Is Car Insurance Cheaper On An Automatic?

Auto insurance premiums are often higher since automatic autos are more expensive to purchase. This is to cover the cost of any damage to the car, as well as the cost of a replacement. An automatic gearbox, for example, is more sophisticated than a manual one, and thus costs more to replace.

Additionally, if your license only allows you to drive an automatic, you will almost certainly pay a higher rate. This is due to the fact that drivers with this license type file more claims.

Is insurance cheaper on a manual or automatic?

Some drivers will only drive a manual car, while others have no desire to learn how to drive a stick-shift car. You will, however, require auto insurance regardless of the type of vehicle you drive. Car insurance is compulsory in most places in the United States, and even if it isn’t, you’re responsible for any damage or injuries caused by your vehicle, so it’s still a good idea to have it. Is it true, however, that the type of transmission in your automobile, whether manual or automatic, affects the cost of your car insurance?

Is insurance more on a manual or automatic?

If the only difference between two cars is their transmission, a manual may be less expensive to insure than an automatic. However, the cost difference between the two transmission systems is unlikely to be large.

The rate that auto insurers charge for a vehicle is influenced by a number of factors. These factors include the driver’s and passengers’ safety, the amount of damage the vehicle could cause to another vehicle in an at-fault accident, and the expense of repair or replacement parts. Because of these factors, it’s doubtful that you’ll observe a direct correlation between transmission type (manual vs. automatic) and vehicle insurance costs when getting a quote.

Also, keep in mind that, aside from the type of vehicle you drive, a variety of factors influence the average cost of car insurance. The following are the most important factors:

  • Younger drivers are more difficult to insure due to their lack of driving experience. They are more likely to make poor decisions (such as texting and driving or speeding) or cause an accident in higher-risk situations (such as heavy traffic or bad weather conditions) due to their inexperience, which is why insurance charge them more.
  • Men are more expensive to insure because they are involved in more accidents, according to the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I). As a result, they make more claims and incur higher insurance premiums.
  • You may be labeled a high-risk driver if you have a history of at-fault accidents, speeding citations, or DUIs. Your insurance rate may be raised if you have any incidents on your driving record.
  • Amount of coverage: For your auto policy, you can purchase varying levels of liability as well as extra coverage categories. Comprehensive coverage, collision coverage, personal injury protection, and uninsured motorist coverage are examples of these. The cost of automobile insurance is affected by the coverage levels you select.
  • A deductible is a portion of a reimbursement that is withheld after a claim is filed. Your monthly cost will be cheaper if your deductible is larger.
  • Location: Some areas are more dangerous than others. This could be due to criminal activity, vandalism, accidents, or even the weather. Your ZIP code is used as a rating element in most states when determining the cost of vehicle insurance.
  • Discounts: Most insurers provide their policyholders with a variety of discount options. If you take advantage of these, you can save a lot of money on your insurance.
  • Insurance companies do not all charge the same premiums. Switching carriers can sometimes save you money.

If you want to save money on your auto insurance, think about the aforementioned points before buying a manual car. In comparison to the expense of insuring an automatic, the cost of insuring a manual is likely small.

What’s the cheapest automatic car to insure?

What is the most cost-effective vehicle to insure?

  • Citigo by Skoda. Because to its modest price and solid engineering, the Skoda Citigo is classified as a car insurance group 1 vehicle.
  • Rio, hello. With versions starting in group 1, the Kia Rio is a low-cost car to insure for small households.

What are the disadvantages of automatic cars?

Automatic gearbox accomplishes the heavy lifting for you, thanks to a component known as a torque converter. You simply need to be concerned about moving ahead, backward, or stopping. So, how does a manual compare to an automatic?


  • Easy to drive: Many people prefer automatic cars since they are more convenient. They’re easy to use because there’s no clutch to worry about. Select D for Drive and don’t worry about shifting gears until you need to park or reverse.
  • Smoother transitions between gears: Automatic transmissions provide a smooth transition between gears, resulting in a smooth ride with no stuttering.
  • Better in rush-hour traffic: If you’re continually stopping and starting in congested cities, constantly pumping the clutch pedal might become a chore. Automatic transmissions demand less work, allowing you to focus entirely on successfully managing complex intersections and other traffic.


  • Automatics are often more expensive to buy than their manual counterparts, both new and used, so they’re not ideal if you’re on a budget.
  • Automatics can be tedious to drive, according to some drivers. They enjoy the sensation of shifting gears and having a stronger physical connection with their vehicle. It can be tough to adjust to not having a clutch for anyone who is used to changing gears.

Are manuals better on insurance?

No, in most circumstances, cars with manual gearboxes are less expensive to insure, but not by much. This is because replacing an automatic transmission is usually more expensive than replacing a manual transmission.

Are automatic cars more expensive to repair?

Automatics may appeal to drivers who want a simple and straightforward driving experience. They can be beneficial if you live in an area where traffic is stop-and-go, such as a city, because you won’t have to change gears as frequently.

Drivers who seek a more involved driving experience with greater control may prefer manuals.

  • When you learn in an automatic, you can focus more on speed and road position.
  • Your license will only allow you to drive automatics if you pass your test in one.
  • Because they have fewer gears and weigh more, older automatics are less efficient than manuals.
  • Some automatics can’t be hauled with all four wheels on the ground, so keep that in mind if you get stuck.
  • A manual transmission may be more appealing to people who seek a “driver’s automobile.”
  • Because manuals have more gears and are lighter, they are more efficient than older automatics.
  • Because electric automobiles lack a gearbox, automatic transmissions may become the standard in the future.

Are automatics easier to drive?

Automatics are easier to drive than manual cars because, as the name implies, they perform a lot of the heavy lifting for you. As a result, it’s not unexpected that persons who have a manual driver’s license can also rent and operate automatic vehicles (but not vice versa).

Is a newer car cheaper to insure?

Every year that your vehicle is older, your auto insurance prices decrease by 3.4 percent. A vehicle that is eight years old costs about 25% less to insure than one that is brand new. A brand new Honda Accord, for example, may cost $74 per month more to insure than an eight-year-old Honda Accord.