What Does Tradesman Insurance Cover?

Depending on the professions you do, you can purchase a variety of insurance and policy combinations. We won’t go through everything, but here are three key coverages to get you started.

General Liability Coverage (With Products And Completed Operations Included)

The most typical self-employed contractor insurance coverage is general liability. It protects you against bodily injury or property damage to individuals or organizations that you cause.

Because you’re in the construction industry, be sure your general liability insurance covers materials and completed activities. Some insurance companies will try to exclude it, but there is almost certainly a policy that will cover you.

This protects you against any damage caused by your work after you’ve left the working site. Although this form of insurance is required for practically every contractor, it is especially important for trades like as plumbers and electricians, where a workmanship mistake might cause substantial damage or even death.

Contractors Equipment Coverage

Your equipment is sophisticated and costly. Contractors equipment coverage is a must-have if you have high-quality tools that you don’t want to replace, as it covers the loss of your equipment on the truck or on the job site.

You can also acquire coverage for construction goods while they’re in storage, in transit, or on the job.

Workers Compensation Coverage

Although workers compensation is needed by law, having a worker’s compensation policy for any helpers working for you is a good idea if you have employees.

Look up the workers’ compensation legislation in your state. If a contractor has enough authority over another contractor, they may be considered an employee in specific instances. We recommend consulting with a local attorney to determine whether your independent contractors are employees. If they are, you may be liable for their medical expenses if they are hurt.

At LandesBlosch, we recommend at the very least acquiring a no-payroll policy (often referred to as a ghost policy). In many states, a business owner can opt out of coverage, producing in a workers’ compensation policy with a low price. If a member of your household is harmed and it is determined that you are responsible for the medical expenditures, the policy will cover the costs.

What is tradesman policy?

Tradesman insurance is a type of company insurance for experts in their area that covers a variety of vital factors, such as your equipment, continuous work coverage, compensation costs in the event of a legal claim against you, and other optional extras based on the type of job you do.

To be considered a craftsman, you must be a professional in your field of work and be at least 16 years old. Tradesman insurance is often designed for those who operate in their own homes, outside, or on their clients’ property, so if you own or rent a specific business location, you may need to look into comprehensive business insurance.

Is tradesman insurance the same as public liability?

If you accidently injure a member of the public or damage their property, tradesman public liability insurance protects you. If someone files a claim against you, your public liability insurance will cover the legal and compensation costs.

What does my builders insurance cover?

If you’re liable for the injury or death of a third party, or damage to their property, builders’ public liability insurance can cover the cost of damages, compensation, legal fees, and medical bills. It can be useful in instances such as: If a structural flaw results in an injury or death.

What is public liability insurance for tradesman?

Tradesman’s public liability insurance is required and offers the financial protection you need if you are liable for another person’s injury.


If you cause property damage or an injury to someone while working on a construction site, Public Liability Insurance will cover you.

Before you can do any work, you will almost certainly need to acquire Public Liability Insurance. This could be a legal need in your sector or a customer requirement; this is especially true for major contracts.

Even if you don’t think you’ll need it, we urge that you buy it anyhow. Many Tradies have had the misfortune of having an unforeseeable incident occur on their job site, only to watch as they went bankrupt due to the financial strain. Why take a chance?

If you’re a tradesman on the job site and someone gets electrocuted or trips over your equipment and gets hurt, you’ll need two things:

  • Enough public liability insurance coverage to cover all claims brought against you.


While Public Liability Insurance will cover any property damage or injuries to individuals on your job site, it will not cover your injuries or property damage.

If you are injured at work, Tradesman Injury & Illness Insurance (Income Protection Insurance) will cover you. It will also cover you if you are injured off the job.

Most of your property will be covered by Tool Insurance and Vehicle and Trailer Insurance if it is destroyed or stolen.

Important: When getting your Public Liability Insurance, make sure you check with us to see what it covers and what it doesn’t.


To protect themselves from professional and personal financial ruin, all tradespeople and subcontractors on a project site must have public liability insurance. While the industry minimum norm for public liability insurance coverage is $5 million, there is an increasing demand for $10 million policies.

Employers should always check that subcontractors have their own current and adequate public liability insurance before allowing them to access a job site because they are considered self-employed.

When it comes to hiring labor employ workers, there are a few more key factors to consider. The essential is to notify your Public Liability insurance when you recruit labor hire workers so that correct coverage can be included in your policy.

The only purpose of tradesman public liability insurance is to protect the tradesman or subcontractor against financial claims resulting from property damage or injuries to individuals (other than workers) caused by the tradesman or a member of the craftsman’s staff. It’s worth noting that a contractor’s public liability insurance policy might not cover any subcontractors hired for the task.

Even if the main contractor’s public liability insurance covers a claim for which the subcontractor is responsible, the contractor’s insurer may seek reimbursement from the subcontractor.

What are liabilities in insurance?

  • Liability insurance protects you from lawsuits stemming from injuries and physical damage to people and/or property.
  • Liability insurance pays for legal fees and payments if the insured party is proven to be at fault.
  • Intentional harm, contractual liabilities, and criminal prosecution are among the provisions that are not protected.
  • Automobile insurance coverage, product producers, and anybody practicing medical or law all require liability insurance.
  • Responsibility insurance includes personal liability, workers’ compensation, and commercial liability.

What is professional indemnity insurance?

Professional indemnity insurance safeguards you against claims for loss or damage brought by clients or other parties as a result of the impact of negligent services or advice you supplied. Even if you provided a free service or offered free advise, you may face compensation claims.

What insurance should building contractor have?

Any contractor should have professional indemnity insurance. It can assist you if a client claims you offered insufficient services or advice. Professional indemnity insurance will pay for legal fees and expenses incurred during the defense of the claim. It also includes compensation for the client in the event that a mistake is made.

Does a builders risk policy cover liability?

Builders risk is a type of insurance that is meant to safeguard construction sites against loss and damage. Builders risk plans, on the other hand, rarely cover liability (for accidents and injuries in the workplace). In addition to course of construction coverage, stand-alone liability insurance can be obtained.

What insurance do I need as a building contractor?

Public liability insurance is usually at the heart of a building Contractorsinsurance policy; it’s a crucial protection for yours and most other trades, since it can protect you if someone is injured or their property is damaged as a result of your business. To safeguard you against potential charges, Tradesman Insurance 4u offers cover ranging from £1 million to £10 million.

Professional indemnity insurance forbuilding Contractors

All businesses that give advice or provide professional services to other firms should have professional indemnity insurance. It protects you if you provide a client bad advise and they lose money as a result of it. Professional indemnity insurance is available as a stand-alone policy or in combination with another policy. We can provide professional indemnity coverage ranging from £50,000 to £5 million at Tradesman Insurance 4u.

Additional Tool cover insurance

Another popular tradesman insurance choice is ouradditional tool cover insurancecover, which, when added to your policy, ensures that you’ll have supporting coverage should any concerns with key firm properties, such as loss, damage, or theft, arise.