What Insurance Do You Need To Sell Wax Melts?

It’s also a legal necessity in the United States to carry liability insurance when selling homemade candles. You must have at least $100,000 in insurance coverage. However, for the best protection, we recommend purchasing a $1 million coverage. When looking for company liability insurance, we recommend checking out Liberty Mutual’s, Progressive’s, and Hiscox’s quotations.

Do you have to be insured to sell wax melts?

Wax melts are one of the simplest ways to get your small home fragrance business off the ground. They’re very easy to manufacture and require fewer materials and skills than candles. Wax melts are a terrific place to start when it comes to developing a product line, but learning how to create wax melts to sell to customers can be challenging. This article will walk you through the process of starting a wax melts business and selling them.

To begin, we recommend learning how to make wax melts from our blog, where you’ll discover a list of tools and materials as well as a helpful step-by-step video, or visiting our wax melt making part of our website, where you can purchase a variety of supplies to get you started.

Which are the best routes into starting a wax melt business?

It’s time to start thinking about how to start your business once you’ve figured out how to manufacture melts and what ingredients and stock you’ll need on a regular basis to stay up with demand. There are various methods to start a business, and it all depends on what path you want to pursue and where you want your company to go in the future.

One of the most effective methods to get the ball moving is through social media. It’s not just for promoting your company and items on social media! Both Instagram and Facebook allow you to add a “store area” to your profile where you can list all of your products and have people buy them directly from the site.

The traditional method of running an online store is to put up an e-commerce website. There are other solutions available if you want to keep it simple and don’t want to deal with the effort of developing your own website.

Ebay and Etsy are great alternatives to having your own website; all you have to do is register an account and a shop, and you’re good to go. Furthermore, because they are well-established shopping platforms with a steady stream of clients, you won’t have to bother about promotion.

What are the legal requirements when starting a wax melt business in the uk?

There are legal requirements for selling wax melts, just as there are for any other business. There are a few places where you need to be sure you’re covered, from insurance to taxes.

Insurance is an important aspect of any business, big or small. You just aren’t covered if something goes wrong without it. There are many various sorts of insurance policies to choose from; all you have to do is select one that fits your needs and those of your business. Everything from cyber insurance to legal bills, building insurance to theft of takings insurance is available; all you have to do is decide which areas you’ll need protected. It’s worth searching around for insurance to ensure you’re receiving the best bargain; there are a variety of tools available online to help you compare policies; all you have to do now is get started! You may learn more about insurance by visiting our blog.

It’s vital to keep in mind that you’ll still have to uphold your end of the insurance contract to ensure that you’re insured. Failure to supply assets such as warning labels and CLPs to your products will void your insurance, leaving you without coverage if something goes wrong, so make sure you’re doing everything you can to comply with your insurance provider. If you’re new to candlemaking and want to learn more about the safety and warning labels you should use when selling your products, check out our blog, CLPs: Getting your label right the first time.

After you’ve established your company, you’ll need to register as a sole trader with HMRC by the end of the new tax year, which indicates you’re self-employed. To register as a sole trader, you must inform HMRC that you will be paying tax via Self Assessment. Every year, you’ll have to file a tax return.

Please be aware that once your revenue surpasses £85,000, you must register for VAT. This means you won’t have to pay VAT on any purchases you make, including stock, equipment, and other business supplies. However, this implies that you must begin charging VAT on the things you sell to customers. You then pay HMRC the difference between the VAT you didn’t pay on supply and the VAT you got on sales.

What are the best products to begin selling?

This is purely a matter of personal preference, and it will shift based on sales and what your clients learn to favor. It can be difficult to forecast what your customers will buy until you start selling, thus market research is recommended. Join several candle-making organizations, look at what your possible competitors are selling, and ask other wax melt producers for assistance!

When it comes to marketing wax melts, there are two key areas where there is a lot of variety: the aroma and the pot. There are a range of clamshells, deli pots, and moulds to pick from, as well as a choice of aromas. It’s essential to keep your product line modest and manageable in the beginning; don’t buy too many scents or molds! As you start selling, you’ll notice patterns and trends in what you sell, which can help you make better decisions about what to stock, how to price your items, and what new paths to pursue!

We recommend making a budget for your first two months in business so you know what to expect and can avoid any unexpected costs. You’ll need to figure out how much supplies, equipment, and overhead will cost. After all, this is for you, therefore include a wage for your time and effort as a business owner as well.

