What To Do When An Insurance Company Ignores You?

Ignoring phone calls isn’t always on purpose. In many cases, the case has been moved to a new adjuster by the insurance company. It’s also possible that the insurance company’s contact information is outdated. After a few weeks of no response, contact the insurance company again. Leave a voicemail stating that you have filed a claim or sent a demand letter but have yet to receive a response. Include your most up-to-date phone number and address. A simple reminder may be all that is required for the insurance company to return your call.

What do you do when an insurance company won’t respond?

Going above your adjuster’s head is the second option. When trying to work with insurance companies, I’ve done this many times and it’s really effective. If you don’t hear back from your claims adjuster, call the insurance company’s operator/customer service number and ask for the name and phone number of your adjuster’s manager.

Call the manager and let him know what’s going on. I believe you’ll be astonished at how swiftly that insurance adjuster responds to you in the future.

Can an insurance company ignore you?

You can file a claim with the other party’s insurer if you don’t have insurance but were not at fault for the accident.

Keep in mind, however, that you are not represented by the other party’s insurance carrier. While your own insurance is obligated to act in good faith when it comes to your claim, the other party’s insurer is not. They have the option of simply ignoring you.

As a result, before filing a claim against another party’s insurance, we recommend speaking with an experienced California accident lawyer.

What should you not say to an insurance company?

Many people already know this, but it’s worth repeating: you should never accept fault. “It was my fault,” “I’m sorry,” and “I apologize” are all expressions to avoid. Don’t apologize to your insurance company, the other driver, or the police.

These words and phrases will be used against you even if you are only being nice and not knowingly admitting blame.

I think

Always stick to the facts while dealing with insurance providers. Make no statements that begin with “I believe” or “in my view.” If your insurer asks you a subject about which you are unsure, don’t respond with a guess or an opinion.

Any of your responses could be used to refute your assertion, so don’t say anything that isn’t true.

I’m fine

If you’re asked about your injuries, don’t declare you’re alright or that you haven’t had any until you’ve seen a doctor. Some injuries may not be obvious right once, and adrenaline may prevent you from experiencing them at all.

After an accident, arrange an appointment with a doctor and create a list of any injuries that are discovered. Also, don’t sign any medical releases until you’ve spoken with your lawyer.


Give no names or contact information for others to your insurance carrier, including family members, friends, or your doctor. Insurance companies may attempt to contact these people in order to obtain additional information about the accident and your rehabilitation.

Recorded statements

Only the insurance company’s interests, not yours, are served by recorded statements. Inconsistencies and contradictory information are thoroughly reviewed in recorded statements. Keep in mind that you are not required to submit a recorded statement because information you supply may be taken out of context and used against you.

If your automobile accident lawyer tells you to, just give an official recorded statement.

Unnecessary details

Don’t give out information that hasn’t been requested. If you’re not asked how fast you were travelling, for example, there’s no need to say anything. Don’t say anything about your automobile being customized or that you’re using it for ride-sharing. Keep superfluous details to yourself because they could be used against you.

I don’t have an attorney

Insurers may try to take advantage of you if they know you don’t have a personal injury attorney. If you don’t have an attorney, don’t say anything about it and obtain legal advice as soon as possible.

This information may lead to insurance treating your claim with more care and respect if you have a car accident attorney.

I accept

Your insurance company may try to make you a rapid settlement, but these are nearly always lowball offers that they hope you’ll take out of desperation. Before accepting a settlement, contact a skilled automobile accident attorney who will be able to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

I have whiplash

People attempting to file false claims frequently say, “I have whiplash.” As a result, whiplash is a huge red signal for insurance companies, prompting them to investigate your claim further. Do not claim to have whiplash unless a doctor has diagnosed it.

Do insurance company have 30 days to respond?

The insurance company should answer to your demand letter within 30 days in the best-case situation. However, because no regulation establishes a timetable, you should expect to wait anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. In your demand letter, you can specify a timeframe for a response, but there is no assurance that the insurer will fulfill it.

What should you not say to a claims adjuster?

Never apologize or admit any form of wrongdoing. Remember that a claims adjuster is searching for ways to decrease an insurance company’s liability, and any acknowledgment of fault might jeopardize a claim.

Do not declare you are OK or better than you were. This is especially crucial to remember when responding to the customary first question, “How are you?” Make no reference to your current state of health.

Do not make assumptions about any injuries you believe you may have experienced. Your comment could cause complications if your true diagnosis is more serious than your self-diagnosis.

Any offer to make a recorded statement should likewise be declined. During their initial calls, insurance adjusters will frequently try to get victims to give recorded testimonies, claiming that the recording is for the victim’s own safety. Don’t be duped. Conversations that are taped can be used against you in court.

Do insurance companies talk to each other?

The answer was provided by While car insurance firms do not communicate directly with one another, they do share data. A database called the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange gives all vehicle insurance providers access to your claims history (CLUE). Other similar statistics will be used to determine your risk.

What is it called when an insurance company refuses to pay a claim?

Bad faith insurance refers to an insurer’s attempt to breach its duties to its customers, such as refusing to pay a legitimate claim or failing to examine and process a claim within a reasonable timeframe.

Should I call my insurance if it wasn’t my fault?

If you were in an automobile accident that was not your fault, you should contact your insurance provider. First, as indicated in your policy, you may be required to contact your insurance carrier. Second, even if the accident was not your fault, you may uncover accessible coverage to assist you with your damages.

How long does an insurance company have to investigate a claim?

The insurance company has roughly 30 days to investigate your claim in most cases. The statutes of limitations in your state will also impact how long you have to file and settle a lawsuit.

Can you negotiate with an insurance adjuster?

If your vehicle is considered to be a total loss — meaning it cannot be fixed or the cost of repairs exceeds the vehicle’s value — you may be offered less than you believe it is worth. There are certain actions you may take if you’re wondering how to negotiate with an insurance adjuster during an auto complete loss claim.

Determine what the vehicle is worth

Determining the value of your vehicle is one of the first stages in total loss compensation negotiations. This will be determined by a number of factors, including the vehicle’s year, make, and model, any body style upgrades, the vehicle’s mileage, and its physical condition.

A trained mechanic or an expert witness can provide estimates. However, if you only need a ballpark figure, there are internet tools that can help you figure out how much your car is worth.

Decide if the initial offer is too low

If the initial compensation offer for your vehicle is sufficient, you may not need to negotiate with your claims adjuster. Accepting the settlement and closing the claim is an option if the offer you receive matches your assessment of your vehicle’s value.

Negotiate with your insurance adjuster

If you believe the offer for the value of your vehicle is too low, you can start negotiating with your claims adjuster. If you wish to negotiate, you should be prepared to demonstrate how you arrived at your preferred compensation figure. You can receive written estimates from many body shops as well as figures from internet calculators. Your argument may be stronger if you can give more documentation.

Hire an attorney

If you are unable to reach an agreement with the claims adjuster, you may need to contact an attorney. Although it is likely to be viewed as a last alternative, litigation may be able to assist you in obtaining the settlement that you believe you are entitled to. It might also assist to alleviate some of the tension that comes with total loss negotiations. An attorney is more likely to be knowledgeable with the process and to know how to deal with the insurance company about your totaled vehicle.

Obtain a written settlement agreement

You may want to confirm the terms in writing once you’ve reached an agreement with the insurance. This protects both parties by attesting that the insurance company agrees to pay a specified amount and that you agree to that amount.