How To Claim Car Insurance After Accident In India?

How do I make a car insurance claim? To get the most out of your automobile insurance policy, notify your insurance provider as soon as possible about the accident and the extent of the damage, as well as the police.

If your claim is true, your insurance provider will reimburse you after evaluating your car and other factors. Here are some tips to help you make a successful claim for your damages:

Call your car insurance company right away and let them know about the accident. Due to the time constraints, you must notify the insurance of the accident within seven working days, failing which your claim settlement period will be considered lapsed. You must supply important papers such as softcopies of your driver’s license, car registration certificate, FIR, and the first two pages of your insurance policy to file a claim. A thorough letter submitted to the Road Transport Office may also be required (RTO).

In the event of a car theft, fire, or road accident, including third-party damage, notify the police and submit a FIR, as this is a required step in the car claim settlement procedure. In cases where the car has dents and scratches, the FIR might be avoided. When there is a physical harm or a third-party accident, it is a necessary. The police will go to the scene to assess the problems and determine whether or not the accident was caused by mechanical failure. The FIR will also include all pertinent information on the driver, the vehicle, the passengers, and any witnesses or other relevant information.

You must also file a claim with the Motor Collision Claims Tribunal in the jurisdiction area where the accident between you and the third party occurred. It is only required in the event of an accident involving a third party.

Some folks would rather submit a compensation claim. In these situations, photographing the scene of the events can be beneficial. You can take a few images of the accident scene, including your car damage, bodily injuries, and so on, and use them as proof throughout the claim settlement process. You can also write down the names, phone numbers, and addresses of your witnesses and third parties (if any) so that they can assist you throughout the process.

Following the filing of the FIR, the next stage is to settle the claim. It can only begin if all of the necessary documents have been submitted to the insurance company. Ensure that all copies of documentation such as your driver’s license, car registration certificate, FIR, and other essential information are submitted.

Make a claim with your insurance carrier and request that they assign you a surveyor to do a comprehensive inspection. You can also file a claim online by visiting the insurance company’s website or other web portals, if they offer such a service. In the event of a cashless claim settlement, a representative from the insurance company will be dispatched to assess all of the serious damage to your vehicle. He’ll direct you to the appropriate garage network, where your car can most likely be towed. The insurance company will tow the vehicle to confirm that there are no additional damages. The survey is usually conducted within one to two working days of receiving notification of a car insurance claim.

Get your automobile fixed and start the insurance claim process. There are two methods for settling a claim. If someone desires a cashless claim, they will not be responsible for the cost of repairs. In such instances, it is recommended that the car be taken to one of the insurance company’s network garages. Only the deductibles must be paid by the policyholder; the remainder is covered by the insurer. If someone pursues a compensation claim, on the other hand, he or she will be responsible for all damages. In this instance, he must provide the insurance company with original bills, receipts, medical reports, photographs, and other documents. After deducting all deductibles, the insurance will reimburse the entire repair cost. The policyholder can get his car repaired at his preferred shop.

When your auto insurance company determines that your claim is valid, it will reimburse you according to the terms and conditions of your policy. The amount of money you’ll get back and the events you’ll be insured for will all be determined by the sort of automobile insurance policy you have. According to the Motor Tariff Act of 2002, third-party insurance is required in India, and it will only cover the cost of damages caused by the involvement of a third party. The comprehensive auto insurance policy provides a greater range of coverage under a single policy umbrella, and you can supplement it with additional add-ons.

Because the claim settlement process can be a little confusing, policyholders should carefully study the policy paperwork that the insurance provider delivers them. All reports on inclusions and exclusions will be detailed. A lawyer’s third opinion can also be obtained in this case.

File an FIR

When you are involved in an automobile accident, one of the first things you should do is call the police and submit a FIR (First Information Report). When starting the settlement procedure, all insurance companies request a copy of the FIR. In the event of a road collision resulting in bodily injury or death to a third party, you must submit a FIR. In addition, if your car is taken, you must file a FIR. While filing a claim, you must submit one copy to the insurance company and keep one copy for yourself. However, you should be aware that you do not always need to submit a FIR; it is not required in the event of minor car dents.