Do you need a license to sell wax melts UK?

In the United Kingdom, there are no special legal requirements for selling candles, but you should be aware of the following: the General Product Safety Regulations 2005 – consult the government’s product safety recommendations.

Do you have to be insured to sell candles?


You enjoy producing candles, wax melts, and other crafts, and now you want to start your own business.

begin to sell them? You already have a website up and running, as well as a list of dependable suppliers.

The most important aspect is that there are deliciously fragrant candles ready to be sold – yet

You still have one more task to complete. That is, to sort out everything from the start.

the legal aspect of the situation


The law governing candles is complicated and technical, but every candle maker should be aware of the rules in place, which are ultimately enforced.

There to safeguard both the business and the customers. This is an excellent article.

Checklist to make sure you’ve thought of everything, from insurance to labeling – the

As a new small business, the last thing you want is to be unintentionally on the incorrect track.

on the legal side of things!


Your candles will be sold in a retail setting, according to your local government’s Trading Department.

The body you’ll be dealing with is the Standards Services. It would be ideal.

It’s a good idea to write down the address of your local Trading Standards office.

(See https://www.gov.uk/find-local-trading-standards-office for further information.)


The present law governing the overall safety of commodities is The Finished Product

2005 Safety Regulations (GPSR for short). There are no explicit laws that apply.

only apply to candles, although there are some ‘European standards’ that provide guidance.

There is clear instructions on candle safety that should be followed.

comply with the GPSR’s ‘due diligence’ requirements.

Whether you sell candles, wax melts, or diffusers on your website,

own website, on sites like Ebay, Etsy, or Amazon, or even at a Summer festival

It’s critical that you have Craft insurance in place for your celebration.

Protect your company from any unanticipated occurrences.

Can you envision growing your company?

Things are going fantastic, candles are flying off the shelves, and money is no object.

is looking well, but then one of your clients suffers a house fire and files a claim.

It all started with one of your candles.

You may argue that you had a warning label on your product.

and it was completely their fault. Whether or not that is correct, the

A consumer could sue you in court, and even if you are found not to be at fault, you could still be held liable.

You’ll still have to pay the legal fees, which can be rather high in some situations.

substantial! That alone could put your small business’s chances of success in jeopardy.


It’s critical to be certain you’re on the right track.

For obvious reasons, you should be covered – there are several insurance providers to choose from.

There are sections on crafts such as candle making, so take a look.

Before you start trading, make sure you’re insured.

Customers have the legal right to know who they are dealing with.

It is with whom they are signing a contract. The majority of this is covered by the

The Companies Act of 2006, as well as the “e-commerce Regulations” (which you’ll see a copy of here) apply to websites.

(There will be a section on this soon.)

You must enter your company’s name, legal address, and phone number.

Name of the owner, as well as an address to which legal paperwork can be addressed. These

Receipts, invoices, orders, and commercial correspondence are all subject to these standards.

Using email, for example. This isn’t something that should be tucked away in small print.

It’ll probably be at the bottom of a random page, but it should be easy to discover. If customers aren’t satisfied,

It’s fantastic news for you because you’re safe and have all of the following information.

They’ll be more likely to buy your candles if they can trust you.

You must state your name on your website.

Your British Candlemakers Federation, your postal address, and your email address (BCF)

(If applicable), membership, and VAT number (if you are VAT registered).

Because you’ll almost certainly be selling your home,

If you’re going to put candles on your website, keep in mind that you’ll be entering a competition.

They’ve entered into a ‘distance contract’ with them. You’ll have to offer them a 14-day grace period.

Return the items and provide pre-contract information. There are a few options.

Other considerations can be found at https://www.businesscompanion.info/en/quick-guide…


without getting into the nitty gritty specifics, all you need to know is that

There are various rules that you must observe when it comes to candles.

Have a culinary element, whether it’s through fragrance or shape — for example, a baked potato

The aroma is similar to that of a cookie or a jelly bean. If it’s anything that kids might get mixed up with,

food into their mouths to eat, causing harm or death, then it is considered child abuse.

forbidden. This usually applies to foods such as sweets, fruits, and cakes.

Just a thought

a quick reminder — if you plan on selling candles and marketing them physically,

If you want to use them as insect repellents, make sure your candle is registered.

This is because insect repellents are prohibited by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

HSE is in charge of them, and if they aren’t listed on the official register, they aren’t allowed to operate.

If you claim to be an insect repellent but don’t have any scientific evidence to back it up,

You may end up in a lot of trouble if you do that.


