How To Generate Auto Insurance Leads?

Referrals and brand champions can also help you produce auto insurance leads. People, on the other hand, are less likely to endorse your product/service.

How do I make my own insurance leads?

Insurance leads can be obtained in a variety of ways. To receive the greatest insurance leads, use the following successful life insurance lead generation strategies:

Customer referrals

Obtaining life insurance leads through referrals is the simplest and most cost-effective method. To do so, simply find out who your target client’s friends or coworkers are, and then send them an email introducing your service and customer audience.

Use social media

On social media, you can reach a lot more people than you could with traditional marketing. All businesses can utilize Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels for free; but, keep in mind that they are also highly competitive.

Google search ads

PPC, or pay per click, is a wonderful approach for brokers to receive life insurance leads because it’s inexpensive and doesn’t require a large initial commitment. With PPC advertising, Google Ads is a wonderful place to start.

Create a blog

Blogs are a great way to generate insurance leads since they not only give your firm free exposure, but they help guide individuals through the sales or marketing process by providing them with relevant and valuable content. The first goal of a blog article should be to grab the reader’s interest.

Purchase lead lists

This method entails purchasing an email list of possible insurance leads from other businesses. This can be costly, but it also gives you the opportunity to reach out to new clients who have never heard from you before and are more likely to buy something from you or take advantage of one of your offers if they do.

Search engine optimization

This is a strategy that involves optimizing your website to rank better in major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing’s search results. This will not only drive traffic to your site, but it will also help you convert visitors into buyers by offering high-quality content that is catered to their specific requirements and desires.

Cold calling

One of the most successful ways for obtaining insurance leads is cold calling. It’s critical to have a list of qualified prospects who are interested in what you’re selling and have the financial means to purchase your goods or service.

To begin, determine how many potential clients live in the area code where you intend to make your calls.

Also, make sure you know what kind of coverage they would require and what your offer will entail. If you’re a property and casualty agent, for example, you’ll almost certainly need homeowners or renters insurance, so make sure this information is included in any written documents you have on hand.

Create a good website

Make your insurance agency’s website. Because customers utilize the internet to explore their options before contacting organizations for quotations, this is a critical stage in getting leads.

Make sure any pertinent information about your firm and what you offer is included on any printed materials, such as brochures or business cards, as well as on your website; this will make it simpler for potential clients to find you and contact you.

Get listed on reputable review sites

Getting included on credible review sites is one approach to get more leads. You can do this by paying a fee or filling out a form with your contact information and the services you provide; in exchange, the site will feature your business as an option for those looking for insurance quotes.

Host webinars

Another wonderful strategy to generate more insurance leads is to host a webinar. Webinars are interactive, so your potential customers can learn about what you do and ask questions in real time; if they’re interested, they can also opt in for future communications at the end of the event.

Have an excellent customer support

You’ll get more leads if your customer service is excellent. When someone has a problem or a question with their current insurance company, they may inquire about contacting yours for a quote; in order to do so, the person will be required to provide contact information and personal information, indicating that these potential customers have already contacted your company.


Getting additional insurance leads can be as simple as networking. You might not realize how many connections you already have, and by engaging with them on social media or in person, they’ll be aware of your business–which means you’ll have the opportunity to tell them about it.

Join forums

Joining industry-related forums might be a terrific method to get leads. By participating in these forums and answering questions, you’ll not only have the opportunity to respond to potential customers’ questions, but you’ll also establish an online reputation as someone who knows what they’re talking about–which is always appealing when people are looking for insurance providers.

Craft valuable content

The greater the number of people who read your article, the better. Creating curated articles or films about an insurance product and distributing them on social media is a wonderful method to do this.

Use online and offline ads

If you’re going to spend money on advertising, be sure it’s a good investment. Pick the proper keywords and set a budget carefully so that every dollar is well spent on generating leads rather than going to waste.

Join insurance associations

Joining industry-related organisations, such as the Canadian Insurance Association, is another excellent method to improve your internet reputation. This will give you exposure to others in the business, as well as the opportunity for your company to be highlighted on their newsfeed.

Become an expert in insurance

Expertise is something that every company wishes they had more of. So, if you’re looking for a way to differentiate yourself from your competition, consider becoming an expert in the sector of insurance.

