What Is CDW Insurance In Ireland?

Simply put, CDW coverage restricts your liability for car material damage.

Choose the basic CDW that comes with your rental agreement. You will be protected up to a particular maximum depending on the sort of automobile you rent (typically above €3,000 per car, with increases based on car size). If the car is damaged, you are responsible for any costs that exceed the coverage limit.

Select the CDW with Excess option (also called CDW Excess, CDI Excess, Super CDW, Super Damage Waiver). This insurance upgrade is offered on a per-day basis (usually between €18 and €25). Your responsibility is reduced to €100 or even nil if you choose this option. If your automobile is damaged, you will only be responsible for the deductible.

It is entirely up to you which choice you select. If you choose not to accept the Excess (option 2), your rental business will request a credit card deposit equal to the amount of coverage (option 1).

Because this is still a little perplexing, I’ll break it down further:

In Ireland, you cannot rent a car without obtaining insurance.

In many cases, insurance is paid when you pick up the automobile, so be sure you have enough money on your credit or debit card to cover the cost.

If you choose basic CDW (option 1), your card will be put on “hold” for the amount of coverage you choose (usually $3000 or more).

What does CDW cover in Ireland?

Ireland Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) If the vehicle, or any of its parts or accessories, is damaged, Ireland Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is available.

While on rental, CDW limits your liability to the extent that it is not caused by theft, attempted theft, or vandalism.

the amount of any non-waivable excess in each country, if any, provided that you

have followed all of the Rental Agreement’s provisions. The CDW insurance in Ireland does not cover any damage.

Theft, attempted theft, or vandalism have all resulted in the loss of property.

Car rentals in Ireland are reasonably priced; but, when all of the insurances are included to the rental, it becomes quite costly.

You start racking your head, trying to figure out how it got so pricey.

It’s also possible that when you check in for your rental car, you’ll be charged a fee.

You’ll be given even more payment alternatives when you arrive, which you’ll take because you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to think about it.

to do some research on the alternative and decide that you require it.

Before you hire a car in Ireland, we want to give you as much information as possible regarding auto rental insurance in Ireland.

You fly to lovely Ireland in order to make an informed decision before you’re standing in line, apprehensive about driving.

for the very first time… and purchase everything

What does CDW insurance cover?

A collision damage waiver (CDW) is an optional insurance policy offered to people who rent cars. The cost of a collision damage waiver varies depending on a number of criteria, including the type of rental car and the location of the vehicle. The waiver usually covers damages resulting from the theft or damage of a rented car, but it is unlikely to cover bodily injury resulting from an accident.

There are extra insurance choices that can decrease or totally eliminate your liability or financial risk while driving in Ireland if you want complete piece of mind. Most suppliers offer a Super CDW coverage for a daily cost (usually between €12 and €28 per day, depending on the car), which eliminates your deductible. Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) is available from all suppliers and offers medical coverage for you and other passengers in the car in the event of an accident. If you’re traveling abroad and are covered by your regular medical insurance or have purchased travel insurance, PAI is usually unnecessary. While you are not forced to acquire supplemental insurance while renting a car in Ireland, it is highly recommended because it can save you time and money in the long run.

What is basic CDW insurance?

If your rental automobile is stolen or damaged, a Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) provides additional security by lowering your liability for damages. You normally agree to pay an excess fee, which means you’ll pay for any repairs up to that amount.

Is CDW mandatory in Ireland?

While other nations allow you to opt out of CDW coverage, it is a requirement in Ireland. While many credit cards provide CDW coverage when used to pay for a rental, a more thorough check reveals that most do not cover rentals in Ireland.

Do I need extra insurance when renting a car in Ireland?

Yes, you should purchase additional insurance while renting a car in Ireland. You just must have it. In Ireland, no rental car business will let you rent a car without supplementary insurance, which is usually full coverage with a collision damage waiver (CDW).

What is CDW cost?

