Does Insurance Cover Thermiva?

What is the price of a ThermiVa treatment? The total cost of around three treatments, which is the usual number of sessions most patients require, can range from $2,500 to $3,500, depending on the practice you choose.

Can vaginal rejuvenation be covered under insurance?

We understand that you have a lot of questions about vaginoplasty. The expense of the treatment, and what, if any, of it is covered by insurance, will definitely be a key worry. In general, insurance companies will cover procedures that they deem medically necessary; treatments that you require to be healthy. What can and cannot be covered is highly particular in insurance policies. Pelvic reconstruction, bladder repair, incontinent slings, hysterectomies, and uterine suspensions are all common vaginal treatments that are frequently covered. Unfortunately, because vaginal rejuvenation and Vaginoplasty are considered elective procedures, insurance plans do not cover them. Labiaplasty is also considered a cosmetic treatment, performed more for aesthetics and comfort than for a medical need, and hence is not covered by most health insurance plans.

But don’t be discouraged by this news. Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery is aware of health insurance’s limits. We take cash, cashier’s check, debit card, and all major credit cards for your convenience. We also recommend a few outstanding health-care financing options that have no upfront expenses, simple monthly payment options, and no prepayment penalties. Both CareCredit and Chase Health Advantage provide financing options that are tailored to your cosmetic and aesthetic services. The best part is that once you’ve been accepted, you’ll be able to use your account right away.

Call Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery to learn more about our simple, flexible payment options and how they can help you get the operations you want. Go online or call today for additional information about our outside lines of credit, as well as to find out instantly if you are approved: CareCredit can be reached at (800) 677-0718.

How long does ThermiVa last?

How soon will you get ThermiVa results? Almost immediately, with the greatest improvement occurring around 90 days. To achieve the best outcomes, we recommend a course of three ThermiVa treatments; however, some women may show improvement after just one treatment. We spaced out the three initial ThermiVa treatments over three or four months, allowing you roughly 4-6 weeks between treatments.

What is the duration of ThermiVa? The length of improvement from ThermiVa varies by patient, however most patients are symptom-free for up to a year after completing their three-treatment program. To avoid patients from experiencing any of the symptoms for which they started ThermiVa, we recommend undergoing a ThermiVa touch-up treatment every 9-12 months.

How often should ThermiVa be done?

Q: What are the outcomes? When may a patient anticipate to start their treatment? “program for “maintenance”? Is there a difference between internal and external treatments?

If the patient has exterior troubles and concerns, they may need extra treatments between 4-6 months after the third therapy. You could say, for example, that this treatment will normally last as long as a Botox treatment.

After the third treatment, maintenance treatments can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. Internal effects such as comfort, wetness, fullness, incontinence, and an overactive bladder can continue longer than exterior treatments. Orgasmic dysfunction can have a longer-lasting effect than other comlpaints, lasting up to 18 months. It’s been observed that once nerves have been sensitized, the consequences last a long time in terms of continued sensitivity. When teaching a patient about a maintenance program, keep in mind how many treatments they’ve received. If the patient has received fewer than the necessary three sessions, they may seek additional treatments sooner.

Q: What are the effects of prolapse? Is there a different approach for bladder prolapse?

A: If the patient has pelvic prolapse, I would devote most of my treatment attention to that area. If the prolapse is of the bladder, spend at least 5 minutes in the anterior compartment; if the prolapse is of the rectum, spend at least 5 minutes in the posterior compartment. If the prolapse is in both, it will take ten minutes in total. ThermiVa has helped individuals with mild to moderate pelvic prolapse (up to stage 2 when the leading edge can extend up to a centimeter past the hymen), but it doesn’t function as well in severe prolapse where the tissue is visible and palpable. Patients who have uterine prolapse will not benefit from it. According to my experience, ThermiVa treatments can reduce cystocele and rectocele stages by 12 to 1. In some people with mild to moderate symptoms, this may be enough to prevent surgery. Those with severe cystocele, rectocele, uterine prolapse, or vaginal prolapse should avoid it. Please note that ThermiVa lowers strained vaginal tissue and has no side effects “ability to “tack”

Patients are out for approximately two years for external vulvar treatments / introital procedures. Since 2009-2010, many RF technologies have been deployed, resulting in RF patients who have been out for more than 5 years. ThermiVa internal treatments have already been completed for over a year. We can report that no major issues have been documented with RF and ThermiVa.

