Does Insurance Cover Chipped Tooth?

Several factors influence whether or not your dental insurance will pay the cost of dental bonding. Cosmetic dental bonding, such as filling a gap, may not be covered by insurance. If dental bonding is required for the health of your teeth, your dental insurance may pay a portion of the cost.

For example, if you need bonding to repair a chipped or fractured tooth, your insurance company may cover a percentage of the cost if it’s deemed necessary to prevent the tooth from cracking or breaking further and necessitating more significant dental work. Contacting your insurance company is the best way to find out if your dental insurance covers dental bonding. What is the cost of dental bonding without insurance? This is dependent on the type of tooth or teeth that need to be bonded, as well as other criteria.

How much does it cost to fix a cracked tooth with insurance?

A chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $300 to $5,000 to restore, depending on the treatment utilized. The cheapest option is dental bonding, while the most expensive option is a dental implant.

Chipped teeth can be caused by a variety of factors, including facial or mouth injuries, biting on hard foods, and poor oral hygiene. The method utilized to repair a chipped tooth is generally determined by the severity of the chip and its placement. Because there are various options for restoring a chipped tooth, the cost of each one varies.

Dental bonding and veneers are the most frequent treatments for mending a chipped tooth. As a final resort, more severely chipped teeth may require a crown or possibly a dental implant.

There are a variety of payment options to choose from. If the chip repair is medically required, dental insurance may be able to help cover the costs.

Can a dentist fix a tiny chip?

If a chip is minor and the dentist is unable to file it back into shape, a bonding material may be used to fix the chip. Your dentist will apply the bonding material to the tooth, wait for it to harden, and then shape it to fit the rest of your teeth.

Can a small chip on front tooth be fixed?

If only a little portion of your tooth enamel has been chipped away, your dentist may be able to restore the damage with a filling. If the damage is on a front tooth or can be seen when you smile, your dentist will most likely use a tooth-colored composite resin in a technique called bonding.

Bonding is a straightforward treatment that does not usually necessitate anesthesia of the teeth. To bind a tooth, the dentist roughens the tooth’s surface using a liquid or gel before applying the bonding agent. The dentist will then apply an adhesive material to the tooth before applying a tooth-colored resin. The dentist uses ultraviolet radiation to solidify the bonding material after molding it to seem like a genuine tooth.


If you’re lucky, your emergency dentist may be able to repair the tooth by smoothing the enamel using a tool. If your chip is very minor and hasn’t caused any harm to the rest of the tooth, this method will work.

Filling or bonding

Your dentist can use a composite filling, also known as bonding, to repair a minor chip in your tooth. Your dentist will clean the chipped tooth before placing a filling substance such as resin to the tooth during this procedure. They’ll harden the material with UV radiation and then shape it once it’s hardened. To avoid looking strange, the filling material is generally tailored to match the color of your tooth. A filling or bonding is rather inexpensive, and it’s probable that your dental insurance will cover it. Most dental insurance plans are accepted at Castle Dental, and your emergency dentist will be able to advise you on the most cost-effective treatment option.

Dental crown

When a tooth is cracked or severely fractured, your dentist may recommend that it be repaired with a dental crown. This is especially true if dental decay caused the fracture. Your dentist will work to remove any decay from the tooth and file it down to the point where the fracture has ceased. After that, they’ll make a crown to cover the entire tooth. Resin, porcelain, or metal might be used to create your dental crown. Metal is the most durable and often the most cost-effective alternative. Some patients, on the other hand, prefer a more subtle appearance with their dental crown and choose a porcelain crown.

Your dentist can refer you to an oral surgeon if the tooth is entirely fractured but the root is still intact. To support a crown, your oral surgeon will most likely implant a pin into the root of the tooth. The cost of a dental crown is determined by the extent of the tooth’s damage and the type of crown that will be used to restore it.


Patients who have a chipped tooth in the front of their mouth may benefit from a porcelain veneer. Veneers are typically used to help repair a tooth while also adding an aesthetic touch. Because the veneer is a thin composite that is placed over the front of the tooth, your dentist will need to smooth it out before placing it. Because veneers are primarily a cosmetic operation, your dental insurance may not cover them. However, if you prefer veneers over other treatment choices, Castle Dental offers inexpensive payment plans that can help.

