Is Product Liability Insurance Compulsory?

Product liability insurance, which is commonly included in a general liability insurance policy, is not required by law. Commercial landlords and clients, on the other hand, may need you to obtain general liability insurance in order to meet the requirements of a lease or contract. Applicants for various professional licenses must also show proof of general liability insurance.

Do you need product liability insurance?

If your company produces, manufactures, or supplies a physical product that is sold or given away for free, you should consider purchasing product liability insurance.

Your company could be held legally liable for any injuries or property damage caused by a faulty product.

Even if you did not create the faulty products, you may be held accountable. You could be held accountable for damages if:

  • You can’t find the manufacturer of the goods, or the company has gone out of business.

Is product liability insurance compulsory in Australia?

In Australia, public liability insurance is not needed by law; but, according to, “If you run a business, you may be liable for damages or injuries to another person or property.” Although liability insurance is usually optional, it is generally advised for firms in all industries because the risk of being sued is unexpected and possibly very costly. Public liability insurance safeguards you and your company from the financial consequences of being held accountable for negligence. Negligence is defined as “damage that is reasonably foreseeable.”

Do wholesalers need product liability insurance?

Product liability insurance protects the items you create, make, market, and distribute. This type of coverage is more critical than ever in our increasingly complicated and litigious environment. Many of the consumers to whom you sell your items will require liability insurance from the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler. If a product they sell causes injury, even retailers may be held liable. As a result, the importance of this coverage is shared by everyone involved in the product manufacturing, distribution, and sales chain.

What is Product Liability Insurance, and how does it work? -Product Liability Insurance protects the policyholder if a lawsuit emerges as a result of the insured’s products being used. Loss of personal property, business property, injuries, or death are all examples of this. Food, clothing, toys, tools, building supplies, furniture, pet things, and electrical equipment are just a few of the items that are covered.

What is the scope of the insurance policy? -The insurance is intended to assist in the protection of the company from losses. Even if the company is judged not to be at fault, this is the situation. The cost of defense, including legal fees and court costs, can often have a considerable negative impact on a company’s profitability. Damages, as well as legal costs and court fees, are normally covered by the insurance company with correctly set up insurance coverage, and can include:

  • Bodily Harm – The insurance company may reimburse the impacted company or individual for medical expenses, lost services, and compensation for injury or death.
  • Property Damage âProtection is offered in the event that your product damages or disables another person’s property.

Who should be covered by this form of insurance? â Any person or company in charge of the design, manufacture, sale, or distribution of a product that is sold to others. Note that if your company contracts with others to create a product you designed, the liability does not transfer. Liability can be for design and/or manufacture, as well as distributors and retailers, as indicated above.

What factors influence the price of insurance coverage? € The cost of providing this form of insurance cover is determined by a number of factors. Insurance is more expensive the riskier the goods. The following are some of the factors that go into deciding the cost of coverage:

How clear are the instructions, and how simple is the assembly if it’s required?

While some products have a very low risk exposure, others have a very high risk exposure and, as a result, have higher premiums.

Product liability insurance should be carried by every business that has a link to a product, such as manufacturing, distribution, or sales.

How do you avoid product liability?

Defective, malfunctioning, or misused items cause serious injuries, property damage, and economic disruption every year. Product recalls, high-profile negative publicity, and a loss of goodwill may occur in severe instances. Many of these situations may be averted if manufacturers or distributors looked into customer concerns and feedback. Such information can assist a corporation in taking proactive efforts to limit or avoid product concerns and exposures at an early stage. Making it simple for customers to express their issues can assist businesses in responding to customer needs and boost possibilities to improve products and services.

Our product liability experts work with companies in a variety of industries to assess their liability risks. The insights we acquire from our daily talks can help you identify the risks you may encounter as you launch new goods and services.

Why do we need product liability?

Product liability insurance protects your company from lawsuits alleging bodily injury or property damage as a result of the products it sells. Its primary goal is to pay for legal fees and damages.

Who needs Product Liability?

Product liability insurance is beneficial to businesses that manufacture, provide, or sell products to the general public. Any or all of these business types may be affected by claims.

When items cause harm or injury, legal disputes can extend well beyond the consumer and the corporation that produced them; a ripple effect across the supply chain can make processes protracted, difficult, and expensive.

They can cost you a lot of money in any case. Unfounded claims must nevertheless be handled seriously because your company’s reputation and brand value are at risk.

Why do you need product liability?

Property damage or personal injury claims stemming from the use of a business’s product, or the failure of a product, may be covered by product liability.

Claims are often divided into two groups, according to Michael White, Steadfast’s broker technical manager. “Personal injury claims are a common occurrence. In some examples, someone is wounded as a result of using a product that is defective in some way.

“The other form of claim is when a product fails and causes property damage,” White explains.

Who needs Products Liability?

Product liability coverage will help pay your legal fees, judgment, or settlement if that product allegedly injure someone or damages their property. Even if they didn’t buy or use the product, anyone can sue for damages caused by it.

For construction and contracting companies, a product liability policy is also essential. It provides financial protection in the event that a client sues you for physical injury or property damage caused by your services.

Is it illegal to not have public liability insurance?

Public liability insurance isn’t needed by law, but if you operate a business, you’ll almost certainly need it. If someone else sues your company, public liability insurance will cover your expenditures – yet without it, unanticipated legal costs might ruin your company.

Do I need a public liability insurance on ABN?

Public liability insurance should be deemed a necessary if your firm has even the tiniest danger of inflicting property damage or bodily injury to another person.

How does product liability insurance work?

Product liability insurance is more than just a guarantee or warranty on a product. It shields enterprises from the consequences of a product that causes harm or other damage to third parties.

How a product is created, designed, marketed, or misused can cause harm to consumers. Even if a product is misused, your company could be held liable for any damage it causes.

It is your company’s responsibility to make things right. In the event that your company is sued, product liability insurance can assist protect you. There were 58,496 personal injury/product liability cases filed in 2014, up 20% from 2013. In 2012, the average jury award in product liability litigation was $3,439,035, with the median award totalling $1,503,339.20, according to one law firm. Product liability insurance has become increasingly vital for small firms as the number of claims has increased and the cost of lawsuits has risen.

Being the target of a product liability lawsuit is both costly and stressful. Product liability insurance protects you from costly legal bills that could otherwise put you out of business. Medical bills, as well as compensation and commercial damages, are all covered by the insurance.