A: After therapy, hot tubs and swimming are permissible. Wait a day or two if the patient has experienced an unusual spotting episode while on therapy.

A: ThermiVa treatments are intended to be done every 30 days for three sessions. Then, as needed, establish a maintenance program based on the results. Treatments were carried out every 3-6 weeks. It’s possible that treating every two weeks is too soon, because at two weeks, my patients usually notice and feel more dramatic effects.

A: Patients may report that they feel tighter right after therapy, but that this improves with time. Another example is incontinence, where it’s not uncommon for patients to go dry right after therapy. A morning ThermiVa treatment frequently results in no stress incontinence the following evening. In terms of vaginal dryness, the moisture begins to appear more prominently around 2 weeks, and it may only be somewhat improved after the first treatment, before becoming more noticeable after the second or third treatment. The doctor and the patient should not be alarmed if they are not as wet as they would want after just one treatment. There have been no recorded atrophic vaginitis treatment failures after three treatments.

A: Following the operation, the patient is free to resume normal daily activities. Physical and sexual activity are both unrestricted. Some patients experience tightening results the same day, while others take longer and observe changes after two weeks. Mild cramping may occur right after, but this should subside within 24 hours. If the cramping continues, see your doctor. Stop when you reach considerable resistance to avoid cramping. There should be no increase or change in discharge for patients. The gel used during therapy is most likely leaking out, as seen by the increased discharge. The improvement in vaginal moisture following treatment does not usually occur in the first week, but rather begins two weeks after treatment. In a nutshell, there is no increase in vaginal discharge after using ThermiVa.

A: Women can return to their routine everyday activities. As long as no abnormal bleeding is recorded, you can resume sexual activity the next day.

Q: Is there any way to measure or quantify success in the treatment of vaginal laxity?

A: Other than patient satisfaction as determined by the VLQ, SSQ, and FSFI validated questionnaires, we don’t have a scale to quantify this treatment. Doctors with the equipment and a desire to quantify ThermiVa’s tightening effects are encouraged to participate in the research. Volume and pressure investigations would be excellent, and would most likely be performed by a urogynecologist using urodynamic studies equipment. We’re currently developing a Visual Analog Scale to measure the impacts of external tightening.

Q: What is the failure rate? Is it true that some people do not show obvious results (vulva) after three treatments?

A: It’s really uncommon in my profession. We’ve discovered that almost everyone experiences some tightening, particularly if they have significant laxity. The patients with the least obvious tightness are those who are younger and have tight skin to begin with. Those who haven’t given birth vaginally or who don’t have laxity don’t get any tighter. When it comes to tightness, there is a limit, but those who require it almost always progress. In our experience, almost 95% of patients have good tightening improvement. Do we have any statistics on that if there are? Atrophic vaginitis statistics are even better. After three treatments, 100 percent of patients with atrophic vulvovaginitis in my clinic reported a recovery of moisture to normal levels. I’ve discovered that extremely stenotic vaginas can be successfully treated. There are no contraindications to treating women who are noticeably tighter as a result of menopause, and our electrode was specifically intended to be tolerated by all patients. The new collagen that comes in with ThermiVa treatments is incredibly soft and malleable, and the tissues are now more moist and adaptable to intercourse. There is one issue ThermiVa can’t help with: apical or uterine prolapse. Tissue shrinking is insufficient to solve those serious problems. It can help with mild to moderate cystocele and rectocele, but not with uterine or apical prolapse.

A: We haven’t had any major issues or complications. I’ve never had a UTI, blisters, or burns as a result of the treatment. Infections, perforations, or urethral strictures have never occurred in my experience. If the probe is left in one location for too long, a hot spot can form, but this is readily avoided and tolerated by the patient. Patients with sporadic sensitivity loss have reported a rare temporary loss of sensitivity for a few days before returning to normal and improving sensitivity and orgasmic response. Transient hypersensitivity of the vulvar and clitoral structures can also occur, but women who experience this find it most appealing in nature.

How many treatments of ThermiVa do you need?

Three separate treatments of ThermiVa are given over the course of three months. Each treatment lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. “It takes time to obtain the effect you desire,” Dr. Bertrand explains.

