Because insurers consider keloids to be a cosmetic issue, they have a wide variety of reimbursement standards for care and treatments. To enhance their chances of reimbursement, practitioners must adequately document the medical necessity of the care they deliver and then categorize the diagnoses and treatments correctly.
Does insurance cover keloid removal?
Here’s the deal: your out-of-pocket expenses are entirely determined by your specific situation and insurance carrier.
If you want to get rid of a keloid for cosmetic reasons, your insurance probably won’t pay the treatment. On the other hand, if the treatment is medically required, they may cover all or part of it.
Schedule an appointment with an expert and board-certified dermatologist if you want a clear response to the question “Will keloid removal cost me money out of pocket?”
How much does it cost to remove a keloid?
The cost of a complete excision for hypertrophic scar revision ranges from $150 (up to 5 mm) to $400. (over 4 mm). Keloids can be shaved for $130 (up to 5 mm) or $230 (up to 10 mm) (over 2 cm). In addition to the shave removal, three steroid injections are required once the shave is removed.
Is keloid removal considered cosmetic?
The medically essential and reconstructive indications for the treatment of keloids and scar revision are described in this text.
- SURG.00011 Wound Healing and Soft Tissue Grafting Allogeneic, Xenographic, Synthetic, Bioengineered, and Composite Products
- Immature or linear hypertrophic erythematous scars from surgery or trauma that persist in erythema for more than one month despite preventive treatment with silicone gel or sheeting, hypoallergenic paper tape, or onion extract preparations can be treated with pulsed dye laser (PDL) once monthly for 2 to 3 months. Fractional laser therapy is used to treat scars that haven’t responded to PDL.
- Fractional laser therapy can be used to treat hypertrophic burn scars that haven’t improved after 8 to 12 weeks of treatment with silicone gel or sheeting, pressure garments, and/or onion extract preparations.
The best time to switch between laser treatments has yet to be determined (Anderson, 2014). Intervals ranging from four weeks to two to three months have been employed, with most studies recommending a six-week interval as the best.
Although fractional ablative lasers have a lower adverse impact profile than nonfractional ablative lasers, delayed wound healing, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scarring, and ulceration have been recorded, particularly in places with thinner skin and fewer adnexal structures, such as the neck (Lee, 2011; Ozog, 2013). Fresh healing wounds with unstable epidermal coverage in the first 1 to 3 months following injury, as well as ongoing infection, are relative contraindications to fractional ablative laser treatment (Anderson, 2014). A history of herpes simplex virus infection should also elicit prophylactic antiviral medication before laser therapy is offered.
Jin and colleagues (2013) conducted a meta-analysis of 28 clinical studies including 919 patients to assess the effectiveness of various laser therapies in the treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloid formation. The overall response rate for laser therapy for scar prevention, hypertrophic scar treatment, and keloid treatment was 71 percent for scar prevention, 68 percent for hypertrophic scar treatment, and 72 percent for keloid treatment. Among all laser systems, the 585/595-nm pulsed-dye laser and the 532-nm laser subgroups produced the best results. Recurrence or advancement of treated scars was not documented in any of the included trials, indicating that more trials are needed to collect this information.
Following excisional surgery, low- or high-dose radiation therapy (superficialor interstitial) has been shown to have higher response rates and reduced recurrence rates for treatment-resistant keloids. For the treatment of keloids, low-dose rate (LDR) and high-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy uses radioactive seeds or strands inserted in a plastic tube that is sutured into the incision site after the keloid is surgically excised. Instead of being given over days, the complete dose is broken into smaller doses and given over hours (that is, left in for seconds to minutes at a time). LDR implants are placed for two to three days before being removed. After therapy, the tubes are removed and the incision is closed. External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) for the treatment of keloids is provided in divided doses by a linear accelerator using low-voltage photon X-rays or high-energy (voltage) electrons, once or twice daily for up to a total treatment dosage.
