How Much Is Xofluza With Insurance?

You might be curious how Xofluza compares to other drugs taken for similar purposes. We’ll look at how Xofluza and Tamiflu are similar and distinct in this article.


Xofluza and Tamiflu are medications used to treat influenza (the flu) that does not require hospitalization. They’re prescribed for those who have been sick with the flu for up to 48 hours. Xofluza has been approved for usage in adults and children aged 12 and up. Tamiflu is safe to use in adults and children as young as two weeks old.

Furthermore, both Xofluza and Tamiflu have been licensed for flu prevention. Xofluza can be used in adults and children aged 12 and above who have had contact with someone who has the flu for this purpose. Tamiflu is safe to use in adults and children aged one year and up.

Drug forms and administration

Xofluza is available as tablets and an oral solution to be taken by mouth as a single dose.

Tamiflu can also be administered orally. It’s available in two forms: capsules and a liquid solution (powder combined with water). Tamiflu is a flu treatment that is taken twice a day for five days.

Mild side effects

These lists include up to ten of the most prevalent minor side effects associated with either medicine, or both Xofluza and Tamiflu (when taken individually). These adverse effects could possibly be flu symptoms.

Serious side effects

These are some examples of major side effects that can occur when taking Xofluza, Tamiflu, or both (when taken individually).

  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis are two devastating skin responses.


Clinical studies have directly compared the effectiveness of Xofluza with Tamiflu in treating the flu. In these investigations, Xofluza and Tamiflu were found to be equally efficient at reducing the time it took to recover from flu symptoms. When the medications were compared, there was no significant difference in how quickly flu symptoms were relieved.


Both Xofluza and Tamiflu are brand-name medications. There is no generic version of Xofluza available at this time, although generic versions of Tamiflu are available under the name oseltamivir. Generic drugs are frequently more expensive than brand-name prescriptions.

How much is the drug Xofluza?

Pricing and Financial Assistance from XOFLUZA XOFLUZA’s current list price is $154.50, although most people will not pay that. The cost of XOFLUZA is determined by a number of factors, including your insurance coverage.

Does Medicare pay for Xofluza?

Xofluza is also available with a prescription and, depending on the plan, is covered by insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. It’s only accessible in the form of a brand-name pill.

How long is Xofluza in your system?

In adults, a single, oral dose of Xofluza 40 mg relieved symptoms in a median of 50 hours (range 45 to 64 hours), compared to 78 hours (range 68 to 89 hours) in those who received a placebo (inactive pill).

Can you drink alcohol after taking Xofluza?

Alcohol has no direct interactions with the flu vaccine or flu drugs like Tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil). This means that alcohol has no effect on the effectiveness of the shot or drugs.

How much does Xofluza shorten the flu?

Both of these meds will make you feel better in 1 to 2 days, compared to if you didn’t take anything. Experts discovered that patients on Xofluza feel better around 8 hours faster than those taking Tamiflu, however the difference was not significant (meaning the difference could have happened by chance).

How is Xofluza different than Tamiflu?

Xofluza limits flu virus replication by inhibiting the viral polymerase’s cap-dependent endonuclease activity. Tamiflu is a neuraminidase enzyme inhibitor that prevents viruses from adhering to the surface of infected cells.

How much does Tamiflu cost out of pocket?

68 percent of insurance plans cover the most common type of Tamiflu for a co-pay of $60.00-$75.00; however, some drugstore coupons or cash pricing may be lower. The most prevalent kind of generic Tamiflu is roughly $20.99 on GoodRx, which is about 78 percent less than the average retail price of $98.46.

Does insurance cover flu medicine?

68 percent of insurance plans cover the most common type of Tamiflu for a co-pay of $60.00-$75.00; however, some drugstore coupons or cash pricing may be lower.