How Much Does A Vasectomy Reversal Cost With Insurance?

Most insurance policies do not cover a vasectomy reversal for most guys. According to insurance providers, the surgery is merely a “luxury” and not “medically required.”

These men don’t want to pay to go back and fix a mistake they made. A vasectomy reversal, according to an industry insider, will increase insurance company costs because they will have to pay for the delivery and costs of additional children with no additional revenue to cover these fees.

In order to determine if a “outpatient microsurgical vasovasostomy” is covered by a patient’s individual insurance plan, the patient will need to contact their insurance provider. “Vasectomy reversal” should be avoided at all costs.

Please be aware that even if an insurance company person tells you that “sure, an outpatient vas reversal is covered,” as they frequently do, they will later refuse to pay. If you don’t read the fine print, you won’t know what it is.

Outpatient surgery, even with a non-contracted provider, is typically a “covered charge” under the rules of the insurance contract, when they say “yes, it is covered.”

But in our experience, insurance companies virtually invariably deny payment following the procedure. To do so, the permission department claims it’s covered, but the department that has to approve and write a check is not the same department.

The insurance company is not legally obligated to pay even if it has been “pre-approved.” When this happens, the patient is now obligated to cover the unanticipated costs.

Insurance companies and agencies may “approve” vas reversal and send the doctor a check, but in our experience, this may only be a few hundred dollars for an expensive procedure costing several thousand dollars.

As a result, a vasectomy reversal in 2021 will cost the insurance company only what they consider “reasonable and customary,” even though it is thousands of dollars less than the genuine costs.

To get the vas reversal done, several insurance companies try to get patients to see a “in plan” contracted urologist who isn’t qualified or knowledgeable.

How much does the average vasectomy reversal cost?

ICVR’s standard vasectomy reversal cost is $8700, with a 99.5 percent success rate. The cost of vas reversals varies widely; some are substantially less expensive than others. Ask yourself, “Why?”

Cost is the amount of money you pay for a product or service, and value is what you get for your money. There is a tendency to focus just on how much money is spent, rather than how much is gained or lost. There are many people who believe that the cheapest option is just as excellent or even better than the more expensive one.

A common question we get is, “How much does it cost to reverse a vasectomy?” From approximately $800 to more than $70,000 or more, the cost of a vasectomy reversal can vary widely.

Most renowned urologists charge between $8000 and $15,000, with a few charging up to $70,000 for the same surgery.

Some vas reversal experts, speaking at a recent fertility society meeting, believe that many discount doctors have lower reversal success rates and higher complications because of their quickie, high volume approach, no or minimal follow-up care, the use of older and simpler techniques (which allow the doctor to go fast) or the lack of critical support and OR personnel.

Many doctors have been known to send out unexpected fees for the procedure weeks or even months after the procedure has been completed.

For a routine, first-time vasectomy reversal for fertility, we offer a fixed, no-surprises, all-inclusive price package of $8700. It is more expensive to perform sophisticated vas reversals, such as redo vasectomy reversals, or to reverse a post-vasectomy pain syndrome using vasectomy reversals (PVPS).

When it comes to vas reversal, every patient can expect a 99.5 percent likelihood of success because the doctors of ICVR are recognized leading authorities by so many top tier doctors and have written a textbook, published publications, and taught seminars and courses to other doctors.

There are many doctors who think they are doing a good job if they can achieve a success rate of 70% to 90%.

It doesn’t matter if the procedure takes longer than the usual 2 to 3 hours or if we need to do the more sophisticated and challenging vasoepididymostomy (VE) on one or both sides; the cost for patients is the same at ICVR.

Can you naturally reverse a vasectomy?

A process known as recanalization can cause a vasectomy to fail weeks, months, or even years after it was performed.

When the vas deferens grows back to form a new link, the vasectomy reverses itself due to recanalization.

Recanalization occurs in the majority of patients within 12 weeks of surgery. Until a woman’s partner becomes pregnant, recanalization that occurs years later may go unnoticed.