In a review paper analyzing the evidence in the peer-reviewed medical literature regarding the type of radiation utilized, the timing of treatment, and the dosage of radiation used in the treatment of keloids, Gupta and Sharma (2011) reported on conventional recommendations of care for keloids, stating:
- The most effective approach for the management of extensive…keloids that cause significant morbidity/limitation of movement/contracture, with a recurrence rate ranging from 9 to 72 percent (Level B), which generally depends on the total dose of radiation and duration of follow-up, is a combination of surgery followed by radiotherapy 24 hours later.
- A somewhat high dose must be administered in a short period of time (Level B). After surgical excision, a scheme with a Biologically Effective Dose (BED) of 30-40 Gy appears to be sufficient to prevent keloid recurrence (Level B).
- The most successful method is electron beam irradiation; nevertheless, strontium 90 brachytherapy has a low recurrence rate (Level C).
Following surgical excision, Lee and Park (2015) retrospectively assessed a case series of 37 keloids to determine the best timing to begin external beam (electron) radiation therapy. Radiation therapy was started in 24 lesions within 24 hours, 6 lesions between 24 and 72 hours, and 7 lesions after more than 72 hours. The average time between follow-ups was 27.4 months. There were 7 recurrent lesions, with 5 of them repeating in high stretch-tension zones (p=0.010); initial therapies in these lesions were given within 24 hours in 1 case and more than 72 hours in 6 cases (p=0.010).
Klumpar and colleagues reported in 1994 that radiation therapy after keloids were surgically removed resulted in high control rates of 72 to 92 percent. Hoang and colleagues (2017) reported on the 10-year effects of surgical excision and adjuvant brachytherapy versus external beam radiation for the treatment of keloids in a large, single-institution case-control retrospective analysis, stating:
…keloids that have been surgically removed are said to return at a rate of more than 45 percent. External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) or interstitial high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy have been used to provide post-excision radiation (RT). Despite historical data indicating that post-excision RT causes 10% to 20% keloid recurrences, there is a scarcity of high-quality evidence comparing keloid recurrences between the two RT modalities.
Excision alone (n=28), post-excision EBRT (n=197), or post-excision HDR brachytherapy (n=39) were used to treat 128 people with 264 keloid lesions. Mixed effect Cox regression modeling (statistical threshold, p) was used to assess participant and keloid recurrence data.
Kal and Veen (2005) write in a review study that for successful prevention of keloids recurrence following surgical excision, a relatively high-dose radiation must be delivered in a short total treatment time. A radiation plan with a BED value of at least 30 Gy may be the best therapy option. A BED value of 30 Gy can be achieved with a single acute dose of 13 Gy, 2 fractions of 8 Gy, or 3 fractions of 6 Gy, or a low-dose rate of 1 single dosage of 27 Gy. Radiation therapy should be started within two days of surgery, according to the authors. Following up, Kal and colleagues (2009) conducted a retrospective analysis of the literature on the link between dose-effect and post-surgical radiation recurrence rates. According to the findings of this investigation, a BED of 30 Gy or higher resulted in a keloid recurrence rate of less than 10%.
After keloid excision, Bijlard and colleagues (2018) used HDR brachytherapy to treat 238 keloids to find the best brachytherapy dose and fractionation scheme for keloid treatment. Subjects from three centers were compared using logistic regression analyses for recurrence rates (after at least 12 months’ follow-up) and complications (after at least 1 month’s follow-up) after keloid excision followed by 2 fractions of 9 Gy, 3 fractions of 6 Gy, or 2 fractions of 6 Gy HDR brachytherapy. A 6-Gy fraction was provided within 3 hours after surgery at two treatment sites; the next day, 1 (center 3) or 2 (center 2) more 6-Gy fractions were given spaced by at least 6 hours. The overall complete recurrence rate was found to be 8.3 percent. After controlling for confounding factors such sex, skin color, keloid location, and keloid duration, no statistically significant variations in recurrence rates between fractionation techniques were discovered. There were 29 (12.8 percent) major complications, including severe infection (n=4) and chronic wounds (> 3 months) (n=23), and 45.6 percent (n=103) minor complications (including hyper- and hypopigmentation and dermatitis grade 2). There were no significant differences in recurrence rates or complications between treatment with 2 fractions of 9 Gy and treatment with 3 fractions of 6 Gy; however, there were significantly fewer complications after 2 fractions of 6 Gy compared with 2 fractions A total of 106 people (46.9%) did not have any treatment-related complications. Upper trunk keloids showed a higher risk of problems (odds ratio, 2.5; p=0.032), while ear keloids had the lowest risk (odds ratio, 0.43; p=0.05). The authors recommended a BED of roughly 20 Gy HDR brachytherapy after surgical excision of treatment-resistant keloids based on minimal recurrence and complication rates.
