What Not To Say To An Insurance Adjuster?

Never apologize or admit any form of wrongdoing. Remember that a claims adjuster is searching for ways to decrease an insurance company’s liability, and any acknowledgment of fault might jeopardize a claim.

Do not declare you are OK or better than you were. This is especially crucial to remember when responding to the customary first question, “How are you?” Make no reference to your current state of health.

Do not make assumptions about any injuries you believe you may have experienced. Your comment could cause complications if your true diagnosis is more serious than your self-diagnosis.

Any offer to make a recorded statement should likewise be declined. During their initial calls, insurance adjusters will frequently try to get victims to give recorded testimonies, claiming that the recording is for the victim’s own safety. Don’t be duped. Conversations that are taped can be used against you in court.

What should you not say in an insurance statement?

Many people already know this, but it’s worth repeating: you should never accept fault. “It was my fault,” “I’m sorry,” and “I apologize” are all expressions to avoid. Don’t apologize to your insurance company, the other driver, or the police.

These words and phrases will be used against you even if you are only being nice and not knowingly admitting blame.

I think

Always stick to the facts while dealing with insurance providers. Make no statements that begin with “I believe” or “in my view.” If your insurer asks you a subject about which you are unsure, don’t respond with a guess or an opinion.

Any of your responses could be used to refute your assertion, so don’t say anything that isn’t true.

I’m fine

If you’re asked about your injuries, don’t declare you’re alright or that you haven’t had any until you’ve seen a doctor. Some injuries may not be obvious right once, and adrenaline may prevent you from experiencing them at all.

After an accident, arrange an appointment with a doctor and create a list of any injuries that are discovered. Also, don’t sign any medical releases until you’ve spoken with your lawyer.


Give no names or contact information for others to your insurance carrier, including family members, friends, or your doctor. Insurance companies may attempt to contact these people in order to obtain additional information about the accident and your rehabilitation.

Recorded statements

Only the insurance company’s interests, not yours, are served by recorded statements. Inconsistencies and contradictory information are thoroughly reviewed in recorded statements. Keep in mind that you are not required to submit a recorded statement because information you supply may be taken out of context and used against you.

If your automobile accident lawyer tells you to, just give an official recorded statement.

Unnecessary details

Don’t give out information that hasn’t been requested. If you’re not asked how fast you were travelling, for example, there’s no need to say anything. Don’t say anything about your automobile being customized or that you’re using it for ride-sharing. Keep superfluous details to yourself because they could be used against you.

I don’t have an attorney

Insurers may try to take advantage of you if they know you don’t have a personal injury attorney. If you don’t have an attorney, don’t say anything about it and obtain legal advice as soon as possible.

This information may lead to insurance treating your claim with more care and respect if you have a car accident attorney.

I accept

Your insurance company may try to make you a rapid settlement, but these are nearly always lowball offers that they hope you’ll take out of desperation. Before accepting a settlement, contact a skilled automobile accident attorney who will be able to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

I have whiplash

People attempting to file false claims frequently say, “I have whiplash.” As a result, whiplash is a huge red signal for insurance companies, prompting them to investigate your claim further. Do not claim to have whiplash unless a doctor has diagnosed it.

Remain Calm and Polite

You may still feel furious over the accident, especially if it was caused by someone else. Getting furious at the claims adjuster, on the other hand, will not help you achieve a fair personal injury compensation. When chatting with an insurance claims adjuster, remain cool and polite, as this will assist them process your claim more quickly and convince them that your tale is true.

Identify the Person You Are Speaking With

Get the name, phone number, and business address of the individual you’re speaking with before you discuss anything with an insurance claims adjuster. Check to see which insurance company they represent, as well as the name or business of the insured they are representing.

Give Limited Personal Information

The insurance company simply needs a few pieces of personal information from you, such as your full name, address, and phone number. Please feel free to tell them where you work and what you do. You do not, however, need to provide any additional information about your daily activities, employment schedule, or income.

Give No Details of the Accident

Insurance adjusters may want you to give a statement regarding what happened in the accident. You are not required to provide any information about the incident beyond the most basic circumstances, such as when it occurred, where it occurred, the vehicles involved, and the identities of other drivers and witnesses. You can tell the insurance claims adjuster that you’re conducting your own investigation into the accident and that you’ll go over all of the details later.

Give No Details of Your Injuries

The adjuster for your insurance company will want to know about your injuries, but don’t go into too much detail. You may not be aware of the entire degree of your injuries at this stage, or you may leave facts out while speaking with the adjuster. Leave it at that. Inform the adjuster that you are currently receiving medical care.

Resist Initial Settlement Offers

Your claim may be given an early settlement. While it may be tempting to accept an early offer, keep in mind that initial settlements are sometimes far less than what you deserve for your claim. Accept no offer until you’ve determined the full extent of your losses, and then only an offer that covers these costs.

Refuse to Give Recorded Statements

An insurance claims adjuster may tell you about the accident or your injuries based on a recorded statement. You are not required to do so, and you should make it clear that you do not consent to recorded statements.

What should I tell my claims adjuster?

