How Much Does Breast Reduction Surgery Cost Without Insurance?

According to 2020 figures from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a breast reduction (for cosmetic purposes solely) is $5,913. This is only a portion of the entire cost; it excludes anesthesia, operating room facilities, and other related costs.

How many sizes can you go down in a breast reduction?

The number of sizes you can expect to lose after a breast reduction depends on a number of factors. These include, among other things, how much volume you need to remove, the nature of your breasts, and the incision technique used.

You should anticipate to decrease one or two cup sizes on average. We will analyze your aesthetic goals and breast composition at your initial consultation to give you a solid sense of what results you may realistically expect.

What qualifies a woman for a breast reduction?

Breasts that are too big might create health and emotional issues. You may also endure physical pain and discomfort in addition to self-image concerns. Excess breast tissue can make it difficult to maintain an active lifestyle. Emotional distress and self-consciousness are frequently associated with large pendulous breasts, and they can be just as problematic as the physical discomfort and agony.

The weight of your breasts causes pain in your back, neck, and shoulders.

How do I lose breast fat?

Some women choose to have their breasts surgically reduced to minimize discomfort and promote movement. There are, however, less intrusive techniques for shrinking your breasts that you can attempt at home. Before attempting any of these home cures, consult your doctor.


Regular exercise will help you lose chest fat and strengthen the muscles beneath your breasts, allowing you to minimize the size of your breasts.

Because the breasts store a significant amount of fat, focusing on cardio and high-intensity exercises can help you lose weight and target problem regions more quickly. Aerobic exercises, such as stair climbing, cycling, and power walking, can help you shed overall body fat by speeding up your metabolism.

Pushups and other strength training exercises can tone the chest and change the appearance of the breasts. Pushups can help to tighten and tone the chest muscles, which can help to lessen the size of the breasts overall. Strength training and targeted exercises, on the other hand, will not diminish breast size on their own. Some workouts can make the breasts appear larger if done without cardio or a full-body workout.


The amount of fat you store in your body is influenced by what you eat. Breast size is influenced by overall body fat.

Maintaining a nutritious diet and exercising regularly will help you lose weight and shrink your breasts. When you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight and your breasts expand.

Foods like lean meats, fish, fruits, and veggies help you burn fat even when you’re not working out. It will also help you lose weight faster if you eat fewer processed foods and sweets.

Green tea

Green tea is another natural cure that has been shown to help people lose weight. Green tea is high in antioxidants and can help you burn fat and calories by increasing your metabolism. Your breasts will shrink as a result of the reduced fat buildup. Green tea might also help you feel more energized throughout the day.


Ginger, like green tea, can assist to speed up your metabolism and burn fat all over your body. While you may use it as a natural element in your meals, nutritionists recommend drinking it three times a day as a tea to enhance your metabolism and weight loss effects.

Flax seed

Some fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids, are required for brain function, blood pressure control, and hormone regulation. This is critical in breast reduction since hormonal imbalances can cause growth.

Unfortunately, some of the nutrients we require are not produced naturally by our bodies. We must obtain them by consuming foods that are high in these compounds. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in flax seed, as well as salmon and tuna. It can aid in the regulation of estrogen levels and, as a result, the reduction of breast size. It’s also thought to help your digestive system.

Does breast reduction surgery hurt?

It’s common to feel some pain and discomfort in the days following your surgery. It’s possible that your breasts and the areas around them will be bruised and swollen. This is due to the stretching of the breast tissues and muscles.

The first few days after surgery are the most painful for most women. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers if necessary to alleviate the discomfort.

Additionally, drainage tubes may be inserted on your breasts as part of the recuperation procedure to help reduce swelling. These are frequently removed after a few days of surgery.

Women recovering after breast reduction should wear specific surgical bras to protect the tissue during this time, according to medical specialists. Finally, throughout this time, it’s critical to avoid overly vigorous activity.

Does your stomach look bigger after breast reduction?

