Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy Covered By Insurance?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a behavioral and cognitive therapy that combines the best of both worlds. DBT’s major purpose is to change negative thought patterns and harmful behaviors into positive ones. Although DBT was initially designed to help people who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, it is now used to help people with a variety of other

Does insurance cover dialectical behavior therapy?

Many aspects of DBT treatment, including but not limited to skills training classes, phone sessions, parent coaching, crisis intervention, and case coordination with schools and psychiatrists, are currently not covered by any health insurance. These services are currently not covered by any insurance. Because of this difficulty, most DBT programs require out-of-pocket payment and do not bill insurance. Congruent Counseling has been able to keep costs low by invoicing insurance for individual and family counseling.

How much does DBT cost?

The sort of therapy delivered can have an impact on the price. Typical outpatient therapy, in which a client attends weekly sessions, is frequently less expensive than more intensive outpatient therapy. The higher the cost of therapy, the more hours per week a therapist needs spend on a certain client.

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): CBT sessions are normally 50 minutes long and cost between $100 and $200 per session.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) consists of a weekly individual therapy session, a weekly group therapy session, and weekly phone conversations. A DBT therapy program might cost anything from $150 to $300 per week.

The price of therapy is partly determined by the mental health expert who provides it. Mental health professionals who are still in school or who have associate licenses frequently charge less than those who have full licenses. Those with a Ph.D. or a PhD may be able to charge more than those with an M.A. or M.S. Furthermore, regardless of their degree or license, therapists with advanced training in a particular modality or approach may charge more than therapists without specialized training.

Outpatient treatment costs are influenced by two important factors: the type of mental health practitioner delivering therapy and the geographic location where they work. The more a therapist’s costs are, the more education or experience they have. The expense of therapy will be higher in areas where office rent is high or where there are few therapists.

The Therapist’s Education & Specialization May Affect the Price

A minimum of a Master’s degree is required of therapists before they can begin practicing. This needs at least two years of graduate study. Graduate school, like other higher education programs, may be rather costly. To pay for their education, many therapists take out loans. Therapists who have earned a PsyD or PhD have typically spent 5-7 years in school, resulting in even greater tuition fees. During their education, therapists are obliged to conduct internships and supervised hours, which are usually unpaid.

Many therapists choose to specialize after completing their academic study. Specialization necessitates additional training, as well as supervised hours, continuing education hours, and license fees unique to that field.

A larger fee may be charged by therapists with doctoral degrees or advanced training. A therapist with a Masters degree but no extra specialization is likely to charge less than one with a PsyD or PhD or specialized training. While the expense of seeing these providers is higher, their additional years of training allow them provide even more effective and efficient services.

If you’ve had a previous mental health diagnosis, working with a physician who specializes in that illness can be more beneficial than working with someone who has less expertise and/or training in that area. Although the cost of each session may be higher, the total cost of therapy may be lower. The provider can give more targeted treatment to help you address the issues that led you to therapy, which can often reduce the number of sessions required to achieve your therapeutic goals. In addition to potentially saving money in the long run, you may feel better sooner.

Who qualifies for DBT?

Behavioural Therapy ( “BT”) refers to the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) ideas, such as the idea that we all have thoughts that lead to emotions, which then lead to actions based on those emotions. Consider when someone cuts you off in traffic and you think to yourself, “That person endangered me (among other expletives)!” That thinking makes you angry and afraid, prompting you to honk your horn or wave one of your fingers at the motorist.

What Does DBT Involve?

This is where things start to get a little heated. True DBT (or DBT as designed by Marsha Linehan)2 entails weekly group and individual therapy, as well as 24-hour phone coaching. Participants in the group learn DBT techniques, which teach different ways of dealing with emotions and difficult life events.

In individual therapy, the therapist and the client go over something called a Diary Card. The Diary Card is a tool for tracking your feelings over the course of a week, identifying which DBT skills you utilized, and determining whether or not they were effective. The therapist will next work with you to figure out why you were having difficulty applying your talents and how to avoid similar problems in the future. Phone coaching is provided as a reasonably short phone chat with a therapist who will coach you through using your skills in a certain situation if you require it.

