Does Insurance Pay For Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery, which involves the placement of breast implants for cosmetic reasons, will cost an average of $4,516 in the United States in 2020.

The majority of women are responsible for paying this out of their own pockets. Breast augmentation surgery is frequently not covered by insurance. Breast implants will, however, be covered for women who have had mastectomies owing to breast cancer.

If you require additional surgery in the future, your health insurance may not pay it. Breast implants may effect your insurance rates in the future.

How do I get insurance to cover breast implants?

First and foremost, health insurance providers are interested in the original reason for your breast implants (as well as Medicare and Medicaid).

If your implants were placed after a mastectomy and your doctor thinks they should be removed, “The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 requires your health insurance to fund your breast implant removal if it is “medically necessary” (WHCRA).

If you got breast implants for the purpose of enhancing your healthy breasts, certain health insurance companies will pay your explant surgery if they judge the services to be necessary “Medically required.”

How much do breast implants cost 2020?

So, what does it cost to get breast implants? As recently as 2020, the average cost of breast implant surgery will be between $6,000 and $12,000. While this price may appear to be a good investment, it’s worth noting that the cost of breast implants has remained quite constant over the last few decades. Breast implants are also often thought to be a long-term investment because of how long the results last.

A breast lift, for example, might cost anything from $9,000 to $16,000. The relative intricacy of a breast lift is one reason why it can be more expensive than breast implants. Breast lift surgery is often more expensive than breast implants because it requires more time and skill from the surgeon to remove tissue and lift the breasts into a higher position. The disadvantage of this higher price is that the results of a breast lift do not endure as long as those of breast implants.

What Determines Breast Implants Cost?

Naturally, the average price range for breast implants pertains mostly to the cost of the procedure. Varied types of implants have different price tags, which is typical. The size of the implant, in particular, may play a significant role in the final cost of breast implant surgery. Another aspect that may influence the price of breast implants is the operation procedure, such as whether the implant is placed under or on top of the pectoral muscle; the more involved the surgery, the higher the price.

How much do breast implants cost 2021?

The cost of breast implants is determined by the location, doctor, and implant type. The operation usually costs between $5,000 and $10,000. Breast augmentation is frequently not covered by health insurance because it is a cosmetic operation.

Does insurance cover saggy breasts?

Breast lifts are not covered by all insurance providers, and even those that do aren’t covered in all circumstances. The medical need of the surgery is usually the deciding factor. If the procedure is deemed medically essential, the insurance company may pay for it. This is especially true for women who require breast reduction surgery because their breasts are giving them other health problems. In some cases, a breast lift is also required to assure the effectiveness of the breast reduction surgery, and the insurance company may pay both procedures.

It doesn’t always matter whether you or your doctor think the operation is medically required to persuade an insurance company. It’s worth taking a few extra measures to check if you can have a breast surgery preauthorized to see if your breast lift is covered by insurance.

  • Examine your insurance benefits paperwork to check if certain treatments, or breast reductions or lifts in particular, are mentioned. Keep in mind that these policies are often written in legalese, which can be confusing, so calling the insurance company to ask for clarification is usually a good idea.
  • If you think your insurance company would cover your breast lift, have your doctor produce a note of medical necessity. Provider offices will typically understand what is required in such a letter and may have previously worked with the insurance company. If necessary, work with your provider to make this procedure easier.
  • Find out what documentation your insurance company need for preauthorization by speaking with a caseworker or pre-authorization representative. This is your insurance company’s formal (often written) acknowledgement that it approves services to be done and that it will cover the treatment as long as all preauthorization standards are met.
  • Speak with your provider to ensure that the office understands what evidence is required to make good on the claim and that they are prepared to charge it correctly.
  • Check to see if the surgeon is part of your insurance plan’s network. Going out of network can result in a loss of coverage or a significant increase in the amount you’ll have to pay.
  • Make sure you understand your copay and deductible amounts. Even if the operation is covered, you may still be responsible for a percentage of the cost.

