Should You Release Medical Records To Insurance Company?

The insurance company for the person who caused your injuries is looking through your medical records for information about a prior accident or a pre-existing medical condition.

Injuries or illnesses that you had prior to the accident are considered pre-existing conditions. Here are some examples of how pre-existing conditions could be used against you in a personal injury lawsuit:

  • Adjusters may argue that your pains are caused by inflammation rather than accident-related damage if you have arthritis.
  • Adjusters may argue that if you have fibromyalgia, your muscular problems occurred prior to the event and hence were not caused by the accident.
  • If you’ve had a concussion or had brain damage in the past, adjusters may argue that your cognitive symptoms are the result of that injury.

When negotiating a settlement with an insurance company, keep in mind that you are not compelled to reveal a pre-existing ailment or prior accident. As a result, signing a release for a complete medical history is unnecessary.

Your attorney will analyze your medical records as well as any requests for copies of those records made by the adjuster. Your attorney will only share medical records connected to your injuries when it is absolutely required to do so in order to safeguard your best interests.

Why do insurance companies want medical records?

An insurance company may need to evaluate some of your medical treatment records in order to thoroughly analyze your injuries and calculate compensation for your medical expenses. There are, however, restrictions on what the insurer can and should view. Let’s imagine you’re in a vehicle accident and your right shoulder’s rotator cuff is torn. It may take a few weeks before you notice any significant pain. As the pain worsens, you may decide that seeing a doctor is necessary. As a result, you visit a doctor and are given a diagnosis. The doctor then suggests that you have surgery to fix the damage in your shoulder.

An insurance company may need to examine those data and bills to determine whether (a) your injury was caused by the accident, (b) the procedure’s expenses, and (c) what kind of future medical issues you might face. So it’s a reasonable request if the insurance company wants to see those documents. The insurance company, on the other hand, isn’t looking for your records only for this reason.

Can insurance company ask for medical records?

When considering claims, insurance companies typically request medical records. Your records and the medical bills you filed for compensation must be verified by the adjuster. Because the insurance company does not have an inherent right to see your records, they will ask you to sign a release authorizing them to do so. Your claim will most likely be refused if you don’t have medical records.

Determining the Scope

An insurance company will typically just need to examine records of treatment for the injuries in question (i.e., the ones you are seeking compensation for.) However, it is not uncommon for adjusters to try to obtain your previous medical information as well. They do this to gain an advantage in your case.

Medical records will be examined by claims adjusters in order to estimate the claim’s value and to identify reasons to deny it. As a result, don’t sign a blank release authorizing them to access all of your records. Instead, narrow the scope by naming the individual providers who have treated your accident-related injuries, as well as the records’ date range.

You can also protect yourself by requesting the records from a lawyer before giving them to the insurance adjuster. You can ensure that your records are free of extraneous information by checking them before sending them out. If this is the case, you can redact any information that the insurance company does not require.

Your Right to Privacy

Allowing insurance companies to snoop through your complete medical history is not a good idea. Consider what records you release, and get the release reviewed by an attorney before you sign it. When dealing with insurance providers, knowing your rights is crucial to receiving fair compensation. Speak with an experienced Illinois personal injury attorney if you want to understand more about your rights. An attorney can assist you understand your rights and work with the insurance adjuster without jeopardizing your claim.

Even if you have a legal right to fair reimbursement, fighting huge insurance firms for what you deserve is no easy task. So, the next time you’re out on the road, remember to drive defensively to lessen your chances of being involved in or causing an accident. If you need assistance filing a claim, speak with an experienced Arlington Heights personal injury attorney. An attorney can assist you in navigating the insurance claims procedure to ensure that you receive the amount you are entitled to.

What is an authorization to release medical information?

The Privacy Rule allows covered entities to get patient agreement for uses and disclosures of protected health information for treatment, payment, and health-care operations on a voluntary basis, but it is not required. Covered entities that do so have entire autonomy in designing a process that meets their specific requirements.

The Privacy Rule, on the other hand, requires “permission” for uses and disclosures of protected health information that are not otherwise permitted by the Rule. When the Privacy Rule calls for patient authorization, voluntary consent isn’t enough to allow the use or disclosure of protected health information unless it also meets the criteria for a valid authorization. An authorization is a detailed document that allows covered entities to use protected health information for specific reasons other than treatment, payment, or health care operations, or to reveal protected health information to a third party named by the subject.

A description of the protected health information to be used and disclosed, the person authorized to make the use or disclosure, the person to whom the covered entity may make the disclosure, an expiration date, and, in some cases, the purpose for which the information may be used or disclosed are all required elements of an authorization. Covered organizations may not condition treatment or coverage on the individual submitting an authorization, with a few exceptions.