Consider the following scenario: you’re at a family gathering, and your family puts the “fun” in dysfunctional.

You’re conversing with a relative who tells you how wonderful it would have been if you had been adopted.

You suppress the temptation to hit your relative in the throat as you stand there.

You should instead call the phone coaching hotline. The therapist recommends splashing cold water on your face (a skill called TIP). You put the phone down and go try it. It’s not specialized phone counseling; rather, it’s a tool to guide you through the skills you’re already mastering. True DBT provides phone coaching seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

What Should I Expect if I Agree to Try DBT?

This is your chance to become a well-informed customer! If you’re considering a DBT program, double-check that it has all of the True DBT components listed above. Although many therapy groups and mental health centers claim to provide DBT, they do not provide individual therapy. Individual treatment is another option, however it is only available once a month. Individual therapy, group therapy, and phone coaching should all be part of your DBT treatment plan.

The phone coaching may not be with your personal therapist, but it should be provided by a DBT-trained professional. You are not receiving comprehensive DBT if a service tells you that you can contact the crisis line instead of obtaining phone coaching. Because comprehensive DBT takes a lot of time from the therapists, many facilities do not provide it. In addition, the training is costly. Frequently, facilities cut shortcuts and do not provide adequate training to therapists. Typically, crisis professionals are not qualified to guide you through DBT skills.

Most organizations will require you to commit to participate in the full program for a year before they will accept you. It normally takes around six months to complete all of the modules, which are explained below. A year of DBT will take you through all of the modules twice over, and you should feel extremely confident in your abilities by the conclusion of the year.

It is not required to go through all of the skills again, but doing so ensures that you grasp them completely and can use them in a variety of scenarios without the need for coaching.

Many agencies may also require you to begin filling out diary cards before you begin the group so that they can show that you are serious about the treatment. Before you may begin the group, you may be required to sign an agreement stating that you will complete one year of treatment. These are all common expectations in a DBT treatment, so don’t be startled if you see them.

There are normally attendance restrictions for therapy, and if you skip too many sessions, you will be withdrawn from DBT.

Group therapy is required by agencies because it is in the group that you learn the skills.

Group and individual therapy are almost always covered as part of this program by insurance, however many insurers require that you receive group and individual therapy on different days. You will miss the information if you miss group, just as you would if you missed a class at school. You won’t be able to catch up with the material if you miss too many groups. It’s also only beneficial if you show up, just like any other sort of therapy.

Ensure that your therapist has completed DBT training provided by Behavioral Tech, the company formed by DBT’s creator. (A sample list of DBT-trained therapists can be found here.) Alternatively, you can look up therapists on Psychology Today. Inquire about the DBT training of potential therapists. Although some organizations provide DBT certification, it is not required to be a certified therapist. The most crucial thing for you to look for is someone who has been trained directly from the source rather than being taught second-hand.

What Will I Learn?

Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance are the four components of DBT. Everything else in DBT revolves around mindfulness. You’ll learn how to practice mindfulness, which is really just being present rather than thinking about what might happen in the future or what has happened in the past. Meditation is sometimes included in mindfulness practice, but there are many more options, which you will learn about in your group. The idea is to regain control of your mind and prevent it from running away with you. You will finish another mindfulness program in between each of the previous modules.

The ability to manage tough interpersonal settings is taught through interpersonal effectiveness skills. You’ll also learn how to adjust the level of assertiveness you use depending on the situation. For example, you might learn to be aggressive while returning a defective item to a retailer but less firm when declining a friend’s request for assistance because maintaining the friendship is more important to you than attaining a goal. You’ll also learn how to have a difficult talk with someone without endangering the relationship, as well as how to assert yourself in self-respect circumstances.

The Emotion Regulation module will teach you how to control your emotions in various scenarios. You’ll learn how to identify what you’re experiencing, how to figure out if your emotions are in line with the scenario, and what to do if they aren’t. Furthermore, you will learn how to better manage your emotions on a daily basis.

You will learn how to deal with stressful situations in Distress Tolerance. This lesson will teach you how to calm down when your emotions are overwhelming you, tactics for dealing with persistent stressful circumstances, and when to try to employ problem-solving abilities.

