How To Get Cheap Insurance Without Black Box?

The cost of insurance is determined by a variety of factors. While some criteria, such as age and experience, are beyond your control, there are some things you can do to assist lower the cost of your insurance.

Your choice of car

New car models are categorized into insurance classes ranging from 1 (the cheapest to cover) to 50 (the most costly to insure) (the most expensive). If you want to save money on car insurance, especially if you’re looking for a new automobile, do some research to see what group the vehicle belongs to.

Although newer, more powerful cars may appear appealing, they are often more expensive to insure. So keep that in mind when you’re out shopping.

Add a named driver to your insurance policy

We’ll ask you if you want to add a named driver to your policy when you buy it from us. Adding a more experienced driver with a claim-free history, such as a parent, guardian, or elder sibling, to your insurance policy may help lower your premiums.

However, do not list them as the primary driver, as this would mislead the insurer, and you may be accused of ‘fronting,’ which may void your policy.

Consider paying a higher voluntary excess

Your policy’s excess is the amount of money you’ll have to pay if you file a claim. Your insurance premium will be reduced if you pay a higher voluntary excess amount. However, keep in mind that if you file a claim, you’ll be responsible for both the mandatory and voluntary excesses, so choose an amount that you can afford.

Drive safely

Because of their lack of experience and a predisposition to take risks, young drivers are more at danger on the road. It’s crucial to ease yourself into driving as a new driver while you gain experience on the road.

If you’re a cautious and responsible driver, you can quickly accumulate a No Claims Bonus in your own name if you don’t file a claim, lowering your insurance costs.

Avoid some car modifications

Any changes, no matter how slight, might have an impact on the cost of your auto insurance. Cosmetic or performance-enhancing modifications are both possible. Changing your suspension, improving your exhaust, and investing on alloy wheels are just a few examples.

However, not all changes will result in a higher premium. Installing a security device, for example, could help you save money on your insurance rate.

Check with your insurance provider to see how a modification will effect your auto insurance.

Any modification must always be declared, as some may invalidate your insurance if not reported.

Improve your security

To begin, park your car in a secure location, such as a garage, driveway, or near a surveillance camera.

Invest in a high-quality security equipment for your vehicle if you can. Not only will this help you save money on your insurance, but it will also provide you peace of mind. However, keep in mind that the money you save on your insurance may not outweigh your security investment.

Look for devices that have been approved by Thatcham, an independent organization that rates the many types of automobile alarms and immobilizers on the market.

Pay annually

While this may be challenging for young drivers, it is normally less expensive to pay your insurance in one lump sum rather than in monthly installments. If at all possible, set aside a small amount of money each month for next year’s insurance.

Is it worth paying more to not have a black box?

A black box may be more expensive for regular drivers, or the money saved may not be worth the trouble. Because black box insurance encourages low mileage, if you drive a lot, go on lengthy trips, or have to drive frequently during rush hours, you may wind up paying more.

Cheaper insurance for young and convicted drivers

The main benefit of telematics insurance coverage is that they are usually less expensive than traditional insurance plans. This is commonly accomplished through a linked app or website that provides daily, weekly, or monthly feedback.

Feedback is frequently focused on your driving style and where you may have gone wrong. This will let you to remedy any errors you make before they become costly premiums. Read our blog on black box insurance explained to learn more about how telematics insurance works.

If you’re a new driver or have had previous offenses and are paying high insurance premiums, black box insurance can help you prove how good of a driver you are while also saving money. After at least a year of driving with a black box, this usually leads to cheaper insurance premiums — you could notice a 60 percent drop in your premiums!

You can choose who views your information with the right insurance policy

While some people are concerned that telematics insurance may compromise their privacy, this isn’t always the case. Many methods provide you the option of deciding who sees your data.

So, whether you want to share your information with your parents or keep it secret, you have the power to make that decision. If you study the terms of your selected insurance provider or question a staff member, you can find out if this is the case.

Ideal for convicted drivers to prove you’re a safe driver

This type of coverage isn’t limited to new drivers. It may also be beneficial if you have previous driving or criminal convictions. A telematics coverage can help you prove that you’re a cautious driver, which can result in lower insurance premiums upon renewal, especially if you don’t need to file a claim.

Can deter thefts

If your black box is visible, robbers are more likely to think twice about stealing your car while you’re away! Because most black boxes are effectively trackers, they will be able to readily locate your automobile if it is stolen. This is especially crucial if you’re a car enthusiast who wants to buy a good car for oneself.

Passers-by aren’t always aware of some black boxes. As a result, while cars with non-visible telematics systems are just as likely to be stolen, the chances of their being found are significantly higher than if you had a regular car without a tracking device or black box.

Can help settle claims

If someone accuses you of colliding with them when you weren’t even present, or accuses you of causing the accident when you didn’t, the data acquired by the black box can help prove that you weren’t present or that you didn’t cause the accident.

Can help improve driving skills

A black box can be used to supplement your driving training. Many people provide you with regular feedback to let you know how you’re doing. Some apps even show you a map of where you went wrong so you can avoid making the same error next time.

Translates to cheap car insurance when you pass and get regular insurance

While you may have a poor perception of telematics devices, they can help you save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on your insurance premiums. And once you’ve proven to insurance providers that you’re a safe driver, you’ll be able to get cheaper car insurance.

Even if you have a black box, some insurance policies give a no claims bonus for claims-free driving.

Is it illegal to not have a black box?

They’re prohibited, and if you’re caught with one while being stopped by the police, you might face a fine, points on your license, or a driving ban.

Is a black box mandatory?