Recanalization is more likely if:

  • Open-ended vasectomy is a surgical procedure that cuts off the vas deferens at one end rather than both.
  • The vasectomy site contains sperm tissue.

What is the success rate of a reverse vasectomy?

Vasectomy reversal, in general, results in a pregnancy rate of more than 50%. Within three years of the vasectomy, the greatest likelihood of success is achieved. If the reversal is performed ten years after the vasectomy, the chance of conception is only 30%.

Are vasectomies 100 percent reversible?

Vasectomies can be undone in nearly all cases. It’s important to note, however, that none of this is a guarantee of a successful pregnancy.

A vasectomy reversal can be done even after the original vasectomy was performed several years ago; however, the longer it has been, the lower the likelihood of success.

Can a vasectomy be reversed after 20 years?

A vasectomy can be reversed up to 20 years after it was performed, but it’s not always possible to do so. However, the longer you wait to have a vasectomy reversed, the less likely you are to be able to conceive a child after the treatment.

Reversing a partner’s vasectomy will not boost your chances of getting her pregnant if he or she has previously undergone a tubal ligation. Your doctor may be able to answer your questions about IVF and sperm aspiration.

How long does it usually take to get pregnant after a vasectomy reversal?

Being realistic and well-versed in the facts are critical while trying to conceive following a vasectomy reversal.

What To Expect

After a vasectomy reversal, a normal sperm count can take many months, if not longer. Typically, you should anticipate to observe the return of sperm within three months of having a vasovasostomy procedure done.

After three months, if we don’t find sperm in the ejaculate, then the reversal has failed. An epididymovasostomy, a more complicated operation that is performed at The Vasectomy Reversal Center of America when a blockage in the epididymis is identified, can take up to a year to see sperm in the patient’s ejaculate.

There is no guarantee that the presence of sperm indicates an adequate sperm count. As long as there aren’t abnormalities in the ejaculate, that’s fine.

Conceiving Is A Process

It normally takes six to 12 months to conceive after a vasectomy reversal procedure. A man’s sperm supply is replenished every three to four months, therefore it’s crucial to know this fact.

Six to nine months is the average time it takes for men to return to their pre-pregnancy levels after having their vasectomy reversal procedure. After six months of trying, a couple may still conceive naturally.

After a vasectomy reversal, the most crucial item to monitor is the semen analysis and the sperm motility. Every one to two months thereafter, we conduct a semen assay to check that the sperm count has stabilized.

Couples who have had their sperm count and motility evaluated will typically be given six months to conceive using timed intercourse, which entails monitoring ovulation and having sexual contact every other day for four to five days before and after ovulation, depending on the results of the analysis.

For six months, a healthy sperm count and regular intercourse should lead to a pregnancy. If a couple has not conceived within this time, we first check the sperm count and then analyze the female partner’s fertility.

The process of conceiving following a vasectomy reversal can be long, but it is possible. Couples trying to conceive face a wide range of challenges, from the quality of the sperm to the woman’s age. Be patient if you don’t conceive after only a few months of trying.

Can a vasectomy fail after 40 years?

Choosing to undergo a vasectomy is a difficult decision for a man. For even the toughest of men, the mere thought of a sharp item near their genitals can cause them to tremble.

You’ll join the ranks of tens of thousands of brave men who have undertaken the treatment if you decide to go through with it. A little over half a million people do it every year.

One of the most effective methods for birth control is a vasectomy. It’s not infallible, despite its efficiency. If your spouse isn’t careful, you can still get pregnant after getting snipped.

As long as you’re calm, there are extremely few cases of vasectomy failures. Vasectomy failure rates are less than 1%, compared to tubal ligation’s 1.85% failure rate. However, the danger remains.

What is the reason behind vasectomy failure? What’s more, how are men able to conceive even after the procedure? These are the primary offenders.

Most vasectomy failures occur in the first few months after the treatment, and you won’t know until your wife stares at the home pregnancy test in astonishment. Human error is more likely to blame. We’re talking about you, the person.