Is DBT Right for Me?

DBT is an excellent treatment for people suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder, as well as other mental illnesses. DBT is a terrific technique to educate you how to keep your emotions in check if you’re having trouble doing so. It can also help people who are struggling with addictions and require strategies to manage urges, as well as those who have been traumatized and don’t feel like they have the coping skills to deal with the trauma. However, because DBT does not incorporate any form of trauma processing, it is not a stand-alone treatment for trauma. (Visit the United States Veterans Administration for further information on evidence-based trauma treatments.) Individuals with intellectual difficulties or uncontrolled schizophrenia should avoid DBT. A DBT-trained therapist can assist you in determining whether DBT is the right treatment for you.

How do I pay for DBT?

We are a cash-only establishment that requires payment at the time of service. Cash, check, or credit card payments are accepted. At our location, we take all major payment cards.

Patients with current ‘out-of-network’ coverage may be able to submit claims for reimbursement directly to their insurance company. To learn more about your out-of-network mental health benefit coverage, contact your insurance company directly. Our billing department will give you with the superbills you’ll need for this procedure.

We are a member of the First Health network of providers. We are, however, nonetheless classified as a ‘out-of-network’ service. To learn more about your mental health benefit coverage, we recommend calling your insurance company directly.

While you are outside of California, this restriction also applies to any unlicensed telehealth service.

Is dialectical behavioral therapy evidence based?

Borderline personality disorder is treated with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment (BPD). Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) who are parasuicidal and have substance use disorders (SUDs), people who satisfy the criteria for binge-eating disorder, and depressed senior patients are among the patient categories for which DBT has the highest empirical support. Although DBT shares many similarities with other cognitive-behavioral techniques, it requires the presence of some key and distinct features in order for the treatment to be classified as DBT. Serving the five functions of treatment, the biosocial theory and focusing on emotions in treatment, a consistent dialectical philosophy, and mindfulness and acceptance-oriented interventions are some of these elements.

Is therapy covered by insurance?

Insurance companies have been required by the insurance regulator to provide health insurance coverage for mental diseases. According to the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017, insurance firms must provide medical insurance for mental illness treatments that is comparable to that provided for physical disease.

The order by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) means that health insurance will cover counseling for mental health concerns, as well as prescriptions and hospitalization. Therapy, which is one of the most prevalent treatments for mental diseases, costs between Rs 1,500 and Rs 2,000 per session and is not covered by medical insurance.

Can I use DBT for free?

Dbt offers a free open source version as well as a premium cloud version in which they manage all infrastructure as part of a SaaS offering. They launched the Integrated Developer Environment in 2020, along with dbt pricing changes. More information about the dbt cloud environment and dbt pricing can be found here.


  • Data quality, integration, and code performance are all tested by Dbt. The tool has quality built in, and the others may be programmed and executed in dbt (automatically in some cases).
  • Create test scripts that examine specific columns for missing/incomplete entries, unique restrictions, and accepted values.
  • Run scripts manually, which will then run automated tests and deploy changes after they pass. If a test fails, you can set up notifications to be sent out.


  • Analysts and engineers can publish both public and private repositories using Dbt’s built-in package manager. Other users will be able to refer to these.


  • Dbt generates a visual picture of how data moves around an organization automatically.
  • Documents are generated automatically and available through dbt, with the option to send files during deployment. In the ETL process, maps are built to demonstrate the flow of data via each table.

Another feature of dbt is that you may utilize Jinja, a scripting language, in conjunction with SQL to create macros and incorporate functions that aren’t available in SQL. When you have to repeat computations or need to reduce code, Jinja comes in handy. Jinja will improve SQL in any dbt project, and our dbt specialists can assist you with utilizing Jinja’s capabilities within dbt.

Why is DBT so expensive?

This is very dependent on the country you’re in, as well as the amount of coverage provided by your insurance, if you have one. Unfortunately, DBT is incredibly expensive, and I’ve heard that treatment can cost up to $46k per year. Any cost research I do seems to differ depending on the clinic and region, so I can’t really offer you an answer. If you’re paying for it out of pocket, you should expect to pay between $100 and $200 per session; if you have insurance, you may have a $20-50 copay, but this isn’t always the case. It differs.

