How To Cancel Life Insurance With Primerica?

The procedure for canceling Primerica life insurance is the same as it is for any other provider. Call (800) 257-4725 or send an email to the company. Keep in mind that most term life insurance policies do not provide refunds on previously paid premiums. After you cancel, make sure to cancel any direct deposits.

Can you cancel a life insurance policy from Primerica?

Call Primerica customer support at 888-737-2255 to terminate your life insurance coverage. Give them your policy number and contact information. Request that your policy and recurring payments be cancelled.

Can I cancel my Primerica life insurance Online?

Unlike the online technique, calling Primerica Online will result in your account being closed completely. Primerica Online customer care can be reached by calling 1-888-737-2255. Request that your subscription be cancelled from the corporate representative. Pay attention to their instructions.

What happens if you cancel your Primerica life insurance?

More subtly, you won’t get any of your paid charges back if you terminate your life insurance policy. If you cancel or allow your term life strategy lapse, you will not receive a return or any money. When a person’s entire life is based on money, he or she may receive some money when it is dropped.

Can I cash out my Primerica life insurance?

Primerica does not offer whole or universal life insurance policies, and it only offers one term life policy that can be modified to match your needs, unlike many other life insurance firms. This term life policy, like others, has no cash value and simply provides a death payout.

Subscription Fees

The subscription fees for your Sales Force designation are listed under “Service Levels and Pricing” on the POL log-in page. Different Service Levels offer various benefits. Service Levels, as well as their features, criteria, and pricing, may change at any time.

A Representative below the rank of Regional Vice President (“RVP”) is not needed to pay for POL in order to keep his or her Primerica Representative status. Representatives below RVP can access Limited POL without a paying subscription, which includes compliance materials, PrimericaMail email, and information about Primerica compensation. A paid subscription is necessary to use sales tools (TurboApps, the Primerica App, and other features and functionality), online training, motivating materials, and other features and functionality.

On your POL Billing Date, the current month’s monthly charge is always payable in full. The day of the month listed on your POL Statement is referred to as the “POL Billing Date.” See MyAccount for instructions on how to alter your Billing Date to a different day of the month within 30 days of the current Billing Date. Changes take 24 hours to take effect.

Subscription prices are not pro-rated depending on the date of registration, Service Level Change, Billing Date Change, or reconnection. If your failure to access the Application is caused directly or indirectly by your use of nonconforming hardware or software configurations, there will be no pro-ration or return of payments.

Your POL subscription price may increase if you advance to a new sales force classification. A Full Service POL subscription is required for Authorized Users at or above the level of RVP. You will be notified of an increase in your monthly fees in the month that your advancement becomes effective, giving you enough time to set your Billing Preference before the new monthly amount is due.

Billing Preferences

Under the My AccountBilling Preference tab, you can choose a preferred invoicing method for eligible membership payments at any time. The Company will attempt to collect your subscription money using your specified billing method on your POL Billing Date. You have the option of paying using a credit or debit card (Visa or Mastercard only), a bank draft, or, in some cases, your earned commissions. Your billing preferences can be changed at any time.

Subscribers will also receive a monthly statement ten days following the POL Billing Date, including the amount paid and the amount that was not recoverable. Statements may be seen under the My AccountView Statement tab in POL. Additionally, if you give an email address in My Account, a statement will be emailed to you.

You must have a positive Net Financial Position that is at least ten times the amount of the monthly fees owed if you prefer to have the Company collect the monthly charge from your earned commissions. My POLBusiness TrackingRep ProfileRep Balances contains your Net Financial Position. Monthly service fee commission offsets will appear in Section K of the Earned Commission Statement.

By altering your Billing Preference, you can cancel a bank draft, credit or debit card charge up to three working days before the payment is scheduled to be made.


If a payment is refused, dishonored, returned, reversed, or readjusted for any reason, including a stop payment order or insufficient funds, the Representative will be notified and will be liable for all charges paid by the Company.

The Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or expense of any kind or kind resulting directly or indirectly from, or in any way connected with, a financial institution’s refusal to complete a payment for any reason, or a payment’s rejection, dishonor, return, refusal, or readjustment. For each rejection, dishonor, return, refusal, or readjustment of a payment for your fees by any financial institution, the Company will charge you a service fee of $20.

If a subscription cost is not paid and cannot be collected in full from your specified billing method, the Company may immediately cancel your subscriptions.

By checking in with the disconnected ID and selecting a Service Level on the MyAccountService Selection screen, any subscription that has been cancelled due to nonpayment can be reinstated. You must pay the current month’s subscription fees for that service level based on your current sales force designation if you are restoring a paid subscription. Future charges will be determined by your sales force classification at the time.

Cancellation of a Paid Subscription

Authorized Users who are not RVPs can use the My AccountService Selection screen to shift from a paying Service Level to a Service Level that does not require a paid membership. By dialing 1-888-737-2255, you can permanently deactivate your POL account.

Cancellation by the Company

The Company maintains the right to terminate your access to POL at any time, with or without justification, for any reason, including the following:


Except as stated above, no refunds are given for cancellations. Requests for Service Level modifications or access cancellations will take effect on your next POL Billing Date, and you will continue to have access to those services until the end of the month. In the event that your agent agreements are terminated, your access to POL will be terminated immediately.

Notices and Disclosures

Within 60 days of the statement date for the month in question, billing disputes must be submitted in writing. Disputes can be sent via fax, email, or ordinary mail. The POL’s contact information is listed below.

You agree that Company may give you notice about subscription billing or other things by publishing a message on the Application when you log in or sending an email to any email address supplied under My Account. Unless we receive notice that the email was not delivered, such notice will be considered received by you within 24 hours of the time it is posted to the Application or emailed to you.

POL Billing Department Contact Information

You can request copies of bank draft authorizations and subscription statements from the POL Billing Department. You can also get copies through My Account.

Does Primerica sell permanent life insurance?

  • Primerica distributes its insurance coverage through commission-based sales representatives who work as independent contractors.
  • Primerica also sells annuities and financial options in addition to life insurance.

Can you leave Primerica?

Consider the causes for Primerica Online’s cancellation. Cancelling the paying membership subscription while keeping the free account makes a lot of sense for a representative who is staying with the company but wants to save money. It helps to cut costs while also keeping representatives informed on the company’s products and services. The intended activity for a representative leaving Primerica entirely is to cancel both the premium and free membership profiles.

Is investing with Primerica a good idea?

Primerica is a wonderful alternative for customers who don’t have enough time to monitor their investment accounts and would rather have a firm do it for them in exchange for a portion of the profits.

Does Dave Ramsey recommend Primerica?

Is Primerica a Recommendation from Dave Ramsey? In summary, according to his Twitter account, Dave Ramsey does not support Primerica. He claims that their insurance premiums are exorbitant.

How long does a life insurance policy take to payout after death?

When the insured dies and the policy’s beneficiary files a claim, life insurance companies pay up the proceeds. After you’ve filed the completed claim papers and supporting paperwork, you should be able to collect your life insurance payout within 30 to 60 days. Insurers, on the other hand, are renowned for finding excuses to postpone or even refuse a valid life insurance claim.

Read our blog about how long it takes for insurers to pay out if you want to know what you need to do to get your life insurance payout quickly.