become a safe and productive driver, as well as how to develop good driving habits.

Keep A Clean Driving Record

One of the most effective strategies to reduce your prices is to maintain a clean driving record. If you have a history of traffic fines or have been involved in an at-fault collision, you should anticipate your renewal fees to rise.

Drive safely — avoid distractions, follow all traffic signs and restrictions, and avoid driving if the weather is bad.

Choose An Insurance Friendly Vehicle

Your costs are influenced by the sort of vehicle you drive. Insurance costs higher for more expensive and uncommon vehicles. A luxury sports car, for example, will cost far more than a sedan or SUV.

If you’re in the market for a new car, premium charges should be factored into your purchase. Vehicles that are insurance-friendly have high safety ratings, are less likely to break down, and are not typical targets for thieves. Find out which automobiles are the cheapest to insure.

Go With A Green Vehicle

It’s not only good for the environment to drive a hybrid or electric car, but it’s also excellent for your wallet! Many insurers provide up to a 10% discount to drivers who drive hybrid or electric vehicles. Savings are one of the benefits of becoming green.

Have More Than One Vehicle? Get The Family Multi Vehicle Discount

Do you live in a house with a lot of cars? When you combine all of your vehicles under one policy, you might save up to 10% on your insurance. This means that each insured vehicle will save up to 10%. The more automobiles you have, the more money you’ll save in the long run.

Use Winter Tires

Driving with winter tires is safer. It improves traction, assists drivers in stopping faster and more effectively in snowy circumstances, gives you peace of mind, and saves you money. Get a 5% discount if you use winter tires. Notify your insurer to ensure that you are receiving the discount.

Pay Your Premiums In Full

You will save money if you pay your premium in whole rather than monthly or quarterly. The processing of monthly payments is subject to an administrative fee charged by insurers. You will not be able to pay this amount in one lump sum. Some insurers will also give you a little discount if you pay in advance.

Drive A New Car

Did you realize that driving a new automobile qualifies you for a discount? You can save up to ten percent on a new vehicle that is less than three years old. There may be some limitations. For further information, contact your insurer.

Get The Seniors Discount

Are you a senior citizen? Have you recently retired? Are you over the age of 50? Most insurance companies provide discounts to retirees, seniors, and mature drivers over the age of 50 who have a clean driving record. You might be able to save up to 10% in some circumstances.

Be A Loyal Customer

Customers that are loyal to an insurer are rewarded with cost savings. When customers renew their policies with the same insurer year after year, they are rewarded. The bigger the discount, the longer you’ve been with the company. Save 5% to 10% of your income.

Even if an insurer offers a loyalty discount, it’s still a good idea to shop around to see if other insurers can provide better discounts.

Study Your Way To Insurance Savings

Are you between the ages of 16 and 25 and a full-time student? Your insurer may reward you with a discount of up to 10% if you have good grades. To qualify, you may be required to provide a report card or transcript.

Stay Claims Free

It’s critical to avoid filing claims in order to maximize savings. When it comes to filing lesser claims, be strategic. Is it worthwhile to file a claim and risk an increase in your deductible amount? Before deciding to submit an automobile insurance claim, consider all of your choices.

Kids Gone To College? Get The Out of Town Student Discount

Do you have any college or university-aged children? Make sure your insurance company is informed. You can save up to 30% on your insurance if they are listed on your coverage while they are away studying.

Alumni Or Professional Association Discounts

For its members or graduates, several post-secondary institutions and professional organisations offer group savings. You may be eligible for a group pricing if you are a member of a professional organization or a graduate of a post-secondary university.

Review Annually

One-year insurance coverage are the most common. In a year, a lot may happen. It’s a good idea to review it every time it’s up for renewal so you can assess your needs, look for new discounts, and change your policy to save money.

Graduated Licensing Discounts For New Drivers

Young drivers, as we all know, pay the most for car insurance. Even if you don’t have a full license, you can save money as you progress through the graduated driver’s licensing program. When you upgrade from a G1 to a G2, you can save 10%, and another 10% when you upgrade to a full G license. To save money, get your full license as soon as possible.

Make Sure Your Information Is Accurate

The costs are calculated using the information you supply. Always check your policy to make sure the information on your driving record, vehicle, and personal information is valid. You could lose more money if you make a mistake.