I haven’t been able to do DBT myself due to the high expense and lack of availability. Some people can afford it because they reside in nations where healthcare is less expensive than in the United States, while others have better insurance.

It really depends on where you live, what country you’re in, whether you’re going to a hospital or going private, and so on.

I’ll give you a Canadian answer because Mea gave you an American one.

I’m Canadian, and despite the fact that a local hospital offers a free DBT program, I’m disqualified due to my postal code.

Most persons in Canada who receive DBT do it through a hospital, which means therapy is free.

Unfortunately, there are only a few DBT programs in the country, and they’re extremely difficult to get into and have extremely long waiting lists (some as long as three years).

So I’ll have to go to a private DBT center, which will cost me a lot of money.

DBT is more expensive than other types of therapy because you usually have to pay for both the group and individual counseling.

Individual DBT therapy at my center ranges from $120 to $175 CND, depending on where you are and what type of therapist you’re seeing.

It was $140/h when I went to DBT in Atlantic Canada with a registered psychologist who had trained with Marsha Linehan, versus $175 in Vancouver with a registered psychologist who had trained in DBT.

If you go every week at the highest pay rate for full DBT, you’re looking at one individual session and one group session per week. This can add up to around $10,000 if you go every week at the highest pay rate for a year.

That’s why we’re cautious to emphasize how tough it is for so many people to get counseling because the financial load is so great.

Some therapists assist low-income clients by using a sliding scale payment system, in which your financial ability determines how much you pay.

Many therapists, however, do not do so, and finding other sources of therapeutic money is nearly impossible.

There aren’t any grants available for this, and extended health insurance (at least in Canada) is notorious for not covering a sufficient number of psychologist appointments for it to be of any help to me.

The only financial help that has ever been suggested to me is to get on disability and use that monthly amount to pay for therapy, which is conceivable.

However, most people who are qualified for disability benefits require that money to pay rent and eat themselves, so it isn’t a viable option.

Unfortunately, the majority of the time, people can only afford therapy if they are either 1) wealthy enough to pay for it without difficulty, or 2) they go into debt to pay for it.

Otherwise, people are unable to attend therapy for the most of the time, or they are unable to attend frequently enough to receive the level of assistance that they require.

I wish I could give you better news, but mental health care is extremely difficult to obtain for the great majority of individuals.

In most cases, DBT is far worse since it is so specialized.

That’s why, on this blog, we aim to provide as many resources as possible to help people manage their disorders on their own, because we understand that therapy isn’t an option for the vast majority of our readers.

You can always try to walk yourself through DBT by utilizing some of the worksheets here or here, or by purchasing the DBT Skills Workbook or the DBT Skills Training Manual, which you’d need in professional DBT anyhow.

I’m also Canadian, and the DBT services are held through the mental health services branch in my town. Because I reside in a smaller town, the branch can handle influxes of people while the hospital handles the more emergency and life-threatening situations. Everything is free for me, but because we live in a tiny town, we have what my therapist refers to as “DBT light.” Because no one here is certified to teach the entire DBT course, they’ve had to create a simplified version that doesn’t cover everything.

What’s the difference between CBT and DBT?

CBT focuses on the interplay between your thoughts, feelings, and actions. While DBT addresses these issues, it focuses more on emotion regulation, mindfulness, and learning to accept discomfort. CBT aims to teach patients how to detect when their thoughts are becoming problematic and how to redirect them. DBT teaches patients how to accept themselves, feel safe, and manage their emotions in order to control potentially harmful or destructive behaviors.

DBT therapy clients attend DBT skills training sessions, which are often taught in a group environment and consist of four modules. Most patients also meet with a DBT therapist or coach on a weekly basis and receive DBT phone coaching when they need it the most. Patients may be able to transfer to more traditional CBT groups to address specific negative thought patterns or repeated harmful behaviors once they have mastered DBT techniques to regulate their emotions, exercise mindfulness, and enhance connections with others.