What information do insurance companies have access to?

The types of information collected by life insurance companies are usually determined by the amount of coverage you want, the policy type, and the underwriting procedure they utilize. Your age and health may also play a role.

The most information is received from sources such as those listed below for fully underwritten policies. Many of these same sources are used in accelerated underwriting, with the exception of the medical exam. In addition, the simplified issue underwriting procedure may rely on limited third-party data.

Information From You

Prepare your coffee. According to the Society of Actuaries, a life insurance application might have up to 60 questions. You’ll be quizzed on your age, personal medical history and mental health, family medical history, and whether or not you use tobacco. There will also be inquiries into your driving record, harmful hobbies, and any prospective trip plans to dangerous regions.

To verify your identification, insurance providers will ask for personal information such as your Social Security number and birth date. They may also want to know your annual wage because it may limit the amount of insurance you may acquire based on it.

It’s critical to be truthful while answering questions. Keep in mind that insurers will double-check a lot of the information you provide with other sources. Incorrect responses may void your insurance policy in the future.

Electronic Health Records

Life insurance businesses have benefited from the availability of electronic health records. They can get rid of the outdated procedure of requesting an Attending Physician Statement (APS) on an applicant through phone or fax by accessing digital medical records. Firms that help insurers obtain medical records are known as records-request companies.

Your life insurance application will include a HIPAA-compliant consent form for you to sign if an insurer requests your medical records.

Since 2014, health-care providers have been obligated by federal law to keep electronic health records. Life insurers can use electronic health information to speed up the application process and, in some situations, eliminate the need for a medical exam.

Previous Life Insurance Applications

Individual health and life insurance applications are gathered by MIB Group. If you’ve ever applied for insurance with one of MIB’s member companies, it’s likely that they have a record of you. Insurers can check to see whether your previous responses contradict what you’ve indicated on a new application. You can acquire a free copy of your MIB file.

MIB does not have information about your workplace’s group life or health insurance.

From Pharmaceutical Databases

Life insurance firms will find out if you’re taking medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, or anything else. They check your prescription drug history using third-party companies like Milliman Intelliscript.

From a Life Insurance Medical Exam

A medical exam, also known as a paramedical exam, is usually required for a fully underwritten life insurance policy to identify if you have any medical issues that could affect the amount you pay.

Companies like ExamOne and APPS are used by insurance companies to send a nurse or paramedical professional to your home or workplace. They’ll probably measure your height, weight, and blood pressure, as well as take blood and urine samples (which can detect nicotine and drug use, among other things).

Depending on your age or health, some insurers may require an EKG and/or cognitive assessment.

From Your Motor Vehicle Report

You’re submitting a life insurance application, not a car insurance application. So, why would an insurance company want to look into your driving history? You may be a higher risk as a policyholder if you have received speeding tickets or other offences such as DUIs.

From Your Credit

For life insurance firms, your credit may also appear to be an odd source of information. According to the Society of Actuaries, they may examine your credit. Credit scores can help determine your “mortality,” or life expectancy. LexisNexis, an analytics firm, sells its Risk Classifier score to life insurance, for example. Your credit, driving history, and other public records-based criteria are all factored into your score.

From Public Records

Insurers can look up your personal information in public records, find out what property you own, see if you have a criminal record, and look for other information that might indicate you’re a riskier applicant.

From Financial Statements

Insurance companies may need more information to verify your financial condition if you apply for life insurance beyond a particular sum. Ameritas, for example, will demand to see tax returns or income statements, as well as a list of assets certified by an accountant, for applicants who seek a life insurance policy worth more than $5 million.

From Your Social Media Accounts

Anything you post on social media has the potential to backfire. Even when applying for life insurance, this is true. According to a poll conducted by Lewis & Ellis Actuaries and Consultants, most insurance firms scan social media sites as part of their underwriting process. The majority of people use Google, although some also use LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Do car insurance companies check medical records?

Before agreeing to pay on a claim, auto insurance companies frequently request the medical records of the accident victim. They may do so for a variety of reasons, including ensuring that your injuries were caused by the accident rather than a pre-existing ailment.

How long does a insurance company have to settle a claim?

“How long does a car insurance company have to settle a claim?” you might wonder after filing a claim. The short answer is usually approximately 30 days.

What are the 8 requirements of a valid authorization to release information?

A Checklist for Valid HIPAA Authorizations

  • There are no compound authorizations available. The authorisation cannot be used in conjunction with any other document, such as a treatment consent form.

What is the purpose of release of information?

The process of releasing access to protected health information (PHI) to an individual or institution authorized to receive or review it is known as release of information (ROI).