Is Jersey In The UK For Travel Insurance?

Unfortunately, your trip to Jersey is not covered by UK travel insurance. Medical treatments and prescription drugs must be paid for in cash by visitors to the island, including British nationals, unless they have taken out proper travel insurance. However, keep in mind that travel insurance protects you from more than just injuries; it also protects you from hotel cancellations and travel delays.

Are Channel Islands classed as UK for travel insurance?

A reciprocal health agreement existed between the United Kingdom and Jersey, however it expired on April 1, 2009.

For the purposes of travel quotes, the Channel Islands are frequently classified as part of the United Kingdom. If you use a travel insurance company that specializes on UK visits, the Channel Islands are usually included. Others may need you to purchase European insurance.

Do I need medical insurance for the Channel Islands?

Visitors from the United Kingdom will be compelled to pay for medical treatment if they become ill or injured while visiting the Channel Islands. Before traveling, all visitors are strongly encouraged to obtain proper health and medical insurance. Because the islands are not part of the EU, the European Health Insurance Card does not apply to them (EHIC). Anyone visiting the Channel Islands from a nation without a reciprocal health agreement will be compelled to pay for medical treatment if they become ill or injured if they do not have insurance. Australia, Austria, Barbados, Iceland, Jersey, New Zealand, Portugal, and Sweden all have reciprocal agreements with the Channel Islands.

The Island Medical Centre, Gloucester St, and the General Hospital, The Parade, are both in St Helier.

The majority of doctors and dentists in Guernsey work in private practice, and patients must pay for any service provided by a GP. As these services are offered by GPs in private practice, they can be delivered at a surgery, a temporary residence, or the Accident and Emergency Department at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital (PEH), which is overseen by the Board of Health.

On Sark, the island is supposed to keep a doctor on staff to care for both natives and visitors. Visitors should bring their concerns to the surgery, which is located at the Seigneurie Road medical centre (tel: +44 1481 832045; The Sark Surgery provides medical evaluations, treatment for mild ailments, and simple surgical procedures, however in an emergency, casualties may be flown to Guernsey or Jersey by helicopter or boat. Residents of the neighbouring island of Brecqhou have made their aircraft available for medical emergencies at no cost.

A small hospital, two medical practices, and one dentistry business are located on the island of Alderney.

Are Channel Islands covered by NHS?

While the Channel Islands’ healthcare is of high quality, foreigners should be warned that expenditures might be costly. Medical insurance is required for the majority of newcomers, at least at first.

The healthcare systems in the two bailiwicks are completely different. Despite its ties to the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands’ healthcare is not provided by the NHS. It’s also worth noting that EU citizens will be unable to utilize their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) on either of the islands.

Can I go and live in Jersey?

To enter, visit, work, study, or settle in Jersey, you do not need a visa. Anyone else wishing to work in Jersey will need to obtain immigration permission in the form of a visa. If you want to work, study, or settle in Jersey, you will need a visa.

What is classed Jersey?

Jersey is a Crown Dependency and not part of the United Kingdom; it is part of the British Islands formally. Jersey, as one of the Crown Dependencies, is self-governing and autonomous, with its own legal, administrative, and fiscal systems. Jersey’s government refers to the island as a “self-governing, democratic republic with self-determination power.”

Jersey is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II because it is a British Crown colony. The Crown’s Law Officers define “the Crown” as the “Crown in right of Jersey.” Since March 13, 2017, the Lieutenant Governor of Jersey, Sir Stephen Dalton, has served as the Queen’s representative and adviser on the island. He serves as a liaison between Jersey ministers and the UK government, and he is responsible for immigration control, expulsion, naturalization, and passport issuance.

Can I move to Jersey from UK?

Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, is perhaps better recognized for its tax benefits than for its pleasant temperature or small-town atmosphere. The administration of the island describes it as ‘tax efficient,’ with a maximum income tax rate of 20% and no capital gains or inheritance taxes. As a high net worth individual, a company employee, or to start a business, Brits can relocate to Jersey (see below for details). According to Hartmann, obtaining a company license was simple, and the relocation procedure was relatively painless. ‘I had no idea how to find a GP or where to get my hair done,’ she recalls, adding that the islanders were really helpful. ‘It was the same with our children getting into top schools.’

Jersey’s educational system is a big lure for families. There are numerous good private and public schools for students of all ages. St George’s and St Michael’s are well-known prep schools, while secondary institutions such as Jersey College For Girls and the all-boys Victoria College, as well as Beaulieu, a Catholic girls’ school and De La Salle College for boys, are well-known.

Savills’ Geri O’Brien confirms, ‘The schooling on Jersey is amazing.’ ‘And it all feels so safe — they ride the school bus to school in the mornings and then play on the beach after studies.’ A world-class healthcare system, a plethora of fitness clubs and gyms, and an exceptional restaurant and bar scene are also available on the island. Hartmann advises lunch at Longueville Manor, a country hideaway two minutes from St Helier, or a table on the patio at the Oyster Box in St Brelade’s Bay. ‘We’re really fortunate,’ she says, referring to the abundance of restaurants and pubs in the area. ‘People go to the Royal Yacht Hotel in St Helier after work in the summer and winter.’

According to O’Brien, it’s a fallacy that everyone on Jersey is extraordinarily wealthy, because there are plenty of graduates working for top law firms and companies like PwC, ensuring a vibrant community of people going about their daily lives. ‘It draws young financial talent, top physicians, and professionals in every field: where else can you go after work and jump in your boat?’ says O’Brien. ‘There are no language difficulties, it uses the same currency as Britain, and there are huge tax benefits for individuals who take advantage of the chance,’ she adds.

Is London to Jersey a domestic flight?

It’s a flight within the United States. I fly there frequently because I have family there. Jersey is technically not a part of the United Kingdom. It is a Crown Dependency and is part of the British Isles.