Additional comparative studies (Emad, 2010; Sclafani, 1996), a prospective study (van Leeuven, 2014), retrospective case studies (Carvajal, 2016; De Cicco, 2014; Guix, 2001; Jiang, 2018; Kim, 2015; Kuribayashi, 2011; Ogawa, 2003; Ogawa, 2007; Shen, 2015), a systematic review and meta-analysis (Shin, 2016), and other systematic reviews (Flickinger, 2011; van Lee
Skin redness, peeling, telangiectasia, and persistent skin color changes (usually hypopigmentation) are all possible side effects of radiation therapy at the surgically excised keloid site (Gupta and Sharma, 2011). Ogawa and colleagues (2009) concluded that “the risk of carcinogenesis attributable to keloid radiation therapy is very low when surrounding tissues, including the thyroid and mammary glands, especially in children and infants, are adequately protected, and that radiation therapy is acceptable as a keloid treatment modalit,” after conducting a systematic review and examination of evidence-based opinions of radiation oncologists regarding the acceptability of using radiation to treat keloids. Duan and colleagues (2015) reported that no definitive evidence for an association between radiotherapy and the occurrence of cancer during the follow-up period was found in a retrospective analysis of control and toxicity rates in 116 individuals with keloids who underwent postoperative brachytherapy and electron beam radiation (median observation period: 46.5 monthsfor all participants).
Brachytherapy, also known as internal or interstitial radiation therapy, is a type of radiation treatment that involves injecting radioactive material directly into the target location.
External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) is a sort of low-dose radiation treatment for keloids that is used in conjunction (adjunctive) with surgical excision. EBRT destroys collagen-producing cells while limiting the formation of new cells by using highly focused light beams called superficial X-rays.
A hypertrophic scar is a raised, erythematous (red, pink, or purple) scar that is stiffer than the surrounding skin. Hypertrophic scars are more common in those with darker skin tones or in areas of high skin tension.
A keloid is a scar that rises above the flat surface of normal skin, has a firm texture, and may spread beyond the scar’s limits.
The Patient and Observer Scar Assessment System (POSAS) is a numeric rating scale used in the clinical assessment of scars. The Patient Scar Assessment Scale and the Observer Scar Assessment Scale are both completed by the patient and the observer, respectively. Six factors make up the Observer Scale: vascularity, pigmentation, thickness, relief, pliability, and surface area. All objects are rated on a scale of one to ten, with one being “like normal skin” and ten being “worse scar imaginable.” The overall score of the POSAS observer scale is the sum of the six elements (Draaijers, 2004).
Scar: A mark left on the skin as a result of the replacement of wounded issues by connective tissue during the healing of a wound, sore, or injury.
The Vancouver Scar System (VSS) is a commonly used rating scale for evaluating hypertrophic burn scars, their rate of development, and therapy or resolution outcomes. The VSS evaluates four scar features, with normal skin receiving a score of 0 and a greater pathologic condition receiving a higher score (total score of 13) (Sullivan, 1990):
- T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T. Alster, T Dermatol Surg, 29(1), 25-29, 2003.
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- A new triamcinolone, 5-fluorouracil, and pulsed-dye laser combination for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars. Asilian A, Darougheh A, Shariati F. Dermatol Surg, 32(7), 907-915, 2006.
- Evidence-based therapies, established practices, and developing techniques for nonsurgical management of hypertrophic scars, Atiyeh BS. 2007; 31(5):468-492; discussion 493-494 in Aesthetic Plast Surg.
- Auricular keloids: treatment and outcomes, Bermueller C, Rettinger G, Keck T. 2010; 267(4):575-580 in Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.
