How Much Is An Abortion In Florida Without Insurance?

This is a comprehensive evaluation that includes a breast and pelvic examination (if over 21 or indicated). The cost of the appointment ranges from $90 to $110. The cost of a pap smear can range from $50 for a basic pap to $110 for a pap that includes HPV testing.

Birth Control Visit

  • The average monthly cost of pills is $25. Inquire about discounts and special programs at the health center.
  • Depending on the device, the cost of an IUD or Nexplanon ranges from $861 to $1236. The visit, insertion, and device are all included.

Problem Visit

UTI, vaginal discharge, breast tumor, and genital lesions are all examples of issue visits. A visit costs between $95 and $110 on average. Further expenses may apply if tests or additional procedures are required.

First Trimester Abortion

The total cost for the trip is $550. This visit includes a pregnancy test, medicines to help you relax throughout the in-clinic procedure, RhoGAM, ultrasound, and, if necessary, gonorrhea and chlamydia tests. A pharmaceutical abortion method is another possibility for people who haven’t had their period in more than 11 weeks. In addition, each patient is eligible for three months of free birth control (pills or injection).

Other Visit Type

A GAHT visit might cost anything from $95 to $105. Furthermore, lab tests range in price from $26 to $142.

A NPEP/PREP visit might cost anything from $95 to $105. In addition, lab tests cost between $169 and $299 on average.

How much does an abortion cost without insurance?

Abortion can cost anywhere from nothing to more than $1,000 out of pocket. The cost is determined by a variety of factors, including the type of care provided and the stage of pregnancy. Extra medicine, sedation, transportation, hotel, and child care can all be costly for abortion patients.

How much does the abortion pill cost in FL?

The cost of an abortion medication can range from $450 to $800. Confirm if you’re expecting a child and look into your alternatives. All services are free and confidential.

Abortion Pill (Medication Abortion)

Up to 11 weeks and 0 days following the start of your last menstrual period, you can have an abortion pill (medication abortion).

Read about our in-clinic abortion services if your last period was more than 11 weeks and 0 days ago.

Plan on spending 2-3 hours at the health center for the complete abortion pill appointment (medication abortion).

You must return within 1-2 weeks to ensure that your abortion is complete and that you are in good health. If you are still pregnant, you may need another dose of medicine or an abortion in a clinic to stop the pregnancy.

You’ll need a phone, transportation, and backup medical care once you get home after your abortion pill appointment.

In-Clinic Abortion

Plan on spending 3-5 hours at the health center for your entire visit for an in-clinic abortion.

If you choose to take medicine to make your in-clinic abortion more comfortable, you’ll need a responsible companion to accompany you home securely.

Please do not eat or drink clear liquids for 6 hours before your appointment if you want to get sedation.

Other Abortion Services Information

If you take any medications, continue to take them as prescribed before your visit.

  • a chance to discuss all of your options with a professional staff member: Abortion, adoption, and parenting are all topics that need to be discussed.

For a follow-up exam, you should return in 0 weeks and 0 days. We can arrange for this during your stay.

Outside the health center, there may be demonstrators at times. We advise you to stay away from them.

Prices and Payment Information

Unless special arrangements have been made in advance, payment is expected at the time of service.

Your insurance company may cover the cost of an abortion. If you intend to use your insurance, please bring your insurance information with you to your appointment.

Does Planned Parenthood in Florida do abortions?

We are delighted to offer abortion services, and we make certain that women are fully informed about their alternatives. Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida believes that a woman’s decision to adopt, terminate a pregnancy, or raise a child should be made in consultation with her family and faith, as well as her doctor or health care provider. Planned Parenthood will be available for her if she choose to get an abortion.

On the Day of Your Visit

You will fill out paperwork, get lab work completed, and meet with an instructor on the day of your visit. Your alternatives, as well as the complete abortion process, after-care instructions, birth control options, and any concerns you may have, will be discussed with you by the educator. In most cases, your appointment will last between two and three hours.


You may need to follow up with your provider after your appointment. An ultrasound, blood test, or other follow-up work may be performed during this visit.

Rhogam injections are required for women with a negative blood type. This injection’s cost has already been factored in.

