How To Be An Insurance Broker In Ontario?

All applicants must meet the “qualifications” listed in Section 5 of the RIB Act’s Ontario Regulation 991. This covers, but is not limited to, the following items:

  • Work for a RIBO-accredited general insurance brokerage agency. Although employment (sponsorship) is not required to take the exam, it is required to register.

Individuals who pass the exam but do not register with a RIBO authorized firm to get their license are not permitted to hold themselves out as brokers. If you do so, your case will be evaluated by the Qualification and Registration Committee, and your eligibility for license may be jeopardized.

The registration process must be completed within twelve (12) months of the exam’s successful completion. If the applicant does not register within twelve (12) months, he or she will be required to retake the examination. We sorry that no extensions are available.

The license term runs from October 1st to September 30th, regardless of when it was first registered.

To have the restriction lifted, all RIBO licensees must achieve the following requirements, which are subject to the bylaws:

  • For the past two (2) years, I have worked as a broker and have been registered with RIBO.
  • Both the Unrestricted Technical and Unrestricted Management tests were passed with flying colors. Within three years of earning the Unrestricted Technical exam, I passed the Unrestricted Management exam.

Please consult the Equivalency Page for out-of-province licensees with similar qualifications to a RIBO Level 2 Broker.

How do I become an insurance broker?

A VET qualification is normally required to work as an insurance broker. In addition, becoming an independent broker normally necessitates several years of experience with a qualified broker. Entry to these programs normally necessitates completion of Year 12 and, at the very least, employment with an insurance brokerage. Because subjects and qualifications differ by university, you should contact your preferred institution for further details.

How do I become an insurance broker in Canada?

You may be about to complete your education and enter the workforce. It’s possible that you’re ready for a professional change. You could also be a recent immigrant settling into your new neighborhood. Each person brings their own set of talents, knowledge, and abilities to the table, all of which will help them succeed.

How do you become a broker in Ontario?

Getting a Mortgage Broker’s License

  • have a mailing location in Ontario where registered mail can be sent (it cannot be a post office box),
  • be permitted to deal with or trade mortgages on behalf of a Mortgage Brokerage,

Whats the most an insurance broker can make?

As of 2018, an insurance agent earned an average of $50,600 a year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The salary ranges from $27,500 to $125,610, with the lowest 10% getting less than $27,500 and the wealthiest 10% earning more than $125,610.

The manner in which an insurance agent receives a yearly pay varies based on the company for which they work and the sort of insurance they sell. They can be paid on a salary-only basis, a salary-and-commission basis, or a salary-plus-bonus basis. Part of the reason why an insurance agent’s profits can vary so much is because of the commission issue. The majority of independent insurance agents rely only on commission to make a living.

Is it hard to become an insurance broker?

It is difficult to make a living in the insurance industry, but it is not as difficult as you would believe. Being an insurance agent can be one of the highest earning hard jobs or one of the worst paying easy jobs, as with any sort of sales.

Dedicated agents will succeed in insurance sales, just as they will in any other profession. However, one advantage that insurance agents have over other career options is that, because income is directly tied to performance, they are potentially more likely than others to see their efforts pay off.

If you’re not sure what type of agent you should be, keep in mind that while the concepts and fundamentals of insurance are the same across lines, the day-to-day activities of agents in different disciplines (and even different businesses) can be quite different.

Asking an agent in your industry and, if feasible, from the same organization, is one of the finest methods to get a better sense of what you’ll be getting into. Recruiting managers may often help, but it’s also a good idea to speak with other agents about how easy it was for them to make a livelihood as agents when they first started out, and how that has evolved over time.

Do you need a degree to sell insurance?

To work as an insurance agent, you don’t need a college diploma; some agents only have a high school diploma. A bachelor’s degree in a business-related discipline, on the other hand, can prepare you for a job in insurance. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, one-third of insurance agents have a bachelor’s degree.

“According to The Balance Careers, “employers prefer to recruit insurance agents who have college degrees, particularly in business or economics.” “They might think about recruiting a high school graduate with a track record of selling.”

Regardless of whether you have a college diploma or not, every state requires you to take a pre-licensing training course. One of these programs can be completed in as little as a few days.

  • Insurance legislation refers to the laws that govern the insurance industry and how they affect financial products on a federal and state level.
  • Insurance regulations: Guidelines for selling financial goods to customers and clients from governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • How to offer a wide range of insurance products, increase revenues, and analyze risk using insurance best practices.

What qualifications do I need for insurance broking?

An Insurance Broker’s goal is to identify the correct insurer to meet a client’s individual needs; they use their market knowledge to obtain the best amount of coverage at the lowest price.

Insurance Brokers are usually professionals in a specific industry, such as property insurance, financial insurance, or aviation insurance. They will be compensated through commission for making a transaction, thus the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) operates as the UK’s governing agency to keep them objective and fair. Smaller brokerage businesses often advise on various types of insurance, but larger brokerage firms typically specialize in one type of insurance.

Most people will begin their careers as an insurance technician, junior account handler, or trainee broker, and work their way up. Most companies require GCSEs with grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), including English and arithmetic, as well as A levels to be hired.

Do insurance brokers make good money?

According to PayScale, the median income for a mid-level insurance broker is over $70,000 per year as of January 15, 2021. 4 However, as an insurance broker gets expertise and clients, this figure is likely to climb.


Those who want to sell life insurance in Canada must take and pass the Harmonized Life License Qualification Program (LLQP), a nationwide exam that is administered across the country, including in Quebec. 3

Register for the exam in your province

Despite the fact that the program is available across Canada, you must first register with your provincial insurance council, which can supply you with information on local course providers. 2

There are five modules to the LLQP:4

You must complete a combination of the five modules depending on the license you want to earn. To get certified, you must pass all of the modules related to the license you want. After you’ve been certified, you’ll need to register with your provincial insurance authority to take the licensing exams. 4

Province-specific requirements

Only the province in which you are licensed allows you to sell insurance. You must apply for a license in each province where you plan to sell insurance if you want to offer insurance in more than one. However, if you already have a license to sell insurance in one of Canada’s provinces, you won’t have to take any additional examinations or courses to apply for licenses in other provinces. In most situations, you can qualify for additional licenses by submitting a Certificate of Authority from your home province to the jurisdiction where you are seeking. 5

To keep your license, most provinces will need you to complete Continuing Education (CE) hours each year. For information on how to obtain the CE hours you’ll need, go to the website of your province’s insurance regulator. 2