What Does Unum Accident Insurance Cover?

Unum Accident Insurance can assist your employees in getting back on their feet following an accident. Our plans include a lump-sum benefit to assist consumers with out-of-pocket expenses not covered by their medical insurance, such as co-pays, transportation costs, and out-of-pocket fees.

What is covered under personal accident insurance?

Accidents that result in bodily harm, permanent partial disability, or permanent total disability, as well as accidental death, are covered by personal accident insurance. It includes hospitalization, as well as pre- and post-hospitalization care, as well as a daily cash allowance of up to 30 days, depending on the insurer. Personal accident insurance, depending on the policy you choose, covers you in the event of a loss of income for a set amount of time. It also provides education benefits to dependent children of policyholders to assist them in continuing their education.

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*Terms and conditions apply. This plan is available through a group insurance program, with Bajaj Finance Limited serving as the master policyholder. Our partner insurance firm provides the insurance coverage. The risk is not underwritten by Bajaj Finance Limited. CA0101 is the IRDAI Corporate Agency Registration Number. The above-mentioned benefits and premium amounts are dependent on a number of circumstances, including the insured’s age, lifestyle habits, health, and so on (if applicable). BFL is not responsible for the issuance, quality, serviceability, maintenance, or other claims that may arise after the sale. This product is a type of insurance. The purchase of this product is entirely voluntary. BFL does not require any of its clients to acquire any third-party items.

What is the benefit of accident insurance?

Accident insurance can assist you in covering medical and other out-of-pocket expenses that may arise as a result of an accident. This includes things like emergency care, hospital stays, and medical exams, as well as ancillary costs like transportation and lodging.

Accident insurance is obtained in the same way as other types of insurance. You’ll have to pay a premium for your coverage, which may vary depending on where you live and whatever plan you choose. In every state, eHealth offers a selection of accident insurance coverage. One of our certified brokers will gladly assist you in determining the appropriate plan for your needs and budget.

Is accident insurance the same as disability?

Accident insurance, often known as accident expense insurance or accidental death insurance, pays out if you are hurt or killed in an accident covered by your policy. For injuries originating from a covered accident, it pays a benefit directly to you (or your beneficiaries in the event of death). The following are some examples of what accident insurance might cover:

Insurance companies sell accident insurance as a type of product. You or your family can file a claim if you or a family member is harmed as a result of an accident covered by your accident insurance policy. As long as you’ve been paying your premiums, the insurance provider will pay you in cash (often a monthly payment). You can spend this money toward anything you want, including medical bills, your mortgage, childcare, college tuition, or even a vacation. The benefit would be given immediately to your beneficiaries if the accident resulted in death.

Accident insurance can also be used in conjunction with health insurance. Accident insurance can provide as a financial buffer if an accident results in medical expenditures that your current health insurance does not cover. Accident insurance complements disability insurance by allowing you to get benefits even if your injuries do not restrict you from working. While both types of insurance cover similar ailments (ranging from a dislocated shoulder to quadriplegia), disability insurance pays you a monthly benefit for each month you are handicapped. Accident insurance can pay out a defined number of times over a set period of time, or it can pay out all at once (known as a lump amount). Benefits from accident insurance are smaller than those from disability insurance, but lower benefits mean lower rates. You can use the benefit from your accident insurance policy as a little payment while you wait for your disability insurance elimination period (the time between the start of an injury and receiving benefit payments from an insurer) to end.

Does Unum cover surgery?

You may be covered for a hospital admission, hospital confinement charges, diagnostic tests, outpatient or inpatient surgery, ICU confinement, emergency room and rehabilitation treatments, as well as lodging and transportation for you and a partner, depending on the plan supplied by your company.

What is an example of accidental injury?

Accidental injury, as the term implies, refers to any injury that occurs as a result of an accident. Accidental injuries include falls, scrapes, burns, car accidents, bites, stings, and drowning. Accidents can occur at any time, and accidental injury is a leading cause of death in the United States. Accidental injuries such as a slip, fall, automobile accident, or trip that result in significant bodily damage or injury have a catastrophic impact on people’s lives in terms of physical suffering, financial hardship, and mental distress. Such injuries are covered by personal accident insurance. So, in terms of personal accident insurance, what constitutes an accidental injury?

