How Does Car Insurance Work In South Africa?

Car insurance is not required in South Africa, unlike in many other nations. South Africa, on the other hand, has a significant incidence of traffic accidents and vehicle thefts each year. As a result, it’s a smart idea to get a reliable auto insurance policy to protect yourself from unexpected costs.

Car insurance is available from a variety of South African insurance firms. Instead of insuring the driver, policies insure the vehicle. You must, however, name the listed or designated driver of the vehicle. Other drivers can be added, however this may effect premium prices. Although your automobile is insured, you can purchase additional coverage that permits you to drive other people’s vehicles.

Many drivers in South Africa do not carry automobile insurance because it is not required. According to data, around 70% of cars in South Africa are uninsured.

South Africa’s vehicle insurance industry is regulated by the Prudential Authority, which is a department of the South African Reserve Bank. The South African Insurance Association represents a large number of businesses (SAIA).

How does insurance work in South Africa?

Car insurance is frequently purchased over the phone or over the internet. Companies may, however, follow up by paying you a visit at your house. This is to guarantee that you genuinely own the car and aren’t signing a contract that you don’t understand.

A multitude of factors influence your vehicle insurance quote in the United States, just as they do in other nations. This includes the car’s make, your age, where you live, what you do for a living, and how often you use it.

If you have a tracking device placed in your automobile, certain companies will give you a reduction on your monthly premium. When purchasing a new vehicle, you may be given the option of having one fitted. Before you get your insurance sorted out, you may need to test tracking systems on used cars.

  • Third-party liability insurance covers you if you cause an accident and have to compensate another party.
  • Third-party liability, theft, and fire insurance — this covers the cost of replacing your car if it is stolen or burned.
  • Comprehensive insurance frequently includes roadside assistance and covers repairs regardless of who is at fault.

Health insurance

While South Africa has a public healthcare system, it is unable to meet demand due to a shortage of resources. As a result, the majority of expatriates opt for a private healthcare plan with a provider in their home country or in South Africa.

When looking for health insurance in South Africa, you’ll be confronted with a bewildering array of possibilities. This might range from restricted schemes for younger individuals to full insurance options.

You can either choose a private provider once you arrive in South Africa or check to see whether a corporation in your current nation has an expat policy. It’s also feasible to extend your current South African health insurance plan to cover you while in South Africa if you have one.

International health insurance firms that cater to expats in South Africa include:

Dental insurance

In South Africa, the most frequent option to insure yourself for dental care is to enroll in an insurance plan and pay a monthly premium to cover your dental expenditures.

Dental insurance is not normally included in health insurance coverage, though it is sometimes available to add it for a fee.

Dental insurance is often paid on a monthly basis through plans offered directly by healthcare providers. These are usually based on discounted rates. For example, you might get 80% off treatment up to a particular amount, but you’ll almost always be responsible for any excess charges.

Contents insurance

Contents insurance is optional, but in some locations with high crime rates, it may be a wise investment.

It’s also a good idea to get contents insurance, even if it’s not required by law. This will protect your possessions against theft or damage. Premiums differ dramatically depending on the value of your possessions and where you live.

Life insurance

In most circumstances, you’ll need to get your own life insurance policy, which will offer a lump-sum payout in the event of your death (and in some cases serious injury, too).

In South Africa, life insurance works in the same way it does in other nations. In most circumstances, you pay a monthly premium in exchange for a lump-sum payment in the event of your death (or in some cases serious injury).

If you have life insurance in your home country, check to see if you will be covered when you relocate to South Africa. Many worldwide companies offer expat insurance. The value of this depends on the cost and whether you want to stay in South Africa for an extended period of time.

Unemployment insurance

If you live and work in South Africa, your social security payments entitle you to unemployment benefits from the government. Payment levels, on the other hand, are not particularly high.

As a result, many expats purchase private unemployment insurance to meet their needs and those of their families during periods of unemployment.

Pet insurance

Veterinary bills in South Africa can be expensive, so many pet owners choose to purchase private insurance to cover catastrophic medical costs.

Accidental injuries, diseases, and operations are commonly covered by domestic animal insurance in South Africa. It may cover emergency housing, such as kennels or catteries, in some instances. Some policies also cover advertising expenses if your pet goes missing.

Unless you pay extra, annual check-ups and immunizations are frequently not included by conventional policies. Pre-existing conditions, avoidable diseases, inherited illnesses, pregnancy, and behavioral issues are also typically excluded from conventional insurance plans.