Don’t Over Insure

When it comes to insurance, more isn’t necessarily better. You can have too much of a good thing, and it can cost you more money in the form of increased payments. Some types of insurance may not be appropriate for you, and raising your limits too high may not be cost-effective. Consult your insurance provider to ensure you have enough coverage for your individual driving demands.

Park In The Garage

You may be eligible for a discount if you park in a garage or a private driveway rather than on the street or in a public lot. Parking in a garage keeps your vehicle safe and decreases the chances of it being stolen, having weather damage claims filed against it, or being destroyed or vandalized.

Drive Safe

Your best protection against an accident is to concentrate on safe driving habits. Pay attention to your surroundings, modify your driving to the weather, and avoid driving while distracted.

Avoid Adding Costly Vehicle Modifications

Adding aftermarket parts and changes to your automobile will raise its replacement value, raise repair expenses, and make it more likely to be stolen. All of these elements have the potential to raise your rate. Before making any changes to your car, consider the consequences.

Avoid A Lapse In Insurance

It’s not a good idea to have a gap in your driving record as an insured motorist. Maintain your driver’s license for as long as feasible. A break in coverage could raise your costs and make getting insurance in the future more difficult.

Consider Installing A Dash Cam

Have you considered adding a dashboard camera to your vehicle? They’re a fantastic security feature. While they won’t save you money directly, they can be a vital asset to have if you’ve been in an accident, had your car stolen, or been a victim of insurance fraud.

Don’t Automatically Renew

Many drivers simply let their insurance renew on its own. Although automatic insurance renewals are handy, you may be wasting money. When it comes time to renew your policy, you have the opportunity to weigh your alternatives and look for ways to save money. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Location, location, location

Your auto insurance premiums are heavily influenced by where you live. Insurers consider your province, city, and even postal code when calculating charges. If you’re thinking about moving, make sure you think about how it will affect your rates.

Choose Drivers Wisely

The drivers you add to your policy as occasional drivers will have an impact on how much you pay for insurance. Costs will rise if you hire new, inexperienced, or terrible drivers.

Improve Your Driving Record

Accidents do occur. For traffic violations, drivers are issued citations. It’s quite common. If you have a few blemishes on your driving record, you can save money by striving to clean it up. Avoid receiving any further tickets or being involved in an accident where you were at fault. Make sure your ticket or accident is erased from your record and contact your insurer when it does.

Combine Insurance With Your Partner

Bringing together two households? Are you considering sharing a room with your partner or perhaps a roommate? When you can have only one policy, why have two? Take advantage of a range of advantages by bundling your insurance policies. Consult your insurance company about your alternatives.

Make Updates When Things Change

It’s usually preferable to tell your insurance of any changes now. Whether you’re moving, adding a driver, buying a new car, or updating your personal information, upgrading your insurance could help you save money.

Don’t Miss A Payment

It’s possible that skipping a few insurance payments can cost you a lot of money. Missing a payment will result in your account being deleted due to non-payment. If you’re dropped, you can have trouble acquiring coverage or end up paying a lot more. Set up recurring payments and make sure you pay on time every time.

Adjust Coverage For Seasonal Vehicles

Do you own a seasonal vehicle? Do you own a motorcycle? Consider a recreational vehicle. Adjust your coverage when your vehicle is in storage if you only drive it part of the year to save money.

Take A Defensive Driving Course

Even if you have a lot of driving expertise, driver training can help you save money. You may be eligible for a discount if you complete a defensive driving course from an MTO-approved driving school. Check with your insurance company to determine if further driving training qualifies you for a discount.

Don’t Switch Insurers Mid Term

If you decide to change insurers, do so as soon as your policy is up for renewal. If you want to switch insurers before your policy expires, you will be charged a cancellation fee.

Compare Annually

Every year, you have the chance to get a better deal. If you compare your options every year, you’ll be able to save the most money.

Consult your insurance provider about implementing some or all of these suggestions to see how much money you can save.

How can I get a discount on car insurance in Ontario?

There’s no guarantee that you’ll find a company that can provide you with a better bargain, but there’s a strong chance you will, and it costs you nothing to look.