What Not To Say To Insurance After Accident?

Many people already know this, but it’s worth repeating: you should never accept fault. “It was my fault,” “I’m sorry,” and “I apologize” are all expressions to avoid. Don’t apologize to your insurance company, the other driver, or the police.

These words and phrases will be used against you even if you are only being nice and not knowingly admitting blame.

I think

Always stick to the facts while dealing with insurance providers. Make no statements that begin with “I believe” or “in my view.” If your insurer asks you a subject about which you are unsure, don’t respond with a guess or an opinion.

Any of your responses could be used to refute your assertion, so don’t say anything that isn’t true.

I’m fine

If you’re asked about your injuries, don’t declare you’re alright or that you haven’t had any until you’ve seen a doctor. Some injuries may not be obvious right once, and adrenaline may prevent you from experiencing them at all.

After an accident, arrange an appointment with a doctor and create a list of any injuries that are discovered. Also, don’t sign any medical releases until you’ve spoken with your lawyer.


Give no names or contact information for others to your insurance carrier, including family members, friends, or your doctor. Insurance companies may attempt to contact these people in order to obtain additional information about the accident and your rehabilitation.

Recorded statements

Only the insurance company’s interests, not yours, are served by recorded statements. Inconsistencies and contradictory information are thoroughly reviewed in recorded statements. Keep in mind that you are not required to submit a recorded statement because information you supply may be taken out of context and used against you.

If your automobile accident lawyer tells you to, just give an official recorded statement.

Unnecessary details

Don’t give out information that hasn’t been requested. If you’re not asked how fast you were travelling, for example, there’s no need to say anything. Don’t say anything about your automobile being customized or that you’re using it for ride-sharing. Keep superfluous details to yourself because they could be used against you.

I don’t have an attorney

Insurers may try to take advantage of you if they know you don’t have a personal injury attorney. If you don’t have an attorney, don’t say anything about it and obtain legal advice as soon as possible.

This information may lead to insurance treating your claim with more care and respect if you have a car accident attorney.

I accept

Your insurance company may try to make you a rapid settlement, but these are nearly always lowball offers that they hope you’ll take out of desperation. Before accepting a settlement, contact a skilled automobile accident attorney who will be able to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

I have whiplash

People attempting to file false claims frequently say, “I have whiplash.” As a result, whiplash is a huge red signal for insurance companies, prompting them to investigate your claim further. Do not claim to have whiplash unless a doctor has diagnosed it.

What should you not say to an insurance adjuster?

Never apologize or admit any form of wrongdoing. Remember that a claims adjuster is searching for ways to decrease an insurance company’s liability, and any acknowledgment of fault might jeopardize a claim.

Do not declare you are OK or better than you were. This is especially crucial to remember when responding to the customary first question, “How are you?” Make no reference to your current state of health.

Do not make assumptions about any injuries you believe you may have experienced. Your comment could cause complications if your true diagnosis is more serious than your self-diagnosis.

Any offer to make a recorded statement should likewise be declined. During their initial calls, insurance adjusters will frequently try to get victims to give recorded testimonies, claiming that the recording is for the victim’s own safety. Don’t be duped. Conversations that are taped can be used against you in court.

What do I say to insurance after an accident?

Even if you don’t intend to file a claim, notify your insurer as soon as possible after an accident.

Because the other driver may file a claim against you, it’s essential to first tell your insurance your side of the incident.

The claim should now be handled by your insurance. If anyone else involved in the accident or their insurer contacts you directly, simply ask them to contact your insurer instead.

What do you do after a minor car accident?

  • The law requires you to halt your car at the scene of an accident (section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988). If it is not safe to stop your automobile right away, look for a nearby refuge spot where you can pull over and stop. This could be a hard shoulder on a highway or a side street off a major main road.
  • Someone may be hurt as a result of the accident, depending on its severity. Examine yourself first, then your passengers, as well as any other individuals involved, including pedestrian witnesses, for injuries. If an ambulance is required, dial 911.
  • If a car is on fire, or if passengers are injured or trapped inside a vehicle, or if the collision has caused a roadblock, emergency services must be called. Call 101 if you don’t need an emergency response.
  • You are required by law to share information with the drivers of the cars involved, including both the driver’s and the vehicle owner’s names and addresses (unless they are one and the same). Failure to do so constitutes a criminal offense. Your insurance company will also need this information to process any claims. Make a note of car identification markers (registration plate, make, and model) for all vehicles involved and exchange driving license information (take a photo) for contact details.
  • In order to evaluate fault and liability, insurance firms use facts from the accident scene. Always attempt to obtain as much information as possible regarding the accident scene. Take pictures of the accident site and the damage to the automobiles involved. Take careful notes on essential details such as the time of day, weather, traffic, and driving conditions. All of this data may be beneficial to insurers and law enforcement. Exchange contact information with any passers-by or witnesses who can corroborate your account of what happened. You’ll be able to develop a strong remember of the collision if you take careful notes on all of the people and vehicles involved.
  • You should contact your insurance company as quickly as possible to share all of the information you acquired at the accident scene. If you decide to pursue a claim, your insurance carrier will contact all other parties involved to determine fault and liability and to settle all claims. You can schedule car repairs after your insurance company has been notified of the accident. Find out more about how to fix your car after an accident.

Should I say I was injured in an accident?

It’s fine to tell someone you don’t require emergency assistance, but you shouldn’t tell them you aren’t harmed. The main reason for this is that you could very well be. It can take hours or days for auto accident injuries to manifest.