Travel insurance in South Africa

Typically, travel insurance is not included in healthcare rates. As a result, you’ll have to organize your own insurance for a single trip, multiple trips, or an annual basis.

In South Africa, there are dozens of travel insurance firms. As a result, it’s a good idea to shop around before making a decision. The majority of policies are fairly flexible and may be compared online.

Several factors influence travel insurance premiums, as they do anywhere. Your motivation for going, your age, and any pre-existing diseases are all examples.

Some firms, for example, will charge you more if you participate in extreme sports or hard labor while you’re gone. If you’re traveling to less-developed areas of Africa or if you’re elderly, you may be subject to exclusions.

You can buy a coverage that covers your entire family. High-end policies will cover medical expenditures up to £10 million, while even basic coverage should cover flight delays and luggage loss.

How much is car insurance per month in South Africa?

The current pattern of growth is expected to continue. According to a poll, 53% of online adults surveyed believe that online spending would expand even more in 2017. 84 percent of those polled attribute the continued high increase to the convenience of purchasing online. Another 38% think it’s because people want to save more, and another 36% say it’s because their disposable income has increased.

trend in cell phone commerce

South Africans are increasingly using their cellphones to shop online, resulting in a R9.5 billion transaction between 2015 and 2016. This spending pattern is expected to continue, resulting in a 123 percent increase by 2018.

Some advantages of buying car insurance online

Many insurance providers in Kenya allow customers to purchase automobile insurance online. What can persuade conventional customers of inexpensive auto insurance to go online instead, says the article?

Buying online car insurance is cheaper

You save time by not having to make an appointment and drive to an office when you get vehicle insurance online. Because no insurance agent is involved, online vehicle insurance can also be less expensive.

Easy to compare online quotes

It doesn’t take long to compare several cheap auto insurance deals by visiting online. You may get reviews on vehicle insurance purchases made online, as well as take into account any customer feedback.

Online buying made easy by a customer-friendly interface

The process of getting online quotations is made simple by following a simple technique. Each and every financial transaction is safe and secure.

You can buy online car insurance at any time that suits you.

Because everyone is so busy these days, there isn’t much time left to shop for vehicle insurance. Purchasing auto insurance online from the comfort of your own home is far more convenient. You can even make a transaction at 12 a.m. if you want to. 3

Immediate access to insurance documents and to making changes?

When you buy vehicle insurance online, you can print your documentation right away. Any policy adjustments you want to make can be done online as well. 3

What happens if you have any questions?

When making an online purchase, you may have a few queries. For any such questions, car insurance firms provide excellent telephonic service.

So where is purchasing of online car insurance going in South Africa?

The way online shopping is flourishing in South Africa is a good sign that online vehicle insurance purchasing may follow suit. The auto insurance sector is currently’stuck’ with 30–35 percent of insured motorists. When third-party car insurance becomes mandatory in South Africa, traditional and internet car insurance sales could skyrocket. One of the barriers to obtaining insurance online in South Africa is that not everyone has access to a computer and the Internet, despite the fact that almost everyone has a cell phone.

It would be fascinating to know what percentage of the 30-35 percent of insured South African motorists purchased vehicle insurance online.

Why not buy affordable car insurance with PMD by using their online insurance purchase platform?

You’ve read about the advantages of buying vehicle insurance online. PMD has created an Online Insurance Purchase Platform to make purchasing their low-cost auto insurance simple and quick. You can make a purchase at any moment and customize the coverage to meet your needs. You are not, however, alone; if you have any questions, you can use the call-back service or the audio and video resources.

How much is car insurance per month?

In addition to car payments, maintenance, and gasoline expenditures, South African motorists must also pay monthly auto insurance charges. All the more incentive to look for low-cost auto insurance that fits your budget.

What is the average motoring cost per month?

According to a 2017 article in Carmag, a financial institution claims that in 2017, the average overall motoring expense for South Africans increased by 24.2 percent since July 2013. In July 2017, the average monthly motoring expense for South Africans was R7 119.80, according to the credit provider. This was a 6.1 percent increase over the previous year’s price.

The importance of motorists budgeting carefully

With such significant increases in total motoring expenditures, it is critical that motorists plan ahead. The nearly doubling in price of an entry-level automobile from R100 000 in 2007 to R183 000 ten years later exemplifies this.

Car instalments, maintenance costs and insurance premiums have risen the most.