This can be accomplished through blogging, presenting at conferences, or even hosting a workshop on a topic you’re knowledgeable about, such as senior life insurance.

Build relationships with people that aren’t clients

To generate additional leads, you must think beyond your regular client base and cultivate relationships with those who you know do not already purchase your goods or services.

Start by connecting with these connections on LinkedIn and following them to see what they’re up to, then reach out to them for a coffee date when it’s convenient.

Direct requests

This is an excellent technique to get leads. Start by asking your insurance broker about the best ways to discover new customers, and then use those recommendations to figure out how to approach individuals directly whether they’re interested in being contacted about their insurance needs.

Offer free advice

You might begin by announcing on social media that you are available to provide free insurance advice and answer any concerns they may have. This manner, you’ll be able to create relationships and find new clients for your company.

Offer a referral program

The greatest strategy to generate insurance leads is to offer a referral scheme. You might tell them that for every person they refer to you who signs up with your firm and purchases your services, they will receive a 15% discount on any policy or service charge.

Strike up partnerships

Another method for obtaining insurance leads is to form partnerships with other firms. For example, if someone comes in for an oil change at your auto shop and notes that they’re looking for homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, the service provider might offer them a discount on their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance as a thank-you present.

Conduct a giveaway

Hosting a giveaway and giving away prizes such as iPads is another strategy to attract clients. You could achieve this, for example, by requiring visitors to register their email addresses on the website in exchange for one entry into the drawing. People will have a better chance of winning if they have more entries.

Stay on top of the latest trends in your industry

It’s critical to stay current with what other businesses are doing in this industry in order to generate leads for insurance companies, and then to seize any new chances that occur. For example, if you notice that one of your competitors’ customer base is growing, you can consider offering a similar service or product.

Keep an eye on what people are saying about your company online

Employees should check social media sites like Twitter and Facebook throughout the day, even if it isn’t safe for them to do so while at work.

They’ll be able to identify if any difficulties with their company are arising, which can then be addressed before they spiral out of control and cause a mass exodus from your firm.

Network at events in your industry

Social media and online marketing aren’t the only ways to attract new customers. In fact, many individuals have discovered that seeing them in person is the best way to learn about them!

So set up a day or two every week or two to commit to attending one event every day relating to your sector – whether it’s an expo for insurance companies, an organization convention like ARDA International’s, or a conference like the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’.

Look for groups in the insurance industry on social media

Online groups are one of the most effective ways to develop a network. Get active with groups in your industry on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, as well as those specific to insurance professionals like ARDA International’s Insurance Professional group.

Give incentives

Offering incentives is a guaranteed approach to attract new consumers. People will be more tempted to call you if they know there’s something in it for them, whether it’s a free consultation or an offer for the best prices in town!

Sponsor local events

Sponsoring local events is a terrific way to get your name out there and create relationships. Consider supporting vehicle washes, concerts, or even a library event. When you’re assisting someone, you never know who might decide they need insurance!

Distribute freebies

Meeting people and getting to know, like, and trust them is an important part of growing your network. Freebies are one method to do this. For the first 100 people who contact you, give away a free T-shirt or magnet.

Utilize Guerilla marketing

Guerilla marketing is a non-traditional kind of advertising that attracts attention via innovation, humor, and surprise. If you post an ad for your insurance firm in the back window of your car while it’s sitting at work all day, that’s an example!

How can I get free insurance leads?

Organic lead creation is the goal of many modern and thorough marketing outreach activities. You can increase the number of visitors to your insurance company’s website without investing any money. It’s feasible to engage with your target audience — both online and offline — to sell new policies while developing connections with existing clients, even if you have a limited or nonexistent marketing budget.

Before you begin implementing all of these marketing strategies in your company, you should have a firm grasp on who you want to target for new policies. Consider not only generic demographics, such as area and age, but also your target audience’s wants, worries, and behaviors.

These ideas may not be expensive to implement, but they do require time and effort to focus and strategize for maximum impact.

How much do auto insurance leads cost?

The method by which a lead provider obtains its leads is arguably more valuable than the cost of those leads. Ad services, organic searches, and website referrals are all ways to generate leads. Organic search is frequently the most effective lead creation method. These are potential consumers who are looking for insurance for a future or urgent need.