Root canal

Your dentist may recommend a root canal if a tooth has been cracked owing to dental decay or an infected tooth. Your dentist will extract the pulp from your tooth during this procedure, thereby hollowing it out. They will then seal the tooth to prevent bacteria from entering it. The tooth is then restructured with a dental crown or filling. Although root canals are costly, most dental insurance policies will pay a portion of the cost.

What do you do for a slightly chipped tooth?

In some circumstances, your dentist will be required to assist you. To begin, they’ll do a thorough dental examination to analyze the condition. They may also utilize an X-ray to determine the extent of the injury.

Minor Chips

You probably won’t need treatment if you merely have a little chipped tooth. Cosmetic contouring may be used by your dentist to smooth down a jagged edge. Dental bonding can also be used to fill in any gaps or fissures.

The dentist will abrade the tooth before administering a conditioning liquid with dental bonding.

Then they’ll fill your tooth with a tooth-colored composite resin. They can then mould the resin to the correct shape and glue it to the chip.

More Extensive Damage

A chip or crack that extends beyond the surface, on the other hand, will necessitate further attention.

The crack may reach the pulp of the tooth in some circumstances. This will necessitate a root canal from your dentist.

An endodontist will remove the infected pulp during a root canal procedure. Then your tooth will be sanitized from the inside out. They’ll fill and seal the tooth with gutta-percha, a rubbery substance.

An endodontist will need to conduct a root amputation if the root of a molar is fractured. A hemisection is a form of surgery that can save the rest of your teeth.

When a root canal or hemisection isn’t enough, the endodontist will have to remove the tooth entirely. Deeper cracks, as well as cracks that extend below the gum line, often necessitate extraction.

A single treatment is all that is required to repair a chipped tooth. However, an extraction or surgery may necessitate time away from work. Following the surgery, you’ll need the weekend to recover.

How long does teeth bonding last?

Dental bonding normally lasts three to ten years before it needs to be touched up. Depending on the patient’s particular behaviors, this can differ. Chewing on ice or other hard things, for example, might cause the bonding substance to break. Additionally, those who drink dark-colored foods and beverages may experience premature discoloration and need to replace their items sooner than others.

Should I worry about a small chip in my tooth?

A chunk of tooth enamel breaks off when you chip a tooth. If the chip is little, you might be lucky and not have any dentin—the tooth’s central layer—exposed, and you won’t feel any discomfort. The tooth, however, will most likely have a sharp edge.

When a substantial chunk of tooth enamel breaks off, the dentin is exposed, and the tooth becomes sensitive. Alternatively, if the nerves are destroyed as a result of a big break, you will experience tooth discomfort.

Even if you don’t feel any discomfort, a chipped tooth is more vulnerable to microorganisms and is more likely to get infected or decayed if left untreated.


Yes, you should see your dentist as soon as possible to get a chipped tooth repaired. A chipped tooth is weaker and more likely to have more chips or break, even if it appears minor and harmless.

Too much dental structural loss can result in tooth loss. Furthermore, bacteria can infect chipped teeth through the exposed damaged portion of the tooth.

Larger pieces that reach the interior of the tooth can injure the pulp, which is made up of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves, and cause it to get infected and die soon. To minimize future damage and tooth loss, it’s critical to repair a fixed tooth, even if it’s just a little chip.

Cuts in the Mouth

A chipped tooth’s sharp edges might puncture your cheek, tongue, or gums, causing painful wounds in your mouth that make talking and eating difficult.

Tooth Sensitivity

A chipped tooth can lead to tooth deterioration, which can lead to sensitivity. A section of protective enamel will also be missing, exposing the inner tooth nerves and making the tooth sensitive to pressure, as well as hot, cold, sweet, and acidic foods and drinks.

Broken Tooth

Because the fracture weakens the tooth, a chipped tooth can easily become a broken tooth. As a result, if you chew something hard, your chipped tooth is more likely to break. Furthermore, if it breaks, it will necessitate more extensive restoration treatments than a broken tooth.


Deep chips can allow bacteria to penetrate the tooth, resulting in pulp and root damage, infections, and abscesses, as well as agonizing toothaches and the need for root canals or extractions.


To soften the rough edges of a chipped tooth, your dentist would usually file or polish it. They may also employ composite resin dental bonding to fill the chip or restore the tooth. This dental bonding is robust and tooth-colored, so it will blend in with your natural teeth and restore the appearance and function of your teeth.

Tooth extraction may be essential in cases of severe pulp or root damage, and your dentist will replace the missing tooth with a dental implant or bridge.