For example, you have a garden candle with a fresh citrus aroma, yet the product is

If your insect repellant isn’t registered with the HSE, you can still sell it.

candle, but you must ensure that there are no marketing activities suggesting otherwise.

That candle is a natural bug repellant.

It would be deceptive to use insect images on your candle box.


You may have seen information on how to make your own on Instagram and Facebook.

Overpours and fragrance oil mixing are used to create unique blends and melts. While I’m doing it,

Although you can make some delicious-smelling aromas, you must exercise caution.

If you wish to start selling these custom blended candles, please fill out the form below.


According to the rules, each fragrance mix must have its own SDS (Safety Data Sheet), which is subsequently used to document the scent’s safety.

Make a CLP label for your music.

When putting together your

You can’t utilize the CLP for your own blend.

each individual aroma and combining them on a product in a list – this is a difficult task.

not obedient


This list way of simply mixing the information appears to be a lot easier.

is not only inaccurate, but also potentially unlawful, according to each CLP label.

Furthermore, if your labeling are inaccurate and an event occurs with your product,

Customers and candles, as well as your insurance policy (PLEASE be certain you have one).

insurance before you start selling!) may be invalidated, and you’d be out of business.

Then you’ll be held directly liable. This is a road you should avoid at all costs.

not to mention the possibility of a Trading Standards inquiry.

If you’re interested in learning more about

If you wish to start selling your custom mixed candles, you’ll need the following items.

to ensure that the smell has its own SDS, which will be used to

For your product, make a CLP-compliant label.

Yes, I do.

I hope this post has assisted you with determining the majority of what you require.

in place before you may begin legally selling your lovely candles.


Please notice that there is a Part 2 that covers the most researched and popular topic on the subject.

the sale of your candles – and how to label them! Go there to learn everything there is to know about labeling!

What type of insurance is needed for candle business?

Every professional candle-making business should have general liability insurance to defend against the all-too-common nightmare scenario of someone getting hurt on the premises. Even if you’re not technically at fault, legal bills to defend yourself are often included in claims.

What is CLP for wax melts?

Classification, Labeling, and Packaging (CLP) is an acronym for Classification, Labeling, and Packaging. A non-cosmetic product of any size containing a hazardous substance such as fragrance or essential oils is subject to the CLP (e.g. candles, wax melts, room mists, reed diffusers etc.).

What is a CLP label for wax melts?

Let’s get this party started. What exactly is CLP? The CLP Regulation (Classification, Labelling, and Packaging) establishes a standard for product warnings.

Candles and wax melts are also covered by the CLP Regulations and will require special labelling. They can be attached to the product’s base or rear.

With our free printable and customizable CLP templates, producing CLP labels is a breeze. We understand that legal standards and regulations can be lengthy. They have the potential to make you feel agitated.

As a result, we’ve created a CLP label guide that will tell you exactly what information you’ll need on your sticker or label.

Do I need a license to sell candles on Etsy?

You do not need a business license to sell on Etsy, according to their seller policies. The investigation, however, does not end there. A municipal, county, state, or federal agency that regulates businesses may require a license or permit from an Etsy seller.

Your Etsy store is either a business or a personal interest. A business license is required if you own a company. You don’t if you’re doing something you enjoy.

As a result, the first step is to determine whether your Etsy activity is a business or a hobby.

Do You Have a Business?

If you’re unsure whether your activity is a hobby or a business, the IRS offers nine criteria to consider. They consider the amount of time and effort you put into the activity, for example. They also assess if you run the activity as a business and rely on the income to support yourself.

The IRS considers your activity to be a business if you profited from it in at least three of the previous five tax years. You have a business if you intend to engage in a profit-making venture.

One of the benefits of owning a business is that you can deduct business expenses from your Etsy earnings. The disadvantage is that you must obtain a business license.

Do You Have a Hobby?

If your Etsy activity is a hobby, you cannot claim any deductions in excess of the hobby’s income. So, if you spend $200 to manufacture an item and only get $150 for it, you can’t deduct the $50 loss.

Keep in mind, however, that regardless of your categorization, you must pay taxes on all income. As a result, all revenue earned by your Etsy shop is taxed.

What CLP compliant?

Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the Classification, Labeling, and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures is abbreviated as CLP. As a result, before putting drugs and mixtures on the market, they should be classified, labeled, and packaged according to CLP.