Lead content is also crucial to lead conversion: the more information a lead source can supply, the better. The information provided can provide useful research data for the agent to use when tailoring a sales pitch to a customer’s specific needs.

It’s also crucial to know whether a lead is exclusive or shared. If you are the sole agency calling the prospective consumer, the lead’s value is reduced. Of course, shared leads are sold to numerous agencies. Multiple agencies will phone the prospective consumer in this situation, all fighting for the deal to close. Exclusive leads are self-explanatory in the sense that they are sold to only one agency. Exclusive leads, on the other hand, are substantially more expensive than shared leads. Lead generation firms that provide live transfer calls are an extra benefit of exclusive leads. These are live calls that offer a live and interested customer being transferred immediately to the agency for conversion or closing.

The majority of leads will cost between $10 and $20 per, and no list is complete without “trash leads.” Depending on the insurance line, the closing rate of insurance leads ranges from 8% to 15%. Closings, on the other hand, do not happen without a lot of effort, and the perseverance and follow-through of the agent making the sales contact will determine whether or not the insurance internet leads are profitable.

Don’t focus too heavily on the highest close rates – focus on consistent close rates.

Close rates are seldom consistent, as practically any seasoned agency owner will tell you. They can fluctuate from week to week or month to month, and they are nearly always unique from one marketing source to the next, not to mention producer to producer. As a result, concentrating too much on maintaining the same close rate week after week is a losing proposition.

When it comes to comparing lead sources, for example, close rates are rarely 100 percent consistent. You can see internet leads close at 11% one month and then at 8% the next. The quality of the lead sources, the number of various lead vendors you’re working with, how consistent producers are working each lead, how tenured the producers are, seasonality/the time of year you’re reaching out to customers, and so on are all factors that could be causing this reduction. As a result, it’s critical to consider your closing rates in a broader perspective rather than taking them at face value or treating them as your agency’s primary statistic.

It allows your agency to better discover any potential weak points in your processes or employees by keeping vendors who give a consistent close rate (which may not necessarily be the highest close rate out of your vendor mix). By excluding a consistently performing vendor/lead source as the source of the problem, you may more readily determine if the issue is connected to your follow-up procedure, the performance of a single team member, your training, or anything else. As a result, your agency will be able to implement a scalable system that enforces accountability. You and your team run the danger of losing momentum and producing bad results if you don’t do this.

Don’t switch vendors too frequently.

In order to get the maximum close rate, some agents fall into the trap of switching providers on a monthly basis. What’s the big issue here? You lose consistency when you swap quickly.

Consider starting a new vendor relationship in the same way you would a new training routine: It hurts at first, but the more you do it, the more your muscles adjust, and you’ll notice benefits sooner rather than later. You must also allow time for your vendor relationships to create data that supports your decision to stay with them or move on. I recommend waiting at least 6 months before switching.

Furthermore, switching providers frequently puts your workforce at danger of being burned out. Whether your close rate is 10% or 5%, it’s critical to establish a relationship with your vendors that generates constant, predictable quality. You may establish follow-up processes that your entire team understands if you know what to expect. Switching vendors regularly makes it difficult for your team to establish a lead-generation routine, and you run the danger of depleting your producers. The highest closing rate is less significant than consistency over time.

Let’s imagine it takes your team 10 follow-up activities (on average) to write a lead in a month. The next month, they claim to be able to generate a new lead with only five follow-ups. The following month, however, the number of follow-up activities increases to 15. In this case, the team will be unable to establish a consistent approach because it will be halfway through the month by the time they notice the five follow-ups aren’t working. With a steady closure rate (even if it isn’t the highest among your suppliers), they may dig down into how many activities are genuinely required to write a lead (on average), and then plan their daily routine around those activities.

Do have consistent follow-up processes.

We can email, text, and phone our leads at my workplace. We have a consistent process templated for each of these interactions with each and every person who walks through the door—and these processes don’t change very often (remember, it’s all about consistent vendors and consistent processes). It is a basic expectation that I establish and maintain regular follow-up practices since they provide predictable results for my team and my agency’s bottom line. My producers can hit commissions and justify their seats in my office if they follow them.

A robust insurance sales process is the key to success—does yours measure up? Get our proven follow-up template here:

Whatever system you employ in your agency should be trackable and expandable. This offer includes various examples of how your follow-up processes and systems might appear.