Give only the bare minimum of personal information. You simply need to provide your full name, address, and phone number to the insurance adjuster. You can also tell them what you do for a living and where you work. However, you do not need to explain or disclose anything else about your job, timetable, or money at this point.

How do I maximize my insurance claim?

It’s also up to you to manage your claim and ensure that you receive full compensation for all you’re entitled to under your homeowners insurance policy’s conditions.

The procedure of filing a property insurance claim is complicated, and the higher the loss, the more complicated it becomes. To get the most out of your homeowners insurance claim, follow these four guidelines.

Base who you trust on reality, not TV

The insurance business spends over a billion dollars each year trying to persuade you that they are your friend, your neighbor, and the one you can count on when calamity strikes. Every year, the courts hear case after case in which insurance firms take advantage of homeowners by decreasing claim compensation to boost profits.

Even the friendliest insurance representative is not your friend, and not every insurance company will undercut your settlement offer. He or she has a job to accomplish, and part of that duty is to maximize company profits while avoiding losses, which is naturally in opposition to your best interests.

Consult a licensed public insurance adjuster if you have issues regarding your homeowners insurance claim.

Show that you know

Demonstrating your ability to advance your property insurance claim through the process sends a strong message to your insurance company and claims adjuster that you will not be exploited. To be successful, you’ll need to:

  • Follow your policy’s claim procedure, making sure you follow all of your contractual duties and deadlines.
  • Create a claim strategy based on your knowledge of your policy’s coverages, endorsements, exclusions, and policy limits.

Be diligent

The process of filing a property insurance claim is complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating.

When you need to be thorough, persistent, and strong, things that work against you.

When things get tough, remind yourself that it’s all part of a process that follows a set of steps:

  • Debris removal, as well as recording and valuing your losses for your Proof of Loss statement
  • Providing receipts for all covered Additional Living Expenses, as well as the difference between the Actual Cash Value you were awarded for your destroyed personal property and the Replacement Cost Value you spent to replace it, if applicable.

Get expert help if you need it

A public insurance adjuster is a licensed professional who can advocate entirely for you throughout your homes insurance claim procedure, much like you might contact a CPA for complex tax concerns or an attorney for legal issues.

Your homeowners insurance must cover the costs of restoring your house to its pre-loss condition. If you have any doubts about your capacity to maximize your insurance settlement offer, you should speak with a professional public insurance adjuster in your state.

What should you not say in a car accident?

Even if the collision was not your fault, it’s tempting to feel sorry for the other drivers. You may be tempted to say “I’m sorry” to console them if their automobile has been totaled or if they have been harmed. DON’T! You can convey that you confessed blame and responsibility for the accident with a simple “I’m sorry.” Avoid using the words “I’m sorry” even if you mean “I’m sorry you’re late for work” or “I’m sorry you’re harmed.” When onlookers and eye witnesses hear you say it, they may suspect you were the one who caused the tragedy.

You may be tempted to postpone calling the police and reporting the collision to your insurance provider if the damage is minor. It’s possible that the other driver is urging you to do so. DON’T! Every accident should be reported to the Colorado Springs police and your insurance company, no matter how minor. If you don’t, it’s simply your word against theirs, and recovering reimbursement for damages will be far more difficult.

Even if you don’t think you’ve been hurt, it’s advisable to get checked out by a trained medical practitioner. Your doctor will be able to properly evaluate you for any injuries that you may have sustained. Adrenaline often conceals the symptoms of injury following an accident. As a result, most people feel they are unscathed after an accident, only to find out later that they are seriously hurt. After an accident, always seek medical help.

It’s recommended to stay away from discussing your accident on social media. What you think is a minor issue could affect your ability to file a claim. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever Even a simple photograph of you at a party the night of your injury could be used to demonstrate that you are not as hurt as you claim. Before speaking with an attorney, stay away from social media.

Avoid consenting to any recorded comments from the at-fault driver’s insurance adjuster, and NEVER sign any settlement without first consulting an experienced attorney. These statements will be utilized to lower your claim, and the initial settlement is usually only a portion of what you’ll need to recover.

Should I talk to a claims adjuster?

You should expect to receive phone calls from a number of insurance adjusters after an accident. Your own insurance company will want to talk to you right away to see if you’re at fault. The insurance adjuster for the other driver will most likely call for similar reasons. You could hear from them within hours of the crash in many circumstances. Should you consult an attorney before speaking with an adjuster?

The truth is that you should never speak with an adjuster directly in the first place. While you must cooperate with your insurance provider under the terms of your policy, this does not imply you must interact with them one-on-one. Our personal injury lawyers in New York City can act as your go-between with any interested insurance.

How do you negotiate property damage?

Negotiating a property damage claim with an insurance adjuster can be a difficult task. In contrast to a personal injury case, you have limited leverage to negotiate a favorable settlement.

Here are a few pointers to assist you gain leverage so you can secure the greatest possible property damage settlement.