From July 6, 2022, automakers will be required to install a form of “black box” in new cars destined for the European market, which will store technical data that can be utilized in the event of an accident. But what kind of information is at stake, and who will have access to it?

All new cars in Europe will be equipped with new data recording systems akin to the well-known “black boxes” used on airplanes, according to the European Union. The goal is to acquire access to a set of technical data pertaining to the seconds leading up to collisions of varied severity. This applies to all types of automobiles (passenger and utility vehicles), but not to two-wheeled vehicles. Only law enforcement officers, not insurance companies, will have access to this information if it is needed.

The data includes the vehicle’s speed, braking, steering wheel angle, road incline, and whether or not the vehicle’s numerous safety systems, beginning with seatbelts, were in use. The system will also allow users to identify the exact make and model of a car, as well as submit input to manufacturers about potentially dangerous situations.

All data will be anonymised, meaning it will not include the vehicle identification number or any other information that may be used to identify the owner of the car. No cockpit conversations will be recorded, unlike aircraft black box flight recorders!

Can you drive after 10pm with a black box?

SmartMiles is Hastings’ version of black box insurance. The cost of installing the black box is included in the purchase, and they have theft monitoring equipment that makes it simple to track down your car if it is stolen. You may also track and monitor your driving score and progress using an online dashboard and mobile app.

Driving at night will not result in a penalty, but driving between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. will lower your driving rating.

Hastings scored a 4.4 out of 5 star rating on Trustpilot and a 4 out of 5 star rating on ReviewCentre. Hastings is ranked on both review sites for all of its insurance products, not just its SmartMiles insurance (true as of June 2021).

Can you get a black box removed?

If your car doesn’t have an OBD port, we’ll arrange for a specialist to come out and install one for you at the start of your insurance. If you decide not to renew your policy, we simply deactivate the device, which means it will no longer record your driving. The black box can remain attached to your vehicle without causing any issues or requiring removal.

If I sell my car, will I need to remove the black box?

No, you’re not going to do it. You’ll be relieved to learn that removing a telematics device before selling (or scrapping) your car is not required by law.

Can you remove my black box for me?

Absolutely. However, because uninstalling a telematics device isn’t required, your insurer won’t cover it. If you’re convinced you want your gadget removed from your vehicle, we can arrange for an engineer to do so at an additional cost.

Can I remove the black box myself?

You might be tempted to watch a ‘How to Remove a Black Box’ video and remove the black box yourself. But, if you weren’t completely skilled, you wouldn’t try to fix other parts of your car, would you? We don’t advocate attempting to remove a black box yourself because it’s difficult and can cause damage to your vehicle if done incorrectly.

Telematics devices can be made in a variety of ways. So don’t assume that just because you find a guide that looks to show you how to effortlessly remove a black box that it will work for your device. It’s also wise to avoid taking advise from online forums or accounts. To avoid causing damage to your vehicle, you should only accept instructions straight from your insurer.

Bad drivers will pay higher premiums

The black box in your car gives your insurance a lot of information about your driving and your trips. With a black box coverage, you could end up paying more if you have terrible driving habits (and don’t change them).

Driving over the speed limit on a regular basis, forceful braking or rapid acceleration, poor turning, or poor road placement are all likely to result in increased insurance prices.

Curfews or journey restrictions

Because many accidents occur late at night or on congested roads, some black box insurance impose curfews, with fines or increased rates if you drive outside of those hours.

(Note: Our Black Box policy, developed in collaboration with Marmalade, does not include curfews – learn more.)

There may be restrictions on the number of trips you can take or the distance you can go in a specific period of time. The argument is that the more you drive, the more likely you are to have an accident.

This can make black box insurance impossible for drivers who work shifts or drive during off-peak hours, as well as those who travel frequently or over large distances.

Privacy concerns

Black box plans collect a lot of information about drivers, and while insurance companies take great care to keep this data safe from hackers, some drivers are nevertheless concerned about their privacy.

Less careful named drivers

While you may be a fantastic driver, other people who are insured to drive your vehicle may not be. They could raise your insurance premiums because most black box policies won’t be able to tell who’s driving.

Can a black box make insurance more expensive?

Standard insurance premiums can cost up to £2,500 per year for new drivers. Insurance based on black box technology frequently claims to reduce rates by up to £1,000, but our research shows that this isn’t always the case.

According to the data we gathered, black box policies are often more expensive than regular packages for students seeking third-party insurance. However, fully complete coverage for slightly older drivers with a black box tracker is on average slightly less expensive.

Many drivers in their twenties, who are more likely to obtain fully-comp insurance, would not save even £100 a year by opting for a black box deal. Insurers are also less likely to offer premium-saving black boxes to full-time employees above the age of 25.

Does a black box know if you crash?

Yes, a black box can detect and record if you’ve been in an accident. Because the black box monitors G-force, it will recognize the force of a hit on your car if it exceeds a specific threshold, and this data can be utilized by your insurer to figure out what happened.

Though you’ve been in an accident and the other motorist refuses to accept responsibility, even if it was their fault, a black box can be extremely helpful. You’ll be able to verify the information with your insurance, who will be able to tell you how fast you were going, the force of the impact, and when and where the accident occurred. If you believe you were not at fault, this can help you establish a case.

If you have a WiseDriving black box placed and have an accident, we’ll be notified and may even contact you to make sure you’re okay – that’s how smart the black box is.

Can you trick a black box?

On a black box insurance policy, how to acquire a good driving score. There are no methods or shortcuts to earning the perfect black box insurance score — all you have to do is drive carefully, and that’s it. You know how to drive; otherwise, you wouldn’t have passed your exam!