Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Trees Hit By Lightning?

A tree struck by lightning is normally covered under most homeowners insurance plans, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). The contents of any structure that was damaged, as well as the damage caused by the tree, are usually covered.

What do you do if your tree is struck by lightning?

Remember that whatever amount of damage you notice on a tree after a lightning strike, the tree has been significantly stressed, therefore knowing how to save a tree struck by lightning in this situation is critical. When it comes to mending lightning-damaged trees, there is no assurance of success. It is, nonetheless, conceivable in some instances.

When trees are struck by lightning, they require additional nutrients in order to recover. The first step in preventing tree damage from lightning is to provide ample water to the trees. With extra irrigation, they can absorb additional nutrients.

When you’re fixing trees that have been struck by lightning, fertilize them to encourage new growth. Lightning-damaged trees that make it to spring and leaf out are very likely to recover.

Pruning out broken branches and torn wood is another approach to begin healing lightning-damaged trees. Wait a year before doing any major pruning so you can determine the extent of the damage.

Is lightning a covered peril?

A lightning strike inside or outside your home might cause a fire, damage sensitive appliances, electronics, and wiring inside the walls, and even injure you while you’re inside. The good news is that lightning strikes and lightning-caused fire are both covered dangers in practically all homeowners insurance policies, with no exclusions. A conventional homeowner’s policy should additionally include

How long can a tree live after being struck by lightning?

Trees that have been struck by lightning are not all doomed. Many trees can survive, particularly if only one side of the tree is damaged. However, after lightning damage, all trees will be stressed, so plan on giving your tree a little extra care and attention for a while.

Remove any hanging bits of bark that can’t be put back into place, as well as any branches that are plainly injured or burned. Supplemental fertilization (but not too much!) may be necessary to support new growth. as well as ensuring that your tree receives enough water to continue to thrive.

For the next few months, keep a watchful check on the tree. Before doing any corrective pruning or removing the tree, wait at least 2 to 6 months. The most common cause of tree death is the subsequent injury, which exposes the tree to diseases and insects. Consult a certified arborist to assess the tree and devise a plant health care solution to prevent pests from entering the tree through the wound.

Lightning-struck trees can live for many years with proper care and management, and provided the injury is not too severe. Some trees have even survived being struck by lightning multiple times.

How do you tell if a tree has been struck by lightning?

To begin, any hanging or broken branches should be removed as soon as possible. If they’re too big for you to remove on your own, get a professional arborist.

Lightning damage necessitates a tree assessment as well. It’s difficult to say if a tree will recover following a lightning strike, as you’ll see below, therefore it’s best to see an arborist.

Signs that a tree was struck by lightning

Lightning damage is tricky since it can be very mild, if not completely undetectable. The inside of a tree is struck by lightning, which strikes a layer beneath the bark that we can’t see. As a result, it’s very uncommon for a tree to appear normal for days or even weeks before gradually deteriorating. Alternatively, some trees die soon after a storm.

However, the inner damage might sometimes impact the tree’s outside sections. Lightning damage in this situation looks like this:

Will my tree die if it’s struck by lightning?

Certainly not. After being struck, certain trees are able to recover. However, the fate of your tree is determined by a number of criteria, like its health, species, age, and even location. Plus, even if your tree didn’t die as a result of the strike, it may have been injured, allowing insects or viruses to attack and damage the tree over time.

Having said that, most experts agree that trees that are only caught on one side of the trunk have a decent chance of surviving. However, if a tree is damaged on both sides, it will almost certainly need to be removed.

How to protect my tree from lightning damage

A lightning protection system is, without a doubt, a tree’s finest defense against dangerous bolts. The technique uses a separate path to the ground to redirect lightning away from the tree. If you’re interested in having a lightning protection system installed, keep in mind that no system can guarantee that it will prevent harm 100 percent of the time. Instead, check with a licensed arborist.

Meanwhile, both before and after lightning damage, a little tender loving care can go a long way. Making ensuring your tree is mulched, well-watered, fertilized, and pruned before the storm maintains it robust and will aid in the healing process.

Does State Farm cover lightning strikes?

Structures, electronics, and home appliances can all be damaged by lightning at any time. The average claim expense for a lightning strike, according to State Farm’s 2020 claims statistics, is approximately $12,000. Ground surges are the most common lightning-related claim, and they can occur even if lightning strikes close to a residence, generating an electrical spike that can short out home electrical systems.

Does building insurance cover lightning?

Lightning strikes and thunderstorms are often covered by HomeProtect building insurance. Lightning can ignite a fire, therefore it’s a vital risk to have covered by your homeowners insurance.

By international standards, the UK has an extremely low amount of lightning activity, with just about 0.46 lightning strikes per square kilometer per year.

