Does Travel Insurance Cover Me If I Miss My Flight?

It’s vital to note that travel insurance doesn’t cover everything that could go wrong on a trip — and a lot can. Many passengers, for example, miss flights for a variety of reasons, some of which are covered by travel insurance and others which are not.

When a traveler does not arrive at the gate in time to board their booked aircraft, it is called a missed flight. They may have been in a car accident, become ill, or had their passport stolen, but the traveler misses their flight going or coming, and now they must file a claim for trip cancellation or trip interruption (because they are stranded and unable to return home).

It’s critical to distinguish between a missing flight and a missed connection. This article discusses how travel insurance covers missed connections.

How Travel Insurance Covers Missed flights

Missed flight coverage is limited to trip cancellation and interruption, as in you missed your scheduled flight and are now forced to cancel your trip or are unable to return home.

As a result, the covered causes for filing a travel insurance claim for missing flights can be found in the plan’s trip cancellation and trip interruption coverage. If a tourist has to cancel or interrupt their trip due to a covered reason, the travel insurance provider will typically pay them for their pre-paid and non-refundable trip fees.

No Travel Insurance Cover for Missed Flights Like These

No matter what happens to cause you to miss your trip, travel insurance will not cover it. For example, under the following scenarios, travel insurance will not cover missing flights:

All of these are instances in which the traveler could/should have planned better, and travel insurance will not help.

Does travel insurance cover you if you miss a flight?

If you miss a connection due to an airline error, such as a flight cancellation, the airline will be liable for getting you on another flight as well as paying for meals and lodging.

Also keep in mind that your airline is only obligated to compensate you if you have a round-trip ticket with them (one single ticket with the same airline for all connections). So, if you have two separate tickets for two different airlines, the first airline that caused you to miss your connection, not the connecting airline, is accountable.

Most insurance companies will not cover you for flight delays or missed connections.

If you miss your flight due to circumstances beyond your control, the airline is under no duty to compensate you.

If the airline is not obligated to provide compensation, certain insurance providers will cover missing connections. Simply double-check your policy to determine which connections are covered.

You may also be covered if you miss a connection on another mode of transportation, such as a train, bus, or ferry, owing to a delayed or cancelled flight.

Can I get my money back if I missed my flight?

Is it possible to get a refund if I miss a flight? Even if it was unintentional, you won’t be able to get a refund if you miss a flight. You may be rebooked on another flight by the airline, but there may be a change cost.

Which circumstance are not covered in travel insurance?

Taking a trip, whether it’s a weekend getaway or an international tour, necessitates preparation and can be costly. Unforeseen circumstances such as injury, illness, travel delays, or natural disasters may force you to cancel your vacation, leaving you with unexpected charges. There are insurance choices available to help you stay financially secure.

Top Considerations

Cost of travel insurance: Travel insurance typically costs between 4 and 10% of the total cost of a trip. For a $5,000 trip, travel insurance might cost anywhere from $200 to $500, depending on the coverage.

Forms of travel insurance: There are various different types of travel insurance available, including:

  • The trip has been canceled. If you are unable to take your trip due to a covered cause under your policy, your pre-paid travel expenses will be reimbursed. Every comprehensive policy usually includes it. If your trip is canceled due to an unexpected illness or injury that renders you or a traveling companion unfit to travel; hospitalization or death of a non-traveling family member; weather or common carrier issues; an unforeseen natural disaster at home or at the destination; or a legal obligation such as jury duty or serving as a witness in court, you will usually be reimbursed.
  • Medical for travel and significant medical. If you become ill or injured while traveling, this insurance will protect you. Short-term medical coverage is provided through travel medical insurance.
  • Medical evacuation is required in an emergency. Covers services such as air evacuation and medical transportation to the nearest adequate medical institution and then back home if necessary. This form of coverage is beneficial if you’re traveling to a remote location where medical care is difficult to come by. In the event that a person passes away while traveling, repatriation coverage will pay for the necessary transportation.
  • Death and dismemberment as a result of an accident. Beneficiaries are covered if you die in an accident while on the trip, or if you lose a hand, foot, limb, or sight as a result of an accident. Some strategies are only applicable in the event of an aircraft crash.
  • Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) policies are policies that can be cancelled at any time for any reason. These insurance are more expensive, and they usually only cover a portion of your travel expenses. It makes no difference why the event was canceled. When it comes to cancellations, there is normally a time limit, and you must insure all of your pre-paid and non-refundable charges. In addition to trip cancellation coverage, CFAR insurance are frequently purchased as an optional option.

Epidemics and pandemics are often excluded from travel insurance coverage. “Trip cancellations and trip interruptions due to known, foreseeable, or expected catastrophes, epidemics, or fear of travel are often not covered,” according to Allianz Global Assistance, a travel insurance company.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a known global event, thus the chance of policies acquired now covering changes in plans or cancellations for that reason varies based on your policy conditions. Check your travel policy to see if there are any exclusions.

If a certain country imposes travel limitations, coverage may be available. Outside of an insurance policy, certain airlines and tour firms will allow cancellations. Additionally, travel policies with medical coverage may cover any illnesses or hospitalizations that occur while on vacation, but you must check your policy to see if yours is one of them.

