Does Life Insurance Pay For Suicidal Death Ireland?

We will not pay you any benefit under the policy if a life assured dies within a year of the policy’s start date as a result of their own purposeful act.

If the policy has been assigned for the purpose of granting a loan, most insurers will pay the lesser of the outstanding loan or the remaining insurance coverage.

OR, to put it another way, if your insurance was used to pay off a mortgage, your mortgage will be paid off.

Most, because one insurer will only return the payments paid into the coverage if a mortgage is not cleared due to suicide within the first 12 months.

Unfortunately, I’ve had two suicide death claims where the policies paid off the mortgage and provided financial security to the family.

Does insurance cover suicide Ireland?

If you die as a result of suicide or purposeful and significant self-injury within the first year of purchasing life insurance, your policy will not cover you. This also applies in circumstances when the insured individual, in our reasonable judgement, takes their own life.

We can lessen the financial incentive for someone to tragically take their own life in the goal of triggering a life insurance payout by putting this one-year policy in place, however inconceivable that may seem. This exclusion does not apply after one year, thus we will evaluate any life insurance claims as we would any other claim when someone has died.

Does life insurance typically cover suicide?

For most causes of death, life insurance pays out the death benefit to your beneficiaries. Life insurance covers illness, suicide after the first two years, most accidents, and death due to natural causes.

What reasons will life insurance not pay?

If you lie about any risky activities, medical illnesses, travel plans, or your family’s health history on your insurance application, the insurance company may refuse to pay out the death benefit. The best approach to avoid surprises later is to be as honest and comprehensive as possible during the underwriting process.

Risky hobbies

Depending on the conditions of your policy, your insurer may refuse to pay the death benefit if you die while participating in a dangerous activity you routinely enjoy (such as flying a private plane, bungee jumping, or scuba diving).

If your pastime is dangerous enough, your insurer may include an exclusion to your policy that prevents payment if you die while participating in that dangerous activity. This exclusion will be disclosed to you before you sign the policy (there are no hidden exclusions). Amateur pilots, for example, may require an aviation exclusion rider in order to be covered by life insurance. Their beneficiaries will not receive the death benefit if they die in a plane crash.


Because of the slayer rule, if your beneficiary murders you, they will not receive the death benefit. The slayer rule prohibits the payment of a death benefit to someone who has murdered — or is directly linked to the murder — the insured. In this case, the insurance company will instead pay your prospective beneficiaries or your estate the death benefit.

Deaths that happen when you’re doing something illegal are usually not covered by insurance. Most policies will not cover death that occurs while performing a crime, for example.


Suicide is usually covered by life insurance, with one exception: life insurance contracts have a suicide clause that prevents payouts for suicide deaths in the first two years of coverage.

Suicide clauses are in place at insurance firms so that applicants cannot commit suicide shortly after their life insurance policy expires.

How does a life insurance policy work after someone dies?

A contract between you and an insurance provider is known as life insurance. In exchange for your premium payments, the insurance company will pay your beneficiaries a lump sum known as a death benefit after you die.

Your recipients are free to spend the funds for whatever they like. Paying bills, paying a mortgage, and putting a child through college are all examples of this. Having life insurance as a safety net can help your family stay in their house and pay for the things you planned for.

Term and permanent life insurance are the two main types of life insurance. Permanent life insurance, such as whole life or universal life insurance, can offer coverage for a lifetime, whereas term life insurance only gives coverage for a set length of time.

Does life insurance Cover overdose death?

If you die in a car accident, drowning, poisoning, unintentional drug overdose, or similar disaster, your life insurance policy will pay out death benefits to your beneficiaries.

Dishonesty & Fraud

Lying is never a smart idea, and this rule applies even more so when applying for life insurance. If you’re a smoker—and that includes vaping—always let people know right away. Past diseases, high-risk activities or employment, prior DUIs, a history of mental illness, and so on are all factors to consider.

Sure. It’s possible that disclosing these details will raise your monthly premiums, but that’s far preferable than your death benefit being rejected to your family when they need it most. You would call lying to an insurance company about your drug background or passion of SCUBA diving a white lie, but an insurance company would label it fraud. It’s simply not worth it to save a few dollars a year.

Your Term Expires

Term life insurance is by far the most common type of life insurance on the market, therefore chances are you have one. A term life benefit, unlike whole or permanent life insurance, is only guaranteed for a specific amount of time, or term, set when the insurance was first issued. You’ll have to reapply and be authorized for a new policy after the term expires.