Inform the insurer

It is equally important to notify the insurance company about the accident as it is to submit a FIR. According to experts, you must notify your insurer within seven days of the accident. If you don’t do so, there’s a good chance your claim will be turned down. Some insurance companies provide you a 48-hour timeframe to report the accident. The key to getting the settlement authorized, regardless of whether you have the greatest vehicle insurance coverage, is to notify the insurance provider as soon as possible.

Informing the insurance company before sending the vehicle to the shop for repairs will also help you take benefit of policy provisions like towing, pick-up, and roadside assistance.

Send the documents to the insurance company

To begin the vehicle insurance claim process, you must send the insurance company the necessary claim-related documentation. You should inquire about the documents required for the settlement with the insurance, as well as the timeframe within which you must complete them.

To begin the settlement procedure, most insurance companies require the following documents:

Gather evidence at the accident spot to support your claim

Taking pictures and gathering sufficient proof is one of the finest strategies to support your vehicle insurance claim. You can submit the images as legitimate proof while filling out the claim form. Experts also advise noting down the names and contact information of any witnesses. This will assist you during the investigation and speed up the claims process.

Read the policy document

When you purchase an insurance policy, the insurance company provides you a policy copy wording that includes the policy’s contents and exclusions, as well as other information. You must read the policy paper to learn about the settlement’s formalities and the documents you must submit in your case. Understanding the policy document will also help you determine the scope of your coverage.

How do I claim car insurance after an accident?

A road accident is the starting point for a vehicle insurance claim. Due to the driver’s irresponsibility, the accident might be two vehicles colliding on the road or a car hitting with an immovable object. Whatever the case may be, registering a car insurance claim necessitates following a procedure.

It is typical to experience a range of emotions after being involved in an accident. If you sustain some bodily damage, the situation can become much more unpleasant. However, you must strive to remain calm and consider how to escape the situation. Learn how to file a claim for auto insurance after an accident to cover your expenditures.

How many days after the accident we can claim for car insurance?

“The collision should be reported to your insurance company within 7 days; neglecting to do so may result in your claim being denied,” advises Mathur. However, certain insurers may have a shorter reporting period. “Most insurance companies give you a 24- to 48-hour window to file a claim after an accident.

What is the process to claim car insurance?

  • An investigator will be assigned by the insurance company. Work with the investigator as much as possible.
  • After that, submit your stolen car’s RC book to the insurance provider. The owner’s name will thereafter be changed to that of the insurer.
  • Submit the car’s duplicate keys, as well as a subrogation letter. A notarized indemnification on stamp paper will also be required.
  • The insurance company will pay out the claim once all of the requirements have been completed.

Can I claim insurance without FIR?

No insurance company will consider your claim without a FIR, and no FIR will be issued if you do not notify a cop. As a result, you must receive your FIR copy as soon as possible. Lack of critical information After an accident, most individuals are preoccupied with gathering information such as the driver’s name, license number, and so on.

Can I claim car insurance twice in a month?

Your insurance has no limitations on the amount of claims you can file, so you can file as many as you wish. However, submitting a claim under your policy will reduce your No Claim Bonus, and filing many claims will increase your insurance price when you need to renew the policy.

Is accident case a criminal case in India?

1. If something goes wrong, try to stay cool and tend to the injured. If the injuries are serious, call for assistance.

2. We are all aware that individuals tend to congregate near accident scenes. Ensure that the car, the victim, and the crowd are all separated by a safe distance.

3. Photograph the automobiles that are participating. Before the cops tow it away as “evidence,” make sure you do this.

3. Go to the nearest police station and file a report detailing exactly what happened during the collision.

4. Following the filing of the FIR, the vehicle(s) that caused the accident will be brought to the nearest police station for proper certification by Motor Vehicle Department authorities.

5. During this time, the motorist who caused the accident will be summoned and a statement obtained, after which the case will be transferred to the appropriate Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal.