Your sperm can remain in your vas deferens for months after your doctor severs them, which gives you the opportunity to conceive. In order to drain out any leftover sperm, doctors advise couples to use another form of birth control for at least three months after the operation.

The next step is to verify your infertility with a sperm count. Itchy feet? Don’t mind returning to the doctor to collect a specimen? SpermCheck, a male fertility test available over-the-counter, can be used to determine your current reproductive status at home. Your fertility status can be determined by this test.

Occasionally, a doctor performing a vasectomy will fail to locate the vas deferens. Obesity, scar tissue, or an exceedingly thin vein might cause this, as can the surgeon cutting off two pieces of a vein or tying up something other than a vein.

To avoid an unexpected pregnancy, make sure you and your doctor are following the correct post-vasectomy sperm testing.

The vas deferent can re-establish itself months or years after a successful vasectomy, even if you follow the correct post-vasectomy protocol. Ten years after a vasectomy, this has happened in some situations.

It’s a mystery. Even if the vas deferens is removed, sperm can still be found in the epididymis. When the vas deferens is severed, the spermatic fluid pressure can produce small drainage channels in the tissue.

Sperm will be able to reach the seminal vesicles if these channels can be linked to the split vas deferens throughout time. .025 percent of the time, although it does happen.

No medical surgery, even a vasectomy, is completely foolproof. Despite the fact that failure is extremely uncommon, there are a number of situations under which it could occur. Birth control and testing your sperm count might help ensure that you’re not irresponsible in the first few months following the operation.

What is better IVF or vasectomy reversal?

Is it possible for you to get pregnant again after having a vasectomy and want more children?

There are two main therapies for having children after having a vasectomy: vasectomy reversal and in vitro fertilization.

In many cases, a vasectomy reversal rather than in vitro fertilization is a superior option. In vitro fertilization is more expensive and less successful than a vasectomy reversal.

Is vasectomy permanent?

Despite the fact that vasectomy is meant to be permanent, this is not often the case. After a vasectomy, it is possible to become pregnant again.

The vas deferens is blocked in all vasectomy surgeries, regardless of the method used. During sexual contact, sperm cannot be ejaculated and cannot reach a fertilized egg. After a vasectomy, the obstruction must be removed or bypassed in order to become pregnant.

A blocked vas deferens can either be removed surgically or circumvented with IVF.

Vasectomy reversals: Removing vasectomy blockage

Men who have undergone a vasectomy reversal can regain their normal structure and function.

It is possible to reverse a vasectomy by removing the blocked vas deferens and reconnecting the tubes. One-day vasectomy reversal procedure does not necessitate a lengthy hospital stay. There is a range of costs associated with the procedure, from $6,000 to $15,000. Vasectomy reversal surgery is successful in about 80 percent to 90 percent of cases.

Even though vasectomy reversals are surgical procedures, the risk of complications is minimal. You can get pregnant more than once, without medication or a doctor’s intervention, and skip the more expensive IVF therapy with vasectomy reversal surgery. A reversal of a vasectomy can also help you create enough sperm to have IVF treatment (IUI). IUI is significantly less expensive and time-consuming than IVF.

In vitro fertilization: An alternative to vasectomy reversal

A vasectomy reversal alternative is in vitro fertilization. When sperm from the testicles is extracted by needle aspiration, IVF can avoid the vas deferens occlusion.

In order to undergo IVF, the patient must be prepared to take hormone injections throughout the course of treatment. Ovarian stimulation by hormonal medicines results in egg production, which is then harvested from her body during an egg retrieval process. The male partner will donate a semen sample to fertilize the eggs once the eggs have been extracted from the lady.

A needle aspiration operation is required to obtain sperm from the epididymis (the sperm-producing structure on top of the testicle) due to the male’s vasectomy. The sperm are extracted from the epididymis in an office procedure. It is possible to use healthy sperm to fertilize the eggs, which are then implanted into the woman’s uterus in the office if they grow.