In tropical areas, such as sections of Brazil, the figure might reach 300 per square kilometer every year. Because of its warmer climate, the South East of England experiences slightly more lightning than the rest of the UK.

Can TV damage by lightning be repaired?

Is there anything that I can do to help? If you fear your TV has been damaged by lightning, you should try a’soft reset.’ This is as simple as disconnecting the television, waiting a few minutes, and then plugging it back in. Your TV should start working correctly again if you’re lucky.

What tree gets struck by lightning the most?

5 tree species are sensitive to lightning, despite not being constituted of pure metal. If you live in a city or suburb, it’s unlikely that you’ve ever seen lightning strike a tree.

Pine Trees Attract Lightning Due to Their Height

Pine trees are found in around 111 species around the world, while scientists disagree on the exact number. Because they reside in dry settings, pines are drier than other trees, yet they are quite durable. Only the northern hemisphere is home to them.

Because pine trees are typically very tall, lightning is drawn to them. Pines, on the other hand, are not extremely resistant to lightning strikes and will only live a portion of the time if struck. Pine wood has a high resin content, which means it conducts electricity more efficiently.

Pines are more prone to erupt and be severely harmed by lightning strikes as a result of this… scary!

Ash Tree Moisture Level Attracts Lightning Strikes

Ash trees grow throughout Asia, North America, and Europe and are deciduous. The majority of the species are small, but the lumber-producing ones can reach heights of 120 feet. There are over 65 different types of ash trees in the globe.

Ash trees, on the other hand, are susceptible to lightning strikes. A higher degree of moisture in the root system of ash trees near water suggests more severe damage in the event of a lightning strike.

These trees are special in that they benefit both land and aquatic ecosystems. They assist in the maintenance of riverbanks as well as providing home for a range of animals. They can assist conduct energy away from other sensitive items since they absorb lightning strikes!

Willow Tree Moisture & Root System Attract Lightning

Willows are beautiful, towering trees that originated in China and now thrive all over the northern hemisphere.

Willows can grow up to 70 feet tall in some cases! It’s no surprise that they’re more prone to lightning strikes than other trees. Willows are commonly impacted due to their higher water level than most trees.

The willow tree’s vast and invasive root system is another distinguishing feature. Willows are renowned for tangles in sewer lines and sidewalk destruction. Willow trees are strong conductors of electricity and are susceptible to lightning strikes due to their high water retention.

When willows are struck, their root systems can be severely damaged, and they are unlikely to recover.

When a tree is attacked, root damage does not always occur. The majority of the time, it will only harm the area that is directly touched.

Poplar Tree Height Attract Lightning

Poplar trees are native to much of the northern hemisphere, but they flourish in warmer climates. They clog drains and ruin septic systems, which may be a problem for homeowners.

They are, nonetheless, attractive additions to yards when planted in the proper location.

Poplars have a very low life expectancy, only living for roughly fifty years.

Poplars, despite their short lifetimes, grow to be extremely tall, reaching heights of up to 165 feet. As a result, they’re great targets for a lightning strike. Poplar trees are closer to the sky than any other tree, despite the fact that they do not hold water like willow or ash trees.

The tulip poplar, for example, will frequently reach above the forest’s tree canopy and stand alone as the area’s tallest object.

Oak Trees Are Susceptible to Lightning Strikes

The oak tree is well-known for being the tree most likely to be struck by lightning! This is due in part to the fact that oaks are known for being higher than other tree species.

Oaks first appeared 65 million years ago on the earth, and they can live to be over 1,000 years old. They are extremely durable, and its wood is utilized for a number of purposes. Unfortunately, due to deforestation, their numbers are dwindling.

Oaks, in addition to their obvious height advantage over other trees, are struck by lightning more frequently than other trees due to their higher moisture content. Oak tees were twice as likely to be struck by lightning as popular, the second most lightning-prone tree, according to research from the Iowa State University Library.

When given the right circumstances, the oak tree’s combination of height and moisture makes it more prone to be struck by lightning.

For more information on what to do if your oak tree is struck by lightning, see our other article: The Ways Oak Trees Cause Damage and How to Prevent Them.

What are the chances of a tree getting struck by lightning?

If the Total Tree Lightning Strike Risk Value is greater than 0.05, a tree will be struck by lightning more than once every 20 years. This is considered a high-risk situation for tree harm.

Is a tree struck by lightning good for firewood?

Myth or Fact: Never burn wood from a tree that has been struck by lightning. When a tree is struck by lightning, the interior of the tree heats up, producing splitting and cracking. However, there is no scientific proof that burning lightning-struck tree wood in your fireplace would harm you or your home.