Whether or not your breast lift is covered by insurance, inquire about financial arrangements with your provider’s clinic. You might be able to set up a payment plan, and if you don’t have insurance, see if there are any reductions for paying in full at the time of service.

How do you pay for breast implants?

Breast augmentation financing might help you get the look you’ve always wanted without breaking the bank. However, like with any financial decision, it’s important to understand your alternatives as well as your obligations so you can make the best decision and prevent unpleasant surprises.

The eight most common ways to pay for breast augmentation surgery are shown below. Keep in mind that the payment options are displayed from most expensive to least expensive.

Your Surgeon’s Payment Plan

While some plastic surgeons provide financing options, many rely on third-party financing organizations to handle their finances.

Low monthly payment options and extended payment options are common features of these programs, making them desirable. Fees and interest rates are competitive, albeit they can occasionally be higher than those offered by traditional credit cards.

It’s critical to make all of your payments on time if you choose one of these programs. You may be subject to a higher interest rate or a penalty based on your balance if you miss or are late with a payment.

Personal Credit Cards

A typical method of financing a breast augmentation treatment is to use a personal credit card.

To pay for your surgery, look for a personal card with a 0% APR offer. Alternatively, you can pay for it using a rewards credit card and earn points or cash back.

Credit cards are notorious for having hefty interest rates. If you can’t get a 0% APR loan, you can find up spending a lot more for your surgery than you planned for. Furthermore, the hefty charge on your card is likely to tie up your credit, lowering your credit utilization and maybe lowering your credit score.

Medical Credit Cards

Another frequent method of financing breast augmentation is to use a medical credit card. It’s crucial to make sure you don’t miss any payments or make any late payments, or you could face a higher interest rate or penalties, just like with other types of financing.

Personal Loans

An unsecured personal loan, whether from a bank or a credit union, is a convenient and quick option to fund your breast augmentation procedure. for the purpose of a surgical procedure Personal loans feature a fixed interest rate and a specified repayment period.

Pros: When compared to some of the other financing options described below, an unsecured loan may be the most cost-effective way to obtain the operation you want. A bank loan will almost certainly have a lower interest rate than a credit card if you have a good credit history. Another advantage of an unsecured loan, which you may not want to explore, is that if you have a financial disaster, your debt can be erased in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Cons: Because of the interest you’ll pay over time, a personal loan is likely to increase the cost of your treatment. So, while you’ll be able to have the body you want right now, you’ll end up paying more money in the long run. If your credit isn’t excellent, you’ll probably get a rate that’s similar to that of a credit card, which isn’t necessarily the best offer.

Home Equity Loan (HELOC)

A home equity loan or line of credit translates the equity you’ve built up in your home into cash that you may use to pay for your breast augmentation treatment.

Pros: Because interest rates are based on actual mortgage rates, you’re likely to get a good deal right now. It’s also possible that your interest will be tax deductible.

Cons: No one wants to lose their home’s equity. When you spend up your equity, you’re essentially beginning over with the purchase of your home. You could end yourself with negative equity in your property if the housing market takes a turn. In the unfortunate event that this occurs and you are forced to sell your home, you may find yourself in a very terrible financial situation. Before you use your home equity to fund your plastic surgery, think about this.

Family Loans/Gifts

Your family or friends may be willing to lend you money for surgery. Some patients have been successful in raising enough money for their breast augmentation surgery by enlisting the help of family and friends.

Advantages: There aren’t any interest rates. Friends and relatives can also provide social and emotional support.

Cons: Asking for a loan or suggesting plastic surgery as a gift may be challenging or unpleasant.

Retirement Account/401(k) Loans

You may be able to borrow up to 50% of your vested 401(k) amount, up to a maximum of $50,000, from your 401(k) account. Your loan repayment is withdrawn from your paycheck automatically. The loan can be repaid over a five-year period.

Pros: Taking out a loan from your retirement plan is usually simple and quick. Typically, interest rates are low.