In the end, I’d like an answer no matter what. That’s right—it makes no difference what the answer is because buying and contacting internet leads is a volume game. You’ll be more successful the more you do it; you won’t be successful unless you have a constant and consistent procedure.

How To Increase Insurance Sales With Buttoned-up Processes

  • Ensure that all tasks are consistent for your producers so that you know how many people you spoke with each day while you’re filtering out prospects.
  • Use various follow-ups for leads you’ve spoken with versus those you haven’t.
  • Allow the lead to direct the follow-up process—there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution!
  • Organize your systems to make them more organized and filterable. Use similar subject lines (i.e. Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 5) to help you filter for the steps you’re on and go through them more quickly and easily. Work on all of the “Day 1” leads at once, then go on to the next group. After interacting with prospects, use symbols to help your team realize the closing opportunity presented by each lead. Because everyone is following the same procedures, you and your team will save time and become more efficient (even if the specific approaches are different).

Because your leads will accumulate over time, follow-up tasks and methods are critical for producers. You won’t know who is ready to close, where leads are in the buying journey, or how your producers are performing if your agency doesn’t have a system in place to run every day.

Do practice double-dialing.

Don’t be scared to use a strong cadence. Working with leads in the appropriate way can have a significant impact on your agency’s success. Get the information on this strategy here. There are four simple, proven actions that will help you clinch a deal and increase your lead revenue by up to 128 percent.

Don’t stop dialing just because you can’t reach someone on a set day.

You’ll never know why someone responds (or doesn’t!) a phone call; things vary from day to day. You also have no way of knowing if someone answered your call because they saw you tried to call them the day prior (or they saw your text or email). Just because someone doesn’t answer your early calls doesn’t imply those calls aren’t having an impact on whether or not that lead will answer your next call. Make sure your sales procedure is extensive and lasts several days to cover all of your bases. (eight weeks) Check out A Winning Insurance Sales Conversation Process in 8 Steps for more information on when and how to call leads.

Don’t ask people if it’s “a good time” when you get them on the line.

Why? Because there’s never a good time (if they couldn’t speak, they wouldn’t have answered you). Assume the sale instead! Assume that the person on the other end of the line wants to speak with you and understands what you want them to do. Tell them what you already have and ask them the questions you need to know in order to confirm quote rates.

You’re showing folks what you already know—that you’re not some random caller asking them to waste time answering questions they’ve already answered—by making these assumptions and taking measures to validate the knowledge you have. You’re a professional who’s here to help them get auto insurance quickly and easily.

Don’t ask questions you can find the answers to yourself.

As a follow-up to the preceding advice, don’t waste time or annoy leads by asking irrelevant or easy-to-verify questions like where they reside or what car they currently drive. In other words, rather than asking, verify. So, instead of asking for the address, check it ( “Are you still residing at 123 ABC Ln in ABC CITY?). Instead of asking the automobiles, make a list of them ( “Are you driving a 2018 Honda Civic? Great! Any additional vehicles you’d like to include in this quote? ), and so on.

Do provide information they can verify to show you’re legitimate.

It’s possible that people will forget they filled out a form. Instead of rehashing the form information, provide them the information you’ve gathered and ask them to validate it. This establishes your credibility.

Don’t stop once a producer’s initial follow-up is done.

Once they’ve completed the short-term follow-up, most producers (and agencies) are done with new business leads. This is a tremendous blunder! A third of the sales at my agency come from people we’ve X-dated.

The importance of long-term follow-ups cannot be overstated. With anyone who wasn’t initially interested or recently closed a new policy with a rival, I require a six-month follow-up. After six months, the lead has had an opportunity to assess how their policy works (or doesn’t) and may be on the lookout for a more valuable agent. You can close more business from leads you purchased months ago if you make sure you circle back to them. Keep in mind that different lead sellers have varying terms and conditions when it comes to how long you can follow up after obtaining a lead. Many vendor terms and conditions limit outreach to a 90-day window, with others being considerably shorter.

Bonus Tip: Choose leads you can count on.

Purchasing high-quality leads from EverQuote to fill your pipelines is one of the most critical strategies to enhance your auto insurance sales. Because our leads have demonstrated an interest in purchasing insurance, it’s more likely that agents will have the opportunity to speak with them and possibly seal a transaction. They have a high closure rate of around ten percent. Finally, these leads are scalable, which means you can increase the number as your pipelines grow.