Even if it is obvious to you that the other motorist was at blame for the collision, the insurance company will negotiate your claim entirely on the basis of the documented and physical evidence.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that you’re not dealing with the other driver right now. You’re talking with the insurance company of the other driver. As a result, gathering as much information as possible about the accident is critical. When you’re dealing with the insurance company, you’ll have some arrows in your quiver.

Know the fundamentals from the accident scene, such as the insurance information of the other driver, witnesses, physical damage, license plate numbers, and so on. It’s best if you have as much of this as possible in your back pocket. This makes it more difficult for the insurance company to claim that you are unable to substantiate certain damages and that you are claiming ignorance for expenses incurred.

Also, be sure you’ve thought about what you want.

Do you want the automobile to be repaired? Do you want it to be considered a complete failure? To acquire what you want, you must have a clear idea of what you desire before entering talks.

The path of least resistance is always taken by insurance adjusters. They are less likely to try to rip you off when dealing with an informed victim because they believe that a victim who is organized and understands the process would not fall for the insurance company’s scams.

You must also be aware of your adversary.

Here’s the lowdown on every major insurance provider with which you might be negotiating a property damage insurance payout.

In most cases, the insurance company specifies what they believe is the appropriate cost of a repair. If the mechanic goes over the number in repair expenses during the actual repair procedure, they will need to get authorization before finishing the service. While we all have our go-to mechanics, the insurance company may find it more difficult to communicate and schedule extra repairs if they were not initially approved.

Because it is usually more convenient for the insurance company to use their shop, this makes things go more smoothly in the long run and gives you more bargaining leverage. (However, if you have someone you love and trust, you may want to reconsider my recommendation.)

You have an obligation to mitigate damages in most states. In automobile accident scenarios, this would entail property damage. If your car is totaled and you store it, the storage fees will not be included in your final settlement because you were required by law to offset them. Insurance companies frequently refuse to take culpability for an accident right away. This implies you’ll be responsible for any storage fees incurred between the accident and the insurance company taking possession of the vehicle.

So the best course of action is to either move the car from a tow lot to a storage facility or pay any charges as they arise, as this amount will be deducted from your ultimate cash settlement.

If an automobile is declared a total loss following an accident, the insurance company must first secure the vehicle’s title before paying out any compensation. This is due to the fact that it must scrap the car and pay the compensation from the proceeds.

Of course, if the car is a total loss and there is still a balance owed on it, the insurance company must first pay the bank or institution that issued the loan. The remainder will be paid to you. Transferring title as soon as you know the automobile is totaled is a good method to expedite the process and avoid any delays in receiving a settlement cheque.

Many individuals wonder if the insurance company may compel you to declare your vehicle totaled.

It’s possible.

If the insurance company chooses to pursue this way, it fulfills its legal commitment to you by paying you the fair market value of your whole loss.

Insurance companies do not want to get involved in lengthy disputes about the value of property damage. In these circumstances, the squeaky wheels get the most grease from the insurance companies. It takes more perspiration than anything else to get what you want versus what they want to give you.

When working with an insurance claims adjuster, it’s also crucial to be realistic about the types of losses you can recover. If you enter negotiations with a hugely inflated figure, the insurance company is unlikely to take you seriously as much as someone who comes in with a slightly exaggerated but acceptable and justifiable figure.

Vehicle damage, personal property damage, car rental, and other out-of-pocket expenses such as a cab ride from the accident scene are frequently recoverable in property damage lawsuits.

Fight for all of the losses. However, do not claim that you are experiencing mental discomfort as a result of missing the most recent episode of your favorite show due to the accident. The insurance company will not take you seriously, and the overall worth of your payout will suffer as a result.

Calculate the numbers with your calculator. Instead of depending on the insurance company’s estimate, figure out how much money you lost in property damage as a result of the accident. Calculate a minimal settlement that you would accept after you’ve figured out this number. DO NOT give the adjuster this number.

Remember, you’re attempting to get the most money possible, not the most reasonable amount. The figure should be just a tad higher than normal. Remember to explain why the adjuster’s figure was incorrect. Provide the adjuster with evidence to show her supervisor why the claim is worth more.

Remember that if your automobile is totaled, Maryland and most other states require your insurance provider to reimburse you for the cost of a “substantially equivalent motor vehicle.”

This is what it means:

  • in a condition that is substantially similar to or better than the damaged motor vehicle’s condition before to the damage; and
  • Unless the vehicle is restricted in production, specialty in nature, or older than 10 model years at the time of total loss, it has mileage that is within the greater of 4,000 miles or 10% of the mileage on the damaged motor vehicle at the time of damage.

Do insurance companies talk to each other?

The answer was provided by While car insurance firms do not communicate directly with one another, they do share data. A database called the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange gives all vehicle insurance providers access to your claims history (CLUE). Other similar statistics will be used to determine your risk.

What do you say to other insurance?

  • Request the name of the insurance company as well as the name and title of the person you are dealing with before agreeing to answer any questions. Make a note of this information.
  • You are not obligated to speak with them if you do not feel comfortable doing so. Request that they contact your own insurance carrier, or inform them that you will contact them once you have retained the services of a personal injury attorney.