- Laser therapy of keloids and hypertrophic scars. Bouzari N, Davis SC, Nouri K. Int J Dermatol, 46(1), 80-98, 2007.
- Pulsed dye laser for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars: a systematic review, de las Alas JM, Siripunvarapon AH, Dofitas BL. Expert Rev Med Devices, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 641-650, 2012.
- Q. Duan, J. Liu, Z. Luo, and C. Hu. A single-institution retrospective review of postoperative brachytherapy and electron beam irradiation for keloids. Mol Clin Oncol, 3(3), 550-554, 2015.
- BM El-Zawahry, RM Sobhi, DA Bassiouny, SA Tabak. An open-label controlled clinical and histological research using ablative CO2 fractional resurfacing in the treatment of thermal burn scars. 2015; 14(4):324-331 in J Cosmet Dermatol.
- A radiobiological examination of multicenter data for postoperative keloid irradiation, Flickinger, JC. 2011; 79(4):1164-1170 in International Journal of Radiation Oncology and Biophysics.
- Standard standards of care: keloids and hypertrophic scars, Gupta S, Sharma VK. 2011; 77(1):94-100 in Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol.
- Biologically effective doses of postoperative radiation in the prevention of keloids, Kal HB, Veen RE. Relationship between dose and effect. 181(11):717-723 in Strahlenther Onkol. 2005.
- Dose-effect correlations for recurrence of keloid and pterygium after surgery and radiotherapy. Kal HB, Veen RE, Jurgenliemk-Schulz IM. 74(1):245-251 in International Journal of Radiation Oncology and Biophysics.
- Radiation therapy after total keloidectomy: a retrospective study over 11 years, Kim K, Son D, Kim J. 2015; 42(5):588-595 in Arch Plast Surg.
- Keloids treated with excision and radiation therapy, Klumpar DI, Murray JC, Anscher M. J Am Acad Dermatol, 31(2 Pt 1), 225-231, 1994.
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- AD Mamalis, H Lev-Tov, DH Nguyen, and JR Jagdeo. A review of keloids treatment using lasers and light. 2014; 28(6):689-699 in J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.
- Treatment response of keloidal and hypertrophic sternotomy scars: a comparison of intralesional corticosteroid, 5-fluorouracil, and 585-nm flashlamp-pumped pulsed-dye laser treatments. Manuskiatti W, Fitzpatrick RE. Arch Dermatol, 138(9), 1149-1155, 2002.
- BO Mofikoya, WL Adeyemo, AA Abdus-salam A review of recent advancements in the pathophysiology and therapy of keloid and hypertrophic scars. Nig Q J Hosp Med, 17(4), 134-139, 2007.
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- TCH Oosterhoff, VK Beekman, JP van der List, FB Niessen. A systematic evaluation of laser treatment of certain scar features in hypertrophic scars and keloid scars. 2021; 74(1):48-64 in J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.
- AP Sclafani, L Gordon, M Chadha, T Romo 3rd. A randomized, prospective research and assessment of the literature on the prevention of earlobe keloid recurrence with postoperative corticosteroid injections versus radiation therapy. Dermatol Surg, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 569-574, 1996.
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The usage of specific product names is just for the purpose of illustration. It is not meant to be a recommendation for one product over another, nor is it meant to be a comprehensive list of all products available.
Review by the Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee (MPTAC). In Clinical Indications, the word “physical” was removed from “physical functional impairment.” Discussion/General Information, Definitions, and References sections have all been updated.
Review of the MPTAC. The sections Description, Discussion/General Information, and References have all been updated. The Coding part has been restructured.
Review of the MPTAC. When the conditions are met, an MN statement for fractional ablative CO2 laser fenestration of a burn scar or traumatic scar was added. When the conditions for fractional ablative CO2 laser fenestration of a burn scar or traumatic scar are not met, a Cosmetic and NMN statement has been included. Index section has been added. The sections Description, Discussion, Definitions, and References have all been updated. 0479T and 0480T have been added to the Coding section.