A accident on the stairs, for example, could result in a slipped disk or fracture, while a single blunder on the road could be costly, if not fatal. If not handled appropriately, such incidents can have disastrous consequences, leaving you with a large hole in your wallet. Personal accident insurance should be an important insurance policy you purchase in case of such an occurrence. It safeguards you and your family in the event of an unforeseeable injury that necessitates medical attention.

Exclusions in Personal Accidental Insurance

Suicide, criminal acts, and injuries sustained while participating in hazardous sports activities are often not covered by personal accidental insurance. These accidents are not covered by insurance since they are caused by negligence. As a result, it’s just as crucial to keep a watch on the illnesses and incidents that aren’t covered by the policy. This policy does not cover death caused by sickness or any other natural cause. As a result, covid and other vector-borne diseases are not by chance.

Because certain accidents may occur as a result of negligence or intentional acts, purchasing personal accidental insurance does not provide you with a blank check to cover every sort of event. The courts have stated that a person must take all reasonable precautions to avoid an accident. He cannot make any claims if he makes no attempts and acts negligently. It is the insured’s responsibility to take adequate precautions to avoid mishaps.

Before filing a claim against a personal accidental policy, one must be certain of the nature of the harm, as it only applies to unfortunate or unforeseen incidents.

Case Study:

Rahul was involved in an automobile accident and sustained injuries. His car was hit by a third-party vehicle. He suffered scratches, bruises, and a fractured skull. The situation was severe, and surgery was required right away, at a cost of roughly Rs. 30 lakh. He was able to avoid such a high cost because he possessed a personal accident insurance coverage. The coverage covered accidental accidents and reimbursed all medical expenses as well as lost wages up to the extent of the sum insured.

Pedestrian accidents and road accidents can result in serious and deadly injuries. A personal accident insurance policy, like Rahul’s, can protect you from losing all of your savings in the event of an accident.

Which of the following risk is not covered under a personal accident insurance policy?

Under the individual personal accident coverage, there are some exclusions. In the formal policy wordings, the official comprehensive list of exclusions and terms and conditions will be given. However, the following is a general list of exclusions:

No claim will be honored under this policy if the policy holder’s burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, or other injuries were caused either intentionally or by intentional negligence.

No claim will be honored under this policy if the policy holder suffered burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, hospitalization, or other injuries as a result of participating in a civil or foreign armed conflict.

Injuries sustained while the policyholder was under the influence of drugs or alcohol include the following: No claim will be honored under this policy if it is determined that the policyholder suffered burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, required hospitalization, etc. while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

AIDS, HIV, or other STDs: No claim will be honored under this policy if it is determined that the policyholder suffered from burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, or required hospitalization as a result of an STD.

If it is determined that the policyholder suffered from burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, or required hospitalization as a result of active participation in any type of labor disturbance, strike, demonstration, protest, riot, or public disturbance, the policyholder will be entitled to compensation.

If the policyholder is injured while on duty with any of the armed forces, no claim will be eligible under the individual personal accident policy because of burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, required hospitalization, and so on.

Burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, required hospitalization, and other injuries that occur as a result of the policyholder’s participation in any adventurous sports, such as bungee jumping or river rafting, will not be covered under this policy.

Claims arising from previous illnesses or illnesses: If it is determined that the policyholder suffered from burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, required hospitalization, etc. as a result of any existing medical conditions or the worsening of an existing illness, claims will not be honored under this policy.

Claims arising from pregnancy or delivery complications include: Claims under this policy will not be honored if the policyholder suffered burns, broken bones, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, dismemberment, temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, death, required hospitalization, or other injuries as a result of the policyholder’s pregnancy or childbirth.

How many types of accidental insurance are there?

4 The organization offers three types of accident coverage and plans: basic, plus, and premium, all of which may be customized to meet your specific needs.