According to the loan company, the most significant increases in car payments, maintenance costs, and insurance premiums occurred between 2013 and 2017. This can mostly be attributed to rising car prices. Due to rising interest rates and higher car prices, instalments jumped by a whopping 43.8 percent throughout this time period.

What about the average monthly fuel cost per motorist?

Despite rising fuel, maintenance, and instalment expenses, motorists’ monthly fuel prices decreased from 2016 to 2017. In July 2017, fuel accounted for 31% of the monthly driving expenses. Fuel prices are mostly determined by the Rand’s exchange rate and the international price of oil.

With the aforementioned challenging facts in mind, it makes sense for motorists to purchase the cheapest auto insurance possible while maintaining the highest level of coverage.

How do you find affordable car insurance that is still high quality?

There are a few things that motorists may take to locate low-cost vehicle insurance that yet provides adequate coverage.

Do your homework.

Find out what kind of coverage is available and how much it costs by visiting the websites of well-known, reliable auto insurance providers. You may then figure out exactly what kind of insurance you want and what you want covered in your situation. You may opt for third-party, fire, and theft automobile insurance instead of comprehensive insurance due to financial restraints.

Some companies offer lower premiums

Some insurers may be willing to give lower premiums if you purchase a new automobile with excellent safety and anti-theft features. When you reside in a high-crime region, other insurers demand a higher premium, so moving to a safer place may assist. The premiums will appear better as you become older. If you transfer other insurance policies to the same company, your premiums may be reduced. If your insurance provider charges an excess, work out the appropriate amount of excess with them. Not all insurance companies charge an excess. If you can afford the large excess at claim time, you’ll be able to get reduced rates. Finally, if you have a good driving record or a low-risk driver profile, you can haggle with the insurance carrier.

Expensive to run a car? All the more reason to buy affordable cover with PMD

You’ve probably heard some unsettling news about how expensive it is to own and operate a car today. But, today, PMD has some excellent news for you, the motorist: low-cost auto insurance.

How can car insurance help protect your financial wellbeing?

We frequently hear accounts of persons being involved in collisions with other vehicles. The uninsured motorist totaled his automobile, and the at-fault driver is frequently liable for the losses of others. People frequently wish they had insurance at this point, even if it was simply for third-party damage. You don’t want to go through any of the aforementioned situations, which leads us to the question, “Is automobile insurance truly necessary?”

Car accidents won’t happen to me

It is common for people to believe that they will not be engaged in an accident. This is a prevalent way of thinking. Nobody wants to be a doomsday prophet and tell people that they will have an accident at some point in their lives, but for many individuals, this is an awful fact. “I drive gently and just make short journeys to and from the office, therefore nothing will happen to me,” you might reason. I don’t live in the fast lane, where the majority of the collisions occur.” Even if you have never been in an accident, there is no guarantee that you will never have one.

How many motorists are insured in South Africa?

What are the possibilities of a third party not being insured on our roads? In South Africa, seven out of ten motorists, or 8.4 million people, do not have auto insurance. Unfortunately, in most cases, third-party insurance is not required in South Africa. As a result, you can’t count on a third party to be insured and cover your car if they cause an accident.

What could the financial impact be if you are not insured?

Without auto insurance, you may be exposing yourself to unnecessary financial danger, which many individuals are unable to bear. This is why you should consider purchasing insurance; there are numerous solutions accessible on the market.

Why take a chance? Buy affordable cover with PMD

After reading this article, you should be aware of the importance of having automobile insurance coverage. If you don’t have much money, start with third-party car insurance from PMD. When it’s convenient for you, use PMD’s Online Insurance Purchase Platform. The entire procedure is short and painless, and you’ll have access to a call-back service as well as additional audio and video resources if you need assistance.

Tips to save money when buying car insurance

Whether it’s where you shop for groceries or how much your auto insurance costs, we’re all looking for ways to save money. Purchasing food may be a simple decision. However, you may want to give more care to which insurance company you insure with. It can be challenging to find the correct vehicle insurance for you when it comes to auto insurance. It is necessary to browse around to determine which insurer provides the greatest vehicle insurance price. We’ll look at why getting inexpensive auto insurance is a good idea, as well as how insurance policies function and how you may benefit from them in this post.

What is car insurance?

Car insurance is a legal agreement between you and your chosen insurer. The insurance will assist you with obtaining financial protection in the event of an accident, fire-related damage/loss, and/or theft of your vehicle. What your insurance compensates you for your loss and/or damage to your car may change depending on your policy’s coverage and the premium you pay.