Review of the MPTAC. “Current Effective Date” was changed to “Publish Date” in the document header. When the medically required or reconstructive criteria for keloid removal are met, added MN and Reconstructive statements for treatment of a keloid using radiation therapy (up to 3 fractions) as adjuvant therapy following surgical excision (started within 3 days). Cosmetic and NMN statements have been clarified slightly. Discussion, Definitions, Coding, and References sections have been updated. Websites for Additional Information section has been removed.
Review of the MPTAC. For the Additional Information sections, we’ve updated the Discussion/General Information, References, and Websites sections.
Review of the MPTAC. Websites for the Additional Information section have been updated. ICD-9 codes have been removed from the Coding section.
Review of the MPTAC. For the Additional Information sections, the Discussion, References, and Websites sections have been updated.
Review of the MPTAC. The first draft of the document. Content and coding for the treatment of keloids and scar revision from ANC were transferred and recoded. 00007 Skin-Related Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services
Can scar removal be covered by insurance?
Although aesthetic surgery is often not covered by health insurance, surgeries to reduce scarring from an injury or to improve your capacity to function may be reimbursed in part. Most face scars, however, are considered cosmetic problems and are often not covered by insurance due to their position. To find out which scars and treatments are covered, check your policy or call your insurance provider.
Although scar revision is a frequent operation with little hazards, it is critical to understand and discuss these concerns with your surgeon before undergoing surgery. Infection, hemorrhage, and anesthesia-related problems are all possible issues with any surgery.
Following your plastic surgeon’s advice both before and after surgery can assist to reduce some risks. Your surgeon will give you detailed advice on how to prepare for surgery after the operation date has been established. Guidelines on drinking, smoking, and taking and avoiding certain drugs and supplements are among them. If you smoke, quitting for a period of time before and after surgery is highly suggested.
We recommend that you have someone drive you home following your surgery and look after you until you feel better.
What happens if you remove a keloid surgically?
Keloid scarring affects about 18 million people, and it’s unattractive and often unpleasant. You don’t have to live the rest of your life feeling self-conscious about your scars. You may simply regain your confidence, and these scars don’t have to be permanent thanks to the SRT-100TM’s astounding 90% cure rate for keloid removal.
A keloid scar indicates that your skin has been injured. An accident or surgery are the most common causes of this. Fibrous tissue is a type of tissue found in the human body. These tissues are also known as scar tissues, and they generate scars when they come into contact with a wound. Sometimes an excess of scarring tissue forms, resulting in a hard growth and extensive scarring. A keloid is a type of growth that can be much larger than the original injury.
Although a keloid is a form of tumor, it is not cancerous. They’re termed chronic, and they usually appear soon after surgery. Burns, piercing your ears, chickenpox, and skin trauma are some of the other causes of these tumors. Unfortunately, Asians, Latinos, and African Americans are genetically predisposed to keloid tissue formation.
Keloids can be treated, so it’s not a condition you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. The procedure uses superficial radiation to remove keloid scars and is quite effective. The SRT-100TM has a success record of over 90% in removing keloid scars. Previously, keloids could only be removed through surgery, but the difficulty was that the keloids often returned. Keloids developed again in 90 percent of instances after surgical excision. With superficial radiation therapy, that number lowers dramatically, since only around 10% of the keloids grow back.
This method of removal is exact and involves a dose of surface radiation that has been precisely regulated. The cells that make up the keloids are obliterated. The skin remains soft until the incision has had time to heal. This is a non-abrasive process that takes place in your doctor’s office. It only takes a few minutes to complete the process. Multiple treatments may be required depending on the severity of the incision location.
Because of its high success rate, this procedure has been dubbed The Keloid Cure by the US Food and Drug Administration when used to cure scarring produced by an injury or surgery.
Inquire about an SRT treatment plan if you’re thinking about getting your keloid scar removed.
Can dermatologists remove keloids?
Keloids are scars that continue to heal and expand after a wound has healed normally. They are more common in people of South Asian descent, particularly African sub-Saharan origin, than in Caucasians. They have no relation to skin color depth, but the triggering injury can be as simple as an insect bite or an acne pimple or as serious as surgical (even ear-piercing) wounds. The trend is so strong among Africans that a number of African tribes have incorporated scarification (intentional scaring) patterns into tribal or religious rites of passage, such as puberty.