Breast reduction surgery can promote weight gain, according to a popular belief among Beverly Hills women. The truth is that perception differs greatly from reality. The basic answer is that there is no link between breast reduction surgery and increased weight. Breast reduction has a direct impact on a woman’s overall proportions, and it can appear as if she has gained weight as a result of the procedure. A woman’s torso and hips appear smaller when her breasts are larger. When breasts are reduced, the hips and torso can appear to be larger. It’s worth noting that the proportions of the breasts, hips, torso, and waist have fundamentally changed after breast reduction surgery.

In fact, many women lose weight after having their breasts reduced in Beverly Hills.

This is due to the surgery relieving strain on the neck and back, allowing patients to engage in more physical activity.

Women with excessively big breasts are frequently obliged to reduce their physical activities due to neck and back pain.

Breast reduction in Beverly Hills removes the excess tissue and weight of the breasts, allowing women to become considerably more active.

Women may notice a difference in their posture after having their breasts reduced.

Because the pressure on the neck and back is relieved, women’s posture frequently improves after surgery, allowing them to stand higher.

This allows them to keep their shoulders up and back, preventing the “hunched-over” impression that many women with enormous breasts suffer from.

Because the main culprit is dimensions, which can make women feel as if they’ve gained weight following the treatment, some women choose for further plastic surgery procedures to improve their overall appearance.

A stomach tuck and liposuction are two operations that can be used to create a smaller, firmer torso.

In many circumstances, these treatments can be done at the same time to yield incredible outcomes in a single therapy.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Raffi Hovsepian if you’re thinking about breast reduction surgery but aren’t sure if the proportions will make you look heavier.

He talks with each patient one-on-one to assess any unique conditions that may have an impact on the final outcome.

How much weight do you lose with a breast reduction?

One of the most significant advantages of weight loss after breast reduction surgery is the reduced risk of breast cancer. Following the procedure, most women report feeling significantly more capable of exercising and controlling their weight. In the months following surgery, it’s usual for women to lose 10 to 20 pounds.

How much do DDD breast weigh in pounds?

A pair of D-cup breasts can weigh anything from 15 to 23 pounds, which is “the equivalent of bearing a six-month-old baby boy.” A pair of D-cup breasts weighs between 15 and 23 pounds, according to this source.

How much do DD cup breast weigh?

For both of your breasts, DD cups can weigh up to 4.2 pounds. Each of your breasts may weigh around 950 ml or 2.09 pounds if your bra size is a DD cup. Your bra size can also help you estimate how much they weigh.

Does breast reduction remove back fat?

Breast reduction might help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Heavy, lumpy, and asymmetrical fat and tissue are removed from the breasts during breast reduction surgery, followed by the removal of loose and sagging skin. As a result, the breasts are smaller, more comfortable, and more complementary, and they no longer cause back pain or necessitate additional support. Breast reduction helps tone and trim the upper body, giving the entire area a leaner, more attractive, and more appealing appearance.

Will I Lose Weight After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Although breast reduction surgery is not meant to be a weight-loss technique, it may result in weight loss. Reduction surgery enhances physical comfort and brings the chest into ideal contour with the chest, ribs, and hips by removing excess fat, tissue, and skin from heavy and pendulous breasts.

Reduction surgery, which removes extra fat and skin from the breast mound, can help with:

A one-on-one consultation at our welcoming Los Altos location is the best way to discover more about what breast reduction surgery may do for you.

Body Contouring

Body contouring can be used to sculpt and tone the body from the ankles to the neck, and it can be combined with breast reduction for better results. If you want to lose weight, you could consider the following treatments in addition to breast reduction:

For a more thorough result, we provide arm lift, thigh lift, butt lift, and other contouring operations that can be utilized to remove loose and sagging skin as well as stubborn fat deposits. We will assist you in determining whether additional procedures are required to achieve your specific objectives.

Your Responsibility

You’ll have to work hard to keep your results after a breast reduction or body reshaping procedure. This entails eating well and exercising regularly.

We have the ability to achieve extraordinary results. You’ll have to take steps to keep them in good shape. During your stay with us, we will go over this in greater detail.