Signing a rental agreement can be perplexing if you don’t hire a car often. Your agent strongly advises that you purchase CDW coverage for your account. But what exactly is CDW?

A sliver of doubt flashes over your mind. After all, adding CDW to your rental automobile will dramatically increase the cost. Is it still possible to get a decent deal on a rental car? Suddenly, you don’t know what you’re doing. Do you require all-inclusive coverage? What exactly is CDW?


Collision Damage Waiver basically covers any damage to your rental automobile. Because the waiver does not cover you, the driver, this word is misleading. The car rental company is covered by the waiver.

The car rental business waives its right to hold you liable if you sign a waiver. You allow the car rental firm the right to assume liability if you refuse to sign the waiver.


The cost of necessary repairs is covered by CDW. It may, for example, cover the expense of repairing a ding or scratch, as well as the entire loss of your vehicle.

A CDW or LDW may also cover related costs such as the owner’s loss of the vehicle while it is being repaired, depreciation after an accident, towing costs, and other incidental expenses that would otherwise be levied.

A CDW or LDW provides peace of mind, but it can be costly: the cost of a CDW or LDW for a rental automobile is often $30 to $35 each day. CDW charges are limited in some areas, such as California and New York, but in the majority of the country, you will have to pay double-digit amounts for each day you hire a car.


The good news is that most drivers do not require CDW coverage, but some may choose to do so. You almost certainly have insurance for your automobile, credit card, or both.


If you own a car, your insurance will provide the same benefits as a CDW for a rental car if it has full coverage.

However, there is a catch. You are only covered to the extent that your vehicle’s insurance coverage allows. As a result, if you drive a premium automobile at home and a modestly priced car when traveling, you will be alright in terms of insurance coverage. However, if your regular car wears out and you upgrade to a sporty convertible, you may find yourself in difficulty.

Before you go, phone your insurance carrier and ask a few questions to be sure you’re covered. Is your insurance policy comprehensive, and does it cover rental cars? Are there any limitations on the types of vehicles that can be insured? Is loss of usage and depreciation covered, or do you risk having to file a claim on the rental car?

If your policy covers a rental automobile, you will most likely only have to pay a deductible if you are involved in an accident. Even if they have insurance, some people refuse to use it, for example, if their policy has a large deductible or if they had insurance the previous year and don’t want to chance another mishap that will raise their premiums.


What if you don’t have access to a vehicle? If rental car insurance is one of your advantages, your credit card may still protect you, but be aware that some credit cards have lately discontinued this benefit.

If you have many credit cards, it’s critical to understand how to choose the best one for paying for your rental car.

If you’re still confused, call your credit card company or look it out online. It’s crucial to know whether your card offers main coverage (which replaces vehicle insurance) or secondary coverage before you travel (which only kicks in when the car insurance is paid off and coverage limits are reached).

What happens if you put a dent in a rental car?

The Damage Waiver covers minor damage to a rental car, such as scratches, dents, or a chipped windshield. Damage Waiver is an optional protection policy that you can add to your automobile rental agreement.

If you do not purchase the Damage Waiver and your car is damaged, you may have to pay for any necessary repairs out of pocket. It is essential to contact your insurance provider before renting a car because your personal auto insurance may or may not cover the cost of repairs.

Does CDW cover flat tires?

Tires that have gone flat. Unless the tire problem is triggered by an accident, in which case neither CDW nor credit card coverage is guaranteed to pay the associated expenses, a blowout or flat tire may not be considered “damage” to a leased car.

Does comprehensive insurance cover hire cars?

While third-party fire and theft insurance may cover some of the costs of a rental car, it will be restricted. In most cases, this sort of insurance will only cover the cost of a rented automobile if your wheels are stolen.

Comprehensive automobile insurance, on the other hand, covers the cost of a rental car in a variety of situations. These typically occur after a theft or a non-fault accident. Although some insurers will allow you to add rental car coverage to your policy if you are at fault in an accident.