Chipped teeth are relatively simple to fix. So don’t put off going to the dentist because you have a chipped tooth. Alternatively, if you overlook a chipped tooth, you risk developing more serious dental problems.

A tiny chip today could quickly progress to a catastrophic break and infection. So make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to avoid significant dental problems caused by chipped teeth.

Do chipped teeth grow back?

When you’re looking for information about normal oral health care, a general dentist is a terrific place to start. Many people seek treatment from their regular dentists for issues such as tooth breakage, cavities, and even questions about underlying issues. Chipped teeth are fairly common, which is why the topic of whether the tooth will regrow arises frequently.

Do chips in teeth automatically repair?

When a patient’s tooth is chipped, it signifies that a small bit of the tooth has been lost. One of the most prevalent dental issues that general dentists deal with is chipped teeth. Chipped teeth, on the other hand, do not regrow on any part of the tooth and must be treated by a general dentist. While there are currently studies being conducted on how to regenerate teeth, this is not yet an option available.

When it comes to mending a chipped tooth, the type of chip and the severity of the defect are factors to consider. Small chips, for example, can easily be fixed with a tooth filling or dental bonding. Larger chips often necessitate the use of dental veneers or crowns by a dentist to repair them. Because serious chips might threaten the integrity of a tooth by exposing its nerves and blood vessels, the patient may need a root canal to save the tooth. The majority of patients will require a crown to be placed over their tooth after a root canal to improve its strength and longevity.

One of the most prevalent causes of a chip in one or more teeth is the consumption of a hard food. Another typical explanation is that they may have suffered an injury, such as a car accident or a sports-related injury. Whatever the source of the chipped tooth, it’s important to remember that the sooner a general dentist is consulted for repair, the more likely the patient will have a favorable outcome. Not only will the general dentist fix the chipped tooth, but he or she will also ensure that the rest of the oral cavity is healthy in the future.

Will a chipped tooth continue to chip?

While the majority of people who chip their teeth come to us for a repair do so for cosmetic reasons, we understand that some do not. It’s critical to remember that if you chip or otherwise injure a tooth, you should have your tooth and gums examined by a dentist to rule out any underlying damage and preserve your tooth from further harm.

In the majority of cases, you should schedule an appointment to have your chipped tooth repaired. The depth to which the chip runs is determined by the therapy. A chipped tooth results in a considerable loss of dental structure and can potentially lead to further chips and enamel defects in the future.

If a tooth is chipped deeply enough, the function of the nerve inside the tooth may be harmed. As the nerve inside your tooth dies, it can cause excruciating pain and even discolouration. Depending on where your tooth is located, you may need a root canal to heal the nerve and a crown to restore its aesthetics. A dental extraction and tooth replacement may be required in rare circumstances to fix your tooth. For tiny chips, dental bonding or a veneer may be used to restore the appearance of your tooth.

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Why did a piece of my tooth chip off?

Anyone, even those with near-perfect oral health, can get a chipped tooth. A chipped tooth can be humiliating, inconvenient, and even painful. Here’s what to do if you have a chipped tooth, as well as how to keep your teeth from chipping in the future.

Although tooth chipping is prevalent, it is usually avoidable. Reduce your odds of chipping a tooth by doing the following:

Teeth can chip for a variety of causes, even though the enamel on your teeth is relatively durable.

A tooth might chip as a result of a fall, biting a hard confectionery, dental decay, or even bruxism (nighttime teeth grinding).

While a chipped tooth may appear innocuous, failing to repair it can have far-reaching consequences.

You’ll need to see your dentist if your chipped tooth has to be repaired. There are no do-it-yourself options for repairing a chipped tooth permanently. The good news about a little chip in a tooth is that it is usually non-invasive, quick, and painless to repair. Chips that are minor can be filed or filled with a dermal bond. More substantial chipping or fracture, on the other hand, may necessitate more extensive dental work.

Our mission at Northlake Dentistry is to deliver the best dental care in Northlake, Texas, and the surrounding communities. Our experienced, professional personnel are local residents, making your experience more comfortable and personable. For years, our staff has been providing the greatest dental treatment to Northlake locals, and we look forward to continuing to do so in the future.

Dr. Kevin Nguyen is committed to patient care, taking the time to get to know each of his patients and learn about their dental needs. Check out our reviews to see why your friends and neighbors select Northlake Dentistry if you’re looking for a reliable neighborhood dentist.

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