Does Insurance Cover Dutch Test?

Because this test is “investigative,” insurance does not cover it at this time. The selling price for this item is $399. You get a discount if you’re one of my patients.

Hormone blood tests are also helpful, although they aren’t as comprehensive as this test. Cortisol rhythms and estrogen metabolism are not measured by blood testing. Hormone replacement will not be tracked as closely with blood tests. They won’t reveal anything about adrenal, cortisol, or sleep issues. This is without a doubt the most cutting-edge, comprehensive functional medicine hormone test available.

How much does the DUTCH hormone test cost?

The majority of the women we encounter in clinic are weary, adrenalized, and burned-out, spending their time balancing family responsibilities, employment, and other life issues. Symptoms include atypical menstruation (heavy/painful periods), PMS, headaches, decreased sex desire, bloating, mood swings, exhaustion, anxiety & depression, breast tenderness, endometriosis, fibroids, and hormonal weight gain. They are often unaware that they are suffering from a hormonal imbalance. I almost always propose that these women take the DUTCH Test. Why? Because when it comes to hormone testing, it’s the gold standard. The DUTCH test examines reproductive, adrenal, and melatonin hormones, as well as oxidative stress.


The DUTCH test, which stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones, requires a little sample of urine to be collected four times a day on filtered paper. The hormone metabolites in dried urine samples are measured by the DUTCH TEST. The hormones that are tested in the test are:

Cortisol and cortisone cycles and levels, as well as estrogen metabolism routes, are all measured in this test.


Hormone blood tests can be helpful, but they are not the same as the DUTCH test. Blood and saliva tests don’t measure cortisol rhythms or estrogen metabolism, and they don’t track hormone replacement as thoroughly. They’re also not sensitive enough to see different levels of estrogen, which can be a problem for women trying to figure out their estrogen status and have an effect on their overall health. The entire information acquired with a single test distinguishes the DUTCH test from blood or saliva testing. The DUTCH test is well-known for its ease of administration and extensive reporting, both of which are not currently available from other tests.

Adrenal tiredness, sleep disturbances, and stress are all symptoms of adrenal fatigue. By particularly looking at the HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) adrenal-brain communication, testing adrenal hormones provides precise information about how to assist stress and sleep disorders.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility issues (PCOS). Fibroids, PMS, irregular periods, painful periods, anxiety & moodiness, and endometriosis sufferers will benefit from this test. It offers a full picture of how adrenal and reproductive hormone abnormalities may be related to these issues.

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that replaces hormones in the body. Oral progesterone, vaginal hormones, patches, pellets, and injections are all good candidates for this test. It’s important to note that this only applies to hormone replacement treatment and not to hormonal birth control tablets.

Sleep issues. We can examine how your sleep patterns may be influenced by measuring melatonin levels. Melatonin levels might be low and linked to sleep issues, or they can be normal.

DHEA levels are important. When levels of this “feel-good” hormone generated by your adrenal glands are low, it can lead to weariness, a loss of muscle mass or bone density, depression, painful joints, reduced immunity, and loss of libido.

Estrogen dominance is a term used to describe the presence of estrogen in the body Estrogen dominance occurs when the body has too much oestrogen in comparison to the other sex hormones, such as not enough progesterone to balance it out. Endometriosis, PMS, painful periods, fibrous breasts, fibroids, sore breasts, moodiness, and more can all be caused by estrogen dominance. Additionally, it has the potential to exacerbate perimenopausal symptoms.

Estrogen metabolism takes place in the liver. This is crucial to comprehending how estrogens are eliminated from the body. If you can’t properly metabolize estrogen, you’re at risk for estrogen dominance, as well as cancers linked to estrogen, such as breast, cervical, and uterine cancers. When taking the DUTCH test, we may identify the methylation pathway of estrogen, which can reveal dietary shortages or an MTHFR gene mutation, both of which must be addressed in order to achieve optimal health.


You can order the exam online and have it delivered to your home. It’s a urine-based test using little strips that you dip in your pee. You dip the strips, allow them to dry, and then ship them. The instructions are straightforward and easy to follow.


The DUTCH Plus exam costs $399. A mixture of dried pee and saliva swabs was used (to test waking cortisol response)

$465 DUTCH Cycle Mapping During a woman’s cycle, a dried urine test is performed practically every morning (this can be combined with the DUTCH Complete test).