Dr. Red Alinsod, M.D., a ThermiVa physician, tested the technique in 6-month and 1-month treatments and discovered that the maximum therapy for effective results is three 30-minute treatments per month for three months, followed by a one-year or year-and-a-half treatment.

What is the O shot used for?

Women with poor libido, difficulties achieving orgasm, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, or urine incontinence can benefit from the O-Shot, a minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation procedure.


Juliet/V- Lase is a laser therapy that addresses women’s intimate disorders and aging in a quick, painless, and minimally invasive manner. Both lasers can treat all of the unpleasant symptoms you’re having.


Every woman having unpleasant symptoms and wanting for a quick, non-surgical, and discreet procedure should consider laser vaginal rejuvenation. It is highly advised for women who are approaching menopause, have just given birth, have recently undergone cancer treatment or surgery, wish to fight or avoid pelvic floor illnesses, and want to improve the quality of their sexual life. PREVENTING, CORRECTING, AND MAINTAINING VAGINAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS is something we encourage.


Treatment is simple and rapid. The treatment itself takes only 3-5 minutes. Within 30 minutes, patients are in and out of the office.


During this procedure, the patients are not in any pain. To ensure complete comfort, we use a powerful numbing cream wherever feasible. During treatment, some people suffer slight discomfort. For the most part, therapy is completely painless.


The outcomes are life-changing for many people. This treatment can either cure or considerably improve stress urine incontinence. Tightening of the vaginal or labia tissue, an increase in vaginal moisture and natural lubrication, a more pleasant tissue sensitivity, a reduction in pain during intercourse, greater tissue health, fewer disease symptoms, and more are all possible outcomes of treatment.


The effects are usually felt within a few days. As the tissue heals over the next three months, the results improve. When PRP is utilized in conjunction with Juliet laser treatment, the results can last up to 6 months.


This changes widely depending on the issue and health status of the individual sufferer. The majority of people reap benefits that persist for years, if not decades. Follow-up treatments every couple of years are a beneficial approach for many people to keep their tissue healthy and avoid future aging problems. While individual results cannot be guaranteed, patient satisfaction with Juliet treatments is exceptionally high, especially when compared to other vaginal feminine lasers.


1 Treatment can help relieve symptoms of vaginal problems or avoid them altogether. A therapy series may be advised depending on the condition and severity of the issues. Many disorders can be successfully treated with a series of two treatments. A series of three treatments may be necessary in more severe instances. During your first therapy or consultation, the practitioner can review your specific needs and make treatment recommendations.


Because of its efficacy, PRP is being used in a variety of medical fields. Over 20 growth factors are found in platelets in human blood, which drive stem cell proliferation to build new healthy tissue. Because of its benefits to tissue repair, growth, and wellness, adding PRP Serum to your treatment is recommended. To offer the most optimal concentration of PRP for all of our treatments, we employ the best PRP collection kits and centrifuges, Selphyl and Magellan TruPRP.


Not at all. Patients can have treatment during their lunch break or after work, and they can resume their typical activities soon away. For a few days after treatment, it’s best to avoid saunas, bathing, or swimming. Patients may have modest cramps or little discomfort on occasion. If there is any discomfort, it is frequently described as “feeling like something was done to me.” This is due to the fact that the tissue has been ablated and is now in the process of recovering, which includes inflammation. The laser causes inflammation on purpose in order to promote tissue growth and improve tissue health. Any discomfort during the healing process can be relieved with Advil or Tylenol. Some of the ablated tissue spots may be released from the region. To combat with this, you could apply a pantyliner. If any of this occurs, it will go away within days after treatment.


Patients must refrain from sexual activity for three days after the surgery. To allow the tissue to heal and prevent infection, this is done. Sexual intercourse is encouraged after three days.


Patients can immediately resume normal activity. For a few days after treatment, it’s best to avoid saunas, bathing, or swimming. Patients may have modest cramps or little discomfort on occasion. If there is any discomfort, it is frequently described as “feeling like something was done to me.” This is due to the fact that the tissue has been ablated and is now in the process of recovering, which includes inflammation. The laser causes inflammation on purpose in order to promote tissue growth and improve tissue health. Tylenol is an excellent pain reliever during the healing process. If patients have had PRP therapy in conjunction with their Juliet laser treatment, they should avoid smoking, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, and Motrin for at least one week after treatment. As a result of these treatments or drugs, PRP action is thought to be reduced. Some of the ablated tissue spots may be released from the region. To combat with this, you could apply a pantyliner. If any of this occurs, it will go away within days after treatment.