Comprehensive cover

  • If you are involved in an accident, you may be responsible for damages to your own vehicle (excluding any excess payment).
  • Damages to another car that was directly involved in the accident are covered in part or in full (included in Third Party coverage).

Third party, fire and theft cover

You will be insured for fire damage and vehicle theft if you have this form of automobile insurance. In addition, if you are the cause of the accident, you may be liable for third-party damages.

Get many quotes

Obtain multiple auto insurance quotes. Make sure you finish your homework. Pay attention to the small print. Determine what you require from your auto insurance. For instance, when buying a new automobile, especially if you’re financing it, you’ll need to include in the cost of comprehensive insurance while putting together your budget. To obtain the greatest deal on your new automobile, seek insurance estimates from various insurance providers before you buy it. Remember that the cover you choose is entirely up to you and what best matches your needs.

When to pick an insurer

Examine the coverage provided by each insurer to see if it meets your auto insurance needs and your budget. Before signing the policy contract, always read the fine print. If events change in your life that may affect your insurance, you should check your policy to see if you can save money or if you need to adjust your coverage options.

Factors that can affect how cheap your car insurance premiums can be

  • Your premium may be affected if you drive a high-risk vehicle. Is the make and model of your car prone to theft or hijacking? If this is the case, you may have to pay a higher premium for your insurance.
  • Multiple claims filed in a short period of time will raise your premium.
  • Your car is safer if it is parked in a garage. You might be able to get a lower premium.

Inquire with car insurance firms about these and other factors that may affect your car insurance premiums.


Find an insurer that accepts excess payments in a way that fits your budget and demands.

Whatever your preferences are for economical or low-cost auto insurance and your ultimate decision, always shop around and study the fine print before signing on the dotted line.

What is car insurance and how does it work?

Car insurance protects you financially and covers damage to your vehicle if you’re at fault for someone else’s injuries or damages. If you or your passengers are injured in an accident or are hit by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, your auto insurance may cover your medical expenses. Your policy protects you up to specific restrictions that you and your insurer have agreed upon.

Is it compulsory to have car insurance in South Africa?

Before you sign a vehicle insurance policy, it’s critical to understand your rights. For most drivers, especially first-time vehicle owners, car insurance might be confusing. It’s a good idea to do some research on the vehicle insurance rules in South Africa before acquiring a coverage. For most people, knowing they have automobile insurance is sufficient. While this is a positive thing, knowing your rights as a policyholder is crucial when it comes to getting the greatest insurance coverage for your money. What are some of the auto insurance laws, and what car insurance requirements should you be aware of? Let’s have a look.

Is Car Insurance Legally Required In South Africa?

Car insurance is not needed by law in South Africa. When a vehicle is purchased with a loan from a financial institution or a bank, however, the financial institution or bank makes auto insurance required. Given the number of accidents that occur on our roads each year, as well as the high rate of crimes such as auto theft, it is a required investment. The three types of car insurance options available to vehicle owners, as well as the restrictions that go with them, are listed here.

Three main types of Car Insurance in South Africa

  • Third-Party Car Insurance: This is the cheapest sort of car insurance, but it provides less coverage. Only damage to another vehicle is covered by third-party car insurance. You may be saving money on monthly payments, but having to pay thousands of dollars in damages due to inadequate insurance coverage would drive you insane.
  • Limited Car Insurance: Limited car insurance protects you from third-party claims as well as loss or damage caused by fire, theft, or hijacking. It is crucial to know, however, that if you are involved in an accident, you will not be covered for damages. It’s also a less expensive auto insurance alternative, but is the coverage appropriate for the period you reside there and the roads you travel on?
  • Comprehensive Car Insurance: When you buy a car with a loan, financial organizations and banks need you to have comprehensive car insurance. Comprehensive auto insurance is a need, not a luxury, regardless of how you purchased your wheels. Comprehensive car insurance is more expensive than the other two types of car insurance because it covers you in the event of damage, theft, accidents, and more. Third-party claims are also covered under this policy. In the event of a hijacking, theft, or fire, you may have to pay a greater excess depending on your insurer and the brand and model of your vehicle. Read your policy schedule attentively and become familiar with your coverage and exclusions to understand your vehicle insurance rights.

Car Insurance Is Not A Substitute For Life Or Medical Insurance

It’s also crucial to remember that car insurance only covers your vehicle, not you. This simply means that the insurance will cover any damages to the vehicle. You must cover any additional financial responsibilities not covered by your insurance coverage.