Why do insurance agents quit?

The majority of agents leave because they are unable to make enough money to sustain themselves and their families. The only way to fix this is to learn how to generate more and better leads, as well as how to follow up on them. People use the internet to conduct fact-checking missions. They are unconcerned with who answers their questions as long as they receive responses.

Are insurance leads worth it?

It’s difficult to run an insurance agency for the first few months. You must balance building brand recognition, simplifying internal operations, and making hiring decisions. This leaves you with little time to produce leads, and even if you did, it takes time for organic leads to begin coming in. Purchasing insurance leads is an excellent approach to jumpstart your marketing efforts.

Keep in mind that you still have payments and expenses to pay. You’ll need to make money rapidly, and your organic resources haven’t yet established enough momentum to provide you with enough leads. There’s also a good probability that despite strong promotion, your insurance agency’s sales are low. Purchasing leads will come in handy throughout your first year of business.

However, you should keep in mind that this isn’t a long-term approach. Your website and online marketing tools must be efficiently converted into lead generation tools. This manner, they handle the most of the heavy lifting, and you only need to acquire leads to boost your sales.

How much do final expense leads cost?

Final expense leads are available for purchase online, with prices ranging from $6 to $15 per exclusive lead. Spending this much money per lead is unaffordable and not suggested for people who are just getting their feet wet in last expense insurance sales.

Is it normal to pay for leads?

Lead-generation services are frequently a better fit for new and small businesses. They typically have fewer internal marketing resources and don’t worry if the effort is inconsistent.

Smaller and early-stage businesses may typically afford to price a little less, allowing them to attract bargain buyers. These services may be useful if you don’t know how to create an internet presence and can’t afford to hire someone to do it for you.

However, even if the client and workflow characteristics are favorable, the lead-generation service may not be a good fit for your company. You must comprehend the fine print of the contract. Before you take the jump, consider the following business considerations:

  • Is there a contract in place? Getting stuck into a year — or three — before you know if it’s a good fit might be risky. Before you buy, see whether the company will allow you try it out for 90 days. Although a contract agreement isn’t always a deal breaker, you should be certain before signing it. Find another vendor who uses the service in your area and call them for candid feedback. If you don’t want to talk to your competitors, find an electrician or HVAC firm with whom you have a good relationship.
  • What is the structure of the fees? You can often choose to pay a charge up advance and pay less every lead, or you can pay nothing up front and pay more per lead. Don’t risk money that you can’t afford to lose. If you have a cash flow problem, don’t pledge to pay a monthly fee without a guarantee of work. Remember that a lead is not the same as a sale. You frequently pay for leads that do not result in sales. Make a strategy for dealing with the expense.
  • Is there a straightforward (and simple) procedure for challenging charges? You will invariably pay a price for a “lead” is a spam term. You should be aware of how simple it is to mark a call as missed “poor” without being penalized. You will waste money if the corporation makes this process unreasonably tough or burdensome – to the point where you don’t have time to fiddle with it.
  • Is it possible to get a free basic listing? If that’s the case, start there. Before you pay to boost your visibility, see if a free listing generates any calls. A free listing may not generate a lot of calls, but it might give you an idea of the type of consumer and volume you’ll be dealing with.
  • What kind of loyalty program do you have in place? The finest paid lead is one that you do not have to pay for again. Make sure you establish a relationship with the consumer, leave behind documents that make it easier for them to contact you directly the next time, and give them a compelling reason to remain loyal to you in the future. You won’t have to pay for leads indefinitely this way.

If you opt to hire a lead generation service, keep a close eye on your return on investment. Keep track of the number of consumers and income generated by the service. Keep track of the number of calls you receive versus the number of jobs you book. You don’t have time to waste on a bunch of looky-loos, even if you aren’t being paid for those calls. That is a hidden expense you should consider when calculating the value.

Paid leads can’t be classified as “good” or “bad.” They’re just like any other tool. You’ll be able to make the best option for your organization if you exercise caution, discernment, and ask excellent questions along the route.

How reliable is QuoteWizard?

QuoteWizard is a legitimate website that is safe to use, but it does not provide actual vehicle insurance quotes; instead, it only links you to insurance providers with which it has partnered. It has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.