Cons: Withdrawing funds from a retirement account and incurring tax and penalty consequences is not a popular option. Your money will essentially be taxed twice. You’ll miss out on some asset growth until the loan is paid off if your retirement plan doesn’t allow contributions until the debt is paid off. You’ll have 60 days to pay off your loan if you choose to leave your employment or lose it for whatever reason, or you’ll have to claim it as a distribution if you don’t (more taxes and penalties).


If you have money in the bank, you can always use it to pay for your breast augmentation surgery using the money you’ve saved.

Cons: Many people are hesitant to pay for plastic surgery with money they’ve set aside for emergencies. In the event of a serious emergency, having less cash on hand could put you in jeopardy. This risk may be lessened if you have alternative financing choices available.

How long do breast implants last?

Today’s implants are designed to endure more than a decade on average, with the risk of rupture increasing by 1% per year. As a result, the older your implants are, the more likely they are to rupture or cause other issues.

Breast implants can last up to 20 years in most situations. Every patient is unique, and the longevity of your implants will be determined by your body and how you care for them.

How painful is breast augmentation recovery?

As you heal from the treatment, your soreness will progressively fade in the weeks after your surgery. With the exception of minor soreness, many women have little to no pain within 2 to 3 weeks. The majority of your soreness should be gone by the time you reach one month after surgery.

What is cheaper a breast lift or augmentation?

You’re not alone if you’re uncomfortable with the size, shape, or position of your breasts. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation, popularly known as a boob job, and breast lift surgery remain the most popular plastic surgery operations. 1 However, they’re two distinct operations that aim to achieve different aesthetic aims. To help you choose the best breast surgery for you, here’s what you need to know about breast lifts vs. breast augmentation.

Differences between a breast lift vs. boob job

Depending on your cosmetic goals and personal preferences, each form of breast surgery offers its own set of benefits. Both breast lifts and boob jobs are surgical treatments that require incisions; however, the scars are usually minor and disappear to a thin line over time.

What is a breast lift?

The goal of a breast lift is to improve the position of the breasts. Due to weight reduction, pregnancy, skin elasticity, and hormonal changes, the surgery might enhance the appearance of droopy, sagging breasts. If you’re content with the size of your breasts but not the position, a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a great option. A breast lift involves the removal of extra skin, tightening of surrounding tissue, and repositioning of the nipple to give the breasts a more young, sculpted appearance. Breasts may appear bigger and shapelier as a consequence of a lift since some skin is removed. A breast lift produces rapid and long-lasting effects.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery, sometimes known as a boob job, entails utilizing saline or silicone implants to increase and enhance breast size and shape. Other things to consider include implant form, implant type, and placement on your chest, in addition to desired breast size. Breast augmentation results can take a few weeks to appear and can endure for years. Breast implants may need to be replaced over time as a result of variables such as aging and weight fluctuations.

How much is a boob job or breast lift?

A breast lift costs $4,8162 on average, while breast augmentation, sometimes known as a boob job, costs $3,824.3. Keep in mind that prices vary by region, and these averages don’t cover charges for general anesthesia, the surgical facility, or other related costs such as post-surgery clothes or prescription drugs. Consult your plastic surgeon’s office for an estimate of your costs.

How to choose between a breast lift and a boob job?

While your breast size and position may influence which breast surgery is best for you, many people choose to have both operations done at the same time. Because a person’s breasts aren’t always symmetrical, it’s not uncommon for each breast to undergo a somewhat different surgery. A consultation with an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon can help you decide whether a breast lift, breast augmentation, or both procedures are right for you.

What is the divorce rate after breast implants?

Cook et al7 reported a divorce rate of 28.8% in breast augmentation patients, compared to 18.1 percent in comparison participants, as previously mentioned.

Why you should never get breast implants?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States has discovered a link between breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a rare immune system disease. Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma is the name of the condition (BIA-ALCL).