  • Drugs: Patients will be given medications to help them recover from an abortion. They come in generic form and can be purchased from a drugstore for a low cost.

Does insurance cover abortion pill?

The cost of a pharmaceutical abortion (also known as the abortion pill) varies based on where you get your care and your health insurance (private or government insurance). More information regarding the cost of an abortion and funding that may be available to help you pay for it can be obtained from your local Planned Parenthood health center. Some things to keep in mind:

Planned Parenthood staff try to provide you with the services you require, whether or not you have insurance. For additional information about charges, contact your local health center.

With health insurance, you might be able to get an abortion for free or at a reduced cost. Abortions are not covered by several insurance policies. To learn more about your insurance provider’s policies, call them directly.

In some states, some government health insurance plans (such as Medicaid) cover abortion, while others do not. Some policies only cover abortion in specific circumstances.

If you’re concerned about the expense, contact your local Planned Parenthood health center to find out how they can help you get affordable health care.

Does abortion hurt?

Abortion is different for everyone; it can be excruciatingly painful or only a bit unsettling. The drugs you take, how far along you are in your pregnancy, and how much cramping and pain you have can all affect your level of discomfort. For the most part, it feels like severe menstrual cramps.

Your doctors and nurses will do everything they can to make your abortion as painless as possible. You’ll be given pain relievers and numbing drugs, as well as sedation if necessary.

After an abortion, you may experience some cramping. After that, you’ll definitely want to rest for a day or two, but most individuals are back to normal the next day.

Whats the latest you can get an abortion in FL?

  • For established PPSWCF patients with a current prescription from this health center, birth control refills are available.

Our fees include an abortion performed by a Board Certified Gynecologist, ultrasound, lab work, RH shot if needed, information session, sedation if an in-clinic abortion is performed, a hormonal birth control method with a one-year prescription, and a follow-up consultation.

You’ll need to come back in two weeks for a follow-up exam. We can arrange for this during your stay.

Outside the health center, there may be demonstrators at times. We advise you to stay away from them. Escorts are available to accompany you to your appointment at this health clinic.

We respect and value your time, and we want to make sure you know how long your appointment will last. You may stay in the Health Center for up to 3-4 hours, however most patients are seen in much less time. We invite you to bring items with you that will make your wait time more comfortable.

Where are abortions illegal?

Although there are no international or multinational treaties that specifically address abortion, human rights law and international criminal law do.

The United States v Greifelt and Others (1948) case was determined by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal on the assumption that abortion was a crime within its jurisdiction under the law defining crimes against humanity, and thus within its definition of murder and extermination.

The Catholic Church is still powerful in Latin America, and it opposes abortion legalization. Human life begins at conception, according to the American Convention on Human Rights, which has 23 Latin American signatories in 2013. Abortion on demand is only permitted in Cuba (1965), Uruguay (2012), Argentina (2021), and sections of Mexico in Latin America. Abortions are illegal in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and are only permitted in limited circumstances throughout the rest of Latin America.

The European Court of Human Rights concluded in the 2010 case of A, B, and C v Ireland that the European Convention on Human Rights did not include a right to abortion.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee (UN HRC) ordered Peru to compensate a woman (known as K.L.) for denying her a medically indicated abortion in 2005; it was the first time a UN Committee held a country accountable for not ensuring access to safe, legal abortion, and it was also the first time the committee affirmed that abortion is a human right. The compensation was given to K.L. in 2016. The UN Human Rights Council determined that Ireland’s abortion regulations violated the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the 2016 case of Mellet v Ireland, because Irish law prohibited abortion in cases of fatal fetal abnormalities.

Can you get the abortion pill without a parent?

Will the clinic or the employees at the clinic let me take the abortion pill without my parents’ consent if I’m 15 years old and can’t tell my parents about it?

It is dependent on your location. Your state may require one or both of your parents to consent to the abortion or to be informed of your decision prior to the procedure. In most states, however, you can ask a judge to exclude you from these obligations. A “judicial bypass” is the term for this method.

Contact your local Planned Parenthood health center to learn more about the laws in your state and the judicial bypass option.