A keloidal scar is a thick, hard lump that can range in size from a sesame seed to a grapefruit and extends well beyond the site of the original injury or inflammation.
Keloids can be difficult to treat since they frequently reappear, sometimes considerably larger than when they were removed.
The first step is to prevent future keloids from forming by treating any underlying skin problems (e.g., acne).
Keloids are often treated by dermatologists with a series of steroid injections directly into the lesion. A keloid can be removed using a variety of methods, including surgical excision and laser excision. Topical drugs (such as steroids, imiquimod, retinoids, and anti-inflammatory agents), medicated tape, silicone gel sheeting, compression (such as pressure earrings), chemotherapeutic injections, and cryotherapy are some of the other options (freezing). To avoid recurrence, localized radiation treatments may be performed. In all cases, regular and meticulous follow-up with a dermatologist is required.
- Follicular and scarring problems in skin of color: presentation and management, Madu, P. and Kundu, R.V. Am J Clin Dermatol, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 307-21, 2014.
- Genetics of keloid scarring, B. Shih and A. Bayat. 302(5): 319-39, Arch Dermatol Res, 2010.
- Medical and surgical care of keloids: a review, Shockman, K.V. Paghdal, and G. Cohen. J Drugs Dermatol, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 1249-1257, 2010.
How can I permanently get rid of keloids?
The goal of treatment is to get the keloid to flatten, soften, or shrink. Keloids can be difficult to remove. They may reappear following treatment. For the best outcomes, many doctors will utilize a mix of treatments. The following are some of the treatments:
- The scar is being frozen. Cryotherapy is a procedure that can be used to lessen the hardness and size of a keloid. It is most effective on tiny keloids.
- Covering the scar with silicone sheets or gel. This may aid in the flattening of the keloid.
- Surgical removal is required. This entails removing the keloid. After this treatment, the majority of keloids will recur.
- Treatment under pressure. Keeping pressure on the region after keloid surgery inhibits blood flow. This can help prevent keloid recurrence.
For various people, different treatments work. Consult your doctor to determine which treatment choice is best for you.
Can small keloids be removed?
By freezing small keloids with liquid nitrogen, they can be minimized or eradicated (cryotherapy). It’s possible that additional treatments will be required. Blisters, discomfort, and skin discoloration are all possible side effects of cryotherapy (hypopigmentation).
How long does it take to recover from keloid surgery?
A doctor covers the wound with a sterile bandage after surgery. If your surgery was significant, your doctor may prescribe an over-the-counter or prescription pain reliever to aid your recovery. Six to eight days after surgery, doctors schedule a follow-up appointment to assess healing and, if necessary, remove stitches.
The skin heals over the next six to eight weeks, and the new, smaller scar flattens and fades to match the surrounding skin. Complete recovery can take up to a year. Surgeons will schedule extra follow-up sessions as needed during this period to check the scar’s healing.
If a hypertrophic scar or keloid looks to be growing following surgery, doctors can prescribe a corticosteroid injection if necessary. If you have a history of keloids, your surgeon may plan to inject corticosteroids into the scar tissue numerous times in the months following surgery to try to prevent them from recurring.
In addition, to avoid the formation of a keloid, our surgeons may propose postoperative superficial external beam radiation. For optimal benefits, this therapy should be started within 24 to 48 hours post surgery.
What kind of doctor removes keloids?
A dermatologist may perform a skin biopsy if a keloid appears to be a bothersome skin development. A small portion of the skin is removed and examined under a microscope. During an office visit, a dermatologist can swiftly and easily remove a tiny area.
How do dermatologists treat keloids?
Dermatologists may offer more than one sort of keloid treatment to provide their patients the best outcomes. Scars can be difficult to remove, and some may reappear following therapy. Using two or more types of treatment to achieve better results is common.
It’s a good idea to think about what you want to get out of your dermatologist visit before you go. Consider how you’d respond to the following questions:
Knowing what you want to achieve can assist your dermatologist provide you accurate information about what therapy can accomplish. It will also assist your dermatologist in developing a treatment plan for you.