Any chemical item or mixture that is classed as hazardous and is included in packaging must be labeled by an EU manufacturer, importer, downstream user, or distributor.

Many EU manufacturers and importers will have to create new labels in order to comply with the CLP regulations. The label should be firmly adhered to one or more surfaces of the substance or mixture’s packaging. Non-EU businesses may be compelled to supply CLP-compliant labeling as well.

In Europe, CLP introduces the United Nations Globally Harmonized System (UN GHS) for chemical categorization and labeling. As a result, CLP-compliant labels are the same as GHS labels in the EU, and they also apply to nations that have adopted GHS (though slight difference exists).

The Elements of CLP Compliant Label (GHS Label)

The CLP label should be firmly adhered to one or more surfaces of the packaging holding your product or mixture as soon as possible. When the package is laid flat, they should be readable horizontally.

The following items must be present on a CLP-compliant label (see our example CLP label here):

the name, address, and phone number of the substance or mixture’s supplier(s);

Hazard pictograms Â

A hazard pictogram is a visual representation of a specific danger. As a result, the hazard pictograms that should be displayed on your label are determined by the classification of your chemical or mixture, for example:

Hazard pictograms should have a black sign on a white backdrop with a red border and be in the shape of a square set at a point (diamond shape). Each hazard pictogram must cover at least one-fifteenth of the surface area of the harmonised label, with a minimum area of one square centimeter.

Signal words

A signal word tells the reader whether a hazard is greater or less severe in general. In accordance with the hazardous substance or mixture’s categorization, the label should include the appropriate signal word. The signal word âdangerâ should be used on your label if your chemical or mixture poses a more serious hazard, and the signal word âwarningâ should be used if the hazard is less severe.

Precautionary statements Â

The relevant precautionary statements should be included on your labels, together with information on how to avoid or minimize negative impacts on human health or the environment as a result of the dangers of your product or mixture. Furthermore, on the label, the precautionarystatements in one language should be put along with the hazardsstatements.

Supplemental information Â

When a material or mixture that has been categorized as hazardous has the physical or health features listed in Annex II under CLP regulation, your label should provide the required extra information. Please keep in mind that hazard statements brought over from DSD and DPD but not yet incorporated in the GHS are coded as âEUHâ.

Self-classification will always be required for mixtures. They must be evaluated in order to determine whether they fit the classification criteria. Any available harmonized classifications of the compounds contained in the mixture must be taken into consideration for this assessment.

Consumer Products Labelling in Europe

Chemical items for consumer usage are likewise subject to CLP regulations. Detergents, paints, gasoline additives, lubricants, air fresheners, adhesives, aerosol sprays, and household pesticides are examples of consumer products. If any of the above items are mixes, they must be labeled according to CLP after 2015. Companies, on the other hand, can take a proactive approach today and mark their preparations according to CLP.

GHS elements and non-GHS elements should be included on a good label for chemical consumer products.

Other requirements imposed by product standards (for example, aersol products).

How can we assist you in complying with CLP?

Despite the fact that there are numerous guidance manuals on how to develop CLP compatible labels, outsourcing this task to us is more easier and less time-consuming.

About CIRS

With a strong focus on chemical compliance, CIRS is a leading provider of comprehensive chemical compliance services for enterprises doing business in/with the EU and China.

CIRS has given cost-effective regulatory support to over 3,000 companies conducting business in both the EU and China, thanks to its strong presence in both.

CIRS is the world’s largest REACH-only representative. We’ve done the following since 2007:

China Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, US Mission to the EU, and IDA all promote CIRS as a service provider. In addition, CIRS is a member of the Helsinki REACH Centre.


CLP compliance package prices (notification+SDS+label) start at 300 Euros per substance at CIRS. In addition, we generate Chinese MSDS and labels in compliance with China GHS.

Do you need insurance to sell on Etsy?

Etsy does not demand that you have insurance in order to sell on their platform. But it’s necessary if you want to protect your online store against occurrences that could shut it down.

For example, if your merchandise is stolen or damaged, you will have nothing to sell. Or a customer claiming compensation after a severe allergic response is triggered by something you manufactured.

Solving problems like these takes time and money. Furthermore, they divert your attention away from the day-to-day operations of your company.

When you factor in court fees, legal bills, and lost revenue, you could be looking at some significant losses.

However, the relatively small amount you invest on Etsy seller insurance goes a long way toward resolving those issues. It makes things right, covers whatever compensation you owe, and keeps you up and running no matter what happens.