The treatment is drug-free, non-surgical, non-invasive, and hormone-free. For people who are contraindicated for hormonal therapy choices, such as breast cancer survivors, it is often a safe option.


Yes. Juliet is the ideal answer for women who have undergone or are currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer and are unable to use hormone therapy.


Pellet treatment for bio-identical hormone replacement This improved way of restoring hormones and removing menopause symptoms in a regular, safe, and affordable manner is incredibly advantageous for all women who are going through perimenopause, menopause, or have hormone insufficiency beyond menopause.

O-Shot Dr. Charles Runels, the originator of this patented PRP technique, refers to it as the Orgasm Shot. This rapid, painless, long-lasting, and all-natural therapy restores sensitivity, intensifies orgasm, cures urine incontinence, increases vaginal lubrication and moisture, and improves pelvic floor health and tone. Treatment has the potential to change one’s life.

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is a procedure that improves the appearance of the vaginal Rebuild the vaginal wall to restore function and sensitivity. To avoid the hazards connected with hospitals and general anesthesia, this operation is conducted in our office with local numbing anaesthetic. Major concerns with inadequate episiotomies and rectal wall abnormalities, as well as vaginal laxity and enlargement, are addressed with reconstruction. As a result, physiological function is restored, as well as a more pleasurable sexual life.


No. The expense of Juliet’s treatment is currently not covered by insurance. This is true, despite medical research demonstrating the usefulness of Juliet and erbium laser therapies. Many of the most recent and effective treatment alternatives are infamously under-covered by insurance providers. Treatments are still reasonably priced, provide high value, and are an effective approach to prevent expensive and time-consuming operations.


In medical investigations, this medication has shown to be very effective. Juliet, an erbium laser, is a successful treatment option for lichen sclerosis. Juliet laser therapy may be funded by insurance or MediCare in this instance. Our practice administrator can assist you in determining whether or not this treatment is appropriate for you and whether or not it will be covered.


Individual Juliet/V-Lase VAGINAL laser treatments cost $900, $1600 for a two-treatment package, and $2100 for a three-treatment package.

Individual Juliet/V-Lase LABIA laser treatments cost $500, a two-treatment package costs $900, and a three-treatment package costs $1200.

How fast does ThermiVa work?

ThermiVa treatments are soft and pleasant, and they resemble a warm inside massage. How soon will I be able to see results? Although some individuals have experienced instant relief, you should expect to see the advantages in around two weeks after therapy.

Are ThermiVa results permanent?

Many women are seeking for nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments, and one of the most often asked questions I get is, “How long do the results last?”

The answer to that question is influenced by a variety of factors, including the patient’s hormonal status, genetics, age, and medical history. Hormones have an important influence in skin laxity and other vaginal health issues.

The outcomes’ longevity is also determined by the “concern” for which the patient is seeking treatment.

We find a nice and measurable improvement in external labia majora laxity after just one treatment, and the benefits are reinforced with stacked sessions. Although the results are not permanent and do not have the same esthetic precision as a surgical labiaplasty, many women are satisfied with them and may return in a year or so for additional treatment. For many women, the degree of improvement made possible by a non-surgical procedure with no downtime is appealing.

The severity of the problem at presentation, as well as the hormonal status, can influence the improvement of vaginal tightening, lubrication, sensation, and stress incontinence. If there are no contraindications, I always urge that women be put on hormonal replacement therapy. Most women, on the other hand, experience a significant improvement in the “concern” for which they are receiving treatment, and may return for a second treatment between 9 and 15 months.

There was a greater than 50% improvement in patient recorded changes reported in the pilot research for ThermiVA RFTM. For the treatment of stress incontinence, increased sensation, and enhanced sexual experience, the O-shot is an excellent supplementary treatment that can enhance the effects seen with ThermiVATM alone. For ladies who want to increase their outcomes without surgery, Thermi-OTM is now available in combination with a ThermiVATM treatment.