Car Insurance Exclusions

A automobile insurance policy’s common exclusions include vehicle maintenance and wear and tear. While some insurers give coverage outside of the country, you should always check with your desired insurer to see if this is an exclusion.

Medical insurance will cover your medical expenses in the event that you require them.

If one of your claims must go via the legal system, legal insurance will cover the costs.

Breakdown Assistance may or may not be included in the terms and conditions of your auto insurance policy. Breakdown assistance insurance will cover unforeseen tow truck help when you need it the most, or when you’re cash-strapped and running out of options.

Conducting your own research on South African car insurance law and becoming familiar with the relevant legislation can substantially improve your grasp of vehicle insurance regulations and how they are controlled to protect you financially.

To acquire a complete understanding of the auto insurance rules in South Africa, speak with one of our specialists. Improve your insurance knowledge and start living your best life today!

How much do you need to start an insurance company in South Africa?

A long-term insurer/reinsurer must have ZAR10 million in capital, whereas a short-term insurer/reinsurer must have ZAR5 million.

How many insurers are there in South Africa?

In their lives, everyone has defining moments. Covid-19, a global health pandemic, struck the world this year. This problem is still wreaking havoc on people’s health, lifestyles, business, economics, society, government, and technology all across the world.

Insurers have come to the rescue, with South African insurance companies demonstrating their worth. The results of thirty-three non-life insurers, eighteen life insurers, and eight reinsurers generated before the pandemic are reflected in this year’s Annual Insurance Industry Survey.

Which car has the cheapest insurance in South Africa?

So, who triumphs in the local market? The Renault Kwid, which starts at R160,000, is one of the most affordable cars in South Africa to completely cover.

On the Renault Kwid Expression 5-Door ABS, a 30-year-old man named John might obtain a monthly premium of roughly R750, with an excess of R11,400.

The Polo Vivo, one of South Africa’s most popular passenger vehicles, isn’t far behind. Our John should expect to pay roughly R950 per month for the 1-litre model, which starts at R212,000 and has an R11,400 excess.

The Suzuki S-Presso, which debuted in March 2020 as the cheapest new car to drive in South Africa at R135,000, is also the cheapest to insure overall. For roughly R732 per month, John might have comprehensive coverage with an R11,100 excess. So, if you’re driving one of these around, congrats! You now have one of the cheapest cars to insure in South Africa.

Is it better to drive a Kwid or a Polo? Hey, you’re not doing all that awful. Take a good look at those figures. Even though the S-Presso is over R65 000 cheaper than the Kwid, John would save only R18 per month on insurance if he chose the S-Presso over the Kwid.

What is the takeaway? Don’t assume that the least expensive of your favorites will also be the least expensive to insure. Shop around and keep in mind that insuring your wheels is about more than just the cost.

How is car insurance calculated?

Third-Party Liability (TPL) insurance covers any harm to a person or property caused by your insured vehicle, resulting in financial loss or death to the person.

TPL, on the other hand, does not cover expenses for repairs, so it’s always a good idea to have a coverage that also covers losses caused by damage to your own car.

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of India issues the TPL premium, which is based on the car’s capacity (IRDAI).

The OD cover is optional, although it is really useful. It reimburses your expenses if your car is damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, or storms, or if it is involved in an accident. The arrangement is that as the Insurance Declared Value, or IDV, increases, so does the premium, and vice versa. As a result, as your car ages, the IDV falls.

The Indian Motor Tariff determines the premium for OD coverage as a proportion of IDV.


This portion of your automobile insurance premium protects you not only against accidents, but also from incidents that result in incapacity. Because the possibilities of handicap are higher than virtually any other consequence, this is an essential aspect of being thoroughly protected. Road accidents claimed the lives of approximately 3 lakh people in 2014. However, 5 lakh people were gravely hurt or incapacitated for the rest of their lives. You can also enhance the policy’s coverage to include nameless passengers.

Finally, there are riders. These riders, often known as auto insurance add-ons, offer a variety of protection and services for a small fee. Engine Secure, for example, protects against waterlogging damage, while Road Side Assistance provides assistance if your car breaks down in the middle of the road, and NCB Protection allows you to make two claims without losing your No Claim Bonus. Each rider adds to the strength of your auto insurance policy, ensuring that you are covered in any eventuality.

What are the three types of car insurance?

Liability, comprehensive, and collision insurance are the three types of car insurance that are universally available. Other types of auto insurance coverage, such as personal injury protection and uninsured/underinsured driver coverage, are still available, but not in every state.