Are accident plans worth it?

Accident insurance is not only affordable, but it also provides limited coverage. If your health insurance has a high deductible, you might benefit from an accident insurance coverage since it provides a one-time payout that might help you fund medical care.

If you aren’t eligible for disability insurance, for example, because you have pre-existing medical conditions that insurers won’t cover, you’ll profit from accident insurance.

How do I claim accidental insurance?

  • Call your insurance carrier as soon as possible after the accident to report the damage.
  • Make a claim with your insurance company and request that a surveyor be assigned to assess the damage.
  • If your insurer allows it, you can also submit your claim online.

Documents required to make a claim:

The insurance provider may need certain documentation from you in order to validate and approve your claim. You must submit all required papers for the claim as well as complete the claim form. The following is a list of papers that you must present when filing an automobile insurance claim:

Formalities for making a car insurance claim

In the event of an automobile accident, the policyholder has two options for filing a claim: third-party and own damage. After an accident, follow these steps to file a claim:

  • Third-party claim: In cases where a third-party vehicle has caused damage or harm to you or your vehicle, you can file a third-party claim against the other vehicle owner. If you are unable to work as a result of the accident, you may be eligible to recover medical expenses as well as compensation for personal injury, property damage, and loss of earnings. If there is a death, compensation can also be requested.

In the case that your car collides with another vehicle and causes damage to a third-party vehicle, on the other hand, your insurance will cover the damages, loss, injuries, and deaths that you caused to the other party.

  • Obtain the insurance information for the vehicle that caused the damage to your car and notify that vehicle’s insurer of the occurrence.
  • Immediately notify your insurance carrier of the situation. Make sure you notify your insurer about the accident within the time limit.
  • Then, with your insurer’s help, file a third-party claim. If you’ve been injured, you’ll need to file a third-party claim against the vehicle’s owner. In the event that your vehicle causes injury, death, or property damage to a third party, you must file a claim with your insurance provider.
  • Call the police and register a First Information Report by contacting the police helpline number (FIR). In the FIR, make sure to include the following information:
  • After that, you must make a claim with the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in the region where the accident occurred, or with the tribunal in the area where you (the claimant) and the third-party (the defendant) both live or conduct business.
  • Own damage claim: If your insured car is damaged or lost as a result of an accident, you can make an own damage claim. The medical bills and repair costs incurred as a result of the accident will be covered by your insurer. You will, however, need to verify the extent of the harm or loss caused by the accident. Only if you have a comprehensive insurance will you be entitled for this claim.

Points to remember:

  • Make a thorough examination of yourself and your vehicle to see if any significant injuries have occurred. You’ll have to determine whether or not to seek medical care based on the severity of the damage.
  • Make your claim within the time window set by your insurance carrier, which is usually 24 hours.
  • In the event of a delay, the claim may be rejected.
  • Take down the license plate number, model, and color of the other vehicle involved in the collision.
  • Speak with any witnesses who were present at the time of the accident and take down their names and contact information.
  • You might need to contact them again in the future to figure out who caused the mishap.
  • You can avoid filing a claim if you discover that the damage is limited to the car and is minor. Make a thorough assessment of the issue and make an immediate call.
  • Avoid getting into a dispute with the third party, since this will only add to the confusion.
  • If you’re not sure what you’re going to do next, don’t say anything to the cops or the insurance company.
  • Only move the car from the accident scene for repairs or other purposes if the police and insurance company agree.
  • You must submit all required papers for the claim and complete the claim form. An inspection of the vehicle may also be required.
  • If your automobile insurance policy includes a cashless claim option, drive your vehicle to a network garage for repairs and take use of the cashless service to avoid paying for insured damages out of pocket. The insurer will cover the cost of the workshop.

What is accident forgiveness?

Accident Forgiveness is an optional coverage that you may be eligible for that may be added to your auto insurance policy and ensures that your premiums do not increase as a result of your first accident. If you have 5 years of accident-free driving, you may be eligible for this bonus.