Costs for each IVF treatment range from $16,000 to $20,000, with roughly one in three women conceiving with each procedure.

Which is better vasectomy reversal or IVF?

Many factors play a role in deciding which treatment is best. Either method has the potential to be effective.

Generally speaking, the cost and success rate of a vasectomy reversal treatment have increased over time. Vasectomy reversal surgery allows you to try for multiple pregnancies and give you the chance to have more than one child. It is possible to get pregnant more quickly using IVF, but it is more expensive and may require more treatments.

Why does it take 3 months for sperm to return after vasectomy reversal?

After a reversal, the sperm quality should revert to normal in 3 to 6 months, as it takes the testicles 3 to 6 months to produce fresh sperm. Due to scarring or partial obstruction, the count and motility may be reduced after reversal.

Can a vasectomy be reversed after 15 years?

Vasectomy reversal is highly effective even 15 years after the sperm tube, the vas deferens, has been blocked, according to physician-scientists from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, busting a common fallacy about the procedure.

Pregnancy rates following vasectomy are at their highest ever levels in this study, which was published in the January issue of the Journal of Urology.

Regardless of when a guy had a vasectomy, a vasectomy reversal resulted in a conception rate of 84 percent over the course of two years, the researchers found. (As a comparison, healthy males without a vasectomy can expect a pregnancy rate of 90%.)

Reversal of a vasectomy has a 50%-60% pregnancy rate in previous research; the difference is due to improvements in vasectomy reversal procedures. The study also found that the pregnancy rate declined to 44% at intervals of more than 15 years.

Vasectomy is not a long-term medical condition. – Men who have undergone a vasectomy less than 15 years ago have a considerably greater pregnancy rate if they have their vasectomy reversed, compared to sperm aspiration and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF) (ICSI).

IVF with ICSI yields better reversal results even after intervals of more than 15 years. In the finest institutions, IVF with ICSI has a pregnancy rate of up to 50% each attempt, although it may take two or three attempts until one pregnancy is achieved.

For couples hoping to have more than one child, vasectomy reversal is also a more cost-effective choice. In most cases, IVF with ICSI is two to three times as expensive as vasectomy reversal. Additionally, unlike IVF using ICSI, in some jurisdictions like New York, the cost of an IVF reversal is reimbursed by health insurance.

Men who have remarried or lost a child are the most common reasons for reversing a vasectomy. In the United States, about 500,000 vasectomies are performed each year, with an estimated 2 to 6 percent of men seeking reversal.

Over the course of the trial, New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center conducted 213 vasectomy reversals. Obstructive intervals of less than five years, five to 10 years, and ten to 15 years were used to categorize outcomes data. In the study, only men who had reproductive female partners were included.

Furthermore, the study indicated that the vas deferens maintained a high level of patency (or absence of obstruction) for 15 years after the vasectomy was performed, with an average patency rate of 90%.

It is possible that the recent introduction of improved surgical procedures for vasectomy reversal explains why this conclusion contradicts earlier studies. In 1998, Dr. Goldstein developed the microdot approach for precise suture insertion.

Second, it is claimed that granulomas, which are knot-like structures formed by too-tight a procedure, are linked to increased fertility rates and more patency in men who have had their vas deferens removed. There was no increase in patency or influence on pregnancy due to granulomas, which were found in 28% of vasectomies, according to the current study.

Pregnancy and patency were examined for the first time following two different methods of vasectomy reversal: vasovasostomy and vaseoepididymostomy. Patients who had a bilateral VV had a higher patency rate (95%) than those who had a unilateral VV and VE (83%) or a bilateral VE (bilateral VE) (83 percent ). Pregnancy rates, on the other hand, remained steady.

In a Vasovasostomy, the vas deferens is re-attached to the vas deferens. When the vas deferens and the epididymis are connected, the epididymis is a conduit for sperm. VV is generally performed if sperm are found in the vas fluid. VE is performed if there are no sperm in the vas fluid. It takes less than three hours to do each of these operations on an outpatient basis.