Should I contact my insurance company after an accident?

Yes. Regardless of who is at responsibility, each accident involving injuries or property damage should be reported to your insurance company.

It’s a frequent misconception that if you weren’t at fault, you don’t need to call your insurance carrier. This is untrue because your insurance policy contains different coverages that you may choose to employ. So, if you’re wondering what to do after a car accident that wasn’t your fault, keep in mind that you must tell your insurance provider in order to use any of these coverages.

How do I get the most from my insurance claim?

It’s also up to you to manage your claim and ensure that you receive full compensation for all you’re entitled to under your homeowners insurance policy’s conditions.

The procedure of filing a property insurance claim is complicated, and the higher the loss, the more complicated it becomes. To get the most out of your homeowners insurance claim, follow these four guidelines.

Base who you trust on reality, not TV

The insurance business spends over a billion dollars each year trying to persuade you that they are your friend, your neighbor, and the one you can count on when calamity strikes. Every year, the courts hear case after case in which insurance firms take advantage of homeowners by decreasing claim compensation to boost profits.

Even the friendliest insurance representative is not your friend, and not every insurance company will undercut your settlement offer. He or she has a job to accomplish, and part of that duty is to maximize company profits while avoiding losses, which is naturally in opposition to your best interests.

Consult a licensed public insurance adjuster if you have issues regarding your homeowners insurance claim.

Show that you know

Demonstrating your ability to advance your property insurance claim through the process sends a strong message to your insurance company and claims adjuster that you will not be exploited. To be successful, you’ll need to:

  • Follow your policy’s claim procedure, making sure you follow all of your contractual duties and deadlines.
  • Create a claim strategy based on your knowledge of your policy’s coverages, endorsements, exclusions, and policy limits.

Be diligent

The process of filing a property insurance claim is complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating.

When you need to be thorough, persistent, and strong, things that work against you.

When things get tough, remind yourself that it’s all part of a process that follows a set of steps:

  • Debris removal, as well as recording and valuing your losses for your Proof of Loss statement
  • Providing receipts for all covered Additional Living Expenses, as well as the difference between the Actual Cash Value you were awarded for your destroyed personal property and the Replacement Cost Value you spent to replace it, if applicable.

Get expert help if you need it

A public insurance adjuster is a licensed professional who can advocate entirely for you throughout your homes insurance claim procedure, much like you might contact a CPA for complex tax concerns or an attorney for legal issues.

Your homeowners insurance must cover the costs of restoring your house to its pre-loss condition. If you have any doubts about your capacity to maximize your insurance settlement offer, you should speak with a professional public insurance adjuster in your state.

Do insurance adjusters lie?

Yes, insurance adjusters are permitted to tell you lies. Many people are even encouraged to do so. When an adjuster knows their driver is culpable for the accident, they may tell you that he or she isn’t. They might say that they haven’t been able to contact the other driver for weeks, or that they’re “still investigating” after two months… They’ll even tell you up front that they’re taking complete responsibility, just to shift 50 percent of the burden back to you once you’ve finished treating and are ready to settle.

The truth is that the insurance company regards you as an easy target if you don’t have an attorney. They’ve defended thousands of cases just like yours and are well-versed in all the tricks of the trade. I strongly advise you to take anything they say with a grain of salt, as someone who deals with insurance companies on a daily basis. Always be suspicious, and never agree to anything in relation to your personal injury claim without first consulting an attorney.

Should I tell my insurance company about a minor accident?

It might be frightening to be involved in an accident. Fortunately, your car insurance can assist you in meeting your financial obligations. You might question, “Should I call my insurance company after a small accident?” if the accident did not result in substantial damage or injuries.

The quick answer is yes – it’s always a good idea to notify your insurance company after being in a car accident. Depending on the circumstances, you may choose to pay for the repairs out of pocket.

Who recovers my car after an accident?

Unfortunately, you cannot always decide whether or not you will be involved in a car accident. Accidents can happen at any time, and having the assurance that you will be protected when they do is crucial and comforting. If you were in an accident that was not your fault, you have the right to a free car recovery at the expense of the party who caused the accident.

If you were the innocent party in a traffic collision and then filed a non-fault claim, you will almost certainly still be out of cash. Before your vehicle can be fixed, your insurance company will most likely require you to pay the excess on your policy, which you will most likely have to pay up front. Not only that, but your next insurance rate will almost definitely be increased by your insurer.

This, however, is no longer the only option. You can now claim for a free vehicle recovery operator as a non-fault party in an accident, which involves having your damaged vehicle retrieved and replaced with a like-for-like hire car. You’ll get everything you’d get from a standard insurance policy, but you won’t have to pay the dreaded excess or deal with the hassle of finding a replacement vehicle.

The accident will be reported to your insurer, but only on an information, need-to-know basis. This implies that the insurance company will keep track of the accident but will not take any action against you, such as levying an excess or raising your premium. Even better, the third party will be responsible for all costs associated with car retrieval.

When an accident is not your fault, Road to Recovery is an accident management organization dedicated to alleviating the load. Not only can we arrange for the aforementioned vehicle recovery service in the event of a non-fault accident, but we can also provide you with a like-for-like rental car and a free independent vehicle damage evaluation. This ensures you don’t have to pay an unnecessary extra, and we handle it all without going through your car insurance carrier.

Accident management businesses are a superior option to vehicle insurance companies’ slow and expensive cogs, but only if you choose the proper one. When you’re engaged in an accident that wasn’t your fault, call Road to Recovery, an award-winning UK accident management firm.