How to Protect Yourself

If you can’t afford to cancel and rebook your trip, or if your health insurance doesn’t cover you while traveling, travel insurance is a good idea. Short vacations close to home usually do not necessitate travel insurance.

Know the limitations, exclusions, and fine print of your coverage: Each insurance policy has its own set of coverage limitations and exclusions.

  • Cancellation of your trip owing to being detained by customs or having to cancel due to a business obligation are examples of exclusions. You may or may not be protected if your flight is delayed. Some policies only cover trip cancellation claims if a covered delay causes you to miss more than half of your intended trip length. You must also make a good faith effort to complete your journey by other ways. For broader coverage, a “Cancel for Any Reason” policy is an available, however payment is normally for less than the whole cost of the trip.
  • Medical insurance for travelers as well as significant medical insurance. Check to check if your insurance needs you to get prior approval before obtaining medical treatment. Check to see if you have any pre-existing medical conditions that will prevent you from getting coverage.
  • Emergency medical evacuation/repatriation: If you’re participating in a dangerous activity that your insurer considers dangerous, such as sky diving, your coverage may be void. Some activities, such as SCUBA diving, have specific insurance plans.

Before you acquire an insurance product, make sure you ask about any coverage limitations or exclusions.

Don’t leave it till the last possible moment: Travel insurance is designed to safeguard passengers from unanticipated circumstances. If you’re flying to Florida in two days amid storm warnings, for example, buying travel insurance at the last minute is unlikely to help. If you get travel insurance after a winter or tropical storm has been designated, your policy will usually exclude claims connected to that occurrence.

Homeowners will insure your belongings while you are away: Personal goods lost or stolen on a trip is usually covered by most homeowners insurance policy. Check with your homeowner’s insurance company to see what they cover while you’re away. If you have pricey items, you may want to consider purchasing a to supplement your current homeowners coverage.

Top Three Things to Remember

  • Examine your policy to see if it covers the types of incidents you wish to be covered for.
  • Examine the policy in detail. Inquire about any limits or exclusions to coverage.
  • Remember that your homeowner’s insurance should cover your belongings while you’re away. However, if you have valuable stuff, you might consider obtaining additional coverage.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners provided this information (NAIC).

Does travel insurance cover trip interruption?

Your journey is cut short after you’ve left due to a covered reason. Travel insurance can compensate you for the percentage of your budgeted expenses that you haven’t used, less any refunds. If your trip is interrupted due to a covered reason, you can file a claim for the additional expenses you incur to continue your trip or return to your primary residence, as well as any additional accommodation fees you are required to pay if you prepaid for shared accommodations and your traveling companion’s trip is interrupted.

If the interruption requires you to stay longer than expected at your destination (or the location of the interruption), trip interruption benefits may reimburse you for additional lodging and transportation expenditures, subject to the maximum level provided in your plan.

For example, you and a friend decide to celebrate your graduation by spending a week in Key West, Florida. After two days of palm trees and mai tais, the island is battered by a hurricane. Your hotel loses power, the streets are flooded, and all of your fun plans are ruined.

Fortunately, trip interruption coverage is included in your travel insurance policy. You can be reimbursed for unused, non-refundable, prepaid trip fees if your trip was interrupted due to a covered reason (your destination was rendered uninhabitable). Furthermore, your plan may be able to pay you for the expense of changing your plane ticket so that you can return home earlier.

What should I do if I missed my flight?

If You Miss Your Flight, What Should You Do?

  • As quickly as possible, contact an airline representative. If you’re running late, you should first phone the airline and let them know you’re worried about missing your flight.

What do I do if I miss my connecting flight?

You may have planned for your flight and checked off all of the items on your to-do list, but things happen.

A family emergency, a serious illness, or a flat tire can cause you to miss your trip.

Contact the Airline

The first thing you should do is try to recoup part of the money you spent on your ticket.

If you have missed (or are likely to miss) your flight and are not at the airport, call your airline’s local number. You should be able to get this information on the website of your airport.

If you want to book a new flight, your airline will almost certainly charge you a change fee. You must pay the difference in price if the tariff has increased since the last time you purchased your ticket.

Despite the additional fees, it is preferable to pay more than lose your ticket entirely if you phone ahead.

Proceed to the ticketing counter or gate agent if you are at the airport. Explain your predicament and inquire about your possibilities.

What happens to your luggage if you miss your flight?

If you miss your flight, what happens to your luggage? If you miss a connection or are delayed at security and your checked luggage has left without you, locate an airline agent as soon as possible. Your bags may be tracked and held for you by the airline until you arrive.

Is it worth getting insurance for a flight?

Though travel insurance may cost 5 to 10% of your trip cost, it is typically well worth the money because it can reimburse you for hundreds of thousands of dollars in covered travel-related charges such as emergency evacuation, medical bills, and trip cancellation and interruption costs.

What does the travel insurance cover?

Medical crises, trip cancellation, trip interruption, delays, medical evacuation, and lost, damaged, or stolen luggage are all covered by most travel insurance plans.

What is trip interruption reimbursement?

If your journey has already begun and you are forced to return home early due to an unexpected event, trip interruption insurance will reimburse you for the unused portion of your trip. When scheduling pricey holidays, this post-departure perk comes in handy.