5. During the trial, both the accused and the victim have the opportunity to present their cases.

1. In the event that a road accident victim dies, it must be established that the accident was caused by hasty or irresponsible driving. The prosecution must establish this. The police will file a criminal complaint under Section 304 A of the Indian Penal Code, which deals with negligence-related deaths.

2. The connection between the car owner and the car driver is characterized as that of a’master’ and a’servant’ under civil and criminal law, with the former not being held liable for the latter’s wrongdoings unless it can be established that it was done with the’master’s’ approval.

3. The injured person’s transportation to the hospital is legally the driver’s responsibility.

4. In the event of death or permanent disability as a result of the accident, the vehicle owner is responsible for compensating the accident victim.

5. Knowing your rights is important while coping with an accident. The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 may be of use to you. The following are important aspects of this Act:

a) Sections 132 and 134: These sections cover a driver’s responsibilities. The Act even compels the driver or person-in-charge to transfer the injured person to the hospital as soon as possible, according to Section 134.

b) The Act specifies three ways in which the injured party may be compensated.

Is police report necessary for insurance claim?

Due to the sheer amount of vehicles on the road in India, traffic density can be extremely high. Even if you drive cautiously and follow all traffic laws, accidents might happen. The procedure for filing an automobile insurance claim after an accident has changed throughout time. Certain procedures have become easier to follow thanks to advances in technology and the digitization of key transactions. Continue reading to find out what you should do if you are involved in an accident in India.

Procedure For Making a Car Insurance Claim After Meeting an Accident:

After an accident, claiming automobile insurance requires a thorough understanding of the procedure for filing a claim with your insurance carrier. A step-by-step approach to filing an automobile insurance claim is provided below:

Inform Your Insurance Company:

Make a call to your insurance carrier to report the collision and provide specific details about the damage to your vehicle. Make sure you don’t withhold any information from your insurer, as this could make resolving claims more difficult.

File an FIR with the Police:

Notify the police right away about the accident and, if necessary, file a First Information Report (FIR). In the event of theft, traffic accidents, or fire, a police report is required. If the dents and scrapes are minimal, you may not need a FIR. You’ll also need it if there’s a third party involved in the collision.

Take Pictures:

Make sure you take plenty of photos of the damage and the accident site. Ensure that the images are clear and that the damages are evident so that the insurance company can assess the degree of the physical damage and settle the claim appropriately.

Submit Required Documents to the Insurer:

The insurance company will need certain papers to process the claim, such as a copy of the insurance policy, a copy of the FIR, the owner-license, driver’s driver’s a copy of your car’s registration certificate, and so on. For a stress-free journey, make sure you submit these paperwork and engage with your insurer.

Get Your Car Repaired:

You can have your vehicle fixed at a garage. You might also request that the car be repaired through your insurance provider. If your claim is approved by the insurer, you will be refunded or compensated for your loss.

In The Case of Theft:

If your car is taken, notify your insurance company and submit a police report at the nearest police station. Send the insurance company documentation like the RC, your driver’s license, your FIR, and so on. If the police are unable to locate the vehicle in a reasonable amount of time, a non-traceable certificate will be issued. Following that, the insurance will resolve the claim and pay you the current market value of your vehicle.

Documents Required To Make a Car Insurance Claim:

Submitting the required documentation is one of the most critical components of filing a claim on your car insurance. The following is a list of papers that must be submitted when filing an automobile insurance claim:

Additional Documents in Case of Reimbursement Claim:

You will need to supply additional papers to the insurance provider if you want your automobile fixed with your money and then file a claim for reimbursement. The following documents are required in the event of a reimbursement claim:

Can we get new car after accident?

“So, ideally, you should be entitled for the IDV if the car is a total loss due to accidental damage,” he explained. As a result, whether the vehicle is 10 days old, 10 weeks old, or 10 months old, you may not be able to recover the car’s replacement cost.

Can I claim car insurance after 1 month?

It is technically never too late to file an insurance claim. First and foremost, we strongly advise you to register a claim, or at the very least notify your insurance company, as soon as possible.