How Much Endoscopy Cost Without Insurance?

An endoscopy is a procedure that involves visually inspecting and investigating the upper gastrointestinal tract. This treatment might cost anywhere from $1,250 to $4,800 without insurance. The pay for the endoscopy, the anesthesiologist, and the facility are usually included in these fees.

What is the average cost of an endoscopy?

In the United States, the average cost of an endoscopy is $2,750, however prices can range from $1,250 to $4,800. Whether you have an endoscopy performed in an inpatient facility, such as a hospital, or an outpatient surgical center, can have a significant impact on the cost.

How much does it cost to have a endoscopy privately?

In certain circumstances, the NHS will cover an endoscopy as a diagnostic procedure for gastrointestinal issues. Many people, however, prefer to have an endoscopy at a private facility rather than using the NHS. One reason for this is that the NHS does not always cover the cost of endoscopy, leaving many people with no choice except to pay for the surgery themselves. Another reason people prefer to have the operation done in a private hospital is that they believe it is more cost effective to pay for the private endoscopy themselves or use their own private health insurance than to wait for an NHS appointment. Finally, and probably most crucially, the process will be carried out by a trained professional who will be better able to understand the results and their implications for your current and future health.

Depending on where the treatment is performed, a private endoscopy might cost up to £1,000 or more. Although this may appear to be a large fee, there are certain benefits, particularly if you’re experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms that could suggest a major condition. There’s also the fact that a private hospital is more likely than a public hospital to have cutting-edge medical equipment, and that having the procedure in a private hospital is usually more comfortable.


As previously mentioned, the location of your surgery can have an impact on the cost. Inpatient institutions charge more for endoscopies than outpatient centers because they are more expensive to maintain. As a result, getting an endoscopy at an outpatient facility will likely save you money.


The location of your procedure, as shown in the table above, can also affect the cost of endoscopy. In Los Angeles, you can expect to pay upwards of $4,900, whereas in Atlanta, you can expect to pay as little as $3,200.

Insurance Status

When a doctor orders an endoscopy, the operation is usually covered by insurance, but you are still responsible for meeting your deductible and paying the cost or coinsurance. If you have insurance, make sure you receive an endoscopy from an in-network provider because it will be less expensive than going to an out-of-network provider.

You should expect to pay a few thousand dollars out of pocket for this treatment if you don’t have health insurance. You can call several institutions ahead of time to see if any doctors have reduced pricing for people who don’t have insurance.

What is the cost of an upper endoscopy?

The price of an Upper Endoscopy (EGD) on MDsave ranges from $787 to $3,420. Those with high deductible health plans or those who do not have insurance might save money by purchasing their procedure in advance with MDsave.

How long does a endoscopy take?

The endoscope is carefully retracted via your mouth after your doctor has finished the exam. Depending on your circumstances, an endoscopy can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.

When should I go for endoscopy?

If you have any of the following symptoms, your gastroenterologist may recommend an endoscopy. Abdominal pain that isn’t being explained. Consistent bowel movements (diarrhea; constipation) Heartburn or chest pain that persists.

Can I get a private endoscopy?

A gastroscopy is a procedure that examines the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. Expert endoscopists at The London Clinic use a flexible camera to look for inflammation, cancer, ulcers, and other abnormalities in the esophagus, stomach, and top of the small bowel. Gastroscopy is performed at the London Clinic in a discreet, relaxing, and stress-free setting.

A gastroscopy may be performed to evaluate troubling symptoms and make a precise diagnosis. If you experience indigestion, heartburn, swallowing problems, or unexplained blood loss from the intestines, this supplement can help.

The Endoscopy Unit at the London Clinic is a purpose-built facility that provides gastroscopy by world-renowned consultant gastroenterologists. Our patients have given the unit a satisfaction percentage of between 98 and 100 percent, thanks to the newest equipment and ongoing care from an expert interdisciplinary team.

Before having an endoscopy

You will most likely be advised to fast for many hours before having an endoscopy, depending on what area of your body is being examined.

If you’re having a colonoscopy to inspect the large intestine or a sigmoidoscopy to examine the rectum and lower part of the bowel, you may be given a laxative to assist cleanse your bowels. In the days leading up to your colonoscopy, you’ll probably be urged to consume a low-fibre diet.

Antibiotics may be required in some circumstances to lower the risk of infection.

If you’re using a blood-thinning medication like warfarin or clopidogrel, you may need to stop taking it for a few days before your endoscopy. This is done to help with hemorrhage control during the procedure.

Do not, however, discontinue taking any prescribed medicine unless your doctor or a specialist advises you to.

During an endoscopy procedure

Although an endoscopy is rarely painful, it can be unpleasant. The majority of people have just minor discomfort, similar to that of indigestion or a sore throat.

The surgery is normally performed while you are conscious. A local anaesthetic may be used to numb a specific area of your body. This could be in the shape of a throat spray or lozenge, for example.

You might also be given a sedative to help you rest and become less conscious of your surroundings.

The endoscope will be inserted into your body with caution. Depending on the area of your body is being examined, it may be placed in:

Depending on the purpose of the endoscopy, it can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. You can generally go home the same day and avoid spending the night in the hospital.

Wireless capsule endoscopy

You take a little capsule with a camera and light inside and swallow it. The capsule delivers photographs of your insides to a computer, where a doctor may examine them.

The capsule is the size of a huge tablet and naturally passes through your body when you go to the bathroom.

Wireless capsule endoscopy can cause some difficulties. The capsule can be difficult to swallow and pass naturally. The capsule can potentially become stuck in your bowel’s narrow sections, causing an obstruction.

After an endoscopy

After an endoscopy, you’ll generally need to relax for 1 to 2 hours if you were given a sedative.

If you’re given a sedative, you’ll need someone to drive you home after the treatment and stay with you for the next 24 hours.

If you did not get a sedative, you will be able to return home shortly following your endoscopy.

Can GP refer for endoscopy?

If you experience symptoms that could be caused by stomach cancer, your doctor should make an appointment for you to see a specialist. This may be an urgent referral, depending on your symptoms and other considerations. Your doctor may also send you to the hospital for an examination of your stomach (endoscopy).

What diseases can be detected by an endoscopy?

Upper GI endoscopy is a procedure that doctors use to diagnose and treat symptoms and illnesses affecting the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine or duodenum.

After a person consumes or drinks dangerous chemicals, an upper GI endoscopy can be used to screen for damage.

A clinician gets biopsies during upper GI endoscopy by putting an instrument through the endoscope to obtain a small sample of tissue for testing. Biopsies are required to diagnose diseases such as cancer.

  • manage ulcer bleeding, esophageal varices, and other gastrointestinal problems
  • a tiny balloon put via the endoscope to dilate or open strictures

For some persons with obesity, doctors are now using upper GI endoscopy to undertake weight loss treatments.