Dr Holland examines your test findings in depth, looking for any hormone abnormalities in order to create a personalized plan that is suited to your individual needs. Supplementation, herbs, and low-dose bio-identical hormones may be recommended in the future, as well as dietary changes, lifestyle changes, sleep assistance, and changes to exercise and stress management. Patients should schedule a thorough meeting with Dr Holland to talk over their test results whenever they arrive at the clinic (about 4-6 weeks after they complete the test).

Is the DUTCH hormone test accurate?

Our most well-known product. The DUTCH CompleteTM is the most advanced hormone test available, providing a comprehensive profile of sex, adrenal, and melatonin hormones, as well as their metabolites, to identify signs of hormonal abnormalities. Samples are taken in the convenience of your own home and then delivered to our lab for processing. The DUTCH CompleteTM is the most precise test available for determining hormonal health.

  • Patient information, supplements, prescriptions, hormone replacement, and a health questionnaire are all requested on this form.
  • 35 hormones were studied, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, and cortisol, as well as their metabolites.
  • Daily free cortisol patterns can reveal signs of adrenal insufficiency or persistent stress symptoms.
  • To aid in the hormone evaluation, there is a graphical representation of the data as well as embedded video tutorials to share with your medical physician.
  • DUTCH OATs: 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), melatonin (6-OHMS), and six organic acid tests (OATs), comprising markers for vitamin B12 (methylmalonate), vitamin B6 (xanthurenate), kynurenate, glutathione (pyroglutamate), dopamine (homovanillate), norepinephrine/epinephrine (vanilmandelate).

How much is a DUTCH test UK?

The DUTCH Advanced Adrenal is a urine test that offers results similar to those obtained from saliva testing. It also contains metabolite readings to help researchers better understand cortisol production. Daily free cortisol, daily free cortisone, cortisol metabolites (a-THF and b-THF), cortisone metabolites (b-THE), and DHEA-S were among the markers examined. The DUTCH exam is straightforward and straightforward to apply. Filter paper collection strips are used to collect urine samples instead of a blood draw or a 24-hour urine collection.

Is DUTCH test FDA approved?

It is FDA-approved for the purpose of data collection only, not for specific tests. The FDA approval status is significant since it ensures that the manufacturing is of high quality and consistent.

What are the signs of hormone imbalance?

Hormones play a crucial part in your general well-being. As a result, a wide range of signs and symptoms may indicate a hormonal imbalance. The signs and symptoms you experience will be determined by which hormones or glands are malfunctioning.

Any of the following signs or symptoms could be caused by common hormonal problems that affect both men and women:

Keep in mind that these symptoms are generic, and that they may not always indicate a hormone imbalance.

Signs or symptoms in females

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most frequent hormonal abnormality in females of reproductive age (PCOS).

  • Missed periods, a stopped period, or a frequent period are all examples of heavy or irregular periods.
  • darkening of the skin, particularly in the wrinkles of the neck, the groin, and beneath the breasts

Signs or symptoms in children

During puberty, both boys and girls begin to produce sex hormones. Many children that are delayed in puberty will go on to have normal puberty, while some will have hypogonadism.

Can you exercise during DUTCH test?

On collection day and the night before, stay away from coffee and alcohol. On collection day, avoid exercising. Brush your teeth only after you’ve completed collections #3 and #6. Flossing should be avoided on the day of collection or until all samples have been obtained.

Hypothyroidism is a disorder in which the thyroid gland produces insufficient amounts of specific hormones. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), on the other hand, arises when the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism causes an individual’s metabolism to speed up, resulting in unexpected weight loss and a quick or irregular heartbeat.

Is the thyroid examined during DUTCH testing? Short answer: no, although DUTCH testing can reveal Hypo/Hyperthyroidism if the free and metabolized cortisol levels do not match (one is considerably higher or lower than the other), implying aberrant cortisol clearance.

The patient may have sluggish cortisol clearance if the metabolite levels on page 5 of the DUTCH CompleteTM and DUTCH Plus report are generally lower than free cortisol. Hypothyroidism is the most common cause of this. The patient may have quick cortisol clearance if the DUTCH result indicates metabolite levels that are generally greater than free cortisol. Hyperthyroidism, infection/inflammation, and long-term stress are all probable causes of this pattern.

DUTCH Testing & Cortisol Clearance

DUTCH testing examines cortisol clearance, which might reveal information about both quick and slow clearance. DUTCH displays metabolized cortisol production (which has a direct impact on the thyroid) and can assist establish whether more thyroid testing is needed or if there is any underlying HPA Axis dysfunction.

When should I take DUTCH test?

If the first day of bleeding is considered day 1, the DUTCH complete or sex hormone test should be done on days 19, 20, 21, or 22 (or 5-7 days following ovulation is the objective).