We understand that life gets hectic, but it’s critical to know when your term is about to expire. Even if the term had finished the day before and tragedy struck, the insurance company is under no duty to pay a death benefit to your family.

Lapsed Premium Payment

Though it should come as no surprise, you may be refused a payment if you do not pay your monthly premiums. There are often grace periods, but you should never assume that this is the case. It’s tempting to dismiss this payment as a non-essential, but think how much worse your family’s financial condition would grow if you died—and then learned your death benefit was denied?

Act of War or Death in a Restricted Country

When a policyholder dies while fighting in a war, death payments are frequently denied. Going to war is, without a doubt, a perilous proposition. Similarly, if you die while traveling abroad, particularly to places considered risky, your insurance policy may be void.

Check your individual policy to see how these limitations may or may not apply to your circumstance.

Suicide (Prior to two year mark)

Many insurance policies include a clause known as a suicide clause. The suicide clause was enacted to deter people from purchasing a life insurance policy with the goal of killing themselves so that their family may get a settlement. Beneficiaries of policyholders who commit suicide within the first two years of purchasing an insurance will not be paid.

If the dead neglected to reveal a known history of depression or mental illness while applying for life insurance, a death benefit may be denied owing to suicide.

High-Risk or Illegal Activities

Your beneficiaries may not be eligible for a death benefit if the policyholder died as a result of engaging in a high-risk lifestyle or activity such as skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing, and so on. If you tell your insurer about your interest for these activities when you apply, you’ll still be covered—you’ll just have to pay a little more to account for the increased risk.

However, this isn’t just for adrenaline addicts. This can also include things like an overdose from a drug that wasn’t prescribed by a doctor, death while doing something unlawful, death while driving drunk, and so on. Basically, any behavior in which you deliberately put yourself in danger could result in your family being denied a compensation.

Death Within Contestability Period

If you die within two years after purchasing an insurance policy, the insurance company may contest your eligibility. This gives the provider time to review the policy and ensure that no false statements were made throughout the application process. It’s possible that the policy will be revoked if they discover any misrepresentations, even if they aren’t related to the cause of death.

Though this rarely results in the denial of a death benefit, it’s still more reason to be completely honest on your application. Don’t think you’re out of the woods after two years. A death benefit can still be denied if flagrant fraud is discovered.

What kind of deaths are not covered in a term insurance plan?

Term policies cover death caused by any critical illness. HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are included.

If you have a pre-existing illness, you must report it when acquiring a Term insurance policy. If the sickness is the cause of the policyholder’s death, the nominee is only entitled to the payout if the disease was revealed at the time of purchase. If you have a life-threatening sickness, your premiums will likely be higher, but in the event of a payment, the claims process will be smoother. This is why, when applying for term insurance, financial companies need you to take a medical exam.

Death from an overdose of alcohol or drugs is likewise not covered by a Term Insurance policy.

We’ve all heard stories about policyholders being murdered for money by the nominee. If an investigation indicates that the candidate was involved in the death of the insured, the nominee will not be entitled to death benefits until the judge acquits him.

Term insurance does not cover death caused by a natural disaster or act of God, such as a tsunami, earthquake, or flood, unless you have purchased specific riders for that purpose.

Does depression disqualify you from life insurance?

People with a variety of mental health disorders may have their life insurance coverage denied. Criteria differ from insurance company to insurance company, as they do with just about any type of health condition. As a result, when it comes to depression and anxiety, there is no universal norm.

Do you need an autopsy for life insurance?

  • All supporting documents and the death certificate When submitting a life insurance claim, proof of death is required. A certified copy of the death certificate, a police report, a toxicology report, an autopsy report, a coroner’s report, a medical examiner’s report, and, in some situations, medical records are all required documents.
  • This is the original policy. If you can locate the original life insurance policy, you can review the claim’s specifics (payment amount, beneficiary, contact information for the insurance provider, and so on) before filing it. Even if you don’t have the original policy, you can still file a claim.
  • Claim forms that have been completed. Claim forms are documentation that the insurance company sends to you. They will need extensive information on the insured person as well as your personal information. You can choose how you want to receive your life insurance payout on the claim form.

Can life insurance refuse to pay?

However, life insurance claims are frequently denied for a variety of reasons. A life insurance claim might be paid, denied, or postponed, to put it simply. So, certainly, life insurance companies have the right to deny claims and refuse to pay out, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably in the same boat.